970 resultados para service innovation
Most considerations of knowledge management focus on corporations and, until recently, considered knowledge to be objective, stable, and asocial. In this paper we wish to move the focus away from corporations, and examine knowledge and national innovation systems. We argue that the knowledge systems in which innovation takes place are phenomenologically turbulent, a state not made explicit in the change, innovation and socio-economic studies of knowledge literature, and that this omission poses a serious limitation to the successful analysis of innovation and knowledge systems. To address this lack we suggest that three evolutionary processes must be considered: self-referencing, self-transformation and self-organisation. These processes, acting simultaneously, enable system cohesion, radical innovation and adaptation. More specifically, we argue that in knowledge-based economies the high levels of phenomenological turbulence drives these processes. Finally, we spell out important policy principles that derive from these processes.
The challenges in the business environment are forcing Australian firms to be innovative in all their efforts to serve customers. Reflecting this need there have been several innovation policy statements both at Federal and State government level aimed at encouraging innovation in Australian industry. In particular, the innovation policy statement launched by the Queensland government in the year 2000 primarily intends building a Sman State through innovation. During the last few decades the Australian government policy on innovation has emphasized support for industry R&D. However industry stakeholders demand a more firm-focused policy of innovation. Government efforts in this direction have been hindered by a lack of a consistent body of knowledge on innovation at the firm level. In particular the Australian literature focusing on firm level antecedents of innovation is limited and fragmented. This study examines the role of learning capabilities in innovation and competitive advantage. Based on a survey of manufacturing firms in Queensland the study finds that both technological and non·technological innovations lead to competitive advantage. The findings contribute to the theory competitive advantage and firm level antecedents of innovation. Implications for firm level innovation strategies and behaviour are discussed. In addition, the findings have important implications for Queensland government's current initiatives to build a Smart State through innovation.
Free independent travelers require flexible, reactive service delivery due to their regularly changing location and activities and the lack of a wired Internet connection. A ubiquitous travel service delivery system that is able to dynamically deliver services in response to relevant events, such as changing location, availability of new last-minute specials, work opportunities, and safety issues can provide added value while retaining the flexibility that is so important to independent travelers. This article describes such a system. An engineering design research approach has been adopted to design the system. Issues addressed include traveler and service states and events, contexts, situations, and situation-action rules. An architecture is proposed that is based on distributed, cooperating software agents and mobile data technologies. The role of these agents is to continuously monitor situations that are occurring in the physical and virtual service spaces and to take the required action for any situations that are relevant to the traveler.
This article presents a fairness theory-based conceptual framework for studying and managing consumers’ emotions during service recovery attempts. The conceptual framework highlights the central role played by counterfactual thinking and accountability. Findings from five focus groups are also presented to lend further support to the conceptual framework. Essentially, the article argues that a service failure event triggers an emotional response in the consumer, and from here the consumer commences an assessment of the situation, considering procedural justice, interactional justice, and distributive justice elements, while engaging in counterfactual thinking and apportioning accountability. More specifically, the customer assesses whether the service provider could and should have done something more to remedy the problem and how the customer would have felt had these actions been taken. The authors argue that during this process situational effort is taken into account when assessing accountability. When service providers do not appear to exhibit an appropriate level of effort, consumers attribute this to the service provider not caring. This in turn leads to the customer feeling more negative emotions, such as anger and frustration. Managerial implications of the study are discussed.
Male and female consumers place different emphasis on elements of the service recovery process. Perceptions were influenced by gender of the service provider and by a match of customer and service provider gender. The study, an experimental design with 712 respondents, found that when service providers, irrespective of gender, display concern and give customers voice and a sizable compensation, both men and women reported more positive attitudes compared with when this was not so. Combinations of high voice with high outcome and high voice with high concern were especially important in positively influencing perceptions of effort, regardless of gender. However, the authors also found that there were significant differences between male and female respondents regarding their perceptions of how service recovery should be handled. Women want their views heard during service recovery attempts and to be allowed to provide input. Men, in contrast, do not view voice as important.
The utility of 16s rDNA restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) analysis for the partial genomovar differentiation of Burkholderia cepacia complex bacterium is well documented. We compared the 16s rDNA RFLP signatures for a number of non-fermenting gram negative bacilli (NF GNB) LMG control strains and clinical isolates pertaining to the genera Burkholderia, Pseudomonas, Achromobacter (Alcaligenes), Ralstonia, Stenotrophomonas and Pandoraea. A collection of 24 control strain (LMG) and 25 clinical isolates were included in the study. Using conventional PCR, a 1.2 kbp 16s rDNA fragment was generated for each organism. Following restriction digestion and electrophoresis, each clinical isolate RFLP signature was compared to those of the control strain panel. Nineteen different RFLP signatures were detected from the 28 control strains included in the study. TwentyoneyTwenty- five of the clinical isolates could be classified by RFLP analysis into a single genus and species when compared to the patterns produced by the control strain panel. Four clinical B. pseudomallei isolates produced RFLP signatures which were indistinguishable from B. cepacia genomovars I, III and VIII. The identity of these four isolates were confirmed using B. pseudomallei specific PCR. 16s rDNA RFLP analysis can be a useful identification strategy when applied to NF GNB, particularly for those which exhibit colistin sulfate resistance. The use of this molecular based methodology has proved very useful in the setting of a CF referral laboratory particularly when utilised in conjunction with B. cepacia complex and genomovar specific PCR techniques. Species specific PCR or sequence analysis should be considered for selected isolates; especially where discrepancies between epidemiology, phenotypic and genotypic characteristics occur.
Aim To assess the effectiveness of a program of computer-generated tailored advice for callers to a telephone helpline, and to assess whether it enhanced a series of callback telephone counselling sessions in aiding smoking cessation. Design Randomized controlled trial comparing: (1) untailored self-help materials; (2) computer-generated tailored advice only, and (3) computer-generated tailored advice plus callback telephone counselling. Assessment surveys were conducted at baseline, 3, 6 and 12 months. Setting Victoria, Australia. Participants A total of 1578 smokers who called the Quitline service and agreed to participate. Measurements Smoking status at follow-up; duration of cessation, if quit; use of nicotine replacement therapy; and extent of participation in the callback service. Findings At the 3-month follow-up, significantly more (chi(2)(2) = 16.9; P < 0.001) participants in the computer-generated tailored advice plus telephone counselling condition were not smoking (21%) than in either the computer-generated advice only (12%) or the control condition (12%). Proportions reporting not smoking at the 12-month follow-up were 26%, 23% and 22%, respectively (NS) for point prevalence, and for 9 months sustained abstinence; 8.2, 6.0, and 5.0 (NS). In the telephone counselling group, those receiving callbacks were more likely than those who did not to have sustained abstinence at 12 months (10.2 compared with 4.0, P < 0.05). Logistic regression on 3-month data showed significant independent effects on cessation of telephone counselling and use of NRT, but not of computer-generated tailored advice. Conclusion Computer-generated tailored advice did not enhance telephone counselling, nor have any independent effect on cessation. This may be due to poor timing of the computer-generated tailored advice and poor integration of the two modes of advice.
O conhecimento e a gest??o do conhecimento t??m sido focos de uma intensa discuss??o sobre como as organiza????es privadas podem obter vantagens competitivas e atingir elevados patamares de flexibilidade, produtividade e inova????o, sem que, no entanto, esta disciplina seja devidamente debatida e/ou incorporada pelo setor p??blico brasileiro. A partir da perspectiva dos autores de maior prest??gio no assunto, este trabalho apresenta os principais conceitos e aspectos relacionados a este novo paradigma de gest??o organizacional, de modo a identificar quais seriam os principais desafios para a implanta????o de projetos de gest??o do conhecimento no ??mbito da administra????o p??blica. Adicionalmente, este trabalho prop??e a ado????o de um novo modelo de gest??o do conhecimento, mais consistente e adequado ??s organiza????es p??blicas. O modelo de gest??o apresentado prop??e-se a servir como susbs??dio para um debate te??rico e metodol??gico sobre como a gest??o do conhecimento poderia ser incorporada ?? tarefa de buscar melhores n??veis de gest??o para as organiza????es p??blicas brasileiras, de forma a torn??-las mais capacitadas a fazerem frente ??s interfer??ncias que j?? provocaram a fal??ncia das inst??ncias de planejamento e or??amento no setor p??blico, o abandono da padroniza????o e da melhoria dos procedimentos administrativos, a desestrutura????o da fun????o p??blica e das pol??ticas de recursos humanos, a persistente descontinuidade de projetos e de pol??ticas p??blicas, assim como permita resgatar a credibilidade nos mecanismos internos de repress??o e de puni????o ??queles agentes que adotam pr??ticas ou condutas que v??o de encontro aos princ??pios morais e ??s normas jur??dicas estabelecidas.
Pol??ticas de inova????o no governo e no setor p??blico s??o necess??rias por muitas raz??es. As institui????es de governan??a, incluindo-se a?? as organiza????es de servi??o p??blico, v??m enfrentando atualmente in??meros desafios e devem exercer suas atribui????es a partir desse contexto. S??o desafios que requerem abordagens novas e inovadoras para dar conta de sua complexidade. ?? preciso, portanto, que governos e servi??os p??blicos se envolvam em processos cont??nuos de inova????o: solu????es convencionais e conhecidas parecem simplesmente n??o mais atender e somente se conseguir?? fazer frente aos novos desafios com sucesso por meio de respostas criativas. Surge, ent??o, uma quest??o: quais as abordagens e as estrat??gias de lideran??a mais indicadas em um contexto de necess??ria inova????o? Este artigo trata dos desafios que surgem a partir desse contexto e dos aspectos de inova????o necess??rios para enfrent??-los. Apresenta ainda algumas abordagens de lideran??a e poss??veis estrat??gias para aumentar a capacidade de lideran??a p??blica e a habilidade dos l??deres, para que enfrentem os desafios de inovar e de implementar pol??ticas e processos inovadores.
O artigo analisa a problem??tica da moderniza????o do Estado vista como um processo de constitui????o de cidadania e de otimiza????o dos recursos p??blicos. Os autores focalizam, por um lado, o atendimento aos usu??rios, a qualidade dos servi??os e a transpar??ncia. Por outro lado, a incorpora????o de t??cnicas de gest??o avan??adas ?? considerada indispens??vel para o aumento da efic??cia e da efici??ncia no setor p??blico. Os principais problemas discutidos no artigo incluem: racionalidade do setor p??blico racionalidade das empresas privadas; incentivos e motiva????o dos servidores p??blicos; rigidez dos procedimentos administrativos; margem de decis??o dos gestores; sistemas de acesso a informa????o; import??ncia da gest??o de pessoal e da valoriza????o do trabalho no setor p??blico; papel dos gerentes na moderniza????o das institui????es p??blicas; cargos de carreira, cargos de confian??a; mecanismos de recrutamento e reten????o e sistemas de capacita????o dos servidores p??blicos. Os autores concluem que, devido ??s inova????es constantes em mat??ria de ger??ncia p??blica, n??o existe hoje um perfil gerencial definitivo como resposta ??s necessidades do Estado. Pelo contr??rio, o que se observa ?? uma crescente complexidade da gest??o p??blica que continuar?? oscilando entre a pol??tica e a tecnocracia, entre a maior flexibilidade e as exig??ncias de controle, entre a ado????o das t??cnicas de gest??o e a recupera????o da tradi????o administrativa e a cultura da fun????o p??blica.
No contexto de reforma da administra????o p??blica, o objectivo do trabalho pretende dar conta das caracter??sticas dos modelos de direc????o p??blica, em particular dos dirigentes (Senior Executive Service: Top Public Service e Top Management Service), e do seu perfil em face dos novos desafios da administra????o p??blica. O objectivo principal deste trabalho foi caracterizar o sistema de designa????o/ nomea????o para os cargos de dirigente de livre escolha pol??tica, sistema conhecido na literatura como spoil system, com especial refer??ncia ao 1o e 2o n??veis, grupo I, dessas fun????es, no contexto da elite das direc????es-gerais em Portugal.
Tissue engineering applications rely on scaffolds that during its service life, either for in-vivo or in vitro applications, are under mechanical solicitations. The variation of the mechanical condition of the scaffold is strongly relevant for cell culture and has been scarcely addressed. Fatigue life cycle of poly-ε-caprolactone, PCL, scaffolds with and without fibrin as filler of the pore structure were characterized both dry and immersed in liquid water. It is observed that the there is a strong increase from 100 to 500 in the number of loading cycles before collapse in the samples tested in immersed conditions due to the more uniform stress distributions within the samples, the fibrin loading playing a minor role in the mechanical performance of the scaffolds