932 resultados para Goat cheese


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Dissertation for the Master degree in Biotechnology


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Dissertação para obtenção do Grau de Mestre em Biotecnologia


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Dissertação para obtenção do Grau de Doutor em Engenharia Química e Bioquímica


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Information available on the mycoflora associated to ripening Italian “grana type” cheese is very poor. Recently, ochratoxin A (OTA) was detected in samples of packed grated cheese [1]; therefore, the need of information to perform a risk management was highlighted. Moreover, sterigmatocystin (STC) has been reported in cheese and it is considered an emerging problem. Despite the fact that both of them are mycotoxins included in group 2B by IARC [2,3], no European regulation exists. So, the main goal of this work is to give for the first time a general overview about Penicillia and Aspergilli growing on the surface of ripening “grana type” cheese, with particular attention on mycotoxigenic species. To perform this, in 2013 and 2014 crust samples were scratched from ripening grana cheese wheels and also Potato Dextrose Agar plates were exposed to monitor ripening house air. Then, 140 fungal isolates were randomly chosen, purified and monosporic colonies were obtained for their identification at specie level. A polyphasic approach is followed, based on morphological characterisation, toxic extrolites profiling and gene sequencing. The identification is still in progress, but the first results based on the morphological approach showed the presence of mycotoxigenic Aspergilli (Aspergillus flavus and A. versicolor) and various Penicillium species; among them Penicillium chrysogenum, P. implicatum and P. solitum were identified. Only P. chrysogenum was reported to produce the mycotoxins cyclopiazonic acid (CPA) and roquefortine-C (ROQ-C) [4]. These results will be presented and discussed. [1] A. Biancardi, R. Piro, G. Galaverna, C. Dall’Asta, "A simple and reliable liquid chromatography–tandem mass spectrometry method for determination of ochratoxin A in hard cheese" International Journal of Food Sciences and Nutrition 64 (5), 2013, 632 – 640. [2] International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) “IARC Monographs on the Evaluation of Carcinogenic Risks to Humans” 31, 1983, 191 – 199. [3] International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) “IARC Monographs on the Evaluation of carcinogenic Risks to Humans”, suppl. 7, 1987, 72. [4] J. I. Pitt, D. A. Hocking, “Fungi and Food Spoilage” 1997, 291.


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This study focuses on the optimization of cheese whey formulated media for the production of hyaluronic acid HA by Streptococcus zooepidemicus. Culture media containing whey (W; 2.1 g/L) or whey hydrolysate (WH; 2.4 g/L) gave the highest HA productions. Both W and WH produced high yields on protein consumed, suggesting cheese whey is a good nitrogen source for S. zooepidemicus production of HA. Polysaccharide concentrations of 4.0 g/L and 3.2 g/L were produced in W and WH in a further scale-up to 5 L bioreactors, confirming the suitability of the low-cost nitrogen source. Cheese whey culture media provided high molecular weight (> 3000 kDa) HA products. This study revealed replacing the commercial peptone by the low-cost alternative could reduce HA production costs by up to a 70%compared to synthetic media.


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Comment on: Heinrich H, Goetze O, Menne D, Iten PX, Fruehauf H, Vavricka SR, Schwizer W, Fried M, Fox M. Effect on gastric function and symptoms of drinking wine, black tea, or schnapps with a Swiss cheese fondue: randomised controlled crossover trial. BMJ. 2010 Dec 14;341:c6731. doi: 10.1136/bmj.c6731. PMID 21156747


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The ultrastructure of endogenous stages of Eimeria ninakohlyakimovae was observed in epithelial cells of cecum and colon crypts from a goat experimentally infected with 2.0 x 105 oocysts/kg. The secondary meronts developed above the nucleus of the host cell. The nucleus first divides and merozoites then form on the surface of multinucleated meronts. Free merozoites in the parasitophorous vacuole present a conoid, double membrane, one pair of rhoptries, micronemes, micropore, anterior and posterior polar ring, a nucleus with a nucleolus and peripheral chromatin. The microgamonts are located below the nucleus of the host cell and contain several nuclei at the periphery of the parasite. The microgametes consist of a body, a nucleus, three flagella and mitochondria. The macrogamonts develop below the nucleus of the host cell and have a large nucleus with a prominent nucleolus. The macrogametes contain a nucleus, wall-forming bodies of type I and type II. The young oocysts present a wall containing two layers and a sporont


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Eimeria minasensis n. sp. is described in the domestic goat Capra hircus from Brazil. Oocysts ellipsoidal are 35 x 24.5 (32-37.7 x 20.9-27.9) mm. Sporocysts elongate-ellipsoid are 15.2 x 9 (12.3-18.4 x 7.8-10.2) mm, with a Stieda body at the narrow end. Oocyst wall smooth and bilayered; outer layer about 1.2 (0.8-1.6) mm and colorless; inner layer about 0.5 (0.4-0.8) mm and dark-brown. Micropyle, a mound-shaped micropylar cap 1,6 x 8,9 (0,8-2 x7-10,2) easily dislodged; one or more oocyst polar granules present. Oocyst residuum absent. Sporocyst residuum present, composed of many scattered granules. Sporozoites elongate, lying lengthwise, "head to tail" in the sporocysts; one or two refractile globules are usually visible. Sporulation time was 120 hr at 27oC, prepatent period, 19 to 20 days and patent period 15 to 25 days. Gamonts, gametes and oocysts present in cecum and colon. Prevalence was 12.8% (6/47) in goats from Minas Gerais, Brazil.


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Goat production is an important economic activity for rural communities in the Gran Chaco of Argentina. Goat corrals are important for the survival of peridomestic populations of Triatoma infestans. This study evaluated the impact of modifying the traditional structure of goat corrals on T. infestans populations and goat productivity in the region of Los Llanos (La Rioja). Thirty-nine experimental corrals were constructed and 57 traditional corrals were used as controls. We evaluated the infestations of the control and experimental corrals for five years following construction of the structures. The results showed that the new structures did not prevent the colonization, although it enhanced the detection of infestation at low densities of T. infestans. No significant difference was found in T. infestans population abundance between control and experimental corrals, probably because of the different detectability in the two types of structures, especially among the small nymphs. Although goat productivity average was higher in experimental than in control corrals, no significant difference was found because of high variability. The new structures can be used as a complement to promote the development of rural communities. Acceptability and adoption of the new corrals by the owners was high, as the enclosures offered better protection for the goats, increased growth of kids and facilitated herd handling.


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The effects of Crypthecodinium cohnii (Cryp.), Chlorela spp. (Chlo.) and Isochrysis galbana (Iso.) addition to milk replacer on goat kids and lambs growth were evaluated. About 80 Majorera goat kids (males and females) and 80 Canarian sheep lambs were randomly assigned into four different groups (by specie) according to diet. Control groups were fed with a commercial milk replacer at 16% (w/w); Cryp. groups received a commercial milk replacer (15.1% w/w) supplemented with 9 g of a paste of C. cohnii; Chlo. groups received a commercial milk replacer (15.1% w/w) supplemented with 9 g of a paste of Chlorela spp.; Iso. groups received a commercial milk replacer (15.1% w/w) supplemented with 9 g of a paste of I. galbana. After colostrum period, animals were individually bottle-fed twice daily (8 am and 8 pm) ad libitum with the corresponding diet until day 60 of life. Animals were weighted every week at 8 am and liquid diet intake was recorded weekly. No effects of microseaweed addition were observed, neither growth nor milk replacer intake.


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Este trabajo se dedica a analizar algunas diferencias entre la lengua española y la china desde una perspectiva gramatical. Este trabajo se centra en mostrar que el español es una lengua flexiva, mientras que el chino no tiene flexión adjetival ni verbal, y en enseñar las diferencias en el orden de palabras entre los dos sistemas. La comparación lingüística consta de tres partes: clases de palabras, determinantes y orden de palabras. Todo ello se realiza analizando el libro Quién se ha llevado mi queso, una narración corta escrita en inglés y editada tanto en chino como en español


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Several factors can affect lamb body weight (BW) and immune status during the first days of life, including colostrum source and timing of the first colostrum feeding. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effects of colostrum source (goat or sheep) and timing of the first colostrum feeding (2 or 14h after birth) on lamb BW and immune status. In this study, 40 lambs were removed from their dams at birth and randomly assigned into 4 groups of 10 lambs each. Lambs were subsequently fed at 2 or 14h after birth with goat or sheep colostrum. Blood samples and BW recording were performed before feeding. Blood plasma was used to measure the immunoglobulin concentration (IgG and IgM), chitotriosidase activity, and complement system activity (total and alternative pathways). In general, no differences in any of the measured variables were observed among the 4 groups, indicating that neither colostrum source nor timing of the first colostrum feeding had an effect on these variables. These findings may improve management on lamb farms that raise animals under artificial conditions, because our results indicate that it is not necessary to feed colostrum to lambs immediately after birth and that goat colostrum may be used to feed newborn lambs.


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O trauma crânio-encefálico contuso (TCEC) é freqüentemente seguido pela amnésia pós-traumática (APT), caracterizada como um estado transitório de confusão e desorientação. Sua duração tem sido utilizada para quantificar a gravidade do TCEC e prever distúrbios nas funções cognitivas, assim como para antever as alterações na capacidade funcional das vítimas pós-trauma. O Galveston Orientation Amnesia Test (GOAT) é o primeiro instrumento sistematizado criado e o mais amplamente utilizado para avaliar a APT. Este artigo apresenta esse instrumento, as bases conceituais para seu desenvolvimento e a adaptação e validação do GOAT para cultura brasileira. Além disso, descreve sua aplicação e comenta as restrições do seu uso. Resultados de pesquisas realizadas em nosso meio contribuíram para as evidências sobre a validade do GOAT. Também apontaram os indicadores do momento pós-trauma em que o GOAT deve ser aplicado e destacaram as dificuldades no uso desse instrumento.


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Selostus: Tankkimaidon juoksettumisominaisuuksien vaikutus Emmental-juuston määrään ja koostumukseen