911 resultados para Ley 850 de 2003
En este artículo se habla sobre la regulación del despido que se configura como la herramienta que ofrece los mejores resultados para la compresión del derecho del trabajo y su evolución. En efecto, la regulación del despido se ha modificado frecuentemente de manera puntual, aunque no siempre de forma radical: adaptándose siempre a las necesidades de la empresa o del mercado de trabajo. Reduciendo, por un lado, los costes empresariales de despido y, por otro, la litigiosidad; en definitiva, la reducción de los costes de transacción y litigación en caso de despido.
The 23rd Annual Symposium on Sea Turtle Biology and Conservation was held between 17 and 21 March 2003 at The Legend Hotel in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, hosted by the Community Conservation Network, Hawaii, and WWF-Malaysia. The meeting was attended by slightly more than 300 participants representing 73 countries, a dramatic drop in participation from previous years brought about in no small part by the looming war in the middle east region and concerns over travel safety. For 22 years the Symposium had bee an Americas-based event, even though it is the annual gathering of the "international" sea turtle society, and with the move to Malaysia, the Symposium hoped to raise the awareness among the general public of the plight of amrine turtles in Southeast Asia, and share the enormous exspertise of the world authorities on sea turtles with this so-far underrepresented region. Adopting the thems, "Living With Turtles", the Symposium had a very personal flavour, and the smaller number of participants made it possible to make and renew acquaintances, and have time for discussion between sessions. While the travel safety concern excuse was often quoted, it was a pity, particularly to the large contingent of people who attended the event for the first time from underrepresented regions, that many of the household names linked to marine turtle biology and conservation were not present to share their knowledge and promote the global concerns on the plight of turtle populations.
During the spring session of the ICES Advisory Committee for Fisheries Management (ACFM) 48 stocks assessed by 7 Working Groups have been analyzed and reviewed, among these all herring stocks in the ICES area, blue whiting and most demersal stocks in the Baltic, Arctic and North-Western area. As in previous years, ICES recommends a reduction in fishing mortality for a number of stocks or even the establishment of recovery and management plans, to safeguard a continuous development of the stocks towards safe biological limits. ICES recommended a 90% reduction of the cod fishery in the Baltic Sea, while most of the herring stocks are in good condition.
Seasampling of the important northeast Arctic fish stocks cod, saithe, haddock, redfish and Greenland halibut was continued in 2003. The sampling is part of the European data sampling directive on commercial fisheries established in recent years. This directive is relevant for European waters as well as for other areas where quotas have been assigned for European community member states. Furthermore, the results of these samplings are used as German basic data for stock assessments of the “Arctic Fisheries Working Group” of the International Council for the Exploration of the Seas (ICES). This report presents results of biological investigations which were carried out in ICES divisions IIa and IIb on board FMS “KIEL” in January/February and July/August 2003. The last section summarizes results and recommendations on the scientific assessment of the northeast Arctic fish stocks.
Lei n. 12.965, de 23 de abril de 2014, que estabelece princípios, garantias, direitos e deveres para o uso da internet no Brasil.
Ao alto do título: Diogo de Mendonça Corte-Real.
Nota de Conteúdo : Lei do Contrato dos Diamantes do Brasil, de 11 de agosto de 1753.
Ao alto do título : Sebastião Joseph de Carvalho e Mello.
Ao alto do título : Diogo de Mendonça Corte-Real.
Ao alto do título : Thomé Joaquim da Costa Corte-Real.
Ao alto do título : Thomé Joaquim da Costa Corte Real.
During the autumn session of the ICES Advisory Committee for Fisheries Management (ACFM) 58 stocks assessed in 7 Working Groups have been analyzed and reviewed, among these the demersal stocks in the North Sea and the Mackerel stock. As in previous years, ICES recommends a reduction in fishing mortality for a number of stocks or even the establishment of recovery and management plans, to safeguard a continuous development of the stocks towards safe biological limits. ICES reiterated last year’s recommendation to close the directed cod fishery and any fishery taking cod as by-catch in the North Sea, west of Scotland and in the Irish Sea. This year, the stocks of plaice in the North Sea, southern hake and southern anglers are (among others) in a critical state and in urgent need of protecting or rebuilding measures. This will again have an enormous impact on almost all mixed fisheries in the European Union.
Ao alto do título : Sebastião José de Carvalho e Mello.
Apresenta o panorama da regulamentação dos direitos humanos dos idosos no Brasil, com foco nos avanços realizados na legislação federal. Transcorridos doze anos desde sua edição, a Lei nº 10.741, de 1º de outubro de 20033 , o Estatuto do Idoso, se mantém como peça fundamental para a concretização da proteção constitucional dos direitos dos idosos na legislação ordinária. A norma tem sido objeto de atualizações e permanece como parâmetro para a promoção do envelhecimento digno da população, no Brasil