975 resultados para 170103 Educational Psychology


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This research drew on positive psychology in order to offer an optimistic way of conceptualising the lives of young people who are often described as having ‘SEBD’ (Social, emotional, behaviour difficulties), now SEMH (Social, emotional, mental health) in the new SEND Code of Practice (2014). Positive psychology places emphasis on: the future, strengths, resources and potential, and suggests that negative experiences can build positive qualities. A life path tool was used in order to hear the stories that eight young people tell about themselves in the future. Narrative Oriented Inquiry (NOI) was used to analyse the themes of potential and growth in their stories. The young people in this research identified a range of strengths and resources in their lives that they had built as a result of earlier negative experiences. Their stories reveal their hopes and aspirations for the future. By giving these young people the opportunity to tell their stories this research permitted them to focus on where they were going, rather than where they had been.


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This action research study aimed to develop the researcher's use of solutionfocused techniques when working with Year 6 and 7 pupils’ self-regulation. A systematic literature review highlighted an evidence base that demonstrated the efficacy of solution-focused methods when working with this population. The researcher’s intention was to add to the body of Educational Psychology practice-based evidence in this area. The researcher recruited eight participants from primary and secondary school provisions. Solution-focused techniques were systematically trialled in partnership with the pupils and were modified through an action research cycle. Semistructured interviewing provided participants the opportunity to critically evaluate the researcher’s solution-focused practice. Thematic Analysis was used to assess feedback in order to adapt the delivery of solution-focused techniques. Developments to practice explored within this study included modifications to the use of the six core components of Solution Focused Brief Therapy. Adaptations have the potential to inform the use of these solution-focused approaches with other educational practitioners.


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The UK has been criticised for its inequitable education system, as student outcomes are strongly linked to parental socio-economic status. Children and young people experiencing poverty are less likely than their better off peers to leave school with good grades, which can perpetuate disadvantage in later life. The attainment gap between children and young people experiencing poverty and their better off peers in the UK is widening, despite an increasing media and policy focus in this area. Poverty-related educational inequality is a complex area and there is no conclusive evidence in what works to reduce its effects. While there is a plethora of research on the impact of poverty on education, very little of it includes the voice of children and young people and/or the psychological impact of poverty on learning. The importance of hearing the views of children and young people is central to educational psychology, as is social justice and facilitating access to the curriculum for all students. The barriers presented by the experience of poverty to learning are thus vital for educational psychologists to address. This study used qualitative methods to explore the learning journey of Key Stage 3 (age 12-13) young people experiencing poverty in an English coastal borough. Questions from the Little Box of Big Questions 2 were used as a tool in semi-structured interviews, in addition to questions devised by the researcher. Young people discussed aspects of their lives that enabled them to learn at school, and aspects that presented barriers to learning. The research used Positive Psychology, taking a strengths based approach to explore the skills young people thought they brought to education, skills they would like to develop, and how they could be supported in this. The study has highlighted themes that, if addressed, could potentially raise the attainment of children and young people experiencing poverty.


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Aprender nuevas palabras en un idioma extranjero, es decir, el léxico necesario que fundamenta la posibilidad del desarrollo de las destrezas comunicativas, constituye uno de los problemas más complejos en el proceso tanto de enseñanza como de aprendizaje del español como lengua extranjera. En relación con el aprendizaje del vocabulario identificamos un posible problema; el riesgo de que el número de palabras aprendidas se olvide aumenta después de la prueba o los ejercicios. Si nuestros alumnos no pueden ampliar su vocabulario su competencia comunicativa tampoco va a desarrollar.Para poder entender por qué ocurre el problema y cómo se podría encontrar otros recursos didácticos que contribuyan a un cambio en el proceso, investigamos un fenómeno conocido por la psicología de la educación como el efecto de la memoria espaciada - un fenómeno cognitivo que se benéfica de las repeticiones, pero siempre distribuidas en el tiempo. Estrategias de enseñanza que utilizan dicho efecto se refiere como aprendizaje distribuido.Mediante un pequeño estudio analizamos el efecto de la memoria espaciada (ME) como método alternativa. De este estudio podemos inferir que existe un efecto de memoria espaciada tangible en el aprendizaje de los alumnos que estudiaron según un modelo distribuido, es decir con repeticiones.Pudimos constatar un resultado positivo en este pequeño estudio piloto. Los alumnos lograron recordar en la examinación el 85% de las palabras ejercitadas en la clase un mes después. Este resultado abre nuevas perspectivas de estudio e indica que puede haber alternativas didácticas en la enseñanza del vocabulario de ELE en el salón escolar sueco.


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Am Beispiel des Verhältnisses von Pädagogik und Psychologie wird auf Probleme in der Beziehung der Pädagogik zu ihren Nachbardisziplinen eingegangen. Von Seiten der Psychologie bildet die Pädagogische Psychologie das Verbindungsstück. Da sie im wesentlichen als Anwendung psychologischer Methoden auf Probleme der pädagogischen Praxis entstanden war, blieben ihre Erfolge in pädagogischer Hinsicht bescheiden. Die Krise, in die sie geriet, rief nach einer stärkeren Orientierung an pädagogischer Theorie. Das Spannungsfeld zwischen Pädagogik und Psychologie, das sich dadurch eröffnete, wurde jedoch nie ausgeräumt. Statt dessen wurde von Seiten der Pädagogik eine Menschenkunde entwickelt, die antiwissenschaftlich auftrat und als Psychologieersatz diente. Pädagogik und Psychologie konnten auf diese Weise nicht wirklich zusammenfinden. Ein wesentlicher Grund für dieses Manko wird in einem beiderseits naiven, phänomenalistischen Gegenstandsverständnis gesehen. Als Lösung wird vorgeschlagen, das Verhältnis von Pädagogik und Psychologie auf eine konstruktivistische Basis zu stellen. Dadurch ließe sich die Pädagogische Psychologie als interdisziplinäre Wissenschaft begründen, was eine fruchtbare Dynamik zwischen den beiden Disziplinen ermöglichen würde. (DIPF/Orig.)


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