975 resultados para Resource programs (Education)


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Technological advances have brought about the ever-increasing utilisation of computer-assisted language learning ( CALL) media in the learning of a second language (L2). Computer-mediated communication, for example, provides a practical means for extending the learning of spoken language, a challenging process in tonal languages such as Chinese, beyond the realms of the classroom. In order to effectively improve spoken language competency, however, CALL applications must also reproduce the social interaction that lies at the heart of language learning and language use. This study draws on data obtained from the utilisation of CALL in the learning of L2 Chinese to explore whether this medium can be used to extend opportunities for rapport-building in language teaching beyond the face-to-face interaction of the classroom. Rapport's importance lies in its potential to enhance learning, motivate learners, and reduce learner anxiety. To date, CALL's potential in relation to this facet of social interaction remains a neglected area of research. The results of this exploratory study suggest that CALL may help foster learner-teacher rapport and that scaffolding, such as strategically composing rapport-fostering questions in sound-files, is conducive to this outcome. The study provides an instruction model for this application of CALL.


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The experience of parents of children with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) in standard parenting programs has not been researched, although anecdotal evidence suggests that they do not find them acceptable. Forty-two parents of children with ASD were asked to view a DVD explaining individual parenting strategies from Stepping Stones, a new branch of the Triple P program targeted specifically at parents of children with disabilities. Parents were asked to rate each strategy for acceptability, usability and behavioural intention, i.e., their intention to use the strategy. Additionally, parental attributions and parental perceived control were explored as possible barriers to positive evaluations of Stepping Stones parenting strategies. A focus group of parents was used to gather more detailed parent response to the program. Parent responses to the program were generally positive and attribution of the child's behaviour to uncontrollable factors was found to predict higher ratings of usability. The results were interpreted within the context of Weiner's attributional theory and the theory of reasoned action. The limitations of this study and suggestions for future research are discussed. (c) 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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A szakirodalomban található tipikus tanácsadói szerepek, tulajdonságok rendszerezését követően került sor a Borsod-Abaúj-Zemplén megyei tanácsadók kompetenciáinak vizsgálatára a tanácsadók, valamint a vállalkozók értékrendje szerint. A nemzetközi összehasonlíthatóság érdekében a szerző, Frank Höselbarth (2000) reprezentatív felmérésében alkalmazott 21 tulajdonság, kompetencia alapján vizsgálta meg a megyei helyzetet 2001-ben és 2005–06-ban is. A szakirodalomban található tipikus tanácsadói tulajdonságok, kompetenciák (tudás, készség, tapasztalat) összefoglalását tartalmazza a németországi felmérésben alkalmazott 21 jellemző. A magyar és német tanácsadók tulajdonságaiban a szerző nem tapasztal lényeges eltérést. Az elméleti és empirikus kutatási eredményei alapján vázolja fel a tanácsadói kompetencia modellt. _______ After the taxonomy of the typical characteristics of consultants, the author made a surveys and analysis of the characteristics of consultants located in Borsod- Abaúj-Zemplén County according to the value systems of consultants and entrepreneurs. In order the maintain international comparability, she applied the 21 factors used in the representative study of Frank Höselbarth (2000) to analyse the situation of B-A-Z County both in 2001 and in 2005-06 as well. The 21 criteria applied in the German study is a summary of the typical characteristics of consultants, found in the literature. The author did not find significant difference in the characteristics of Hungarian and German consultants.


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El presente trabajo titulado: Guía de Prácticas sobre Agrupación de Datos y Gráficos en Estadística, con la calculadora Casiofx-7400 para los estudiantes de la carrera de Matemáticas y Física de la Universidad de Cuenca tiene por objetivo crear una guía de prácticas, que sirva de apoyo a los estudiantes en el aprendizaje deEstadística. La guía consta de tres capítulos: Fundamentación Teórica, Análisis Estadístico y la Propuesta. En el primer capítulo se da conocer: el marco teórico el cual fundamenta este trabajo, basado en el enfoque constructivista como corriente pedagógica;la importancia de las guías didácticas como recurso en la acción educativa; el empleo de las TIC(tecnologías de la Información y Comunicación) dentro de las aulas de clase y los beneficios de la calculadora graficadora. En el capítulo dos: Análisis Estadístico; se presenta información recolectada mediante una encuesta. La información tabulada se muestra en tablas y gráficos estadísticos, seguido de sus respectivas interpretaciones, con la cual se da validez a ésta propuesta. En el tercer capítulo se desarrolla la guía de prácticas para el uso de la calculadora graficadoraCasiofx-7400GII para el aprendizaje de Agrupación de Datos y Gráficos en Estadística; enfocada en la corriente constructivista. La guía está dividida en tres apartados: 1. Conceptos básicos de Estadística y descripción de la calculadora graficadora. 2. Agrupación de datos. 3. Gráficos estadísticos. Para potenciar el uso de la calculadora graficadora dentro del aula de clase cada apartado contiene objetivos y evaluaciones.


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A munkahelyi teljesítmény növelése, az ahhoz kötődő tényezők megfelelő mederbe terelésének kérdésköre végig követte a menedzsment kialakulását és fejlődését. A munkahelyi motiváció egyértelműen fontos a magyar menedzsmentirodalmon belül is, jelen tanulmányban egy speciális helyzetben lévő csoportot, a frissdiplomásokat helyezte vizsgálata fókuszába a szerző. Az ő esetükben kritikus, hogy milyen körülmények között lépnek ki a munkaerő-piacra, így azt a kérdést vizsgálta, hogyan jelentkezik náluk a motiváció manifesztációjaként a munkaelégedettség hatása. A motivációs elméletek áttekintése után Herzberg kéttényezős modelljét választotta ki, amelyben az elégedettséget okozó és az elégedetlenséget megszüntető motivátor- és higiénés tényezőkre vezette vissza a munkahelyi elégedettséget. A Diplomás Pályakövető Rendszer Frissdiplomások 2011-2014-es adatbázisban egyértelműen azonosította ezeket a faktorokat, és további kategorizálás révén MH, M, H és DeMH-vezérelt csoportokat hozott létre. A felbontás igazolásaként a munkával kapcsolatos tényezőkön vizsgálta meg a jellemzőiket, az eredmények alapján átfogóbb képet kaphat az olvasó a belső elvárásoknak megfelelő munkaerő-piaci életút megvalósításához szükséges tényezőkről és a tanulmányokon túltekintő tevékenységekről.


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Esta investigación analiza el impacto del Programa de Alimentación Escolar en el trabajo infantil en Colombia a través de varias técnicas de evaluación de impacto que incluyen emparejamiento simple, emparejamiento genético y emparejamiento con reducción de sesgo. En particular, se encuentra que este programa disminuye la probabilidad de que los escolares trabajen alrededor de un 4%. Además, se explora que el trabajo infantil se reduce gracias a que el programa aumenta la seguridad alimentaria, lo que consecuentemente cambia las decisiones de los hogares y anula la carga laboral en los infantes. Son numerosos los avances en primera infancia llevados a cabo por el Estado, sin embargo, estos resultados sirven de base para construir un marco conceptual en el que se deben rescatar y promover las políticas públicas alimentarias en toda la edad escolar.


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BACKGROUND There is a growing volume of open source ‘education material’ on energy efficiency now available however the Australian government has identified a need to increase the use of such materials in undergraduate engineering education. Furthermore, there is a reported need to rapidly equip engineering graduates with the capabilities in conducting energy efficiency assessments, to improve energy performance across major sectors of the economy. In January 2013, building on several years of preparatory action-research initiatives, the former Department of Industry, Innovation, Climate Change, Science, Research and Tertiary Education (DIICCSRTE) offered $600,000 to develop resources for energy efficiency related graduate attributes, targeting Engineers Australia college disciplines, accreditation requirements and opportunities to address such requirements. PURPOSE This paper discusses a $430,000 successful bid by a university consortium led by QUT and including RMIT, UA, UOW, and VU, to design and pilot several innovative, targeted open-source resources for curriculum renewal related to energy efficiency assessments, in Australian engineering programs (2013-2014), including ‘flat-pack’, ‘media-bites’, ‘virtual reality’ and ‘deep dive’ case study initiatives. DESIGN/ METHOD The paper draws on literature review and lessons learned by the consortium partners in resource development over the last several years to discuss methods for selecting key graduate attributes and providing targeted resources, supporting materials, and innovative delivery options to assist universities deliver knowledge and skills to develop such attributes. This includes strategic industry and key stakeholders engagement. The paper also discusses processes for piloting, validating, peer reviewing, and refining these resources using a rigorous and repeatable approach to engaging with academic and industry colleagues. RESULTS The paper provides an example of innovation in resource development through an engagement strategy that takes advantage of existing networks, initiatives, and funding arrangements, while informing program accreditation requirements, to produce a cost-effective plan for rapid integration of energy efficiency within education. By the conference, stakeholder workshops will be complete. Resources will be in the process of being drafted, building on findings from the stakeholder engagement workshops. Reporting on this project “in progress” provides a significant opportunity to share lessons learned and take on board feedback and input. CONCLUSIONS This paper provides a useful reference document for others considering significant resource development in a consortium approach, summarising benefits and challenges. The paper also provides a basis for documenting the second half of the project, which comprises piloting resources and producing a ‘good practice guide’ for energy efficiency related curriculum renewal.


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For pedagogical change to be sustained over time, and over the span of higher education courses, it needs to be framed widely, rather than ‘tacked on’. The framing includes curriculum reform and resource provision alongside staff pedagogical development. This is especially true for initiatives (such as reflective writing and assessment) that target broad-based, high-level skills and dispositions. For various reasons, such initiatives can easily become lost because of the discipline-specific focus of a syllabus outweighs the initiative, or because lack of resources compromises a desired approach. Course improvement in higher education contexts is typically difficult and episodic. In such circumstances, we argue that a strategic and trustworthy approach is necessary where practitioner-lead pedagogic development is fostered through trust and communication and is purposefully embedded within key dimensions of curriculum integration and resource provision. This chapter describes an approach to pedagogical change where curriculum, pedagogy and resources are simultaneously and collaboratively orchestrated to provide an effective framework for sustainable and effective change. A robust conceptual model is proposed to guide the implementation of such change.


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Title on added title page: A guide to worker education materials in occupational safety and health; resource materials produced or acquired by New Directions Grantees and state programs."


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Funded by Part B, Education of the handicapped (Public law 94-142).


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Teacher education programs focussing on the development of specialist teachers for 'the middle years' have proliferated in Australian universities in recent years. This paper provides some insights into middle years' teacher education programs at the University of Queensland, Edith Cowan and Flinders Universities with regard to their: philosophical underpinnings; specific educational context; scope and nature of the program. In addition, some of the research directions and efficacy strategies utilised in conjunction with the programs will be shared, along with some early findings from a longitudinal study in one of the programs. We propose that the pattern of programmatic growth heralds a new time for teacher education, and we speculate about the production of new kinds of teacher identities as graduates take their place in the profession.


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Road safety education is not just about safe driving. Best practice road safety education seeks to improve knowledge and change attitudes relating to being safe, and making sure others are safe on the road. Typical topics might include: • Strengthening attitudes toward safe road use behaviours and avoiding risks • Supporting behaviours to ensure others are safe • Promoting knowledge of traffic rules.


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This paper describes the development of an innovative online website for international graduate students studying at universities in Australia. In 2008, the Queensland University of Technology (QUT) in Australia identified as a key goal the development of its profile as a research intensive university. One of the performance indicators in realising this goal was to increase the proportion of international graduate students from 20% to 50% over a five-year period. To support these students, the University Research Students Centre (RSC) decided to develop an innovative interactive website called the ‘Doorway to Research’ to help prepare students for their arrival in Australia, by providing access to information and support between the period of their acceptance to their graduate programs and their arrival into the country.