646 resultados para Textbooks
This paper estimates the impact of the use of structured methods on the quality of education for students in primary public school in Brazil. Structured methods encompass a range of pedagogical and managerial instruments applied in the educational system. In recent years, several municipalities in the state of Sao Paulo have contracted out private educational providers to implement these structured methods in their schooling systems. Their pedagogical proposal involves structuring of curriculum content, development of teacher and student textbooks, and the training and supervision of teachers anti instructors. Using a difference-in-differences estimation strategy, we find that the 4th- and 8th-grade students in the municipalities with structured methods performed better in Portuguese and mathematics than did students in municipalities not exposed to these methods. We find no differences in passing rates. A robustness test supports the assumption that there is no unobserved municipal characteristics associated with proficiency changes over time that may affect the results. (C) 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Object. The anatomy of the occipital lobe convexity is so intricate and variable that its precise description is not found in the classic anatomy textbooks, and the occipital sulci and gyri are described with different nomenclatures according to different authors. The aim of this study was to investigate and describe the anatomy of the occipital lobe convexity and clarify its nomenclature. Methods. The configurations of sulci and gyri on the lateral surface of the occipital lobe of 20 cerebral hemispheres were examined in order to identify the most characteristic and consistent patterns. Results. The most characteristic and consistent occipital sulci identified in this study were the intraoccipital, transverse occipital, and lateral occipital sulci. The morphology of the transverse occipital sulcus and the intraoccipital sulcus connection was identified as the most important aspect to define the gyral pattern of the occipital lobe convexity. Conclusions. Knowledge of the main features of the occipital sulci and gyri permits the recognition of a basic configuration of the occipital lobe and the identification of its sulcal and gyral variations. (http://thejns.org/doi/abs/10.3171/2012.1.JNS11978)
O trabalho indica alguns sites a serem considerados como alternativa para acesso gratuito a livros on-line disponíveis na Internet e destinados à área médica.
This paper aims at analyzing the history of science content of three general chemistry textbooks used in Brazilian universities: the translations of Kotz and Treichel's Chemistry & Chemical Reactivity, Atkins and Jones's Chemical Principles, and Garritz and Chamizo's Química. Results revealed different trends for the inclusion of history of science in chemistry teaching. Kotz & Treichel and Atkins & Jones used history mainly as curiosity and ornament. Garritz & Chamizo adopted the historical approach as one of the organizing axis of their textbook. Nevertheless, the historical content of the three textbooks may be criticized from current historiographical standpoint.
Este trabalho analisa os seis livros didáticos de química indicados pelo Programa Nacional do Livro Didático para o Ensino Médio em 2007 (PNLEM 2007), no que se refere a seus conteúdos de história da ciência. Para isso, partiu-se do instrumento de análise desenvolvido por L. Leite (2002), que foi adaptado para a presente investigação. Os resultados obtidos indicam, como tendência geral, que a história da ciência é apresentada nos livros didáticos de maneira linear e superficial, constando, sobretudo, de nomes e datas. Dessa maneira, concluímos que os conteúdos de história da ciência desses livros não contribuem para que os alunos desenvolvam uma imagem do empreendimento científico condizente com os objetivos educacionais da atualidade.
Esse trabalho tem por objetivo a análise de livros didáticos jurídicos na perspectiva da história dos direitos europeu e brasileiro, tendo como referencial teórico o texto de Alain Choppin sobre as funções do livro didático. Foram analisados livros didáticos jurídicos produzidos desde a Antiguidade até os dias atuais, assim como importantes mudanças legislativas ocorridas em Portugal no século XVIII e no Brasil no século XIX. Seus autores são, em sua maioria, professores universitários, para que seus textos servissem de fonte de argumentos de autoridade na prática. Ao lado dos manuais, sempre foi recorrente o uso de apostilas elaboradas pelos professores ou pelos próprios alunos, a partir das anotações das aulas. Nos últimos tempos, os manuais sofrem a concorrência dos resumos voltados para concursos públicos e dos “cadernos” distribuídos pelos alunos pela Internet. As principais conclusões foram as de que os livros didáticos jurídicos são importantes para o aprendizado do Direito.
[EN]This paper is a proposal for teaching pragmatics following a corpus-based approach. Corpora have had a high impact on how linguistics is looked at these days. However, teaching linguistics is still traditional in its scope and stays away from a growing tendency of incorporating authentic samples in the theoretical classroom, and so lecturers perpetuate the presentation of the same canonical examples students may find in their textbooks or in other introductory monographs. Our view is that using corpus linguistics, especially corpora freely available in the World Wide Web, will result in a more engaging and fresh look at the course of Pragmatics, while promoting early research in students. This way, they learn the concepts but most importantly how to later identify pragmatic phenomena in real text. Here, we raise our concern with the methodology, presenting clear examples of corpus-based pragmatic activities, and one clear result is the fact that students learn also how to be autonomous in their analysis o f data. In our proposal, we move from more controlled tasks to autonomy. This proposal focuses on students enrolled in the course Pragmática de la Lengua inglesa, currently part of the curriculum in Lenguas Modernas, Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria.
The research work concerns the analysis of the foundations of Quantum Field Theory carried out from an educational perspective. The whole research has been driven by two questions: • How the concept of object changes when moving from classical to contemporary physics? • How are the concepts of field and interaction shaped and conceptualized within contemporary physics? What makes quantum field and interaction similar to and what makes them different from the classical ones? The whole work has been developed through several studies: 1. A study aimed to analyze the formal and conceptual structures characterizing the description of the continuous systems that remain invariant in the transition from classical to contemporary physics. 2. A study aimed to analyze the changes in the meanings of the concepts of field and interaction in the transition to quantum field theory. 3. A detailed study of the Klein-Gordon equation aimed at analyzing, in a case considered emblematic, some interpretative (conceptual and didactical) problems in the concept of field that the university textbooks do not address explicitly. 4. A study concerning the application of the “Discipline-Culture” Model elaborated by I. Galili to the analysis of the Klein-Gordon equation, in order to reconstruct the meanings of the equation from a cultural perspective. 5. A critical analysis, in the light of the results of the studies mentioned above, of the existing proposals for teaching basic concepts of Quantum Field Theory and particle physics at the secondary school level or in introductory physics university courses.
In this work we examine the reference to cultural elements in a sample of 13 textbooks of Spanish as a foreign language for Italian students. The aim is to observe how they treat the cultural component in the particular context of Spanish language teaching to Italians. In this context, especially relevant issues are the linguistic and cultural proximity between Italy and Spain, and the present fascination for Spain, which has given rise to some interesting phenomena, among others, a massive emigration of Italian youths to Spain.
Negli ultimi vent’anni sono state proposte al livello internazionale alcune analisi dei problemi per le scienze nella scuola e diverse strategie per l’innovazione didattica. Molte ricerche hanno fatto riferimento a una nuova nozione di literacy scientifica, quale sapere fondamentale dell’educazione, indipendente dalle scelte professionali successive alla scuola. L’ipotesi di partenza di questa ricerca sostiene che alcune di queste analisi e l’idea di una nuova literacy scientifica di tipo non-vocazionale mostrino notevoli limiti quando rapportate al contesto italiano. Le specificità di quest’ultimo sono state affrontate, innanzitutto, da un punto di vista comparativo, discutendo alcuni documenti internazionali sull’insegnamento delle scienze. Questo confronto ha messo in luce la difficoltà di ottenere un insieme di evidenze chiare e definitive sui problemi dell’educazione scientifica discussi da questi documenti, in particolare per quanto riguarda i dati sulla crisi delle vocazioni scientifiche e sull’attitudine degli studenti verso le scienze. Le raccomandazioni educative e alcuni progetti curricolari internazionali trovano degli ostacoli decisivi nella scuola superiore italiana anche a causa di specificità istituzionali, come particolari principi di selezione e l’articolazione dei vari indirizzi formativi. Il presente lavoro si è basato soprattutto su una ricostruzione storico-pedagogica del curricolo di fisica, attraverso l’analisi delle linee guida nazionali, dei programmi di studio e di alcuni rappresentativi manuali degli ultimi decenni. Questo esame del curricolo “programmato” ha messo in luce, primo, il carattere accademico della fisica liceale e la sua debole rielaborazione culturale e didattica, secondo, l’impatto di temi e problemi internazionali sui materiali didattici. Tale impatto ha prodotto dei cambiamenti sul piano delle finalità educative e degli strumenti di apprendimento incorporati nei manuali. Nonostante l’evoluzione di queste caratteristiche del curricolo, tuttavia, l’analisi delle conoscenze storico-filosofiche utilizzate dai manuali ha messo in luce la scarsa contestualizzazione culturale della fisica quale uno degli ostacoli principali per l’insegnamento di una scienza più rilevante e formativa.
Il presente lavoro di ricerca si focalizza sulla rappresentazione della cultura arabo-islamica, così come viene restituita nei libri di storia per la scuola secondaria di primo grado. Il fatto che il mondo di oggi è caratterizzato, ora più che mai, da continui e inevitabili incontri tra persone con multiple appartenenze esige un forte impegno volto a favorire pacifici rapporti interculturali. A tale scopo si ritiene che i contenuti dei libri di testo abbiano un ruolo molto rilevante. Di qui, uno degli obiettivi consiste nel verificare se i libri di testo veicolano un’efficace educazione alla conoscenza e al rispetto delle altre culture e religioni, all’ascolto e al dialogo interculturale; nonché al superamento dell'etnocentrismo, degli stereotipi e dei pregiudizi. Si è cercato così di verificare – nel campione dei libri di testo presi in esame – quali eventuali pregiudizi ricorrenti, stereotipi o prospettive etnocentriche vengono costruite, consolidate, reiterate e trasmesse, consapevolmente o inconsapevolmente, attraverso le affermazioni o le immagini che illustrano la cultura arabo-islamica. La prima parte della tesi, quella teorica, è dedicata all'approfondimento di due temi: il primo riguarda il rapporto Oriente-Occidente e la rappresentazione dell'altro e il secondo riguarda invece la condizione della donna musulmana tra stereotipi e realtà. La seconda parte invece, quella empirica, è dedicata principalmente all'analisi del contenuto dei testi di storia. Dall'analisi effettuata è evidente l'interesse, da parte degli autori e degli editori dei libri di testo, per il tema della cultura arabo-islamica. Nonostante ciò, si è potuto riscontrare nei libri presi in esame, sebbene in misura differente, la presenza (o compresenza) di stereotipi, generalizzazioni e informazioni parziali, imprecise o errate attorno alla cultura arabo-islamica e a chi vi appartiene.
Die Forschungsarbeit siedelt sich im Dreieck der Erziehungswissenschaften, der Informatik und der Schulpraxis an und besitzt somit einen starken interdisziplinären Charakter. Aus Sicht der Erziehungswissenschaften handelt es sich um ein Forschungsprojekt aus den Bereichen E-Learning und Multimedia Learning und der Fragestellung nach geeigneten Informatiksystemen für die Herstellung und den Austausch von digitalen, multimedialen und interaktiven Lernbausteinen. Dazu wurden zunächst methodisch-didaktische Vorteile digitaler Lerninhalte gegenüber klassischen Medien wie Buch und Papier zusammengetragen und mögliche Potentiale im Zusammenhang mit neuen Web2.0-Technologien aufgezeigt. Darauf aufbauend wurde für existierende Autorenwerkzeuge zur Herstellung digitaler Lernbausteine und bestehende Austauschplattformen analysiert, inwieweit diese bereits Web 2.0-Technologien unterstützen und nutzen. Aus Sicht der Informatik ergab sich aus der Analyse bestehender Systeme ein Anforderungsprofil für ein neues Autorenwerkzeug und eine neue Austauschplattform für digitale Lernbausteine. Das neue System wurde nach dem Ansatz des Design Science Research in einem iterativen Entwicklungsprozess in Form der Webapplikation LearningApps.org realisiert und stetig mit Lehrpersonen aus der Schulpraxis evaluiert. Bei der Entwicklung kamen aktuelle Web-Technologien zur Anwendung. Das Ergebnis der Forschungsarbeit ist ein produktives Informatiksystem, welches bereits von tausenden Nutzern in verschiedenen Ländern sowohl in Schulen als auch in der Wirtschaft eingesetzt wird. In einer empirischen Studie konnte das mit der Systementwicklung angestrebte Ziel, die Herstellung und den Austausch von digitalen Lernbausteinen zu vereinfachen, bestätigt werden. Aus Sicht der Schulpraxis liefert LearningApps.org einen Beitrag zur Methodenvielfalt und zur Nutzung von ICT im Unterricht. Die Ausrichtung des Werkzeugs auf mobile Endgeräte und 1:1-Computing entspricht dem allgemeinen Trend im Bildungswesen. Durch die Verknüpfung des Werkzeugs mit aktuellen Software Entwicklungen zur Herstellung von digitalen Schulbüchern werden auch Lehrmittelverlage als Zielgruppe angesprochen.
Die politische Rolle der Hofmusik in der ersten Hälfte des 18. Jahrhunderts ist im Kontext der repräsentativen Machtmittel innerhalb des höfischen Kräftefeldes verortet. Die höfischen Zeremonielle bildeten nicht nur den Aufführungsrahmen, sondern legten sämtliche Determinanten für die musikalischen Ereignisse fest. Zu den Aufgaben der Hofkapellmeister im kleinen, aber innerhalb des Reiches nicht ganz unbedeutenden und durchaus paradigmatisch stehenden Fürstentum Hessen-Darmstadt gehörten die musikalischen Umrahmungen der fürstlichen Hochzeiten, Trauerfälle, Geburtstage sowie politischer und kirchenpolitischer Anlässe. Christoph Graupner wirkte hier als Hofkapellmeister zwischen 1709 und 1760; bis zu seiner Erblindung im Jahr 1754 schuf er ein umfangreiches Werk, das die Verhältnisse dieser Landgrafschaft in signifikanter Weise spiegelt. Graupners Musiken zu den Festen der Landgrafen umfassten immer Kirchenkantaten für den Gottesdienst, daneben oft auch weltliche Musik zur Unterhaltung der Gäste. Obwohl die – damals hochmoderne und in der Entwicklung begriffenen – Gattung der Kantate bei weitem überwiegt, sind es auch Bühnenwerke, die diese Funktion erfüllten, aber lediglich im ersten Jahrzehnt von Graupners Dienstzeit in Darmstadt aufgeführt wurden. 83 panegyrische Werke (57 geistliche, 24 weltliche Kantaten, 2 Bühnenwerke) konnten als Zeremonialmusiken systemisch in ihrem Aufführungskontext analysiert werden. Dabei ergaben sich etliche neue Erkenntnisse wie Datierungen, Zuordnungen zu Anlässen, auch Funde von bisher als verschollen geltenden Textdrucken. Der Geheimrat Johann Jacob (von) Wieger konnte als mutmaßlicher Textdichter identifiziert werden. Insbesondere ist deutlich geworden, dass der Bedeutungsverlust höfischer Repräsentation am Ende der absolutistischen Epoche wie in anderen Residenzen auch in Darmstadt die Zeremonialmusik tangierte. Für Graupner blieb vor diesem Hintergrund einerseits die ungebrochene Unterordnung unter die hierarchischen Verhältnisse, was die Huldigung als Form der Pflichterfüllung einschloss. Andererseits jedoch zeigten sich latente Distanzierungsversuche: zum einen die Schaffung musikalischer Subtexte in gewissen panegyrischen Werken, zum anderen aber vor allem die Hinwendung zur Kirchenmusik und damit zu einer Religiosität, die nicht nur die Anmahnung der christlichen Tugenden ermöglichte, sondern auch mit dem “Schaffen zur Ehre Gottes” eine persönliche Rechtfertigung jenseits von allem tagespolitischen Geschehen bot.
The effect of hydrostatic infiltrations for subperichondrial dissection is controversial. Classical textbooks promote it as the "key step in elevating the flaps" or consider its practicability "a mere fable". Moreover, case reports describe fatal side effects. Up to now, experimental tests are missing.
A 19-year old female patient was referred for removal of her wisdom teeth. The panoramic radiograph showed bilateral retromolar canals in the mandible. Since the retromolar canal is neglected in anatomical textbooks and is rarely documented in scientific publications, the case prompted us to perform further diagnostic examinations with informed consent by the patient. A limited cone beam computed tomography was made and, during the surgical removal of the patient's lower right wisdom tooth, a biopsy of the soft tissue bundle emerging from the retromolar foramen was taken. In accordance with the literature, the histology revealed myelinated nerve fibers, small arteries and venules. The limited data available in the literature about the retromolar canal report that this bony canal may convey an aberrant buccal nerve. In addition, sensory nerve fibers entering the retromolar canal from above and branching to the mandibular molars may evade a block anesthesia at the mandibular foramen. These rare anatomic features may explain why the elements of the retromolar canal account for failures of mandibular block anesthesia or postsurgical sensitivity changes in the supply area of the buccal nerve.