910 resultados para Northwestern Mutual Life Insurance Company.


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Each part has special t.-p. and short bibliography.


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Description based on: years 1941, 1942, 1943 and1944.


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Report year ends June 30, 1919/20-1937/38.


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Mode of access: Internet.


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Genetic discrimination, defined as the differential treatment of individuals or their relatives on the basis of actual or presumed genetic differences, is an emerging issue of interest in academic, clinical, social and legal contexts. While its potential significance has been discussed widely, verified empirical data are scarce. Genetic discrimination is a complex phenomenon to describe and investigate, as evidenced by the recent Australian Law Reform Commission inquiry in Australia. The authors research project, which commenced in 2002, aims to document the multiple perspectives and experiences regarding genetic discrimination in Australia and inform future policy development and law reform. Data are being collected from consumers, employers, insurers and the legal system. Attempted verification of alleged accounts of genetic discrimination will be a novel feature of the research. This paper overviews the early stages of the research, including conceptual challenges and their methodological implications.


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This article explores the implications of how US family physicians make decisions about ordering diagnostic tests for their patients. Data is based on a study of 256 physicians interviewed after viewing a video vignette of a presenting patient. The qualitative analysis of 778 statements relating to trustworthiness of evidence for their decision making, the use of any kind of technology and diagnostic testing suggests a range of internal and external constraints on physician decision making. Test-ordering for family physicians in the United States is significantly influenced by both hidden cognitive processes related to the physician's calculation of patient resources and a health insurance system that requires certain types of evidence in order to permit further tests or particular interventions. The consequence of the need for physicians to meet multiple forms of proof that may not always relate to relevant treatment delays a diagnosis and treatment plan agreed not only by the physician and patient but also the insurance company. This results in a patient journey that is made up of stuttering steps to a confirmed diagnosis and treatment undermining patient-centred practice, compromising patient care, constraining physician autonomy and creating additional expense. © 2014 Elsevier Ltd.


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In this paper, I analyze the role of longevity risk in Hungary in the public pension system and the life annuity segment of the life insurance market, which are two primary financial sectors of relevance to this special type of actuarial risk, using state-of-the- art econometric methodology. To this end, I present an overview and the mathematical background of several important current mortality forecasting techniques from the Lee–Carter model up to unifying paradigm of the Age–Period–Cohort family of models. After presenting the findings of a case study on the public pension system based on the paper of Bajk ́o, Maknics, T ́oth and V ́ekas, I conclude that longevity risk jeopardizes the sustainability of the Hungarian public pension system in the long run. In another case study, I present an analysis of the role of longevity risk in the pre- mium of private pension annuities, a relevant topic due to recent changes in a law on Hungarian voluntary pension funds, following an earlier analysis of M ́ajer and Kov ́acs. Based on the criterion on out-of-sample forecasting accuracy, I find that the Cairns–Blake– Dowd mortality forecasting model aimed specifically at modeling old-age mortality outperforms the Lee–Carter model applied by M ́ajer and Kov ́acs . Based on numerical results, I finally conclude that the role of longevity risk in the Hungarian life annuity mar- ket has increased significantly in the past decade and is likely to further increase in the future.


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Modern software systems are often large and complicated. To better understand, develop, and manage large software systems, researchers have studied software architectures that provide the top level overall structural design of software systems for the last decade. One major research focus on software architectures is formal architecture description languages, but most existing research focuses primarily on the descriptive capability and puts less emphasis on software architecture design methods and formal analysis techniques, which are necessary to develop correct software architecture design. ^ Refinement is a general approach of adding details to a software design. A formal refinement method can further ensure certain design properties. This dissertation proposes refinement methods, including a set of formal refinement patterns and complementary verification techniques, for software architecture design using Software Architecture Model (SAM), which was developed at Florida International University. First, a general guideline for software architecture design in SAM is proposed. Second, specification construction through property-preserving refinement patterns is discussed. The refinement patterns are categorized into connector refinement, component refinement and high-level Petri nets refinement. These three levels of refinement patterns are applicable to overall system interaction, architectural components, and underlying formal language, respectively. Third, verification after modeling as a complementary technique to specification refinement is discussed. Two formal verification tools, the Stanford Temporal Prover (STeP) and the Simple Promela Interpreter (SPIN), are adopted into SAM to develop the initial models. Fourth, formalization and refinement of security issues are studied. A method for security enforcement in SAM is proposed. The Role-Based Access Control model is formalized using predicate transition nets and Z notation. The patterns of enforcing access control and auditing are proposed. Finally, modeling and refining a life insurance system is used to demonstrate how to apply the refinement patterns for software architecture design using SAM and how to integrate the access control model. ^ The results of this dissertation demonstrate that a refinement method is an effective way to develop a high assurance system. The method developed in this dissertation extends existing work on modeling software architectures using SAM and makes SAM a more usable and valuable formal tool for software architecture design. ^


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Part of the work of an insurance company is to keep claims reserves, which is known as the technical reserves, in order to mitigate the risk inherent in their activities and comply with the legal obligations. There are several methods for estimate the claims reserves, deterministics and stochastics methods. One of the most used method is the deterministic method Chain Ladder, of simple application. However, the deterministics methods produce only point estimates, for which the stochastics methods have become increasingly popular because they are capable of producing interval estimates, measuring the variability inherent in the technical reserves. In this study the deterministics methods (Grossing Up, Link Ratio and Chain Ladder) and stochastics (Thomas Mack and Bootstrap associated with Overdispersed Poisson model) will be applied to estimate the claims reserves derived from automobile material damage occurred until December 2012. The data used in this research is based on a real database provided by AXA Portugal. The comparison of results obtained by different methods is hereby presented.


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Este trabalho teve como objetivo, levantar dados sobre as relações estabelecidas pelos trabalhadores em seu campo de atuação e as possíveis consequências para sua qualidade de vida, numa Empresa de Terceirização de Serviços, na cidade do Recife- PE, Brasil. Inicialmente foi realizada uma investigação bibliográfica a partir dos principais teóricos que pesquisam sobre a Qualidade de Vida no Trabalho (QVT) e suas consequências para o melhor desempenho do trabalhador tendo em vista o seu bem-estar, as condições básicas de segurança, saúde e integridade pessoal e profissional dentro e fora da organização. Seguiu-se a pesquisa de campo realizada na referida empresa que permitiu a coleta de dados quanto à percepção dos colaboradores selecionados, por sorteio, em relação ao aspecto da qualidade de vida. Os resultados originários dos instrumentos de pesquisa aplicados, após análise, poderão ajudar na implantação de mudanças significativas através de ações que restrinjam efeitos conflituosos dos relacionamentos, garantam melhores condições de desenvolvimento pessoal e consequentemente maior produtividade organizacional. / This study aimed to collect data about the relationships established by workers in their field and the possible consequences to their quality of life, a Company's Outsourcing Services in the city of Recife, Pernambuco, Brazil. Initially a literature search was performed from the main theoretical research on the Quality of Work Life (QWL) and its consequences for the best performance of the employee with a view to their welfare, the basic conditions of health, safety and integrity personal and professional inside and outside the organization. This was followed by field research conducted in the company that allowed the collection of data regarding the perception of employees selected by lot in relation to the quality aspect of life. The results originating from research instruments used, after examination, may assist in the implementation of significant changes through actions restricting effects of conflicting relationships, ensure better conditions for personal development and consequently greater organizational productivity.


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Mestrado em Contabilidade e Gestão das Instituições Financeiras


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Mestrado em Contabilidade e Gestão das Instituições Financeiras


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Tämän opinnäytetyön tavoitteena on selvittää tekijöitä, jotka vaikuttavat myyntikohtaamisen onnistumiseen potentiaalisten yritysasiakkaiden keskuudessa. Käytännön ratkaisuihin pääsemiseksi opinnäytetyössä tarkastellaan case-yritystä, joka on suomalainen vakuutusyhtiö. Tutkimus keskittyy case-yrityksen palveluprosessin tarkasteluun, sekä käytännön myyntikohtaamisen analysoimiseen. Tutkimuksen avulla pyritään muodostamaan näkemys siitä, mitä myyntikohtaamisessa kannattaa kehittää, jotta uusasiakashankintaa voitaisiin yrityksen toimintona parantaa. Myyntikohtaamista ja laajempaa palveluprosessia tarkastellaan aluksi case-yrityksen toimintamallien kautta. Keskeisessä roolissa on asiakaslähtöisen toimintaperiaatteen selventäminen teoriassa ja sen vertaaminen case-yrityksen koko palveluprosessin toimintamalleihin. Tämän jälkeen siirrytään tarkastelemaan haastattelututkimuksen avulla kerättyä dataa case-yrityksen asiakkailta. Haastattelututkimuksen avulla selvitettiin myyntikohtaamisen toteutumista käytännössä. Opinnäytetyössä selvisi, että case-yrityksen toimintamallit on rakennettu asiakaslähtöisiä periaatteita noudattaen. Myös käytännön myyntikohtaamisessa asiakaslähtöisyys toteutuu laajalti, mutta muutamia kehityskohteita etenkin ensikontaktin ja asiakkaan yksilöllisen informoinnin osalta on löydettävissä. Lisäksi case-yrityksen suositellaan kiinnittävän huomiota myyjien itsevarmuuden lisäämiseen, joka parantaa työtyytyväisyyttä, myyjien toimintavapautta ja mahdollistaa asiakaslähtöisyyden kumpuamisen organisaatiosta asiakkaalle. Opinnäytetyö jättää tilaa jatkotutkimukselle. Etenkin case-yrityksen osalta olisi suositeltavaa järjestää työtyytyväisyyskysely B2B-myyntitiimin keskuudessa, jotta toimintaa voitaisiin kehittää sisäisesti. Opinnäytetyön kehitysehdotusten pohjalta case-yritys voi myös kohdistaa lisätutkimusta asiakkaiden kokemuksiin, ja selvittää laajemman kyselyn avulla seikkoja, joita asiakkaat toivovat yritykseltä.


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Mode of access: Internet.