879 resultados para Energia elétrica – Mercado


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How companies can sell their surplus production capacity of electric power in Brazil? This work was developed from the question presented and focusing on clarification of procedures to enter the Brazilian electricity market by providing basic guidelines based on resolutions by National Agency of Electric Energy, National System Operator procedures and rules of the Assembly of Electric Energy Commercialization. It features subsidy to companies that fit this profile to evaluate the possibility to sell their surplus electricity. The general aim was to analyze the procedures and the necessary steps to make this sale happen. Was developed through a literature review where an overview of the Brazilian electric sector and a case study of a company that has excess capacity of electricity, but doesn’t make its marketing. Resulted in the expected clarification as well as the incentive for companies through the information presented, the entry in this trade since power is still crucial to the country's economic growth and ensure its availability in quantity demanded is a challenge of the utmost importance for satisfactory results are achieved economic development contributing to the progress of our society


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Pós-graduação em Engenharia Elétrica - FEIS


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The availability of the electrical energy, in sufficient quantities and in competitive prices is a crucial factor to the economic development. The trade-in of the excess electrical energy produced in a system of cogeneration can be seen as an alternative to the creation of an additional source of revenues for ethanol power plants sector, besides contributing to the complementation of the Brazilian electrical headquarter with renewable sources. The objective of this study was to evaluate the economic feasibility of the implementation of a cogeneration electrical central using the excess of sugar cane bagasse and selling the excess of electrical energy with prices of the market. An ethanol power plant located in the state of Sao Paulo was used to this study. It was used the case study methodology, evaluating the potential of the investment under the viewpoint of the Net Present Value (NPV), Payback and Internal Rate of Return (IRR), and complementing the results of the Accounting Results (AC). It was created three alternative scenarios to reflect the level of the risk of every studied situation: the most likely, an optimistic and a pessimistic, each one with its assumptions. The Monte Carlo Simulations was used to insert the elements of risk to each scenario. The results showed that the project is feasible in all NPV scenarios. And the Payback and IRR analysis confirmed these evidences. The valuation with the AR showed that the project is most risky at the pessimistic scenario, but is feasibly in the most likely and the optimistic scenarios. It was concluded that the project is economic viable. However, the economic viability shown in the results is based on the maintenance of the future prices on the levels of the historical prices used in the analysis.


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Os recursos energéticos naturais não estão distribuídos uniformemente pelo globo terrestre, e são raros os países que os têm na quantidade e na qualidade que necessitam para atender as suas necessidades. Ante a essa realidade, o comércio de energéticos tem sido a forma principal de acesso dos países que não os dispõem em relação as suas necessidades. Esse comércio, que muitas vezes é regido por tratados ou acordos firmados entre países ou blocos econômicos regionais, diversificou-se, traspassou fronteiras e, atualmente, tornou-se um item significativo nas pautas de exportações de vários países. A evolução desse comércio tem a favor a alternativa de integração por meio de interconexões estratégicas de redes e da constituição de mercados comuns, que viabilizam a exploração do potencial de complementariedade energética de forma mais racional. Diante desse contexto, esta dissertação apresenta um estudo exploratório que avalia o estado da arte da integração energética sul-americana e faz análises dos modelos técnicos, das regulamentações, das regulações regionais e multilaterais estabelecidas pelos blocos econômicos sul-americanos e pela Organização Mundial do Comércio. De forma complementar, o estudo verifica e apresenta os fatores que podem comprometer o avanço e a instituição de um futuro mercado comum de energia no continente, conclui pela viabilidade do prosseguimento de ações em prol da ampliação da integração da indústria de energia elétrica na América do Sul e tece recomendações. Os resultados e as recomendações deste trabalho oferecem um embasamento procedimental para a gestão e a atuação institucional dos envolvidos no processo de integração energética da indústria de energia elétrica da região sul americana.


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O Relatório de Sustentabilidade é um instrumento que visa dar maior transparência às atividades empresariais e ampliar o diálogo da organização com a sociedade, tendo em vista a necessidade de comunicar aos stakeholders suas práticas socioambientais, além das econômicas. A presente pesquisa buscou compreender de que forma as empresas do segmento de energia elétrica, listadas na BM&F BOVESPA como Nível 1 e Novo Mercado de Governança Corporativa divulgam aos interessados seus Relatórios de Sustentabilidade. Realizou-se análise documental, através dos Relatórios de Sustentabilidade das empresas do setor elétrico: CEEE, Cemig, Cesp, Copel, CPFL, CTEEP, EDP, Eletrobrás, Equatorial, Light, Tractebel e MPX. Foram analisados os relatórios referentes aos anos de 2010, 2011 e 2012. Houve uma sutil evolução na divulgação dos indicadores da GRI-Global Reporting Initiative, possivelmente por serem reconhecidos internacionalmente, o que proporciona às empresas maior confiabilidade e transparência em suas informações.


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In Brazil, the National Agency of Electric Energy (ANEEL) represents the energy regulator. The rates review have been one of its main tasks, which establish a pricing practice at a level to cover the efficient operating costs and also the appropriate return of the distributors investments. The changes in the procedures to redefine the efficient costs and the several studies on the methodologies employed to regulate this segment denote the challenge faced by regulators about the best methodological strategy to be employed. In this context, this research aims to propose a benchmarking evaluation applied to the national regulation system in the establishment of efficient operating costs of electricity distribution utilities. The model is formulated to promote the electricity market development, partnering with government policies ant to society benefit. To conduct this research, an integration of Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) with the Stochastic Frontier Analysis (SFA) is adopted in a three stages procedure to correct the efficiency in terms of environmental effects: (i) evaluation by means of DEA to measure operating costs slacks of the utilities, in which environmental variables are omitted; (ii) The slacks calculated in the first stage are regressed on a set of environmental variables by means of SFA and operating costs are adjusted to account the environmental impact and statistical noise effects; and, (iii) reassess the performance of the electric power distribution utilities by means of DEA. Based on this methodology it is possible to obtain a performance evaluation exclusively expressed in terms of management efficiency, in which the operating environment and statistical noise effects are controlled.


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Consultoria Legislativa - Área XII - Recursos Minerais, Hídricos e Energéticos.


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Consultoria Legislativa - Área III - Tributação e Direito Tributário.


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Consultoria Legislativa - Área XII - Recursos Minerais, Hídricos e Energéticos.


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Consultoria Legislativa - Área XII - Recursos Minerais, Hídricos e Energéticos.


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Consultoria Legislativa - Área XII - Recursos Minerais, Hídricos e Energéticos.


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Analisa ageração de energia elétrica e a preservação do meio ambiente no Brasil face ao desenvolvimento sustentável.


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Consultoria Legislativa - Área XII - Recursos Minerais, Hídricos e Energéticos.