652 resultados para Teaching and Learning Process
A partir das referências bibliográficas consultadas sobre a temática em exposição, é produzido um pensamento que conduz o leitor à meditação acerca dos aspectos que influenciam no mecanismo cognitivo inerente ao processo de ensinoaprendizado, direcionando a aprendizagem para o da Matemática e a mídia Quadro de Escrever, ou seja, usufruindo diretamente da Psicologia da Educação Matemática. O estudo desenvolvido na área de Educação Matemática tem apresentado alguns aspectos que influenciam as atitudes do aluno com relação à Matemática em consonância com o Quadro de Escrever. Esse estudo visa a contribuição para alunos, professores e/ou educadores sobre a afetividade que o aluno apresenta com respeito à disciplina matemática; portanto, há informações e sugestões sobre tal relação. O mesmo trabalho traz algumas inquietações também sobre o uso da mídia, quadro de escrever, como por exemplo: por que o aluno se nega a dirigir-se ao quadro de escrever quando solicitado pelo professor? Quais as dificuldades maiores? O medo, a insegurança, a falta do aprendizado? Enfim, discutem-se os fatores preponderantes que influenciam diretamente a atitude do aluno no momento em que o professor faz uso deste acessório. Portanto, o objetivo deste estudo é apresentar ao corpo docente em Matemática a importância de se refletir acerca da complexa relação afetiva entre o aluno e a Matemática, e também para o professor desta disciplina o conhecimento sobre o instrumento mais utilizado pelos docentes em sala de aula (o quadro de escrever). O uso adequado desta mídia e o que este instrumento, quando usado de modo mal adequado, pode causar nos alunos. Acredita-se que, com posse de tais informações, muitos serão levados a uma auto-avaliação, a uma reflexão e a uma mudança de atitude em favor de uma educação melhor para uma sociedade melhor.
Nos últimos anos a questão cultural tem ganhado cada vez mais espaço nas pesquisas da área de ensino-aprendizagem de línguas. Uma vez que os materiais didáticos estão entre os principais suportes no processo de ensino-aprendizagem de línguas estrangeiras, as representações de cultura que estes materiais apresentam podem influenciar nas crenças e atitudes dos aprendentes em relação à língua alvo e, consequentemente, em sua motivação para aprendê-la. Compreende-se que cultura envolve uma gama de aspectos diferentes, entretanto, ao analisar o livro didático de inglês como língua estrangeira Touchstone, observamos que as amostras de cultura apresentadas nesse material referem-se basicamente a aspectos histórico-geográficos e informações turísticas. Observamos também que, em relação ao contato com a cultura da língua alvo, os aprendentes da disciplina Culturas Anglófonas podem ter atitudes variadas. Assim, esta pesquisa apresenta reflexões acerca da considerável limitação da representação cultural no livro analisado, tendo como foco principal a maneira como esta afeta a motivação do aprendente. Além disso, esta dissertação apresenta reflexões sobre como a cultura do outro pode ser abordada de maneira a enriquecer a percepção de sua própria cultura.
A introdução de temas socioambientais contemporâneos em sala de aula, em especial nas aulas de Ciências Naturais, no ensino médio, pode significar o surgimento de uma estratégia eficaz para a formação de cidadãos críticos e atuantes na sociedade. Esses temas, aliados aos conteúdos das referidas disciplinas, favorecem uma compreensão mais complexa do estado do nosso planeta, e possibilitam discussões relacionadas à sustentabilidade. Na perspectiva de contribuir para a qualificação do ensino de ciências, realizamos a presente pesquisa com o objetivo de investigar os conhecimentos dos professores de Ciências Naturais sobre as questões socioambientais contemporâneas, buscando destacar sua pertinência, suas inter-relações com o ensino de ciências naturais e, ainda, ressaltando as contribuições dos temas socioambientais contemporâneos para a efetivação do processo de ensino e de aprendizagem, notadamente no campo da educação para a sustentabilidade, entendida como portadora de múltiplas dimensões. A pesquisa se enquadrou na modalidade qualitativa. Adotamos como estratégia metodológica o estudo de caso único (YIN, 2005), tendo como unidade-caso a Escola de Aplicação da Universidade Federal do Pará e como sujeitos de pesquisa, professores do ensino médio. Adotamos a entrevista projetiva e a observação assistemática como instrumentos de coleta de dados. Para interpretação dos dados, utilizamos a análise textual discursiva (MORAES E GALIAZZI, 2007). Os resultados da pesquisa apontaram para discussões ainda elementares dos temas socioambientais em sala de aula. Entretanto, alguns professores já apresentam abordagens que dão indícios que as discussões relativas à sustentabilidade já estão sendo introduzidas em sala de aula. Para a construção dos referencias teóricos utilizamos vários autores, entre eles: Leff (2002), Veiga (2005), Sachs (2007), Delizoicov, Angotti e Pernambuco (2009), Figueiredo (2004), Gadotti (2008).
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
This paper presents an assessment of an educational game for teaching the efficient use of electricity. Developed with Adobe Flash (R), it is a virtual board game where participants choose a car that starts the path and reaches the same final goal, going through a number of track steps defined in terms of a dice that each player rolls in turn. The car moves if the participant is able to correctly answer a question that is randomly generated by the software. The objective of the game is to answer questions related to energy efficiency promoting a healthy and attractive learning process for participants on concepts related to energy efficiency such as: the rational use of energy, the basic concepts of forms of energy generation, among others. The main objective of this paper is to assess the impact of the application of this virtual game in the teaching and learning process of high school students. Therefore, the game was applied in the discipline of physics in a class of junior high public school in the state of Sao Paulo. Initially, the class that had 43 students was divided into 10 groups of 4 students, and 1 group of 3 students. Each student group competed with one another. The idea was that each of them should indicate a student who was the representative of this group until only 4 group leaders were selected for the finals. At this stage, each student could interact with a group of up to ten students that acted as advisers. The adopted assessment process is based on the model proposed by Savi [7]. Then, at the end of the game, the students answered a prepared questionnaire based on the model proposed by Savi. According to Savi, although there are significant studies that show the importance of educational games for the process of cognitive development and learning concepts of students, there are few papers that present forms of assessing the potential of these resources. Thus, the assessment criteria proposed by Savi are based on the model of training evaluation by Kirkpatrick [3], taken as a reference to measure the efficiency of processes of continuing education courses for professionals. The authors assert that the metric of the evaluation proposed to assess the game is based on the first level of the model proposed by Kirkpatrick.
This paper is part of an extension project titled “The implementation of the School Development Plan in public schools of São Paulo: contradictions and implications for the educational management practice”. The School Development Plan is a program supported by the Ministry of Education through the National Fund for Education Development. Since 2010, it has been directed to state and local public schools that have not reached the goals set by the Basic Education Development Index. This research has been conducted in four public schools of an inner city of São Paulo since April 2011, in which the School Development Plan is being implemented. The objective of this study is to analyze the teachers’ concepts of learning assessment and identify the instruments used for such assessment and when they are used. The research made use of a qualitative approach. The study is based on literature review and data collected through questionnaires completed by teachers. We consider the importance of teachers monitoring the whole teaching and learning process and not only the results. However, public policies stimulate final results; thus, the study points out that teachers perform a checking, not an assessment, since there is no decision making. It is crucial to join quantity and quality when performing an assessment that diagnoses and values students and their effective learning.
The pedagogical context can become a mediator between teaching and learning process. In a research conducted to obtain a Master’s degree, I could see how intentional organized environment refl ects in the knowledge appropriation and internalization historically produced. The objective of this study is to raise hypothesis about the favoring of the potentiating context of learning in the development of the individual with the Attention Defi cit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) as well as on the organization of pedagogic environment to mediate the actions of teaching and reading learning. It is the concern to meet children with behavior considered inappropriate for the classroom environment and failure before situations that involve them. The hypothesis is that when the teaching and learning environment provides motivation to the student and awakens in him the desire to produce knowledge and take ownership of it, it is possible that it may have a potentiating development of learning. As theoretical support, I used texts from Luria (1987, 1994), Vygotsky (1994), Vigotskii, Luria and Leontiev (1998), Beaton (2005),Graeff and Vaz (2008), Pastura, Mattos and Araujo (2005). The bibliographic research was the methodology used for the study.
Tecnologia assistiva para a criança com paralisia cerebral na escola: identificação das necessidades
Studies about Assistive Technology have emphasized the need to integrate resources, services and strategies for inclusion and special education to foster the learning process and skill development of students with disabilities. The literature describes that the first step towards implementing assistive technology in schools should enable professionals to understand the situation involving the student in order to expand his or her participation in the teaching and learning process. This study aimed to identify the need for assistive technology services, resources and strategies for students with cerebral palsy in school. Two children with cerebral palsy and their teachers were selected. The data collection phase included three successive procedures: interviews with teachers, completing the identification protocol of the school routine and participant observation conducted in the classroom using filming and field diary. Based on the material gained from these three procedures, data triangulation was proposed, i.e., grouping information in a single document in order to establish categories of analysis. After preparing the material, the categories were assessed by judges from the field of knowledge. The results showed that after understanding the situation of the disabled student within the school context, it was possible to establish his or her skills and needs to indicate the appropriate assistive technology resources for the teacher's planning and thus provide proper teaching and learning for the children with disabilities. The study identified the need to establish specific procedures, an organized pedagogical plan and participation of health professionals as consultants on using assistive technology in school.
This work aimed to investigate the possible contributions of the use of digital resources in the teaching and learning process of Commercial and Financial Mathematics concepts to high school students. Its development has included a survey of some researches on the topic as well as an experimental study of a qualitative type, in which the Webquest was used as methodology. It uses the computer, more precisely the internet resources, to assist students in building up knowledge. Eight meetings were held, in the after-school period, with a group of students of the second year of high school at a state public school in the city of Guaratinguetá. Aiming to evaluate the knowledge that students had about the theme, it was applied a diagnosis at first glance for further analysis and development of activities and interventions according to the students’ answers. Once the research data was analyzed, it was noted that the students had little knowledge regarding the basic contents of Commercial and Financial Mathematics, in addition to presenting difficulties in handling some of the digital resources used in the meetings. Nonetheless, from the students’ works, it was seen significant advances in understanding and building up knowledge on concepts such as percentage, simple and compound interest, savings, and sales involving prompt payment or in arrears
The fights are one of the most elementary manifestations of body culture, which are also constituted by sports, dances, games, and others. They are present in a lot of different ways, being very diverse among themselves. However, there is no consensus or agreements in the literature about the pedagogical practice of these modalities in fitness centers, sport clubs and sports centers. How do the teachers teach in these environments? What strategies do they use? How do they organize the contents? In what subjects they are based to execute the teaching and learning process? In this way, the objective of this study was to analyze some classes from different styles of fights/ martial arts teachers, trying to find what are their focus, goals, methodologies, classes’ dynamics and didactical and pedagogical procedures, aiming to check what is the focus of fights/ martial arts´ pedagogical practice in non-formal education. For this, it was selected one experienced teacher from the following modalities of fights from oriental origin: karate, judo, jiu jitsu and kung fu. The methodology used in this study consisted first in a literature review about the fights and sports pedagogy. Furthermore, there was one field research of qualitative nature, whose methods of data collection were divided in two: systematic observations of some classes of each teacher and semi-structured interviews with each teacher after the observation process, looking deeper into the pedagogical practice of these modalities. The results were analyzed through a content analyze, crossing the informations acquired with the instruments used. In addition to the description of these teachers and their classes, there was a classification of information, arriving the following categories: ritual and ceremony, tradition and discipline, didactical and pedagogical procedures ...(Complete abstract click electronic access below)
This study aimed to analyze the relationships – some already established and others that are still necessary – between the obligatory curriculum component Physical Education and the textbooks, understood as materials that assist both teachers and students during the teaching and learning process. In this way, we focused the discussion on some topics that have enabled a greater understanding of textbooks for Education in general and for School Physical Education more specifically, taking into account their specific characteristics. There were also some understandings about School Physical Education in Brazilian contemporary society as well as some official regiments about this curriculum component. Finally, it was elaborated some propositions that seek to generate interlacements to a deeper comprehension about textbooks in Physical Education classes. We concluded that although there are (few) textbooks in the area and some curriculum proposals from different Brazilian States that quest new ways of conceiving the teaching and learning process of School Physical Education, it is important to have more understandings about the roles of these materials in the pedagogical practice, as well as studies that can enable ways to treat this curricular component that could contribute to the critical and reflective educational practice during the years of schooling in Basic Education
This article aims to show the results of an institutional research in Applied Linguistics, which tries to comprehend how the initial teaching practice occurs in diversely figured contexts of foreign language teaching-learning (on-site and virtual), as well as how such contexts may mutually favor and encourage reflective and critical training of the language teacher in/for a contemporary world. It´s possible to notice a reflective attitude of four Brazilian foreign language (Spanish, English and Italian) teachers in initial training, especially regarding some aspects related to the teaching-learning languages process, such as roles of the participants; relevance of meaningful interaction; engaged cultures; teaching of a foreign language and mother tongue teaching as foreign one; teaching and learning typologically similar languages; constitution of the place to learn-teachIt´s possible to notice a reflective attitude of four Brazilian foreign language (English, Italian and Spanish) teachers in pre-service education, especially about some aspects of language teaching and learning process, such as the role of the participants; the relevance of significant interactions; the involved cultures; the teaching of a foreign language and the teaching of the mother tongue as a foreign language; the teaching of similar languages as Portuguese and Spanish; and the constitution of the place of teaching and learning languages. The results indicate that the experience of experiencing the dynamics of a conventional didactic context of language teaching (classroom), alongside to the experience of teaching and learning in a context of virtual educational settings (teletandem), it was especially important for the critical training of the future language teachers and to the awareness about the practice of teaching languages in times of technological innovation.
Pós-graduação em Educação Escolar - FCLAR
In order to ensure the teaching and learning process of written and spoken language, the state government of São Paulo established as the official curriculum Read and Write Program (2007) and EMAI (2012). In municipal elementary schools in Bauru SP, since 2013, went into action the Common curriculum, targeting a unified curriculum. The curriculum has a wide range of definitions, which vary according to the conception of the authors, as well as its practice can occur of different ways resulting from the worldview and teacher's work. So, this study aimed to analyze the relationship between the curriculum of state and municipal schools in Bauru regarding its articulation with the use of technology in the early years of elementary school, opposing proposal curriculum and teaching practice. For this, was necessary check the view of teachers on this process, because they are responsible for putting the curriculum in action and link it with the use of technology. Several authors report that the use of technology in education to provide qualitative advances in school learning, thereby we asked whether there is a joint in the daily life of state and municipal schools, through the existing curriculum. To answer these and other questions in this work, we realized a qualitative empirical research base that used as an instrument of data collection: literature review, documentary, interview and questionnaire with nine teachers from public schools in the city Bauru, on which we identified that there curricular flexibility to articulate the use of technologies. However, there are also many challenges and opportunities related to public policies and training of teachers to cope with the demands of the digital age
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)