898 resultados para Athletic trainers
Communication between trainer and trainee plays a central role in teaching and learning in the clinical environment. There are various strategies to frame the dialogue between trainee and trainer. These strategies allow trainers to be more effective in their supervision, which is important in our busy clinical environment. Communication strategies are well adapted to both in- and out-patient settings, to both under- and postgraduate contexts. This article presents three strategies that we think are particularly useful. They are meant to give feedback, to ask questions and to present a case.
El següent treball correspon a un estudi de mercat que parteix de la hipòtesis de que a la Catalunya central hi ha les condicions per crear la demanda d’un nou producte esportiu, unes botes de futbol per entrenadors que garanteixin la comoditat en condicions climatològiques adverses mantenint les seves prestacions tècniques. L’estudi s’ha proposat conèixer les condicions per introduir un nou producte al mercat dels entrenadors de futbol. Es pretén definir les necessitats a cobrir i la predisposició del mercat a adquirir el nou producte. Per fer-ho s’han analitzat mitjançant enquestes i entrevistes a entrenadors de les comarques del Bages, Berguedà, Osona i Solsona. Finalment el document indica que en aquesta zona hi ha una bona predisposició a l’entrada del nou producte ja que cobriria unes necessitats que cap altre producte té en compte actualment.
Les persones estem en constant desenvolupament i socialització, i cada context en el qual ens veiem involucrats té sobre nosaltres el poder de modificar les nostres conductes. El criteri de partida és que el context esportiu també exerceix aquest domini sobre els individus que hi participen, motiu pel qual en aquest treball es pretén estudiar la influència de certs factors en el desenvolupament de la pràctica esportiva. De manera més detallada, l’objectiu que es busca és estudiar la influència conductual de l’entrenador en el procés d’aprenentatge de l’esportista. A partir d’aquest estudi s’obtindrà un perfil de com ha de ser un bon entrenador i les condicions que s’han de donar en l’esportista perquè els aprenentatges esdevinguin significatius, la qual cosa portarà a la funcionalitat i la millora del rendiment esportiu.
The presence of e-portfolios in educational centres, companies and administrations has emergedstrongly during the last years by creating very different practices coming from different objectives and purposes. This situation has led researchers and practitioners to design and implement e-portfolios with little reference to previous knowledge of them; consequently, developments are disparate with many of the processes and dimensions used both in development and use being unnecessary complex. In order to minimize the inconveniences, unify these developmental processes and improve the resultsof implementation and use of e-portfolios, it seemed necessary to create a network of researchers, teachers and trainers coming from different universities and institutions of different kinds who are interested in the investigation and the practice of e-portfolios in Spain. Therefore, The Network on e-portfoliowas created in 2006, funded by the Spanish Ministry of Education and led by the UniversitatOberta de Catalunya. Besides the goals associatedwith the creation of this network and which wewanted to share with other European researchers and experts of other continents, we will also present in this paper some data concerned with the first study carried out on the use of e-portfolios in our country that shows where we are and which trends are the most important for the near future.
Finnish health centres have suffered from a shortage of physicians in recent years. This is why more physicians are being educated, the tutelage of the young physicians has been improved and many tasks which were previously reserved for physicians have been transferred to nurses and other personnel of the health centres. Only a little research has been done about the effects of the shortage of physicians and education to the work atmosphere in the health centres The objectives of the study was to describe the situation of the physicians in the counties Satakunta and South-Western Finland at the time when the University of Turku started to decentralise its education to Satakunta and describe the health centres attitudes towards training and research co-operation with the University of Turku; to gain information about the training programmes for physicians in specific training in general medical practice (STPG); study how the shortage of physicians affects the job atmosphere, the job satisfaction and the operation of the health centres; study health centre employees opinions about their professional skills, their needs and interets in continuing education; study medical and nurse students professional indentity and their readiness to multiprofessional teamwork. The material of the study was gathered during 2003-2006 with three mail questionnaires and a questionnaire given to medical and nurse students who practised in the training health centre in Pori. The first questionnaire was sent to the chief physicians of the health centres in counties Satakunta and South-Western Finland to clarify the number of unfilled positions of physicians and the reasons for physician shortage as well as the readiness for practical training of medical students and research at the health centres. The second questionnaire was posted to doctors in specific training in general medical practice and their trainers at the health centres and it gained information about training programmes of young physicians at health centres. The third questionnaire was sent to personnel at health centres in Satakunta and South-Western Finland and included questions about job satisfaction and education. The survey for medical and nurse students gained information about their professional indentity and their readiness to multiprofessional teamwork. In spring 2003 the shortage of physicians was more severe in Satakunta than in South-Western Finland. Attitudes towards training of medical students and research co-operation with the universities were generally positive. The guidance of STGP doctors in health centres improved during 2003-2005. A shortage of physicians had only a slightly negative impact on employee job satisfaction. The shortage of physicians had also positive impact on the operation of the health centres because it led to reorganization of the operations. The personnel at Finnish health centres were willing to take more challenging tasks and also to acquire appropriate further education or training. The medical and nurse students had strong professional identity and they understood the significance of teamwork for the health care service system.
Hamstring muscle injuries and tendon disorders are common, especially in sports. They can be severe and difficult to treat, often resulting in impaired athletic performance and long rehabilitation times. Previous studies considering treatment of these problems are scarce. The current study was designed to investigate the effect of surgery on different types of hamstring muscle injuries and on proximal hamstring tendinopathy. In addition, we wanted to study the typical histopathological findings relating to proximal hamstring tendinopathy. In the study of complete (all three muscles torn) proximal hamstring avulsions (41 patients), our results showed that early operative treatment gives significantly better results than late surgery, and is therefore recommended. Despite this, considerable improvement of symptoms could also be achieved in chronic cases. In the study of partial (one or two muscles torn) proximal hamstring tears (47 patients), we observed that these injuries can cause significant functional deficit and impaired performance in athletes. The main finding was that after surgical repair most of the patients were able to return to their pre-injury level of sports. In the study of distal hamstring tears (18 patients), the results showed that surgical treatment had a good effect in the majority of these cases. In proximal hamstring tendinopathy, the main problem is pain which limits sports. In this study (90 patients), we found that after unsuccessful conservative treatment, surgery was a good treatment option resulting in full return to sports in most cases. In tendinopathic hamstring tendons, the morphological changes of tendinosis were largely identical to those previously described in other common (e.g. Achilles and patellar) tendinopathies. In chronic proximal hamstring avulsions, and also in reoperations, a large defect between distally retracted tendons and the ischial tuberosity may occasionally prevent anatomic reinsertion. We have described a reconstruction method using fascia lata autograft augmentation to be used in these most challenging repairs. This technique was utilized in the treatment of five patients, with encouraging results.
De vegades és difícil distingir els conceptes d’individu amb talent i individu expert. Sens dubte, això és degut a que els individus que assoleixen l’èxit en l’esport, la música, el teatre, la literatura, etc. mostren ambdues condicions: una si es vol innata, el talent, i una altra adquirida, la de ser expert. També, de vegades, desitjaríem que els talents treballessin per a ser experts, aspecte que els elevaria a un grau superior d’excel·lència. En el present article es realitza una posada al dia d’ambdós conceptes amb l’objectiu d’establir una base adequada sobre la que sostenir amb més solidesa les decisions i actuacions del formador. També es presenten algunes nocions sobre el seguiment i control dels nois que gaudeixen en les canteres esportives sempre amb l’orientació bàsica de formar individus complerts amb un rendiment òptim.
Aquest document té com a objectiu descriure les principals tècniques i mètodes d'entrenamentmés utilitzats en la lluita de Taekwondo Olímpic del sistema World Taekwondo Federation(WTF). En aquest context, repassant la bibliografia i consultant amb els mestres i tècnicsbusquem a través d'aquest estudi, elaborar, fomentar , prescriure maneres que ajudin acontribuir a la qualitat de l’entrenament dels atletes de Taekwondo. Per tant, han estatidentificades i ordenades diferents tècniques que s’utilitzen sovint en el Taekwondo. Elsmètodes d’entrenament s'han identificat com un dels factors clau en el rendiment de l'esportista, per tant, s’han determinat diferents exercicis amb i sense material d’entrenament .
Postprint (published version)
La efectividad en el deporte hace referencia al impacto alcanzado por una acción llevada a cabo en condiciones habituales, estando presente en la ejecución de cualquier actividad física, referida a la capacidad para producir el efecto deseado, y está relacionada con la e$cacia, entendida como el efecto de una acción llevada a cabo en las mejores condiciones posibles, y que tiene como objetivo, lograr la meta, o conseguir el triunfo. El objetivo de este trabajo consistió en identificar la relación entre la zona y el tipo de golpe, desde la cual el tenista presenta mayor y menor efectividad en el juego. Para ello se observó a un tenista durante 12 entrenamientos con un rival de nivel equivalente, según la ATP, durante la temporada 2012-2013, registrando su situación en la cancha y el tipo de golpe de todas las devoluciones con éxito, entendido como obtención del punto o recuperación del saque. Se crearon tres criterios categóricos que constituyen un instrumento de observación para registrar el juego del tenista en la zona horizontal, y la zona vertical de la pista, además del tipo de golpe que realiza en términos de drive, revés, smash y dejada. Utilizando la técnica de regresión log-lineal, se obtuvieron resultados que indican que el jugador presenta una menor efectividad en los golpes realizados desde el lado izquierdo, y muestra una mayor efectividad en el drive y revés ejecutados desde media pista o fondo del lado derecho. La interpretación de los resultados aporta información sobre las localizaciones en la pista y los golpes, relacionados con su mayor y menor efectividad.
En el marco de las competencias profesionales del educador musical, la creatividad ocupa una posición que a menudo ha sido definida como sistémica. La labor del educador y/o formador en el aula de música requiere, de forma genérica, el despliegue de competencias que incorporen la creatividad. En este artículo se presentan los resultados de un trabajo realizado con dos muestras de alumnos, de tercer curso de magisterio y de un curso postgrado. Se ofrecen y se analizan los datos recogidos con la finalidad de desplegar un mapa que integre competencias creativas genéricas, específicas y disciplinares
This research was conducted in a research network in teaching science/chemistry, as an alternative for initial and continuing teacher formation. The network is composed by teachers in initial formation, teacher trainers and teachers of basic education of the various areas of science. Assuming the socio-historical perspective, the discourse coming from the social interaction between the collective of teachers, was the object of study. We present an analysis of the interactions of the speech and reflections about the appropriation of scientific/chemical as a social practice mediated by language supplement our results.
In this paper, we discussed the conceptions of curriculum of teachers' trainers from de course of Chemistry from de Chemistry Institute and from the Education School of the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro. We understand that the curriculum results from a social construction, so, we intent to comprehend how happen the constitution of the course's curriculum, based on documents and interviews with the subjects of the research. The study showed that there were competitions for status, resources and territories between the Chemistry Institute and the Education School when the course was created, as well as there were internal competitions in the creation of the disciplines depending on the department of origin of the teachers.
This paper shows the investigation results related to identifying the prospects of addressing environmental issues in the discipline of environmental studies, included in the bachelor degree course in chemistry at nine institutions of higher education in the south and southeast. From the analysis of the interviews we found that environmental issues are part of the initial licensing, but still require a deepening of possible interfaces and convergences between the dimensions of environmental chemistry and green chemistry, as well as a greater approach to and association with the field of environmental education in addressing environmental issues.