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This dissertation deals with the social function of the contract, based on constitutional principles, especially those relating to fundamental rights. The social function of the contract (general clause) is described in the Civil Code so intentionally generic, no precise criteria to define it. Because of the fluidity of this principle, it is justified its closer study, seeking to assess its various meanings and looking away from the legal uncertainty that an unlimited conceptual vagueness can cause. The social function of the contract arises from a transformation experienced in private law from the inflows received from the Constitutional Law, the result of an evolutionary process by which it became the state structure, leaving the foundations of the classical liberal state and moving toward a vision guided by existential human values that give the keynote of the Welfare State. Arose, then the concern about the effectiveness of fundamental rights in relations between individuals, which is studied from the inapplicability of fundamental rights in private relations (U.S. doctrine of State action), passing to the analysis of the Theory of indirect horizontal effect of fundamental rights (of German creation and majority acceptance), reaching the right horizontal efficacy Theory of fundamental rights, prevailing Brazilian doctrine and jurisprudence. It has also been investigated the foundations of the social contract, pointing out that, apart from the provisions of the constitutional legislation, that base the principle on screen, there have also been noticed foundations in the Federal Constitution, in devices like the art. 1, III, the dignity of the human person is the north of the relationship between contractors. Also art. 3rd, I CF/88 bases the vision of social covenants, equipping it for the implementation of social solidarity, as one of the fundamental objectives of the Republic. Still on art. 170 of the Constitution it is seen as a locus of reasoning in the social function of the contract, the maintenance of the economic order. It is also studied the internal and external aspects of the social function of the contract, being the first part the one that considers the requirement of respect for contractual loyalty, through the objective good faith, as a result of the dignity of the hirer may not be offended by the other through the contract. On the other hand, the external facet of the social function of the contract, in line with the constitutional mandate of solidarity, indicates the need for contractors to respect the rights of society, namely the diffuse, collective and individual third party. In this external appearance, it is also pointed the notion of external credit protection, addressing the duty of society to respect the contract. There has been shown some notions of the social contract in comparative law. Then, there has been investigated the content of principle study, through their interrelationships with other provisions of private and constitutional law, namely equality, objective good faith, private autonomy and dignity of the human person. We study the application of the social contract in contractual networks as well as the guidance of conservation of contracts, especially those denominated long-term captive contracts, considering the theory of substantive due performance, concluding with an analysis of the social contract in code of Consumer Protection


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The Brazilian Constitution aims to regularize the broadest possible the fundamental grounded in the value and supreme principle of human dignity, supporting a Democratic State of Law, to essentially give basic rights to all for a dignified existence. As the result of a historical development, fundamental rights incorporated by legal order represents a real reaction against acts that ignored the dignity of each person in one of these scenarios, especially inserted into the labor relationship, the principle of protection comes to balance and compose such relationship between employers and workers, raising this principle as axiological essence of this subject, based especially on the protection and guarantee of fundamental rights of the worker. For this study, was developed a literature research using books, legislation, legal websites and articles related to the subject, in order to analyze the principle of protection insert in the legal order, properly authoritative on the principle of equality, the social value of the work of human dignity to confer protection to the most vulnerable and admittedly weak of the labor relationship in order to serve the specific regulations legal practical tools and effective protection, against the employer hierarchical power and steering that can not change into abuses and attacks on the fundamental rights of the worker. In conclusion, is not enough, recognizing the vulnerability of the worker, it is necessary to carry out protective legal instruments in line with the the human dignity, consectário logical fundamental rights of workers, to be held in a proportional manner and sometimes flexible, depending on the case. Protection has a beginning and end to ensure that the human dignity that must presuppose a working relationship achieved by orderly and normative power of constitutional norms, with the aim of designing that labor is not an end in itself, but a means to the achievement of the economic advancement by promoting social development and providing necessary support for the increasingly marked impairment of fundamental rights of the worker


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This paper aims to review traditional concepts inherent to the general theory of the state and human rights, relating to the legal situation of foreign, understood as the subject of rights, especially when the is case of compulsory legal imposition of exit from national territory. After the serious violations during the Second World War and the importance acquired by the International Law of Human Rights, values as dignity, justice and equality are enshrined in the legal system and its respect required beyond the boundaries of any country. The creation of an international community, which is governed by rules that its members are subordinated, without distinction, as well as state - based on volunteerism, become inspired by one principled nature of these new concepts required of Global Society, as well as the adoption, influenced by neoconstitutionalism, to the model of State Constitutional rule of law, are opposed to the idea of state sovereignty connected to a superiority, absolute and unlimited power which recognizes no other above it, not even the basic principles or axioms that must govern the relationships internally. So looks for a concept of state that includes all the requirements of a democratic society, that have the people as the power holder, understanding that state element has undergone a relativization, because had to adapt to the contemporary values applicable to the individual, inserting in its concept, the indispensable obligation to protect the inalienable rights of citizens, regardless of with whom he have legal and political bond of nationality. It happens that, to consecrate these privileges to individuals, which, because they contain reference to values with supranational characteristics, are very abstract and are in constant collision course with internal rules, making it difficult to reconcile, it will use hermeneutics of human rights, due mainly to international courts, correlated with constitutional exegesis, in particular, legal principiologia, using, among others, the principles of reasonableness and proportionality, the systematic interpretation of the Constitution and international legal standards. Thus, it seek to enshrine the common foundation of all law , the link between the systems, namely, the dignity of human beings. Finally, it will see if Brazilian jurisdiction, through case studies, is tuned in line with these new paradigms, and in line with the International Bill of Human Rights, the Federal Constitution, the values and principles she hired


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Os Direitos Humanos, compreendidos como o conjunto de direitos indispensáveis à efetivação da dignidade humana, encontram-se, atualmente, no centro das discussões e relações jurídicas internacionais e nacionais. Seu amplo reconhecimento em nível mundial e a universalização de seus preceitos centrais alçaram o Direito Internacional a um nível de evolução e de relacionamento com o Direito Constitucional que se mostram impassíveis de serem ignorados pelas jurisdições nacionais. Encontrando-se tais direitos na base do constitucionalismo moderno, o que os mantém em estreito relacionamento com o pluralismo e a democracia, faz-se imperioso recordar-se que as noções jurídicas que os animam serviram de base histórica e genética ao reconhecimento e à positivação, em nível constitucional, dos assim chamados direitos fundamentais. Em sintonia com a especial deferência que se tem ofertado aos direitos humanos na sociedade contemporânea global, nossa Constituição positivou entre os princípios regentes de suas relações internacionais ordem expressa de prevalente respeito aos tratados internacionais estabelecedores desses direitos, além de ter possibilitado a recepção desses pactos em nosso ordenamento jurídico, inclusive a título de preceitos constitucionais, conforme Emenda Constitucional n. 45/2004. Esse tratamento especial, além do processo democrático que conduziu o Brasil a uma progressiva aceitação dos tratados, pactos e convenções humanitários, torna possível a conclusão de que os Direitos Humanos apresentam elementos de diferencial carga legitimadora, podendo contribuir, significativamente para, a legitimação democrática de nossa Jurisdição Constitucional. Também é possível perceber-se que, ocorrente em esferas de poder e de legitimação diversos, em particular a nível internacional, a importância conferida aos Direitos Humanos não resta esvaziada pela ampla proteção constitucional conferida aos direitos fundamentais. Particularmente questionada em sua perspectiva democrática, mormente ante o cumprimento da nominada regra contramajoritária e em face da crescente ampliação de seu poder político, nossa Jurisdição Constitucional não pode mais permanecer alheia aos condicionantes determinados pelas amplas imbricações que se desenvolveram no estreitamento de relações entre o Direito Constitucional e o Direito Internacional dos Direitos Humanos. Também a crise dogmática ditada pelo distanciamento havido entre o direito posto e a realidade nacional tem implicado em inegável desgaste público da atividade jurisdicional, principalmente da jurisdição voltada à proteção constitucional. O papel da Jurisdição Constitucional atual há, portanto, de ser cumprido em sintonia com as normas internacionais de Direitos Humanos, principalmente em respeito às normas constitucionais pátrias que ordenam a prevalência desses direitos nas relações internacionais. Nesse sentido, pode e necessita nossa Jurisdição Constitucional valer-se do particular potencial legitimador das normas definidoras de Direitos Humanos, reconhecendo e efetivando tais normas e adequando-se às tendências modernas que a elas conferem especial proteção, num processo dialético de inolvidável natureza democrática


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The present research has, as general objective, to seek a constitucional hermeneutics directed toward the improvement of the efficacy of the social rights rules, with the purpose to solve the elapsins problems from the general picture of its inefficiency, which are disposed on the Constitution, in its ample majority, as mere regular norms. Leaving of the premise that no Constitutional norm can be without being materialized and the true development of the State is it the social one (based on the principles of freedom, equality and solidarity), it will be demonstrated that the arguments in favor of the legislative inefficiency configure a true blow on the Democratic State of Brazilian Law. For this, it will be done, preliminarily, a study of the basic rights, legal category where it is found the social rights. To follow, it will be analyzed the hermeneutics of the legal norms, with emphasis on the specifics of the constitutional hermeneutics and its methods of interpretation. Finally, the aspect on the improvement of efficacy and the effectiveness of the social rights will be studied, through a new readind of certain dogmas that still persist in the legal world, being distinguished the institutiones of the reserve of the possible and the existential minimum. Ahead of this, after verifying the new paradigmas of the interpretable activity, will be demonstrated how it is possible to get an upgrade on the effectiveness of the social rights


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During the ninth century, owing to the process of industrialization, new social conflicts were showed, forcing the Government not to remain inert. The necessity of answer to these new demands requires from the State some actions that assure the new economic, cultural and social rights, able to exceed the formal equality, according to the principles of redistributive equality and well-being. Among the social rights, the right to health is showed up, which is placed at the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the International Treaty for the Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, as a necessary term to promote the dignity and the free development of the human personality. Under the Constitutional Law, it is clear that the implementation of the right to health, placed at the 6th article of the Brazilian Constitution, demands a government activity, which usually requires a provision of material goods, depending on budgetary resources. The Legislative and Executive Branches have a very important role in compliance with the constitutional regulations about the satisfactory offer of health care services, besides the correct use of the resources at this area. The adoption of public policies is the way of Government action to the planning and realization of this right. Though, some public policies are usually made apart from the social compromises, to the detriment of the basic social rights. The government has a discretionary competence to manage the health services. That is the reason it is necessary the control of the political choices, through the popular control, the extrajudicial control by the Account Courts, or the judicial review. Owed to the constitutionalization of social rights, the constitutional justice has a very relevant role, concerning to the constitutional jurisdiction, in a way the Judiciary Branch assume your position as a player that transforms the society. On the control of the public health policies, there is a cast of official instruments, judicial or not, to the guarantee of the collective right to the public health services, and to allow the citizens to reach the real implementation of the right to health


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O artigo discute, sob uma perspectiva institucionalista, a dimensão do problema fundiário brasileiro expresso pela fragilidade dos direitos de propriedade da terra rural. Além dos condicionantes históricos referidos no texto, o artigo chama a atenção para o papel das instituições de registro e cadastro de imóveis que, por estarem separadas e não integradas, favorecem as práticas de fraude, apossamento e potencializam os conflitos fundiários. O artigo conclui com uma proposta de mudança institucional, baseada no aumento da governança da terra, no recente contexto favorável ao aperfeiçoamento da estrutura de direitos de propriedade da terra.


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Trata-se de um caso de Transtorno de Personalidade Borderline, encaminhado para a área de Psicoterapia Dinâmica Breve (PDB) do Centro de Psicologia Aplicada da UNESP - Bauru/SP. O foco delimitado consistiu em trabalhar as características depressivas do paciente, buscando ajudá-lo a elaborar o luto pela perda de sua mãe. A análise deste caso veio corroborar a hipótese de que pacientes com transtorno de personalidade borderline também podem ser beneficiados com a PDB. A peculiaridade desta modalidade de atendimento está relacionada ao estabelecimento de objetivos terapêuticos (foco) condizentes com as reais possibilidades e limites de cada paciente.


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Currently, several psychological and non-psychological tests can be found in publishes without standardization on procedures set in different psychological areas, like intelligence, emotional states, attitudes, social skills, vocation, preferences and others. The computerized psychological testing is a extension of traditional testing psychological practices. However, it has own psychometrics qualities, either by its matching in a computerized environment or by the extension that can be developed in it. The current research, developed from a necessity to study process of validity and reliability on a computerized test, drew a methodological structure to provide parallel applications in numerous kinds of operational groups, evaluating the influences of the time and approach in the computerization process. This validity refers to normative values groups, reproducibility in computerized applications process and data processing. Not every psychological test can be computerized. Therefore, our need to find a good test, with quality and plausible properties to transform in computerized application, leaded us to use The Millon Personality Inventory, created by Theodore Millon. This Inventory assesses personality according to 12 bipolarities distributed in 24 factors, distributed in categories motivational styles, cognitive targets and interpersonal relations. This instrument doesn t diagnose pathological features, but test normal and non adaptive aspects in human personality, comparing with Theodore Millon theory of personality. In oder to support this research in a Brazilian context in psychological testing, we discuss the theme, evaluating the advantages and disadvantages of such practices. Also we discuss the current forms in computerization of psychological testing and the main specific criteria in this psychometric specialized area of knowledge. The test was on-line, hosted in the site http://www.planetapsi.com, during the years of 2007 and 2008, which was available a questionnaire to describe social characteristics before test. A report was generated from the data entry of each user. An application of this test was conducted in a linear way through a national coverage in all Brazil regions, getting 1508 applications. Were organized nine groups, reaching 180 applications in test and retest subject, where three periods of time and three forms of retests for studies of on-line tests were separated. Parallel to this, we organized multi-application session offline group, 20 subjects who received tests by email. The subjects of this study were generally distributed by the five Brazilian regions, and were noticed about the test via the Internet. The performance application in traditional and on-line tested groups subsidies us to conclude that on-line application provides significantly consistency in all criteria for validity studied and justifies its use. The on-line test results were related not only among themselves but were similar to those data of tests done on pencil and paper (0,82). The retests results demonstrated correlation, between 0,92 and, 1 while multisessions had a good correlation in these comparisons. Moreover, were assessed the adequacy of operational criteria used, such as security, the performance of users, the environmental characteristics, the organization of the database, operational costs and limitations in this on-line inventory. In all these five items, there were excellent performances, concluding, also, that it s possible a self-applied psychometric test. The results of this work are a guide to question and establish of methodologies studies for computerization psychological testing software in the country


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The objective of this research was to investigate psychologist‟s practices at the Reference Specialized Center of Social Assistance (CREAS), special social care unit of medium complexity of the Unique System of Social Assistance (SUAS). With the creation of CREAS occurred the reorganization of specialized services and programs which were scattered within the socialassitantial network and began to be part of this center, creating a mosaic of actions directed to people with their rights violated. At the same time, there was a significant arrival of psychologists to the field of Social Assistance and their questioning facing specialized social demands and the (un)definitions of SUAS‟ policy concerning to special social protection. Was aimed in this research to investigate how psychologist‟s practices are developed at CREAS using semi-structured interviews and following the practices developed by three psychologists at a CREAS in the state of Rio Grande do Norte (RN), indicated by the Ministry of Social Development and Fight against Hunger (MDS) as one of the national references in 2008. It was highlighted a complex work field, which is delineated between the user´s rights perspective and the maintenance of historical difficulties concerning to the Social Assistance. In which the professional is requested to act toward the fight against rights violation, but does not find a field where is possible inter-sector and articulated work, in addition of being exposed to the precariousness of work and the weakness of employment ties, associated to the lack of formation to work in the area. Accordingly, there is still a range of challenges to psychologists in the building of a profession which confront risk situations and break off rights violation.


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One of the Psychology challenges, especially among the assessment and educational areas, is to understand and predict individual differences. In this context, this research aimed to verify the personality styles of students with high and low academic performance. The study included 236 university students from Petrolina-PE and Juazeiro-BA campus of the UNIVASF (Universidade Federal do Vale do São Francisco). They were uniformly distributed in four disciplines (medicine, psychology, administration and civil engineering), 10 students from each semester (five highest scores average students and five lowest scores average students) took place of the sample. The Millon Index Personality Styles (MIPS) was applied to analyze the personality/behavioral styles of the students. The MIPS is a 180 dichotomous (true/false) item scale. It was also developed and applied a questionnaire about the students characteristics and their academic information. Descriptive and central tendency statistics analysis (mean, standard deviation, frequency and percentage) were done to provide sample information. Then we performed a Mann-Whitney test in the overall sample and in each course and a factorial ANOVA. The results suggest that the university population is heterogeneous and there are significant differences (p <0.05) between the personality styles of students with high and low academic performance, when analyzing the overall sample and in courses of different areas of knowledge. Students of Medicine who have higher performance as personality styles prevalent the conformism and compliance, while students with lower income in this course, the styles are: innovation and discrepancy. Psychology students with higher income are more systematic and lower income students to score significantly on accommodation. The civil engineering students of the two groups differed only in personality style intuition, being such a style more characteristic of higher income students. Students of Management with higher yield stand out more in the style of the doubt and lower yields in these styles: individual, reflection and discrepancy. This study is correlational, but had an exploratory nature because there are no studies about this relationship in Brazil. Therefore, it provided a better understanding of the action characteristics of students with high and low academic performance. Further studies using the Big Five Personality Factors instruments are required because it is the most used model in understanding the influence of personality on students performance. This way, the relation between personality and academic performance will be better discussed. Otherwise, it will be possible to compare with the existing studies in the area


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This work shows the results of the research: Attended Liberty Program Adolescents in Conflict with the Law and the Disapproval of Rights, effected in the community of Natal, Rio Grande do Norte, in period of august 2007 to September 2008. It aims to analyze the social-educative attendance directed to adolescents in conflict with the law through the state, since the Social-educative Measure Attended Liberty, known, as an idoneous way of confrontation to the practice of infraction acts imputed to the adolescent, that needs to give emphasis, in disadvantage of the Social-educative Measurement of Internment, to be proposed (ECA, art 118 and 199) to follow the adolescent in this quotidian, close to his family and community, proposing him through social-educative work, the access to education and occupancy, as well other public services, that help him to surpass the context of privation and disapproval of rights in which lives joined to his family. In our study, it was observed in sequence of approaching, subsidized for theoretical-methodological procedures justified in quantity and quality research, that were privileged to the documental research, the observation and the interview almost structured, besides a theoretical basis about the subject, that the relation of category and inequality in which the capitalist society sustains itself, does the practice of infraction acts imputed to the adolescent, acquires a classist character, in which the property of the money defines the access of the justice. And more, many of the poor adolescents that get into conflict with the law, dweller of the periphery districts of Natal/RN, becomes evident as for segment that has been attended in the Jurisdiction of the Infancy and Youth and in the LAN of Social-educative Attendance, becoming individual the infraction act and its confrontation. We hope in this work, to contribute for the care of the reality of the adolescent in conflict with the law in the Attended Liberty Program, without pretension to exhaust it, as well as later studies about the theme


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This paper proposes discusses the theme of the youth and of the violation of rights in the context of the Young Agent Program developed in the local authority of Arez/RN, sugar cane region of the Brazilian northeast. We take like empirical reference, the young people in the age group from 15 to 17 years old that were participating of the activities of the Program, in the period of April to July of 2008. Objectives of this study were constituted, economical-partner apprehended the conditions and cultural of the young participants of the Young Agent Program, in the context of violations of rights; as well as the analysis of the limits and means, of the bases theoretician-politician, methodological and of the activities developed in the Program. In the persecution of the objectives we use like methodological instrumental the observation, activities in group with the focal group technique and the application of semi-structured interviews. As result, we notice that the violation of rights of the young persons inserted in the Young Agent Program of Arez sets itself up as reflex of the multiple determinations of the social question, inherent in the capitalist society, specified in the context of the poverty and of the social unequality that they acquire visibility in the hunger, in the unemployment / menial job, in the precarious dwelling, in the low schooling, for lack of leisure, in the violence between others. The approximations systematized in this healthy work relevant for the Unveiling of the reality of the Brazilian youth, specifically of Arez young people, in such a way that they come to subsidize future inquiries, are eaten by me also it promotes the discussion around the way like the Social Politics Programs they are implemented and driven in the capitalist society, in its neoliberal format, where the focusing and the selectivity is put on top to the detriment of the universal access of the democratic rights. So, the great challenge that is put for the XXI century is to cause to the voices from these which they do and this which build this country, in the continuous and tireless search of the rights realization in the struggle against the barbarism installed in the capitalist societycapitalista


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In contemporaneousness watches in Brazil the emergence of a "new" relationship between State and society based on partnership, which will allow the growing playacting organizations "non-profit" and "public interest" in the management of social public policies. In that sense, as part of a logic of global restructuring of the Capital, under the aegis of the neoliberal project, starting from the years of 1990, an administration model is had in favor of the market that looks for to minimize the actions of the State, reinforcing the outsourcing of the social public politics, and consequently, debilitating rights legally conquered. In that way, with this study it was pursued as general objective to apprehend the actions developed by Non-governmental Organizations NGOs in the child's area and of the adolescent in Natal / RN, verifying in that measured, these contribute to the warranty of rights or they reproduce practices of welfare work, and as specific objectives: to identify the group of the actions developed by NGOs in the child's area and of the adolescent in Natal / RN; to analyze the practice of NGOs of the point of view of the human resources, of the administration, of the financing, of the user's participation in the decision processes, as well as the quality of the services and the continuity of the actions of these organizations; and to apprehend the relationship between the researched organizations and users in the process of implantation of the actions, in order to identify the perspective that guide the practice of NGOs is going in the direction of contributing in the warranty of rights or in the reinforcement to the welfare work. In summary the results showed two trends in the actions of the NGOs, in the direction of the provision of services, which still unfurls in two perspectives of handouts. The other trend will give priority to the defense of rights of children and adolescents, with actions of political impact strengthen the promotion of public policies state, thus contributing to guarantee rights


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The work of the professional of social worker in social security policy, it is seen wrapped in an adverse situation to consolidate the ethical-political project work, marked by the materialization of the neoliberal policy essentially promotes the reduction of social rights historically achieved by the class struggle worker. In this sense, with the aim of analyzing the statement of work of the Social Worker in Social Security, their struggles and challenges to the realization of rights, against the current situation is that it renders the theoretical basis of the discussions to be fought. Thus, we performed procedures such as methodological research literature and documents in detail of our analytical categories in order to base the discussion on social security policy. The survey area covered was the Executive Management of Social Security Mossoró and Natal, representing a total of 07 (seven) surveyed social workers who work in the Department of Social Work. Thus, the research allowed us a comparison with the work of Social Workers and this allowed us to reach some conclusions: first, the fact that Social Security does not guarantee in its entirety, the conditions necessary for the work of Social Worker, taking into account the lack of human and material resources for its realization, and the virtual absence of professional secrecy, and second, that the social workers surveyed say the ethical-political project of Social Work, in exercise professional from engaging in projects and social movements related to the protection of social rights and working class, thirdly, that the statement of professional design, contributes to the formation of a new professional activities, based on an analysis of whole and an action more interventionist, critical and purposeful, able to relate to the interests of users who seek their services, the consolidation and socialization of social rights. Thus, the direction of the work of professional of social worker to support the theoretical and methodological maturity in recent years acquired the expertise and ethical-political daily, consolidated its space in claiming social security institution, the rights so hard fought in an environment grounded in the disintegration social struggles