951 resultados para Acesso aberto
O conceito de Governo aberto está diretamente ligado a questões culturais do cidadão e do governo. Entretanto, há divergências conceituais com relação ao significado de Governo aberto, já que para alguns teóricos a abertura de governo está ligada somente à transparência ou à abertura dos dados governamentais, para outros, além da transparência, mais fatores são considerados essenciais para Governo aberto. O presente estudo está dividido em duas partes fundamentais. A primeira vista compreender o conceito de democracia e de Governo aberto, para isso se baseia em literatura especializada sobre o tema. Na segunda parte, a partir de uma pesquisa nos 39 municípios da região metropolitana de São Paulo, identifica nas iniciativas de Governo aberto a possível presença de condições causais comuns. A questão de fundo, quais as condições causais podem influenciar nas indicações de abertura de governo, enquanto processo comunicativo de promoção para participação, colaboração e transparência, nas administrações municipais da região metropolitana de São Paulo. As soluções encontradas indicam diferentes rotas para chegar às condições de governo aberto analisadas. Verificando os resultados é possível afirmar que duas condições têm potencial para incentivar uma possível abertura de governo em um município, o IDH e a condição de acesso.
A facilidade crescente de acesso à Educação Superior e a necessidade de uma formação profissional mais ampla levaram operários com ensino médio e técnico a frequentar o espaço acadêmico, lugar que fora sempre o direito de uma pequena elite formadora da liderança dominante. O intuito deste trabalho é analisar como a relação do operário comum com o mundo acadêmico das universidades realmente influencia as relações de trabalho da Classe Operária na fábrica. Uma pesquisa em forma de enquete operária foi realizada junto aos metalúrgicos do ABC para o levantamento de dados, levando em consideração o ano de 1996 como marco inicial, tendo como referência o ano da promulgação da LDB 9394/96, ajudando-nos a delinear o novo perfil da Classe Operária do ABC paulista e verificando as possíveis contribuições dadas pelos operários que concluíram ou estão cursando o Ensino Superior.
While essential to human nature, health and life have been protected since ancient times by various areas of knowledge, particularly by the Law, given its dynamics within the regulation of social interactions. In Brazil, health has been granted major importance by the Federal Constitution of 1988, which, disrupting the dictatorial authoritarianism, inaugurating a Social State and focusing on the values of freedom and human dignity, raises health to the condition of a social right, marked predominantly by an obligational bias directed, primarily, to the State, through the enforcement of public policies. Although, given the limitation of the State action to the reserve for contingencies, it turns clear that an universalizing access to public health is impossible, seen that the high cost of medical provisions hinders the State to meet all the health needs of the rightholders. As a result of the inefficiency of the State, the effort of the Constituent Assembly of 1988 in creating a hybrid health system becomes nuclear, which, marked by the possibility of exploration of healthcare by the private initiative, assigns to the private enterprise a key role in supplementing the public health system, especially through the offer of health insurance plans. At this point, however, it becomes clear that health provisions rendered by the private agents are not unlimited, which involves discussions about services and procedures that should be excluded from the contractual coverage, for purposes of sectoral balance, situation which draws the indispensability of deliberations between Fundamental Rights on one hand, related to the protection of health and life, and contractual principles on the other hand, connected to the primacy of private autonomy. At this point, the importance of the regulation undertaken by the ANS, Brazilian National Health Agency, appears primordial, which, by means of its seized broad functions, considerable autonomy and technical discretion, has conditions to implement an effective control towards the harmonization of the regulatory triangle, the stability and development of the supplementary health system and, consequently, towards the universalization of the right to health, within constitutional contours. According to this, the present essay, resorting to a broad legislative, doctrinal and jurisprudential study, concludes that economic regulation over the private healthcare sector, when legitimately undertaken, provides progress and stability to the intervening segment and, besides, turns healthcare universalization feasible, in a way that it can not be replaced efficiently by any other State function.
The Brejuí Mine, situated in the municipality of Currais Novos (RN), was responsible for the local economy growth between the years of 1943 and 1990, causing the interest of miner's working class to its urban center. After the end of scheelita extraction, the mine became a "theme park", in 2004. The company left its mark on the city by building several monuments in reference to the mining activity and the company's founder, Tomaz Salustino. However, there are no written records that describe such activities on its early years, nor their pioneers in the mining subject. Therefore, it is important to investigate the miner’s memories and ask if, along the more than five decades that lasted the heyday of mining, an identity linked to the profession was built; the extent to which workers make reference to this history as membersand what are the symbols that are being triggered in the development of a working class identity. Further, I investigate what memory was mad concerning the pioneers, mostly farmers attracted by miner work. To do so, I make use of audiovisual archival resources and oral records of the interlocutors that were filmed in the preparations of the documentary “Lembranças de velhos garimpeiros". We have noticed that, in the script of the official history of the Brejuí Mine, the "boss" figure overlaps the workers and that the forms patronage, originated from the rural world, followed punctuating the social relations in the mine. Today, with the resumption of the mining activity, it is possible that the strengthening of the working class and the Seridó miner identity desire reborn.
The Physical Rehabilitation services (PR) are of fundamental importance in combating the global epidemic of Traffic Accidents (TA). Considering the numerous physical and social consequences of the survivors, quality problems in access to PR are a hazard to recovery of victims. It is necessary to improve the management of quality of services, assessing priority dimensions and intervening in their causes, to ensure rehabilitation available in time and suitable conditions. This study aimed to identify barriers to access to rehabilitation considering the perception of TA victims and professionals. The aim is also to estimate the access to rehabilitation and their associated factors. This is a qualitative and quantitative study of exploratory nature developed in Natal / RN with semi-structured interviews with 19 health professionals and telephone survey to 155 victims of traffic accidents. To explore barriers to access the speeches were transcribed and analyzed using the Alceste software (version 4.9). During the interviews used the following guiding question: “What barriers hinder or prevent access to physical rehabilitation for victims of traffic accidents?”. The names of classes and axes resulting from Alceste was performed by ad hoc query to three external researchers with subsequent consensus of the most representative name of analysis. We conducted multivariate analysis of the influence of the variables of the accident, sociodemographic, clinical and assistance on access to rehabilitation. Associations with p <0.20 in the bivariate analysis were submitted to logistic regression, step by step, with p <0.05 and confidence interval (CI) of 95%. The main barriers identified were: “Bureaucratic regulation”, “Long time to start rehabilitation”, “No post-surgery referral” and “inefficiency of public services”. These barriers were divided into a theoretical model built from the cause-effect diagram, in which we observed that insufficient access to rehabilitation is the product of causes related to organizational structure, work processes, professional and patients. Was constructed two logistic regression models: “General access to rehabilitation” and “Access to rehabilitation to public service”. 51.6% of patients had access to rehabilitation, and 32.9% in public and 17.9% in the private sector. The regression model “General access to rehabilitation” included the variables Income (OR:3.7), Informal Employment (OR:0.11), Unemployment (OR:0.15), Perceived Need for PR (OR:10) and Referral (OR: 27.5). The model “Access to rehabilitation in the public service” was represented by the “Referral to Public Service” (OR: 23.0) and “Private Health Plan” (OR: 0.07). Despite the known influence of social determinants on access to health services, a situation difficult to control by the public administration, this study found that the organizational and bureaucratic procedures established in health care greatly determine access to rehabilitation. Access difficulties show the seriousness of the problem and the factors suggest the need for improvements in comprehensive care for TA survivors and avoid unnecessary prolongation of the suffering of the victims of this epidemic.
OBJECTIVE: To dev elop and evaluate the use of a body adjustable device for training of peripheral venous catheterization for healthcare undergraduate students . METHODS: This study involved two phases: I) development of the innovative simulator and II) a controlled trial co mparing the performance of the body adjustable device in relation to the commercial simulator for the training of venipuncture skills. A total of 79 first - year medical students participated in the intervention phase, which consisted of pretest assessment, lecture on peripheral venous access, randomization into two groups according to the simulator used for training (Commercial Simulator and Experimental Simulator), real venipuncture procedure, post - test assessment and evaluation of satisfaction. RESULTS: Gr oups were homogeneous in age, sex, pre - test and post - test scores, attitudinal assessment and performance in performing the real venipuncture. Students from the Experimental Simulator group performed better on the filling of simulated records. At the end of the study, cognitive gain significantly increased in both groups. The degree of realism perceived by students was equivalent for two groups. A total of 85.7% of students rated the Experimental Simulator as good or excellent. CONCLUSIONS: Experimental simu lator proved to be a low cost alternative for the training of venipuncture skills in upper limb. The cognitive procedural and attitudinal performances of students who used the experimental simulator were similar to those observed in the group trained with commercial simulator.
Objective Based on the system of reference and counter-reference and comprehensiveness in oral health care, we aimed to examine ways of refering users to Specialized Dental Care Centers (SDCC) and the interface between them and Primary Care. Methods This is a cross-sectional study carried out with users and dentists of SDCC in a metropolitan region of Northeast of Brazil. Analyses were descriptive, and the association test was done with chi-square. Results Six forms of entry to specialized service were identified: free demand (13.8 %) and reference by the Primary Care dentist (63.2 %) were most frequent. Users referred by the basic health unit dentist had more interest in making a counter-reference than the others (p<0.001, PR=4.65, 95 % CI: 2.74 to 7.91), while individuals without this referral had 1.49 times more difficulty obtaining care (95 % CI: 1.02 to 2.17). Referral procedures are a decisive factor for counter-references. However, the high demand for primary care services and the short supply these services can offer in the face of needs make SDCC performance difficult. Conclusion The analysis of oral health practices from the perspective of network modeling points to the service's need to establish protocols for regulation in a bid to improve access to and the quality of care provided.
Objective Based on the system of reference and counter-reference and comprehensiveness in oral health care, we aimed to examine ways of refering users to Specialized Dental Care Centers (SDCC) and the interface between them and Primary Care. Methods This is a cross-sectional study carried out with users and dentists of SDCC in a metropolitan region of Northeast of Brazil. Analyses were descriptive, and the association test was done with chi-square. Results Six forms of entry to specialized service were identified: free demand (13.8 %) and reference by the Primary Care dentist (63.2 %) were most frequent. Users referred by the basic health unit dentist had more interest in making a counter-reference than the others (p<0.001, PR=4.65, 95 % CI: 2.74 to 7.91), while individuals without this referral had 1.49 times more difficulty obtaining care (95 % CI: 1.02 to 2.17). Referral procedures are a decisive factor for counter-references. However, the high demand for primary care services and the short supply these services can offer in the face of needs make SDCC performance difficult. Conclusion The analysis of oral health practices from the perspective of network modeling points to the service's need to establish protocols for regulation in a bid to improve access to and the quality of care provided.
In this study, we present a political evaluation of how SENAC/RN perceives PRONATEC, emphasizing all ideological principles, aims and theories that this institution reproduces and reinforces while playing this professional qualification program. We intended to reveal ideological aspects that inspire SENAC’s perception of PRONATEC, pointing the actual interests hidden by those aspects. Our starting question is: What ideologies, objectives and theories that are explicitly or implicitly reinforced by Senac in implementing PRONATEC? In the research, we consider the hypothesis that transferring the responsibility about PRONATEC from public to private institutions is something that impoverishes the professional formation process, once the program ends up subordinated to private institution’s ideological, political and economic interests. The methodological approach chosen was the single case study. As data source, we used broad literature survey, official files of PRONATEC and SENAC, official information about the program and personal interviews. At the end of the research, we present elements that show some “flexibility” on PRONATEC due to SENAC’s interests, offering a superficial professional formation, commonly dissociated from a propaedeutic education, focusing on the need of adaptation e consensus of works around a society project. In this regard, despite PRONATEC is payed by public resources, it’s been used by SENAC as a fortifier of this institution on professional education market, in an hegemonic and neoliberal construction of a model of society.
In this study, we present a political evaluation of how SENAC/RN perceives PRONATEC, emphasizing all ideological principles, aims and theories that this institution reproduces and reinforces while playing this professional qualification program. We intended to reveal ideological aspects that inspire SENAC’s perception of PRONATEC, pointing the actual interests hidden by those aspects. Our starting question is: What ideologies, objectives and theories that are explicitly or implicitly reinforced by Senac in implementing PRONATEC? In the research, we consider the hypothesis that transferring the responsibility about PRONATEC from public to private institutions is something that impoverishes the professional formation process, once the program ends up subordinated to private institution’s ideological, political and economic interests. The methodological approach chosen was the single case study. As data source, we used broad literature survey, official files of PRONATEC and SENAC, official information about the program and personal interviews. At the end of the research, we present elements that show some “flexibility” on PRONATEC due to SENAC’s interests, offering a superficial professional formation, commonly dissociated from a propaedeutic education, focusing on the need of adaptation e consensus of works around a society project. In this regard, despite PRONATEC is payed by public resources, it’s been used by SENAC as a fortifier of this institution on professional education market, in an hegemonic and neoliberal construction of a model of society.
Such work aims to analyze aspects of the lives of adolescents, authors of Infraction, after completion of the Socio-Educational Measures in Half Open (Probation - LA and Services to the Community - PSC) in the city of Natal / RN in 2010. Thus, it become necessary to point out and consider the socio-historical determinations that permeate the lives of these young men, estimating the economic, social, political and historical aspects. We understand that these individuals experience numerous expressions of Social Issues, such as lack of opportunities, violence, unemployment, among others. In the reduction context of the State actions for the social, and investments negligible in public policies. Thus, the research aimed to identify such determinations in the lives of adolescents, young people today, and aimed to know these adolescents and analyze the family situation, socio-economic and political these, after completion of educational measures; and to evaluate the inclusion in school life and in the labor market. Therefore, we used as a methodological way the qualiquantitative research, using the procedure of 4 (four) semi-structured interviews, 9 (nine) analysis processes by configuring so documentary research, through the analysis of reports, processes and monitoring documents. The universe of analysis went adolescents who fulfilled socio-educational measures in liberty in the city of Natal / RN. The sample consisted of nine (9) young, that we follow during the mandatory curricular training, in the period of graduation in Social Work at the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte, in 2010. The time frame of the research took place between 2010 - 2014. The results of this study indicate that the solution to problems of violence is not the reduction of criminal majority. It is necessary to take actions in ensuring rights and allow other living conditions to the children and adolescents, because, in fact, in the society there is a tendency to regression of rights. We learn that, despite all the difficulties, as: low education, access to the labor market, low income, among others, young people interviewed understand the Socio-Educational Measures such as a watershed in their lives, because, they do not practice more illicit acts, they seek a better life, they have dreams and plans for the future, and they continue writing their histories.
Such work aims to analyze aspects of the lives of adolescents, authors of Infraction, after completion of the Socio-Educational Measures in Half Open (Probation - LA and Services to the Community - PSC) in the city of Natal / RN in 2010. Thus, it become necessary to point out and consider the socio-historical determinations that permeate the lives of these young men, estimating the economic, social, political and historical aspects. We understand that these individuals experience numerous expressions of Social Issues, such as lack of opportunities, violence, unemployment, among others. In the reduction context of the State actions for the social, and investments negligible in public policies. Thus, the research aimed to identify such determinations in the lives of adolescents, young people today, and aimed to know these adolescents and analyze the family situation, socio-economic and political these, after completion of educational measures; and to evaluate the inclusion in school life and in the labor market. Therefore, we used as a methodological way the qualiquantitative research, using the procedure of 4 (four) semi-structured interviews, 9 (nine) analysis processes by configuring so documentary research, through the analysis of reports, processes and monitoring documents. The universe of analysis went adolescents who fulfilled socio-educational measures in liberty in the city of Natal / RN. The sample consisted of nine (9) young, that we follow during the mandatory curricular training, in the period of graduation in Social Work at the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte, in 2010. The time frame of the research took place between 2010 - 2014. The results of this study indicate that the solution to problems of violence is not the reduction of criminal majority. It is necessary to take actions in ensuring rights and allow other living conditions to the children and adolescents, because, in fact, in the society there is a tendency to regression of rights. We learn that, despite all the difficulties, as: low education, access to the labor market, low income, among others, young people interviewed understand the Socio-Educational Measures such as a watershed in their lives, because, they do not practice more illicit acts, they seek a better life, they have dreams and plans for the future, and they continue writing their histories.
Public communication is based on the public interest and the effective democratization of communication in publics agencies. Access to information is the base for this is materializes solidly, helping even in formation as an individual. The work of the press office is the instrument for the Public Communication and access to information is guaranteed to society , since one of the goals of the press officer is to be committed to media , providing it material quality and depth , benefiting so the citizen. The research the look exactly on reflections on the topics listed above. The purpose of this study was to analyze the news published in Fanpage and Santarem Town Hall site, in western Para, meet the demands of Public Communication and the precepts of the Access to Information Law (AIL), starting the questioning until point to Santarem Town Hall works to public communication. For this analysis, we developed a work using the techniques of bibliographic and descriptive research. Such referrals have served as a starting point for fieldwork and for exhibition on the concepts of Public Communication of Access to Information Law, Organizational Communication and Press office. The research was considered, also, because document was to identify and verify the documents with a specific purpose. This research was lifting a quantitative survey to support the qualitative analysis of the object. So considering its features is that it was monitor the Fanpage and the Town Hall site, through a specific tool and then the analysis of posts, searching to observe public communication accomplished in the Town Hall of Santarem, on the Internet, especially social media and corporate website. The methodology helped obtain indicators that allowed add knowledge about the production of the Town Hall press office, and identify if the press office productions meet AIL and Public Communication. Finally, it was suggested in this study the elaboration a strategic script of communication because it scales the actions and policies of the Santarem city, allowing citizen participation. For this, too, it suggested the training of Santarem municipal government communication team as a strategy. This training consists of speeches and wheels conversations with all the press officer of the town hall, including the secretariats.
The use of access technologies for communication, based on scanning methods, enables new communication opportunities for individuals with severe motor dysfunction. One of the most commom examples of this type of technology is the single switch scanning. Single switch scanning keyboards are often used as augmentative and alternative communication devices for inidividuals with severe mobility restrictions and with compromised speech and writing. They consist of a matrix of keys and simulate the operation of a physical keyboard to write messages. One of the limitations of these systems is their low performance. Low communication rates and considerable errors ocurrence are some of the few problems that users of these devices suffers during daily use. The development and evaluation of new strategies in augmentative and alternative communication are essential to improve the communication opportunities of user who make use of such technology. Thus, this work explores different strategies to increase communication rate and reduce user’s mistakes. Computational and practical analysis were performed for the evaluation of proposed strategies.
A presente dissertação objetiva estabelecer uma interface entre os estudos da linguagem performática na literatura e os estudos sobre o erotismo a partir da obra do escritor sergipano Antonio Carlos Viana. Trazendo à tona o lado violento e traumático de experiências sexuais, são nela analisados os contos “As meninas do coronel”, “Mal-assado” e “In Memoriam”, pelo viés da prostituição, do casamento e da morte, respectivamente. Observa-se que, ao optar pela escrita sobre o corpo e pela problematização do erotismo vinculada a uma perspectiva nauseante do sexo, desvinculada da ideia de prazer, Viana performatiza, de acordo com os pressupostos do novo realismo, experiências afetivas marcadas pela dor. Para investigar os procedimentos de linguagem utilizados por Viana, com o intuito de desvendar os enigmas que perpassam o universo emocional e labiríntico de personagens devastados por sentimentos que mesclam corrupção, poder, morte e erotismo, recorro aos estudos sobre o caráter performático e grotesco da linguagem no novo realismo – em especial ao pensamento de Karl Erik Schøllhammer e Mikhail Bakhtin –, sobre a relação entre morte e erotismo – a partir das considerações de George Bataille, Octavio Paz e Philippe Ariès – e sobre as nuances da sexualidade e suas revoluções – mediante o pensamento de Anthony Giddens.