492 resultados para Animation (Cinematography)


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Resumen tomado de la publicación


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La comunicació planteja la necessitat d’establir un sistema d’indicadors d’avaluació per a les polítiques socioculturals municipals a partir de la definició d’un marc conceptual d’aquestes polítiques i la revisió d’estudis i propostes d’indicadors d’avaluació en àmbits afins a la sociocultura


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Realistic rendering animation is known to be an expensive processing task when physically-based global illumination methods are used in order to improve illumination details. This paper presents an acceleration technique to compute animations in radiosity environments. The technique is based on an interpolated approach that exploits temporal coherence in radiosity. A fast global Monte Carlo pre-processing step is introduced to the whole computation of the animated sequence to select important frames. These are fully computed and used as a base for the interpolation of all the sequence. The approach is completely view-independent. Once the illumination is computed, it can be visualized by any animated camera. Results present significant high speed-ups showing that the technique could be an interesting alternative to deterministic methods for computing non-interactive radiosity animations for moderately complex scenarios


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Les biblioteques públiques per a infants a Catalunya: Anàlisi i propostes de millora de la praxis educativa és una recerca que pretén donar a conèixer la realitat actual catalana entorn les biblioteques públiques infantils, tot fent incidència en les potencialitats educatives que presenten les biblioteques infantils i juvenils. En el desenvolupament del treball s’han recollit i analitzat els avantatges i els inconvenients dels diferents models de biblioteca estudiats, i les possibles relacions que s’estableixen entre aquests models i alguns aspectes com l’autonomia dels infants, els tipus de projectes i activitats infantils que desenvolupen o les repercussions dels espais


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RESUMO: No âmbito do Mestrado em Estudos Cinematográficos da Universidade Lusófona de Humanidades e Tecnologias, propôs-se a concretização de um Projecto-Tese na área do videoclipe. O projecto consiste na produção, realização e edição de um videoclipe. Victimless Crime é o nome da música, criada durante o ano de 2009 e lançada em Maio de 2010, da banda pop lisboeta Soulbizness. O resultado é um videoclipe com a duração de três minutos e vinte e seis segundos, que entende a possibilidade de uma utilização real. Na componente teórica procede-se ao estudo do videoclipe enquanto formato audiovisual e suas especificidades. Segue-se a análise de Victimless Crime, através do Modelo de Análise proposto por Francisco J. G. Tarín, assente em três vectores essenciais: Análise Textual; Análise de Recursos Expressivos e Narrativos; e Interpretação. ABSTRACT: Within the scope of the MFA in Cinematography at the Universidade Lusófona de Humanidades e Tecnologias, a thesis project was proposed in the field of music video. The project consists of producing, directing and editing a music video for the song Victimless Crime, created in 2009 and released in May 2010 by the Lisbon-based pop band Soulbizness. The result is a three minute, twenty-three second music video, complete and ready to be released. The project also includes a theoretical component, consisting of a general review of the music video as an audiovisual format and its characteristics, followed by an analysis of Victimless Crime, as per the Analysis Model proposed by Francisco J. G. Tarín, which is based on three main topics: Textual Analysis; Narrative Analysis and Expressive Language Analysis; and Interpretation.


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Animação é a técnica capaz de criar a ilusão de vida a partir de imagens estáticas que aparentemente ganham movimento através da rápida projecção de imagens e que pode ser revista em diferentes projectos cinematográficos, artísticos ou de vídeos comerciais. Analisar a produção de movimento em animação é percorrer trilhos que podem ajudar a revelar esse estranho interesse pelas formas animadas. Referimo-nos à estranha força (animar) que cria a ilusão de vida (animação) e à atracção que o seu resultado (movimento) poderá significar. Assim, pretendemos neste trabalho reforçar a importância que o movimento tem para a animação (1), quais as consequências que o “não movimento” poderão ter para a arte da animação (2) e relacionar o movimento que a animação produz com a tendência pós-humana de atracção, ou de receio pelo movimento artificial (3). Através da consulta de importantes obras no estado da arte da animação e da animé, pretendemos confrontar os resultados da investigação a desenvolver nos 3 pontos de partida atrás descritos para no final obtermos argumentos sólidos para um futuro trabalho de classificação da animação.


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O presente estudo pretende compreender como é que o Animador Sociocultural adapta as expressões artísticas integradas nos projectos de intervenção, quais os modelos de mediação que utiliza e quais as mudanças que fomenta na sua intervenção socioeducativa. A metodologia desta investigação, de carácter qualitativo, recorre a um modelo de investigação exploratória, sendo um estudo de caso múltiplo, constituído por seis projectos de intervenção de alunos finalistas em Animação Sociocultural, desenvolvidos em seis concelhos, englobando 120 indivíduos, desde a população infantil à população sénior. Partindo de um quadro teórico que procura sustentar alguns dos conceitos apresentados no âmbito desta investigação, utilizámos vários instrumentos, desde entrevistas semi-estruturadas, diários de campo, posters científicos e relatórios de campo. Para a interpretação destes dados, recorreu-se a uma análise de conteúdo seguida de uma triangulação múltipla, contribuindo para que este novo modelo de intervenção se revelasse inovador, permitindo compreender as várias implicações teórico-práticas deste estudo. Da análise efectuada, concluímos que a utilização das expressões artísticas integradas, desenvolvidas em conjunto, é uma ferramenta indispensável nos processos de mediação em ASC. Também podemos afirmar, que nos projectos de intervenção, os sujeitos de investigação desenvolveram uma Investigação-acção Prática, através de um modelo de Mediação Transformativa, onde as expressões artísticas integradas foram desenvolvidas de uma forma agrupada. A mudança, a que este novo modelo de intervenção conduziu, no final desta investigação, foi uma melhoria ao nível da Inter-relação, da Relação afectiva, da Auto-estima e da Participação entre os vários indivíduos envolvidos.


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Tem sido difícil alcançar posições consensuais na definição da importância do papel da animação sociocultural e do seu contributo para o desenvolvimento de toda uma comunidade, através das suas práticas e metodologias específicas. A cooperação, entre bibliotecas escolares e municipais, tem sido pouco explorada, estudada e até valorizada. Os problemas de desenvolvimento de práticas de animação dentro destas bibliotecas é uma questão que merece toda a atenção em proveito do aumento da coadjuvação ativa entre estas instituições documentais, onde urge cada vez mais não só o trabalho de tratamento documental, mas também o trabalho para os utilizadores numa ótica de desenvolvimento de atividades e projetos de diversos tipos de animação, em contextos específicos onde estes espaços se inserem. Este trabalho de investigação sobre práticas de animação do livro e da biblioteca numa perspetiva de cooperação entre bibliotecas escolares e municipais incide no estudo de caso de três bibliotecas escolares e uma biblioteca municipal, no Município de Câmara de Lobos, ilha da Madeira, local onde a mestranda desempenhou, no passado, funções de animadora sociocultural como licenciada na área, tendo desenvolvido, através de metodologias e práticas de animação, competências sociais, culturais e educativas, nos espaços bibliotecários e seus respetivos utilizadores. Assim, com esta investigação, pretende-se apurar se existem práticas de cooperação desenvolvidas nas bibliotecas em estudo e qualificá-las; recolher informação pertinente relativa à investigação levada a cabo e obter opiniões sobre o papel dos profissionais de animação de bibliotecas; conhecer o impacto do trabalho desenvolvido pela investigadora no passado, nestes espaços de biblioteca. A metodologia de investigação consistiu na realização de entrevistas orais semiestruturadas e na análise dos planos de atividades e relatórios anuais das bibliotecas de objeto de estudo. As principais conclusões/resultados verificam-se no sentido amplo da cooperação entre bibliotecas municipais e escolares, baseadas basicamente, na existência das práticas de animação, deixando estas muito ainda por desenvolver e explorar nos espaços em estudo.


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This paper is a study of the effectiveness between video and toy reinforcer types to motivate infants/toddlers for hearing tests. No significant differences were found between age groups or gender. Toy reinforcers were found to produce on average two more threshold estimates compared to video reinforcers. Variety, color and animation of animals may have contributed to this difference.


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El autor revisa la manera en que se representa el discurso narrativo «a la manera del habla» en cuentos de Aguilera-Malta, Gallegos Lara, Gil Gilbert y De la Cuadra. Este «efecto de oralidad» se realiza mediante recursos diversos: con descripciones que apelan a mitos, o la presencia de refranes que transmiten la experiencia colectiva, con el uso de fórmulas del relato oral, como las equivalentes a aquella de «había una vez», a través de la prosopopeya (personificación, animación, metáfora sensibilizadora) y de la hipérbole, de la alternancia entre un narrador testigo y otro de carácter letrado, o la alternancia narrativo-conversacional en un mismo narrador. Por otro lado, también en ciertos motivos temáticos se encuentran rasgos de oralidad: en la recuperación del universo primigenio, en el que hombre y naturaleza eran uno solo, en el rol de los supuestos, sobreentendidos, habladurías o creencias (experiencia colectiva transmitida que, una vez que circula en la comunidad oral, adquiere el carácter de verdad). Todos estos recursos apuntan a redescubrir la riqueza expresiva del imaginario y los valores del mundo montuvio, en convivencia o disputa con aquellos de la cultura cristiana y de los entornos urbanos.


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The fundamental principles of the teaching methodology followed for dyslexic learners evolve around the need for a multisensory approach, which would advocate repetition of learning tasks in an enjoyable way. The introduction of multimedia technologies in the field of education has supported the merging of new tools (digital camera, scanner) and techniques (sounds, graphics, animation) in a meaningful whole. Dyslexic learners are now given the opportunity to express their ideas using these alternative media and participate actively in the educational process. This paper discussed the preliminary findings of a single case study of two English monolingual dyslexic children working together to create an open-ended multimedia project on a laptop computer. The project aimed to examine whether and if the multimedia environment could enhance the dyslexic learners’ skills in composition. Analysis of the data has indicated that the technological facilities gave the children the opportunity to enhance the style and content of their work for a variety of audiences and to develop responsibilities connected to authorship.


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Digital imaging technologies enable a mastery of the visual that in recent mainstream cinema frequently manifests as certain kinds of spatial reach, orientation and motion. In such a context Michael Bay’s Transformers franchise can be framed as a digital re-tooling of a familiar fantasy of vehicular propulsion, US car culture writ large in digitally crafted spectacles of diegetic speed, the vehicular chase film ‘2.0’. Movement is central to these films, calling up Scott Bukatman’s observation that in spectacular visual media ‘movement has become more than a tool of bodily knowledge; it has become an end in itself’ (2003: 125). Not all movements and not all instances of vehicular propulsion are the same however. How might we evaluate what is at stake in a film’s assertion of movement as an end in itself, and the form that assertion takes, its articulations of diegetic velocity, corporeality, and spatial penetration? Deploying an attentiveness towards the specificity of aesthetic detail and affective impact in Bay’s delineation of movement, this essay suggests that the franchise poses questions about the relationship of human movement to machine movement that exceed their narrative basis. Identifying a persistent rotational trope in the franchise that in its audio-visual articulation combines oddly anachronistic elements (evoking the mechanical rather than the digital), the article argues that the films prioritise certain fantasies of transformation and spatial penetration, and certain modes of corporeality, as one response to contemporary debates about digital technologisation, sustainable energy, and cinematic spectacle. In this way the franchise also represents a particular moment in a more widely discernible preoccupation in contemporary cinema with what we might call a ‘rotational aesthetics’ of action, a machine movement made possible by the digital, but which invokes earlier histories and fantasies of animation, propulsion, mechanization and mechanization to particular ends.


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The emergence and development of digital imaging technologies and their impact on mainstream filmmaking is perhaps the most familiar special effects narrative associated with the years 1981-1999. This is in part because some of the questions raised by the rise of the digital still concern us now, but also because key milestone films showcasing advancements in digital imaging technologies appear in this period, including Tron (1982) and its computer generated image elements, the digital morphing in The Abyss (1989) and Terminator 2: Judgment Day (1991), computer animation in Jurassic Park (1993) and Toy Story (1995), digital extras in Titanic (1997), and ‘bullet time’ in The Matrix (1999). As a result it is tempting to characterize 1981-1999 as a ‘transitional period’ in which digital imaging processes grow in prominence and technical sophistication, and what we might call ‘analogue’ special effects processes correspondingly become less common. But such a narrative risks eliding the other practices that also shape effects sequences in this period. Indeed, the 1980s and 1990s are striking for the diverse range of effects practices in evidence in both big budget films and lower budget productions, and for the extent to which analogue practices persist independently of or alongside digital effects work in a range of production and genre contexts. The chapter seeks to document and celebrate this diversity and plurality, this sustaining of earlier traditions of effects practice alongside newer processes, this experimentation with materials and technologies old and new in the service of aesthetic aspirations alongside budgetary and technical constraints. The common characterization of the period as a series of rapid transformations in production workflows, practices and technologies will be interrogated in relation to the persistence of certain key figures as Douglas Trumbull, John Dykstra, and James Cameron, but also through a consideration of the contexts for and influences on creative decision-making. Comparative analyses of the processes used to articulate bodies, space and scale in effects sequences drawn from different generic sites of special effects work, including science fiction, fantasy, and horror, will provide a further frame for the chapter’s mapping of the commonalities and specificities, continuities and variations in effects practices across the period. In the process, the chapter seeks to reclaim analogue processes’ contribution both to moments of explicit spectacle, and to diegetic verisimilitude, in the decades most often associated with the digital’s ‘arrival’.


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Automated virtual camera control has been widely used in animation and interactive virtual environments. We have developed a multiple sparse camera based free view video system prototype that allows users to control the position and orientation of a virtual camera, enabling the observation of a real scene in three dimensions (3D) from any desired viewpoint. Automatic camera control can be activated to follow selected objects by the user. Our method combines a simple geometric model of the scene composed of planes (virtual environment), augmented with visual information from the cameras and pre-computed tracking information of moving targets to generate novel perspective corrected 3D views of the virtual camera and moving objects. To achieve real-time rendering performance, view-dependent textured mapped billboards are used to render the moving objects at their correct locations and foreground masks are used to remove the moving objects from the projected video streams. The current prototype runs on a PC with a common graphics card and can generate virtual 2D views from three cameras of resolution 768 x 576 with several moving objects at about 11 fps. (C)2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Objective: To investigate whether advanced visualizations of spirography-based objective measures are useful in differentiating drug-related motor dysfunctions between Off and dyskinesia in Parkinson’s disease (PD). Background: During the course of a 3 year longitudinal clinical study, in total 65 patients (43 males and 22 females with mean age of 65) with advanced PD and 10 healthy elderly (HE) subjects (5 males and 5 females with mean age of 61) were assessed. Both patients and HE subjects performed repeated and time-stamped assessments of their objective health indicators using a test battery implemented on a telemetry touch screen handheld computer, in their home environment settings. Among other tasks, the subjects were asked to trace a pre-drawn Archimedes spiral using the dominant hand and repeat the test three times per test occasion. Methods: A web-based framework was developed to enable a visual exploration of relevant spirography-based kinematic features by clinicians so they can in turn evaluate the motor states of the patients i.e. Off and dyskinesia. The system uses different visualization techniques such as time series plots, animation, and interaction and organizes them into different views to aid clinicians in measuring spatial and time-dependent irregularities that could be associated with the motor states. Along with the animation view, the system displays two time series plots for representing drawing speed (blue line) and displacement from ideal trajectory (orange line). The views are coordinated and linked i.e. user interactions in one of the views will be reflected in other views. For instance, when the user points in one of the pixels in the spiral view, the circle size of the underlying pixel increases and a vertical line appears in the time series views to depict the corresponding position. In addition, in order to enable clinicians to observe erratic movements more clearly and thus improve the detection of irregularities, the system displays a color-map which gives an idea of the longevity of the spirography task. Figure 2 shows single randomly selected spirals drawn by a: A) patient who experienced dyskinesias, B) HE subject, and C) patient in Off state. Results: According to a domain expert (DN), the spirals drawn in the Off and dyskinesia motor states are characterized by different spatial and time features. For instance, the spiral shown in Fig. 2A was drawn by a patient who showed symptoms of dyskinesia; the drawing speed was relatively high (cf. blue-colored time series plot and the short timestamp scale in the x axis) and the spatial displacement was high (cf. orange-colored time series plot) associated with smooth deviations as a result of uncontrollable movements. The patient also exhibited low amount of hesitation which could be reflected both in the animation of the spiral as well as time series plots. In contrast, the patient who was in the Off state exhibited different kinematic features, as shown in Fig. 2C. In the case of spirals drawn by a HE subject, there was a great precision during the drawing process as well as unchanging levels of time-dependent features over the test trial, as seen in Fig. 2B. Conclusions: Visualizing spirography-based objective measures enables identification of trends and patterns of drug-related motor dysfunctions at the patient’s individual level. Dynamic access of visualized motor tests may be useful during the evaluation of drug-related complications such as under- and over-medications, providing decision support to clinicians during evaluation of treatment effects as well as improve the quality of life of patients and their caregivers. In future, we plan to evaluate the proposed approach by assessing within- and between-clinician variability in ratings in order to determine its actual usefulness and then use these ratings as target outcomes in supervised machine learning, similarly as it was previously done in the study performed by Memedi et al. (2013).