986 resultados para impression management
This research explored environmental sustainability (ES) initiatives at five top-ranked Ontario golf courses that were members of the Audubon Cooperative Sanctuary Program for Golf (ACSP). Research Questions: (1) How are golf courses adapting to safeguard the natural environment? (2) Why or why not are golf courses moving to ES? and (3) What are the arising barriers to ES in golf and how can they be overcome; what role does communication play? Overall, the research was framed with an adaptation of the dimensions of convergence by Houlihan (2012), including the motives, inputs, implementation, momentum, and impact. Additionally, impression management and message framing constructs were utilized to address the issue of communicating ES initiatives. Data collection involved in-depth interviews, observations, and unobtrusive document collection. Environmental aspects of the examination were guided by the Canadian Standards Association (CSA) Requirements and Guidance for Organizers of Sustainable Events and Sustainable Sport and Event Toolkit (SSET).
Ce mémoire interroge l’institutionnalisation de la « diversité » à l’intérieur du Service de police de la ville de Montréal (SPVM) ainsi que l’impact de ce processus sur l’acteur. Sous l’égide de la sociologie wébérienne, l’institutionnalisation est définie par le biais de la théorie des ordres légitimes. Elle est comprise au sens d’un processus par lequel la « diversité » guide le comportement des acteurs tout en étant façonnée par ces derniers. En ce sens, la « diversité » est une norme. Elle est, dans le temps, mouvante selon le contexte et les acteurs. Conformément à la perspective théorique choisie, trois types d’acteurs se révèlent sous deux visées analytiques. À partir d’une recherche documentaire, les chercheurs et les dirigeants du SPVM offrent une perspective, depuis la fin des années 1980 jusqu’à aujourd’hui, du processus par lequel la « diversité » se définit et guide l’agir au service de police. Le rapport entre les travaux des chercheurs et les mesures organisationnelles en matière de « diversité » mises en place par le SPVM permet de constater une institutionnalisation croissante de cette norme à l’intérieur du corps policier. Puis, les entretiens réalisés avec six policiers arabo-musulmans révèlent la présence de conflits relatifs à ce processus. Bien que l’internalisation des conséquences de conflit soit possible, l’analyse suggère que des tensions découlant de ce même conflit sont externalisées par ces policiers selon quatre tactiques : l’alternance des identités, la maîtrise des impressions, l’appropriation du stigmate et l’usage de l’humour.
Les femmes de Kinshasa, en République Démocratique du Congo, ont toujours été actives dans le commerce local. L’élévation de leur niveau d’études, ainsi que des circonstances économiques difficiles nécessitant deux salaires par famille, les poussent aujourd’hui vers de nouveaux métiers. Alors qu’elles deviennent plus visibles dans les sphères politiques et économiques, elles sont sujettes à de nouvelles formes de méfiance et d’accusation morale. C'est dans ce contexte que les notions de féminité et de vertu féminine sont définies aujourd'hui. Lorsque les femmes congolaises émigraient vers la ville de Léopoldville à l’ère coloniale, elles étaient confrontées à de nouvelles attentes sociales. Il était attendu qu’elles se « modernisent » et se « civilisent » tout en gardant leur rôle « traditionnel » au foyer et auprès de leur famille. Je voudrais démontrer que ce paradoxe continue d’influencer les représentations de la vertu féminine à Kinshasa aujourd'hui, notamment en établissant une distinction entre la femme « vertueuse » et « non vertueuse ». Cette thèse explore les façons dont les femmes participent et négocient leur nouveau statut et rôle à la lumière de ce paradoxe. Plutôt que de réifier la dichotomie locale entre la femme « vertueuse » et « non vertueuse », j’explore les causes sous-jacentes et les résultats inattendus de ces catégorisations. Je porte une réflexion sur la vertu féminine comme étant construite et influencée par ce qu'on pourrait nommer le « triple patriarcat » alimenté par des valeurs « traditionnelles », par des initiatives coloniales et postcoloniales menées par l'état, ainsi que par des discours pentecôtistes. J’examine d’autre part comment ces facteurs ont engendré une double contrainte, un dilemme en la forme d’injonctions contradictoires, encourageant les femmes à jouer simultanément des rôles opposés, et à devoir soigneusement gérer leur image en public. Je montre enfin que cette double posture des femmes alimente la méfiance entre les deux sexes, impactant sur la perception des femmes au travail et dans la société de manière générale, de même que les projections qu’en fait la culture populaire. Car c'est une des professions les plus visibles pour les femmes de Kinshasa, le rôle de danseuse de concert est très utile pour illuminer les défis auxquels ces femmes sont confrontées. Cette thèse fournit donc un portrait ethnographique des danseuses, et se penche sur leur statut d’objets publics de désir afin de révéler la façon dont leur visibilité met en évidence les conceptions locales de la liberté, du pouvoir et de la féminité.
A través de un caso de estudio se explora cómo la construcción de sentido de un grupo de directivos, bajo una misma inspiración, generó el inicio de un cambio estratégico en una prestigiosa y reconocida universidad colombiana, la Universidad del Rosario. Una institución que en un momento determinado notó que estaba siendo percibida dentro del sector de la educación superior como pequeña, estática en el avance de algunas disciplinas del conocimiento y conservadora; en otras palabras, que estaba perdiendo el reconocimiento que usualmente la había acompañado. A través del estudio de este caso se utilizó la técnica de análisis de discurso para comprender la construcción de sentido del inicio de un cambio estratégico en las organizaciones. Esta técnica permitió analizar la información cualitativa derivada de las entrevistas que se realizaron en profundidad a la cúpula de directivos de la institución y a algunos destacados representantes del sector de la Educación Superior en Colombia. Los resultados sugieren que se hicieron presentes, efectivamente, algunas condiciones específicas que marcaron el inicio de un cambio estratégico en la institución y un viraje en su identidad e imagen. Hechos que se sustentaron en los miembros de un equipo que procuró interpretar y comprender los cambios existentes en el entorno global y local, y asimilar, igualmente, algunos destacados retos que se planteaban por aquella época, al interior de la propia Universidad
Innovation continues to be high on the agenda in construction. It is widely considered to be an essential prerequisite of improved performance both for the sector at large and for individual firms. Success stories dominate the parts of the academic literature that rely heavily on the recollections of key individuals. A complementary interpretation focuses on the way innovation champions in hindsight interpret, justify and legitimize the diffusion of innovations. Emphasis is put on the temporal dimension of interpretation and how this links to rhetorical strategies and impression management tactics. Rhetorical theories are drawn upon to analyse the accounts given by innovation champions in seven facilities management organizations. In particular, the three persuasive appeals in classic rhetoric are used to highlight the rhetorical justifications mobilized in the descriptions of what took place. The findings demonstrate the usefulness of rhetorical theories in complementing studies of innovation.
In recent years, the importance of the corporate brand has significantly grown and companies increasingly seek to strengthen their corporate brand. The corporate brand image can be strengthened through portfolio advertising as a technique of impression management. This mechanism works only if important variables are considered, such as the fit between product brands, the number of product brands as well as the processing depth of the consumers. Based on three experiments, the benefits of portfolio advertising for the corporate brand and its product brands are shown and practical implications are discussed.
Intresset för kriminalitet och individerna bakom de kriminella handlingarna ökar i samhället och återges i media dagligen. Det är just individen bakom brottet, hen som fängslas och får avtjäna sitt straff som denna studie riktar sitt fokus på. När fängelsegrindarna öppnas och återinträdet till samhället blir ett faktum; Hur tar då dessa individer sig tillbaka till samhället för att åter bli en del av det? Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka vilka återanpassningsstrategier som frigivna använder sig av samt hur samhällets bemötande påverkar strategierna. Studien baseras på självbiografier skrivna av fyra författare som alla levt ett kriminellt liv och som sedermera avtjänat ett eller flera fängelsestraff. Resultatet visar att det finns flera anpassningsstrategier som tas i bruk. Däribland att söka hjälp och stöd hos familj, vänner eller andra sociala grupper. Vidare återfinns det i strävan efter en ”ny identitet” vilket ofta sker med hjälp av tro. Att sysselsätta sig, ge något tillbaka till samhället, visa sin kreativitet i syfte att återfå sin kredibilitet kan ses som strategier som leder fram till det slutliga målet, kredibiliteten. Slutligen kunde ett samband mellan samhällets bemötande och återanpassningsstrategierna utrönas. Ju mer negativt bemötandet är desto fler återanpassningsstrategier behövs och arbetet för att uppnå dem blir mer krävande. Givet blir då att ett bemötande som fyllts av uppmuntran till individens förändring medför att färre strategier behövs och risken för återfall blir mindre.
Esta pesquisa pretende investigar a questão da "intensidade simbólica nas organizações". Organizações de Simbolismo Intensivo (OSI) são ambientes onde: (i) a liderança simbólica é predominante como estilo gerencial; (ii) líderes e liderados aplicam técnicas de gerenciamento da impressão; (iii) a inovação gerencial é tratada como evento dramatúrgico; e (iv) analistas simbólicos são predominantes na força de trabalho. Este trabalho busca evidências anedóticas e empíricas deste fenômeno.
Companies have looked for many new ways to communicate with their customers. In the current scenario, Facebook has proven to be an efficient communication tool between consumers and businesses. This study aims to understand the differences in the complaint messages sent to companies, through an experiment that measured the emotional tone and the lack of formality in each message received by the website and the Facebook page of the company. As expected, people are more informal on Facebook. However, contrary to our intuition, participants tended to display more emotions on the company website. The social norms theory and the impression management contributed to explain the phenomena found.
The present study has got as its aim to show how the impressions management is being used by the hotels in Paraiba State. For that, the dramma or role play perspective has been adopted as a model for service management. From the theater metaphor, the physical environment and its components can be seen as a scenery of the service show. We conduct the reader to notice the importance of the consummer about the service quality demand and its influence on his satisfaction. A methodology with exploring and qualifying nature has been adopted by using the analyses of content technique in interviews applied to hotel managers lebeled as having 4 and 5 stars in the State, trying to check how impression management takes place, identifying impression management tools used in relation to the physical evidences and to contacting people, as well as checking managers views in the survey about the use of impression management for client satisfaction make. The information revealed that managers, maybe for being unaware about impression management theory, haven t considered neither the physical evidences yet, nor contacting people as marketing tools. About the physical evidences, we could see that hotels take actions in a pulverized way referring to environment decoration and colors, however there isn t a global usage of physical evidences to highlight the service. Contacting people by their turn, receive better importance and attention. It was possible to make sure that managers are aware about the influence of the employee over the attendance quality. This way, we may come into a conclusion that impression management at Paraiba hotels has been under used, as long as managers seem to be, most times, turned to actions related to contacting people, not having realized the planning importance and national-wide use of service scenery in a genaral way yet
Expressing emotions has social functions; it provides information, affects social interactions, and shapes relationships with others. Expressing positive emotions could be a strategic tool for improving goal attainment during social interactions at work. Such effects have been found in research on social contagion, impression management, and emotion work. However, expressing emotions one does not feel entails the risk of being perceived as inauthentic. This risk may well be worth taking when the emotions felt are negative, as expressing negative emotions usually has negative effects. When experiencing positive emotions, however, expressing them authentically promises benefits, and the advantage of amplifying them is not so obvious. We postulated that expressing, and amplifying, positive emotions would foster goal attainment in social interactions at work, particularly when dealing with superiors. Analyses are based on 494 interactions involving the pursuit of a goal by 113 employes. Multilevel analyses, including polynomial analyses, show that authentic display of positive emotions supported goal attainment throughout. However, amplifying felt positive emotions promoted goal attainment only in interactions with superiors, but not with colleagues. Results are discussed with regard to the importance of hierarchy for detecting, and interpreting, signs of strategic display of positive emotions.
Diskriminierung aufgrund askriptiver Merkmale wie beispielsweise der ethnischen Herkunft wird häufig als sozial unerwünscht angesehen, so dass es fraglich erscheint, ob man mit Hilfe konventioneller Umfragetechniken verlässliche Informationen über diskriminierendes Verhalten gewinnen kann. Feldexperimente, in denen die Versuchspersonen nicht wissen, dass sie an einer Studie teilnehmen und somit kein Impression-Management gegenüber den Versuchsleitern betreiben können, eignen sich hingegen in besonderem Masse zur Feststellung von Diskriminierung. In unserem Beitrag stellen wir Ergebnisse aus vier Feldexperimenten vor, die wir in der Schweiz und in der Stadt Zürich durchgeführt haben. Es handelt sich (1) um ein Bewerbungsexperiment mit Blindbewerbungen unter Variation des Namens des Bewerbers, (2) ein Hilfeleistungsexperiment, bei dem Passanten in hochdeutschem oder schweizerdeutschem Akzent um Geld gebeten wurden, (3) ein Experiment, bei dem Frauen mit oder ohne Kopftuch Unterschriften für eine Volksinitiative sammelten, und (4) ein klassisches Lost-Letter-Experiment mit Variation des Adressaten.
This study examines the role of socially desirable responding (SDR) on smoking cessation program success. SDR is the tendency for individuals to give responses that put themselves in what they perceive to be a socially desirable light. ^ This research is a secondary analysis of data from Project Cognition, a study designed to examine the associations between performance on cognitive assessments and subsequent relapse to smoking. Adult smokers (N=183) were recruited from the greater Houston area to participate in the smoking cessation study. In this portion of the research, participants' smoking status was assessed on their quit day (QD), one week after QD, and four weeks after QD. Primary outcome measures were self-reported relapse, true cessation determined by biological measure, discrepancies between self-reported smoking status and biological assessments of smoking, and dropping out. ^ Primary predictor measures were the Balanced Inventory of Desirable Responding (BIDR) and self-reported motivation to quit smoking. The BIDR is a 40-item questionnaire that assesses Self-deceptive Enhancement (SDE; the tendency to give self-reports that are honest but positively biased) and Impression Management (IM; deliberate self-presentation to an audience). Scores were used to create a dichotomous BIDR total score group variable, a dichotomous SDE group variable, and a dichotomous IM group variable. Participants at one standard deviation above the mean were in the "high" group, and scores below one standard deviation were in the "normal" group. In addition, age, race, and gender were analyzed as covariates. ^ The overall findings of this study suggest that in the general population BIDR informs participants' self-reports and the IM and SDR subscales inform participants' behavior. BIDR predicted self-reported relapse in the general population and trended toward indicating that a participant will claim smoking cessation success when biological measures indicate otherwise. SDE interacted with motivation to predict biologically verified cessation success. There was no main effect for BIDR, IM, or SDE predicting drop out; however, IM interacted with age to predict participants' likelihood of drop out. Used in conjunction, the BIDR, IM subscale, and SDR subscale can be used to more accurately tailor smoking cessation programs to the needs of individual participants.^
Descriptive models of social response are concerned with identifying and discriminating between different types of response to social influence. In a previous article (Nail, MacDonald, & Levy, 2000), the authors demonstrated that 4 conceptual dimensions are necessary to adequately distinguish between such phenomena as conformity, compliance, contagion, independence, and anticonformity in a single model. This article expands the scope of the authors' 4-dimensional approach by reviewing selected experimental and cultural evidence, further demonstrating the integrative power of the model. This review incorporates political psychology, culture and aggression, self-persuasion, group norms, prejudice, impression management, psychotherapy, pluralistic ignorance, bystander intervention/nonintervention, public policy, close relationships, and implicit attitudes.