827 resultados para drinking contexts
In this article, we demonstrate that the collective actions of undocumented migrants possess similar symbolic dimensions, even if the contexts of their actions differ. We explain this finding by focusing on the power relations that undocumented migrants face. Given that they occupy a very specific position in society (i.e., they are neither included in nor completely excluded from citizenship), they experience similar forms of power relations vis-à-vis public authorities in different countries. We argue that this leads them to participate in collective actions as acts of emancipation. Our analysis illustrates this argument by comparing marches by undocumented migrants in three countries: France, Germany and Canada-Quebec. Through an in-depth analysis, we demonstrate that these marches redefine the legal order and politicize the presence of undocumented migrants in the public sphere. By highlighting the cognitive, emotional and relational dimensions of collective actions, we show that the symbolic dimension of these three marches relates to the empowerment, pride and solidarity of undocumented migrants.
The fuzzy set theory has a wider scope of applicability than classical set theory in solving various problems. Fuzzy set theory in the last three decades as a formal theory which got formalized by generalizing the original ideas and concepts in classical mathematical areas and as a very powerful modeling language, that can cope with a large fraction of uncertainties of real life situations. In Intuitionistic Fuzzy sets a new component degree of non membership in addition to the degree of membership in the case of fuzzy sets with the requirement that their sum be less than or equal to one. The main objective of this thesis is to study frames in Fuzzy and Intuitionistic Fuzzy contexts. The thesis proved some results such as ifµ is a fuzzy subset of a frame F, then µ is a fuzzy frame of F iff each non-empty level subset µt of µ is a subframe of F, the category Fuzzfrm of fuzzy frames has products and the category Fuzzfrm of fuzzy frames is complete. It define a fuzzy-quotient frame of F to be a fuzzy partition of F, that is, a subset of IF and having a frame structure with respect to new operations and study the notion of intuitionistic fuzzy frames and obtain some results and introduce the concept of Intuitionistic fuzzy Quotient frames. Finally it establish the categorical link between frames and intuitionistic fuzzy topologies.
The Kerala Water Authority requested the School of Environmental Studies to carry out investigations on the mechanism of sporadic mobilization of iron and odour in the raw water drawn to the drinking water treatment plant. The currently used treatment process failed to remove iron completely. This led to problems in the filter and complaints of taste and colour due to iron in the finished water. The sporadic nature of the problem itself made the trouble shooting difficult. The problem was looked in from three points of view. 1. Influence of environmental (climatic) conditions on the dynamics of the relevant basin of the reservoir. 2. Influence of the physical dynamics on the physico — chemical quality of water. 3. Identification of cost-effective treatment processes to suit the existing plant. Since the problem emerged only during the post- monsoon to pre-monsoon months, a related problem was investigated, namely, influence of anions on the oxidation of Fe(II) in natural waters by air. This is presented in Part II of the dissertation.
About ten years ago, triadic contexts were presented by Lehmann and Wille as an extension of Formal Concept Analysis. However, they have rarely been used up to now, which may be due to the rather complex structure of the resulting diagrams. In this paper, we go one step back and discuss how traditional line diagrams of standard (dyadic) concept lattices can be used for exploring and navigating triadic data. Our approach is inspired by the slice & dice paradigm of On-Line-Analytical Processing (OLAP). We recall the basic ideas of OLAP, and show how they may be transferred to triadic contexts. For modeling the navigation patterns a user might follow, we use the formalisms of finite state machines. In order to present the benefits of our model, we show how it can be used for navigating the IT Baseline Protection Manual of the German Federal Office for Information Security.
Mit Hilfe der Vorhersage von Kontexten können z. B. Dienste innerhalb einer ubiquitären Umgebung proaktiv an die Bedürfnisse der Nutzer angepasst werden. Aus diesem Grund hat die Kontextvorhersage einen signifikanten Stellenwert innerhalb des ’ubiquitous computing’. Nach unserem besten Wissen, verwenden gängige Ansätze in der Kontextvorhersage ausschließlich die Kontexthistorie des Nutzers als Datenbasis, dessen Kontexte vorhersagt werden sollen. Im Falle, dass ein Nutzer unerwartet seine gewohnte Verhaltensweise ändert, enthält die Kontexthistorie des Nutzers keine geeigneten Informationen, um eine zuverlässige Kontextvorhersage zu gewährleisten. Daraus folgt, dass Vorhersageansätze, die ausschließlich die Kontexthistorie des Nutzers verwenden, dessen Kontexte vorhergesagt werden sollen, fehlschlagen könnten. Um die Lücke der fehlenden Kontextinformationen in der Kontexthistorie des Nutzers zu schließen, führen wir den Ansatz zur kollaborativen Kontextvorhersage (CCP) ein. Dabei nutzt CCP bestehende direkte und indirekte Relationen, die zwischen den Kontexthistorien der verschiedenen Nutzer existieren können, aus. CCP basiert auf der Singulärwertzerlegung höherer Ordnung, die bereits erfolgreich in bestehenden Empfehlungssystemen eingesetzt wurde. Um Aussagen über die Vorhersagegenauigkeit des CCP Ansatzes treffen zu können, wird dieser in drei verschiedenen Experimenten evaluiert. Die erzielten Vorhersagegenauigkeiten werden mit denen von drei bekannten Kontextvorhersageansätzen, dem ’Alignment’ Ansatz, dem ’StatePredictor’ und dem ’ActiveLeZi’ Vorhersageansatz, verglichen. In allen drei Experimenten werden als Evaluationsbasis kollaborative Datensätze verwendet. Anschließend wird der CCP Ansatz auf einen realen kollaborativen Anwendungsfall, den proaktiven Schutz von Fußgängern, angewendet. Dabei werden durch die Verwendung der kollaborativen Kontextvorhersage Fußgänger frühzeitig erkannt, die potentiell Gefahr laufen, mit einem sich nähernden Auto zu kollidieren. Als kollaborative Datenbasis werden reale Bewegungskontexte der Fußgänger verwendet. Die Bewegungskontexte werden mittels Smartphones, welche die Fußgänger in ihrer Hosentasche tragen, gesammelt. Aus dem Grund, dass Kontextvorhersageansätze in erster Linie personenbezogene Kontexte wie z.B. Standortdaten oder Verhaltensmuster der Nutzer als Datenbasis zur Vorhersage verwenden, werden rechtliche Evaluationskriterien aus dem Recht des Nutzers auf informationelle Selbstbestimmung abgeleitet. Basierend auf den abgeleiteten Evaluationskriterien, werden der CCP Ansatz und weitere bekannte kontextvorhersagende Ansätze bezüglich ihrer Rechtsverträglichkeit untersucht. Die Evaluationsergebnisse zeigen die rechtliche Kompatibilität der untersuchten Vorhersageansätze bezüglich des Rechtes des Nutzers auf informationelle Selbstbestimmung auf. Zum Schluss wird in der Dissertation ein Ansatz für die verteilte und kollaborative Vorhersage von Kontexten vorgestellt. Mit Hilfe des Ansatzes wird eine Möglichkeit aufgezeigt, um den identifizierten rechtlichen Probleme, die bei der Vorhersage von Kontexten und besonders bei der kollaborativen Vorhersage von Kontexten, entgegenzuwirken.
Water is the very essential livelihood for mankind. The United Nations suggest that each person needs 20-50 litres of water a day to ensure basic needs of drinking, cooking and cleaning. It was also endorsed by the Indian National Water Policy 2002, with the provision that adequate safe drinking water facilities should be provided to the entire population both in urban and in rural areas. About 1.42 million rural habitations in India are affected by chemical contamination. The provision of clean drinking water has been given priority in the Constitution of India, in Article 47 conferring the duty of providing clean drinking water and improving public health standards to the State. Excessive dependence of ground water results in depletion of ground water, water contamination and water borne diseases. Thus, access to safe and reliable water supply is one of the serious concerns in rural water supply programme. Though government takes certain serious steps in addressing the drinking water issues in rural areas, still there is a huge gap between demand and supply. The Draft National Water Policy 2012 also states that Water quality and quantity are interlinked and need to be managed in an integrated manner and with Stakeholder participation. Water Resources Management aims at optimizing the available natural water flows, including surface water and groundwater, to satisfy competing needs. The World Bank also emphasizes on managing water resources, strengthening institutions, identifying and implementing measures of improving water governance and increasing the efficiency of water use. Therefore stakeholders’ participation is viewed important in managing water resources at different levels and range. This paper attempts to reflect up on portray the drinking water issues in rural India, and highlights the significance of Integrated Water Resource Management as the significant part of Millennium Development Goals, and Stakeholders’ participation in water resources management.
Resumen tomado de la publicaci??n
Resumen tomado de la publicaci??n. Resumen tambi??n en ingl??s
Resumen tomado de la publicación. El autor pertenece a la Universitat de les Illes Baleares
Overview and Lecture Slides
The objectives of this study are: (a) to analyze if the relationship between parenting dimensions and children adjustment regarding coping strategies are similar in Argentinian and Spanish samples within poverty contexts; (b) to compare parental dimensions in the two groups studied, and (c) to determine the efficiency of parenting through the study of their influence in children coping strategies. The Graffar-Méndez Castellano Scale (Méndez-Castellano & Méndez, 1994), that brings a socioeconomic description of the population; an Argentinian Scale of Children Perception of Parental Relationships for 8 to 12 years of age (Richaud, 2007a), and the Argentine Questionnaire of Coping for children (Richaud, 2006) were administered to a sample of 458 Spanish and Argentinian children from 8 to 12 years old. Correlations were carried out to analyze the relationships between parenting dimensions and children coping strategies in both groups, and MANOVA, to study if there were different parental dimensions in the two groups —Argentina and Spain—, and to analyze if there were differences in children coping strategies. The results indicate that correlational pattern is similar in both groups, but parental dimensions are different for each culture, being the Argentinian parents more neglectful than Spanish parents. At the same time, Argentinian children adopt coping strategies less efficient that the Spanish children ones, involving in that way a greater emotional conflict.
El estudio busca demostrar la utilidad que tiene la relación estratégica comunitaria en el sector de bebidas alcohólicas en Colombia y cómo la utilizan a través del marketing. Cómo estas funcionan en el sector y si las organizaciones las están aplicando; si lo hacen qué tipo de estrategias emplean para adentrarse y relacionarse con su entorno. Se identifica la efectividad de estas estrategias; si en realidad están promoviendo el desarrollo de la comunidad como el de la organización y paso a seguir se describen las características de esta en el sector objetivo. Se utilizan metodologías tanto cuantitativas como cualitativas para la investigación y análisis de caso analizando la información correspondiente para así poder reseñar y describir los modelos que se utilizan en el sector.
Resumen basado en el de la publicación. Resumen en español
Se hace un repaso detallado de las teorías y los debates en torno a cómo los niños piensan y aprenden. También se reconocen los difíciles problemas a los que se enfrentan los profesores cuando tratan de conjugar la teoría y la investigación con la práctica en el aula.