94 resultados para Cactus
扇贝是我国海水养殖的重要品种,但自1994年以来,养殖扇贝陆续爆发的大规模死亡,不但造成了巨大的经济损失,而且直接威胁到现有产业的生存和发展。引起扇贝大规模死亡原因是多方面的,其主要原因是养殖环境恶化、扇贝种质衰退和抗病力下降。因此,深入研究扇贝免疫防御机制,探讨提高机体抗病力的有效途径和方法,改良种质和培育抗病品系,无疑是解决目前困扰扇贝养殖业健康可持续发展的必经之路。 Toll样受体(TLRs)家族是新近发现的模式识别受体(PRRs),参与识别病原体相关的分子模式(PAMPs),在天然免疫系统中起着非常重要的作用。哺乳动物中Toll样受体信号通路还参与诱导树枝状细胞成熟、参与免疫耐受、参与凋亡发生发展、介导非感染性因素的识别等,被视为联系天然免疫和获得性免疫的桥梁。同时果蝇的Toll信号通路也是不具备获得性免疫的果蝇赖以抵御病毒、细菌和真菌感染,介导天然免疫反应的重要信号通路。 本研究采用大规模EST测序方法,结合Genome Walker库的构建和cDNA末端快速扩增技术,从栉孔扇贝克隆得到CfToll-1、CfMyd88、CfTRAF6和CfCactus这四个Toll样受体信号通路基因的全长cDNA,同时用荧光实时定量PCR技术检测了这些基因的组织分布及在脂多糖(LPS)和肽聚糖(PGN)刺激下的表达规律。 栉孔扇贝Toll样受体(CfToll-1)的cDNA序列全长4308 bp,包含5’非翻译区(UTR)211 bp,3597 bp的开放阅读框,500 bp的3’UTR,最后为18个腺嘌呤的ploy A 尾巴。开放阅读框编码1198个氨基酸的多肽,该多肽的估计分子量为137.41kd,估计的等电点为5.62,该多肽有信号肽,具有一个预测的跨膜区,因此是一种跨膜蛋白。经BLAST比对,CfToll-1基因与节肢动物多种Toll蛋白高度的相似性。SMART(Simple Modular Architecture Research Tool)软件分析,CfToll-1包含典型的Toll样受体的结构:富含亮氨酸的重复序列的胞外区(leucine-rich repeats, LRR),一段跨膜结构域,以及胞内区的TIR结构域(Toll/IL-1 receptor homologous region)。利用Real-time RT-PCR发现CfToll-1mRNA在扇贝体内普遍存在于血细胞、肌肉、外套膜、心、性腺和鳃组织中。利用体外培养的原代血细胞系研究不同浓度LPS刺激后CfToll-1的表达变化,结果显示低剂量(100ng.mL-1 )LPS 使CfToll-1 mRNA表达量减小,该变化在1.5h、3h 和9h组差异显著,虽然在6h组表达量稍有恢复,但尚未达到对照水平;用1μg.mL-1LPS处理细胞时, 6h组CfToll-1表达量明显上调,约为对照水平的2倍。证实细菌结构脂多糖对CfToll-1基因的表达有影响,且这种影响有剂量依赖效应。 栉孔扇贝Myd88同源基因(CfMyd88)的cDNA序列全长1554bp,包含5’UTR 427 bp,1101bp的开放阅读框,最后为18个腺嘌呤的ploy A 尾。CfMyd88的开放阅读框可编码367个氨基酸的多肽,该多肽的估计分子量为42.37kD,估计的等电点为5.71。利用SMART程序分析发现CfMyd88编码了Death和TIR结构域, 这两个结构域是Myd88特征结构。BLAST程序发现扇贝的序列与数据库哺乳动物的Myd88基因高度同源。原代培养的扇贝血细胞在受到PGN刺激后,CfMyd88 mRNA表达在1.5小时开始下调,直到9小时下调至对照表达量的1/10,证实肽聚糖结构对CfMyd88基因的表达有影响。 栉孔扇贝TRAF6同源基因(CfTRAF6)的cDNA序列全长2510bp,包含5’UTR 337 bp,1965bp的开放阅读框,3’UTR 208bp,最后为21 个腺嘌呤的ploy A 尾巴。CfTRAF6开放阅读框编码655个氨基酸的多肽,该多肽的估计分子量为74.09kD,估计的等电点为6.01。InterPro Scan在线分析发现CfTRAF6有典型的TRAF蛋白家族的特征结构,包括的一个指环结构,两个锌指结构,一个MATH (the meprin and TRAF homology)结构域以及Coiled-coil区域。CfTRAF6的序列与数据库多物种的TRAF6高度同源,同源性最高的是乌贼序列(Identity=68)和鼠类(Identity=45%)。利用Real-time RT-PCR,发现CfTRAF6在各组织普遍存在,在性腺中的表达最高。原代培养的扇贝血细胞在受到不同浓度PGN刺激后,与CfMyd88的情况一样,CfTRAF6的表达量变化减少,且这种变化随剂量的增加更加明显。 栉孔扇贝Cactus同源基因(CfCactus)的cDNA序列全长2488bp,包含5’UTR 181 bp,840bp的开放阅读框, 3’UTR 1467bp,最后为19个腺嘌呤的ploy A 尾巴。CfCactus的开放阅读框编码279个氨基酸的多肽,该多肽的估计分子量为31.37 kD;估计的等电点为4.74,与果蝇的Cactus基因的等电点相近(4.5)。利用SMART程序分析发现CfCactus主要编码了ANK结构域(ankyrin repeats)。Cactus基因为哺乳动物NF-κB抑制蛋白IκB的同源分子,BLAST 程序发现扇贝的序列与数据库多物种的Cactus或IκB基因高度同源。同源性最高的是太平洋牡蛎(Identity=35%)和圆尾鲎(Identities = 44%)。对CfTCactus mRNA在扇贝的血细胞、性腺、 肠的组织表达进行分析,并同时与CfTRAF6和CfMyd88的表达量进行了对比,发现CfCactus的表达水平明显高于这两个基因,而且CfTRAF6的基因表达量也高于CfMyd88,表现出级联放大效应。正常情况下,三个基因在性腺的表达量最高,推测这条通路可能和发育等功能密切相关。 通过本研究我们首次在双壳类软体动物找得到与果蝇Toll蛋白家族高度同源的CfToll-1基因,同时发现其他三个在Toll样受体信号传递过程中起重要作用的基因,其中包括在软体动物中获得的第一个Toll样受体的接头分子-CfMyd88基因,该结果直接证明软体动物具有与哺乳动物和节肢动物高度类似Myd88依赖的Toll样受体信号通路。同时通过这些基因组织分布的研究以及细菌结构LPS和PGN对这条通路上基因表达的影响,证明扇贝Toll信号通路可能与在果蝇中一样,参与扇贝的发育和免疫防御等多种功能。
Mammillaria gaumeri (Britton & Ross) Orcutt (Cactaceae), an endemic plant of the Yucatan Peninsula, is included by the Mexican government in the list of species that require special protection. Its natural habitat is now restricted to fragmented areas and protection programs involve botanical gardens in growing individuals rescued from disturbed areas. Little information is available on the reproductive characteristics of this species and nothing is known of its pollinators. We investigated the visitors of M. gaumeri flowers, collecting and observing bee species in its natural habitat (i.e., coastal dune) and in a botanical garden, where coastal dune vegetation had been created. Observations were made on plants whose density was artificially increased by grouping flowering individuals. At each site, we: 1) collected insects visiting the flowers; 2) recorded number of visits; and 3) video-recorded bee movements on the flowers. As expected, the number of bee species and visitation frequency were higher at the botanical garden than at the coastal dune. After landing on a flower, bees either inspected the anthers or dived among them. These behaviors, carried out by all observed species, seemed related to the state of the anthers (full or empty of pollen) and stigma lobes (opened or closed). Specifically, visits lasted longer when anthers were full of pollen and stigma lobes were opened. The same bee species recorded on the dune were also recorded at the botanical garden, suggesting that the artificial dune at the botanical garden offered suitable conditions for the natural pollinators of this endangered cactus.
The intention of this article is not to affirm, but rather to question wether it is possible to speak of a loss of the ability to gaze in the context of the nineteenth century and especially in the context of the fin de siècle, in the bosom of the epistemological crisis that beset the Turn of the Century. And very especially, this article tries to question about the impact this crisis had, perhaps, in the birth of cinema. Is in this context that arises the work of Marey and the advent of the cinematograph of the Lumière brothers in the fin de siècle Europe, both of them showing a deep faith in a mechanical apparatus that would allow the redemption of a battered gaze. And it seems to be a dream that continues over time through the tradition of shooting the everyday life.
Dissertação de Mestrado, Biodiversidade e Biotecnologia Vegetal, 4 de Fevereiro de 2016, Universidade dos Açores.
Tesis (Doctor en Ciencias con acentuación en Manejo y Administración de Recursos Vegetales) U.A.N.L. Facultad de Ciencias Biológicas, 2008.
Trabajo fronterizo entre arte y filosofía que hace evidente el poder del orden espacio-temporal que se ha establecido como trasfondo de los sistemas de dominación y explotación, que tambien viene siendo enfrentado por los debates post y decoloniales.
El presente ensayo explora un concepto de ‘nosotros’ que sin rechazar el uso gramatical de la enunciación se enfoca en la pragmática que le subyace, desde la cual las condiciones de colectividad y exclusividad del enunciado se confrontan con su alteridad ontológica fundamental. A la luz de la tesis sobre la antropología postestructural del etnólogo brasilero Eduardo Viveiros de Castro, se examinan, de un lado, la necesidad de enunciar al ‘nosotros’ en su calidad de radical diferenciador y, de otro, la imposibilidad de constituirlo sustancialmente en tanto remite inexorablemente a la otredad. En la primera parte, se expone que las teorías socioculturales no triviales de la antropología son realmente una coproducción entre el antropólogo y la comunidad estudiada. En segunda instancia, se presenta el modo por el cual el ‘nosotros’ da lugar a una diferencia irreductible no sólo previa al Mismo, sino esencial y afirmativa. En tercer lugar, se plantea una colectividad inmanente caracterizada por la multiplicidad que permanece por debajo de cualquier enunciación organizativa del ‘nosotros’ y compuesta por la alteridad maquínica. A modo de conclusión, el ensayo afirma al ‘nosotros’ en su devenir en cuanto un-otro-por-venir, el cual funciona como acto político existencial.
El presente estudio de caso analiza los aportes del Centro de Estudios Estratégicos de Defensa (CEED) de la Unión de Naciones Suramericanas (Unasur) en la formación de un pensamiento estratégico regional. Cuatro años han transcurrido desde la creación de dicho Centro, por lo que resulta pertinente estudiar sus principales logros y los aportes realizados al Consejo de Defensa Suramericano (CDS) para la formación de un pensamiento estratégico regional en materia de seguridad y defensa.
En este artículo nos proponemos mostrar cómo actúan en conjunto el plano de organización y el plano de consistencia que conforman el mapa del pensamiento en la escuela, según el cual, se puede afirmar que el pensamiento se escapa a la inhibición, la interpretación y la sujeción que provoca su traducción en términos de inteligencia, cuando, como resultado de la experimentación, se gesta un encuentro indeterminado con fuerzas que pueden conducir al devenir-niño del niño en la escuela. En este sentido, en un primer momento nos ocuparemos de señalar las líneas segmentarias que conforman las funciones, los criterios de interpretación y los puntos de subjetivación que inhiben el pensamiento como acontecimiento, esbozando el suelo sobre el cual se han consolidado prácticas y discursos acerca de la formación del pensamiento en la escuela. En la segunda parte, y sobre la base de los estratos, se aborda el entramado de líneas molares que conforman el modelo de la inteligencia en la escuela y las líneas moleculares del pensamiento que provocan, cuando su dirección es la fuga, el devenir niño del niño a partir de la experimentación, la conexión y el encuentro. Por último se presentan algunas conclusiones y se dejan abiertas algunas cuestiones para trabajos posteriores.
Cuando Peter decide participar en la competición anual cultivar y mostrar de la Sociedad de Jardines, planea cultivar cactus. No sólo le gustan sus nombres, sino que ha oído que cualquier aficionado puede cultivarlos. Lamentablemente, cualquier aficionado, no parece incluir a Peter. Aunque Peter no tiene suerte con sus cactáceas, accidentalmente consigue un cultivo de calabazas gigantes. Ahora sólo tiene que encontrar la forma de deshacerse de ellas.
The Baja California Peninsula is home to 85 species of cacti, of which 54 are endemic, highlighting its importance as a cactus diverse region within Mexico. Many species are under threat due to collection pressure and habitat loss, but ensuring maximal protection of cacti species requires a better understanding of diversity patterns. We assessed species richness, endemism, and phylogenetic and morphological diversity using herbarium records and a molecular phylogeny for 82 species of cacti found in the peninsula. The four diversity measures were estimated for the existing nature reserve network and for 314 hexagrids of 726 km2. Using the hexagrid data, we surveyed our results for areas that best complement the current protected cacti diversity in the Baja California Peninsula. Currently, the natural reserve network in Baja shelters an important amount of the cacti diversity (74% of the species, 85.9% of the phylogenetic diversity, 76% of endemics and all the growth forms). While species richness produced several solutions to complement the diversity protected, by identifying priority species (endemic species with high contribution to overall PD) one best solution is reported. Three areas (San Matías, Magdalena and Margarita Islands and El Triunfo), selected using species richness, PD and endemism, best complement the diversity currently protected, increasing species richness to 89%, PD to 94% and endemism to 89%, and should be considered in future conservation plans. Two of these areas could be included within nature reserves already established.
DNA barcodes could be a useful tool for plant conservation. Of particular importance is the ability to identify unknown plant material, such as from customs seizures of illegally collected specimens. Mexican cacti are an example of a threatened group, under pressure because of wild collection for the xeriscaping trade and private collectors. Mexican cacti also provide a taxonomically and geographically coherent group with which to test DNA barcodes. Here, we sample the matK barcode for 528 species of Cactaceae including approximately 75% of Mexican species and test the utility of the matK region for species-level identification. We find that the matK DNA barcode can be used to identify uniquely 77% of species sampled, and 79-87% of species of particular conservation importance. However, this is far below the desired rate of 95% and there are significant issues for PCR amplification because of the variability of primer sites. Additionally, we test the nuclear ITS regions for the cactus subfamily Opuntioideae and for the genus Ariocarpus (subfamily Cactoideae). We observed higher rates of variation for ITS (86% unique for Opuntioideae sampled) but a much lower PCR success, encountering significant intra-individual polymorphism in Ariocarpus precluding the use of this marker in this taxon. We conclude that the matK region should provide useful information as a DNA barcode for Cactaceae if the problems with primers can be addressed, but matK alone is not sufficiently variable to achieve species-level identification. Additional complementary regions should be investigated as ITS is shown to be unsuitable
The names Opuntia bulbispina, O. clavata, O. emoryi and O. grahamii, originally proposed by George Engelmann between 1848 and 1856, are reviewed and typified after new findings of previously unknown voucher specimens. Original materials collected by some of the collaborators employed by Engelmann during the Mexican Boundary Survey were discovered in a loan from the Torrey Herbarium at the New York Botanical Garden (NY). Many of the materials include fragments of stems and fruits, and others include only sectioned flowers and some seeds. Particularly good descriptions of the species here concerned were published in Engelmann’s “Synopsis of the Cactaceae” in 1857, and exceptional illustrations were produced by Paulus Roetter and printed in “Cactaceae of the Boundary” in 1859. The problems surrounding some previous typifications of these names range from typification of joint lectotypes to illegitimate typifications of illustrations when original material was known to exist. The materials selected for typification were collected by the Mexican Boundary Survey and are lodged at the herbaria of the Missouri Botanical Garden (MO) and the New York Botanical Garden (NY); some are illustrations published by Engelmann.
ARRUDA, E. AND G. F. A. MELO-DE-PINNA (Departamento de Botanica, Instituto de Biociencias. Universidade de Sao Paulo, Rua do Matao, travessa 14, Cidade Universitaria, Butanta, Caixa Postal 11461, 05422-970. Sao Paulo, SP, Brasil). Wide-band tracheids (WBTs) of the photosynthetic and non-photosynthetic stems in species of Cactaceae. J. Torrey Bat. Soc. 137: 16-29. 2010.-The absence of WBTs and wood polymorphisms in some species of the Caryophyllales may be related to the particular area of plant analyzed. The present research has the objective of studying the photosynthetic and non-photosynthetic stems of different species and stages of differentiation to register wood polymorphisms and to understand the distribution and occurrence of WBTs. Wood polymorphism was observed in the non-photosynthetic stern of young and adult plants of Opuntioideae and Cactoideae and is also found in the photosynthetic stem of young plants of some species of Cactoideae. Cactoideae present WBT/fibrous dimorphic wood that can be related to cambial variation associated with growth habits and plant development. As expected, in the photosynthetic stem of the adult columnar cacti the wood is monomorphic fibrous in which WBTs were not found. This wood contains a great amount of fibers due to necessity of the mechanical support. In contrast, the globular species do not possess fibers in this area of the stem in either adult or young plants. Opuntia monacantha Haw. had non-fibrous wood in which WBTs were observed in the axial system and in the inner parts of the rays. Fiber clusters were present in the axial system. This wood represents a variation in the wood types described for Opuntioideae. Also, in O. monacantha, cells similar to the WBTs were observed in the pith, which can be interpreted as variation in the morphogenic processes during the ontogeny of the plant, probably a case of homeosis. Monomorphic fibrous wood without WBTs was found along the entire stem of Pereskia bahiensis Gurke. This feature has been observed in other pereskias, and in addition to the others, indicates its proximity to the ancestral cacti.