348 resultados para Paraíso


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The work of Caio Fernando Abreu has a very vast and impressive thematic horizon , which is usually the core of the papers on the work of this author . This paper proposes to understand this characteristic of a more intricate point of view : perceive and analyze how the work of the author builds itself thematically , but mainly textually . I n other words , as the text enacts his own writing . From this it is noticeable how the text of Abreu plays with some senses through textual constructions that do not impose directly sense to the reader . Thus, the research sees in the chosen corpus , the collection Os dragões não conhecem o paraíso ( 2014 ), the neutral as proposed by the French essayist Roland Barthes (2003 a ). This neutral is understood by Barthes as a possibility to suspend the paradigms that constitute the sense, what exactly justifies the noticeable game in the work of Abreu . This game , to Roland Barthes , is precisely the literature. If the paradigm involves transforming the language , and all language expressions, in a way to propagate ideologies , the literature does not escape this fate . In order to escape this fate , you must fight the language internally ; we must play wit h the language . The neutral is the possibility of the game. Thus , the study sought neutral in Caio Fernando Abreu short stories , presenting it and analyzing it through " figures" which, for Barthes , is a way of perceiving the neut ral through texts , but not in a prescriptive manner. It was proposed , in the analysis , then understand the " Subjectivities ", the " Default ", the " Body " and " Disease " , for example, as possibilities of the game . Finally , in many Abreu’s work instances , the neutral is achieved by textual operations that are not in themselves neutral , but which achieve a " neutral effect ", which explains the game , the literature, in the texts of Caio Fernando Abreu .


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En este artículo presentamos un balance de la Antropología de la Conservación en el Estado español. Durante las últimas décadas, la protección de los espacios naturales ha aumentado de una manera exponencial en todo el mundo. A la vez que se extendía esta patrimonialización de la naturaleza, los trabajos etnográficos sobre las áreas protegidas han ido ganando terreno dentro de la disciplina y, en particular, en el campo de la Antropología Ambiental. La mencionada bibliografía ha puesto de relieve los múltiples aspectos derivados de las nuevas políticas territoriales de regulación, apropiación y mercantilización de la ‘naturaleza’. En este trabajo realizamos una revisión exhaustiva de la producción generada a raíz de este interés por las áreas protegidas en nuestro país subrayando sus principales aportaciones, características y debilidades. De este modo pretendemos reflexionar acerca de su continuidad, con el fin de evitar la mera reiteración y favorecer el avance en sus resultados.


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La llegada de forasteros a nuestro país no era una empresa fácil de acometer en una España en crisis después de 1898, dividida políticamente entre conservadores y liberales, y con serias carencias en sus infraestructuras y transportes. La actividad comercial española necesitaba nuevos frentes y el turismo podría convertirse en un importante factor y motor mercantil.La búsqueda y la construcción en torno a ese objetivo comenzó a partir de 1905, cuando la iniciativa pública y privada realizaron las primeras gestiones encaminadas a este fin, y se constituyen se constituyeron sociedades-sindicatos, según el modelo francés, para fomentar la afición por los viajes y la recepción de viajeros.


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In Insel Felsenburg, the most popular of the German Robinsonades, the link between this novelistic subgenre and utopia becomes obvious, because, unlike what had been the case in Robinson Crusoe, the island functions as a contrast with respect to the starting point: Europe, conceived as unmoral and far away from God. The Felsenburg Island becomes a symbol of a patriarchal-bourgeois ideal society, whose centre is the family. It is conceivable that this idealized sociability form is reelaborated in the last third of the 18th Century, when the utopian story is temporalized and the Robinsonades lose their force. Novels such as Anton Reiser and Wilhem Meisters Lehjahre testify for these transformations.


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In May of 1864, Maximilian of Austria reached the Mexican coast, being this journey his last, ending three years later with his execution. Much has been written about the reasons that prompted his acceptance of the crown of Mexico, a country so distant in every sense of his cultural environment. However, years ago Maximilian had traveled to Spain and Brazil (to Spain twice) and these experiences, although not determinant, greatly influenced the decision of the Archduke, who saw the chance to realize a dream he had conceived on his trip to Spain and that was consolidated during his stay in Brazil, as we can extract from his travel memoirs.


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Llamamos mitos de alteridad a las creencias y el imaginario tradicionales que un pueblo proyecta en su visión etnocéntrica sobre otros pueblos. Siguiendo la propuesta de Roger Bartra, examinamos una serie de crónicas novohispanas para demostrar que los mitos de alteridad de origen europeo referentes al salvaje influyeron en las descripciones que nos han legado sobre los pueblos indígenas mesoamericanos conocidos como chichimecas. Apuntamos finalmente algunas reflexiones sobre el uso y alcance de dichos mitos de alteridad en relación con la expansión europea por América, y sobre la necesidad metodológica de someter a crítica bajo este prisma la información que nos ofrecen las fuentes disponibles, producidas, después de todo, en pleno proceso de aculturación colonial.


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En este trabajo se abordan los problemas que presenta la traducción de textos poéticos, en concreto las dificultades que conlleva el trasvase del ritmo en poemas escritos en verso libre. Para ello, presentamos la traducción que hemos realizado del poema “Sonate à S.”, incluido en Avec un peu plus de ciel (2012), obra reciente del reconocido escritor contemporáneo francés André Velter. Tras una breve introducción sobre el verso libre, el ritmo y las posibles estrategias traductológicas, se analizan las características del poema original y se comentan las dificultades que plantea su trasvase. A continuación, el artículo se cierra con las principales conclusiones obtenidas. Asimismo, se incluye un anexo con el texto origen y el texto meta.


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Desde as últimas décadas do século XX que, perante um cenário marcado pela complexidade de uma economia globalizada, a Administração Pública tem sido coagida a passar por processos de reforma. As referências à reestruturação da Administração Pública por motivos políticos, económicos e financeiros, são frequentes na literatura, e surgem, quase sempre, num discurso imperativo. Neste contexto, foram introduzidos mecanismos de mercado por se acreditar que estes produzem soluções mais eficazes para o cidadão-cliente, uma administração motivadora, para quantos nela trabalham, e eficiência económica. Na esfera pública, mais do que transformar inputs em outputs, importa, avaliar os outcomes, isto é, o impacto sobre o valor público. Inúmeros estudos concorreram para enquadrar e justificar a reforma do sector público. Continuam, porém, a faltar respostas de como compatibilizar a gestão orçamental com práticas ideológicas das organizações, nomeadamente ao nível da gestão de recursos humanos. Este estudo tem como objectivo central contribuir para um melhor conhecimento dos efeitos que a prática da avaliação do desempenho, em vigor na Administração Pública Portuguesa, tem no contrato psicológico dos colaboradores. Para o teste das hipóteses propusemos um modelo de investigação, tomando como referência a teoria de Guest. Com uma abordagem qualitativa, construímos um inquérito por questionário, que foi aplicado a alguns colaboradores de uma Instituição pública. Os dados recolhidos permitiram a elaboração de quadros de referência de resultados que, por meio da análise de conteúdo, nos possibilitou tirar ilações acerca do comprometimento organizacional e comportamentos de cidadania organizacional dos Colaboradores. Trata-se de uma pesquisa com características exploratórias que, acreditamos, possa ser a base para trabalhos futuros sobre os efeitos do SIADAP nos indivíduos e nas organizações. Os resultados mostram que o sentimento de que a organização não cumpriu os termos do contrato psicológico é moderado por um esforço emocional, que mantém o colaborador na organização, evidenciando, ainda, um comprometimento afectivo com a Instituição e comportamentos de virtude cívica. / Since the last decades of the 20th century, in a scenario marked by the complexity of a globalized economy, the Public Administration has been forced to undergo reform processes. References to the restructuring of the Public Administration for political, economical and financial reasons are frequent in literature, and arise, in most cases, in an imperative tone. In this context, market mechanisms were introduced, as it is believed that they produce more efficient solutions for the citizen-client, motivated administration for whom many work, and economic efficiency. In the public sphere, more than just transforming inputs into outputs, it is important to evaluate the outcomes, that is, the impact on the public value. Numerous studies have contributed to contextualize and justify the public sector reform. However, there are still no answers of how to develop compatibility between the budgetary management and the ideological practices of the organizations, namely on the level of human resource management. The main aim of this study is to contribute to a better knowledge of the effects that the practice of performance appraisal, in force in the Portuguese Public Administration, has on the employee's psychological contract. For this hypothesis test, we proposed a research model, with reference to Guest's theory. With a qualitative approach, we constructed a survey questionnaire that was applied to some employees of a Public Institution. The data gathered allowed the elaboration of results frameworks which, by means of the content analysis, enabled us to draw conclusions of the employees' organizational commitment and organizational citizenship behaviour. It is a research with exploratory characteristics, which we believe, may provide the basis for future work on the effects of the SIADAP on individuals and organizations. The results indicate that the feeling that the organization did not fulfil the psychological contract terms is moderated by an emotional effort, which leads the employee to remain in the organization, also showing an affective commitment to the institution and civic virtue behaviours.


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The growing importance of tourism in overall economic activity worldwide has favored the intensification of competition among cities that seek to create environments attractive to tourists and potential investors. It has been common practice to import characteristics of the business environment in the public management of cities. The city marketing is a key tool used by public leaders to promote a linkage between the tourism image and urban image and involves, in addition to promoting the image of the city, the planning of interventions in urban space, trying to formulate a positive image of the city able to facilitate the deployment of capital. This research seeks to understand the nature of city marketing as part of contemporary urban management and analyzes how is its application in decisions concerning the promotion of tourism in Natal/RN. The approach of this research is qualitative, exploratory and descriptive, in which respondents were the main leaders of two of the official tourism site, the Empresa Potiguar de Promoção Turística and the Secretaria Municipal de Turismo e Desenvolvimento Econômico. It was found that there is a strong articulation of public power with private enterprise in the design and conduct of the actions of urban marketing, that from the survey data show that the behavior of target markets provide guidelines for taking strategic decisions relating to tourism. Sun and sea are some key elements explored to form the image of Natal and to authorize the sale of the city as a tropical paradise. However, there is an increase in the diversification of tourism products, seeking to increase flow to the segments of ecotourism, adventure, business and culture. It s also growing the use of local culture as a tourism product, however, the cultural representation focuses on superficial values and does not bring to light the social and historical richness that the city has. Public authorities use the city marketing strategies as a means able to maximize the attractiveness of Natal urban space to investors, business groups and tourists. It can be observed that urban managers seek solutions that can continuously increase the tours, which often manifests in interventions that focus the tourist areas of the city, in oposition of those who do not contribute to a positive reading of the city, which ultimately generate the worsening of spacial and social inequalities


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Esta nación nuestra vive entre el dolor y el sufrimiento, en medio de un paraíso natural. Llevamos ya varios años, lustros, tratando de darnos una explicación que nos ayude a comprender por qué somos así, para tratar de cambiar nuestros comportamientos de tal forma que todos podamos vivir dignamente como seres humanos. Y esos esfuerzos han sido de diversa índole, desde diversas disciplinas, pero aunque en los últimos tiempos disponemos de una mayor lucidez para entendernos como sociedad aún distamos mucho de que ese conocimiento se traduzca en unas fórmulas más eficaces que nos permitan vivir en paz. Entre las diversas explicaciones que se han dado acerca de la época de dificultades que nos ha tocado vivir a los colombianos en los últimos decenios, les concedo una mayor pertinencia a aquellas que argumentan que la nuestra es una crisis generada en buena parte, por un proceso de modernización acelerado, que ha transformado de manera radical las organizaciones sociales, los sistemas económicos, las instituciones políticas y ante todo los referentes culturales que orientan los comportamientos de los ciudadanos.


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Ponencia presentada por Margarita Rojas G. en el XIV Seminario Internacional Dramaturgias Femeninas en la Segunda Mitad del Siglo XX, organizado por la Universidad Nacional a Distancia (UNED) de Madrid, España, 28, 29 y 30 de junio de 2004. La primera parte de esta ponencia resume la interpretación de Madre nuestra que estás en la tierra, de Ana Istarú, elaborada conjuntamente con Flora Ovares en la Universidad Nacional de Costa Rica. La segunda parte es un trabajo de M. Rojas G. sobre otras dos obras de la misma autora: Baby boom en el paraíso y Hombres en escabeche. Ana Istarú es el seudónimo de la dramaturga y poeta costarricense Ana Soto Marín, nacida en 1962, quien estrenó la primera pieza en marzo de 1988, Baby boom en abril de 1996 y Hombres en escabeche en agosto de 2000; las dos últimas se publicaron en un volumen en 2001.


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La presente investigación, se ocupa de un tema relacionado con el control prenatal desde el enfoque de riesgo, en el marco de los principios de la atención primaria de salud, se junta la participación de los actores madres ambarazadas como sujeto de atención, líderes de la comunidad, el equipo de salud del centro del paraíso e instituciones de servicio del sector que corresponde a la parroquia urbana Cañaribamba de la ciudad de Cuenca área de influencia de la unidad de salud. Se inicia haciendo una descripción de la situación de salud de la madre embarazada, se pregunta el criterio de los usuarios potenciales del servicio, se realiza análisis documental del tipo de atención del centro, se redefine el problema, se busca las causas vitales, para ser intervenidas con estrategias que permiten optimar los factores conducentes y mermar la influencia de los factores de resistencia, se ejecutan las actividades las mismas que se miden, y se estandariza el proceso. Los resultados cualitativos son importantes en el cambio de las formas de atención, mencionando que en la cuatificación se mejoran los indicadores usados como de responsabilidad del equipo de salud.


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Bogotá (Colombia): Universidad de La Salle. Facultad de Ciencias Administrativas y Contables. Programa de Administración de Empresas


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La conferencia “Encrucijadas de la arquitectura” de Eduardo Subirats describe cuatro momentos de la arquitectura contemporánea y moderna: el Bauhaus, una experiencia personal y negativa en Barcelona, el postmodern norteamericano de los ochenta y noventa y la arquitectura de los “8 Arquitectos Brasileiros”. Son cuatro periodos históricos marcadamente diferentes, cuatro caminos divergentes de la arquitectura moderna y cuatro escenarios que el autor utiliza provocadoramente. La síntesis de la visión fundamental ente negativa de Subirats es, sin embargo, constructiva y optimista: Niemeyer: una arquitectura expresiva y expresionista vinculada a la sensualidad femenina, al paisaje y a las tradiciones de construcción indígena – desde los palafitos amazónicos hasta la arquitectura monumental de las destruidas ciudades sagradas precoloniales de América latina. Lucio Costa: la arquitectura y el urbanismo generado en torno a la supercuadra como medio de una integración urbana y social, no de la fragmentación social que hoy asumen masivamente el urbanismo neoliberal y sus administraciones públicas. Burle Marx: la integración de la naturaleza en la arquitectura y el urbanismo como valor terapéutico y esclarecedor frente a las formas de vida crecientemente alienadas y crecientemente insostenibles en las megalópolis modernas. Lina Bo: la arquitectura como medio de restauración de las memorias mitológicas y culturales, como espacio social de encuentro físico y de creación democrática de la cultura, un arquitectura concebida como el medio abierto a las expresiones artísticas individuales y populares – frente a los panópticos postmodernos del consumo y la masificación.


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The growing importance of tourism in overall economic activity worldwide has favored the intensification of competition among cities that seek to create environments attractive to tourists and potential investors. It has been common practice to import characteristics of the business environment in the public management of cities. The city marketing is a key tool used by public leaders to promote a linkage between the tourism image and urban image and involves, in addition to promoting the image of the city, the planning of interventions in urban space, trying to formulate a positive image of the city able to facilitate the deployment of capital. This research seeks to understand the nature of city marketing as part of contemporary urban management and analyzes how is its application in decisions concerning the promotion of tourism in Natal/RN. The approach of this research is qualitative, exploratory and descriptive, in which respondents were the main leaders of two of the official tourism site, the Empresa Potiguar de Promoção Turística and the Secretaria Municipal de Turismo e Desenvolvimento Econômico. It was found that there is a strong articulation of public power with private enterprise in the design and conduct of the actions of urban marketing, that from the survey data show that the behavior of target markets provide guidelines for taking strategic decisions relating to tourism. Sun and sea are some key elements explored to form the image of Natal and to authorize the sale of the city as a tropical paradise. However, there is an increase in the diversification of tourism products, seeking to increase flow to the segments of ecotourism, adventure, business and culture. It s also growing the use of local culture as a tourism product, however, the cultural representation focuses on superficial values and does not bring to light the social and historical richness that the city has. Public authorities use the city marketing strategies as a means able to maximize the attractiveness of Natal urban space to investors, business groups and tourists. It can be observed that urban managers seek solutions that can continuously increase the tours, which often manifests in interventions that focus the tourist areas of the city, in oposition of those who do not contribute to a positive reading of the city, which ultimately generate the worsening of spacial and social inequalities