100 resultados para strategier


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Den ökade konkurrenssituationen mellan företag är ett resultat på att handeln har globaliserats. Konsumenter är idag mer medvetna om vad företag har att erbjuda, och det är lätt att välja alternativa företag om ett specifikt företag inte lever upp till konsumentens förväntningar. Detta ställer krav på att företag ständigt måste arbeta med och utveckla sina strategier för att skapa konkurrensfördelar. Idag arbetar många företag med lojalitetsprogram som är ett typexempel på en CRM-strategi. CRM-strategier och lojalitetsprogram syftar till att göra konsumenten mer lojal, för att möjliggöra att konsumenten skall välja att göra återupprepande och mer frekventa köp. Lojalitetsprogrammen måste dock uppdateras och förändras, för att ständigt kunna vara konkurrenskraftiga. Företag arbetar därmed för att skapa ett mervärde, det vill säga erbjuda en servicelösning som är utöver vad konsumenten förväntar sig att få från företag. Kundlojalitet kan utvecklas genom att företag skapar långsiktiga relationer med konsumenterna, och en relation mellan parterna kan utvecklas genom att företag lyssnar på konsumenterna, för att få reda på dess behov och önskemål. Forskning indikerar att individanpassade erbjudanden kan bidra till att konsumenterna än mer tenderar att bli lojala, detta eftersom individanpassade erbjudanden är erbjudanden som baseras på konsumentens unika köpbeteende, vilket möjliggör för träffsäkerhet och relevans. Syftet med denna studie är att mäta konsumenters efterfrågan på individanpassade erbjudanden, för att undersöka om konsumenterna faktiskt efterfrågar och kommer ta till sig dessa erbjudanden. Frågeställningarna är; på vilket sätt kan efterfrågan på individanpassade erbjudanden bidra till ett företags konkurrensfördelar samt på vilket sätt skiljer sig efterfrågan på individanpassade erbjudanden beroende på butikernas geografiska placering. Studien är baserad på en kvantitativ surveyundersökning riktad till konsumenter, med en kvalitativ semi-strukturerad intervju för att erhålla viktig information vid utformandet av frågeformuläret. Resultatet för studien visade att konsumenter värdesätter att få individanpassade erbjudanden, och att dessa erbjudanden kan bidra till ett företags konkurrensfördelar eftersom erbjudandena möjliggör att servicekvaliteten kan öka vilket innebär att dessa erbjudanden kan upplevas ha ett mervärde. I denna studie återfanns dock inte några skillnader på efterfrågan av individanpassade erbjudanden beroende på butikernas geografiska placering.


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The purpose of this study is to examine the strategic choice of mainstream parties in relation to the competition of voters posed by a niche party and their most important issue, in this case radicalist rightwing populists and the migration issue. The study uses a comparative approach to examine the mainstream parties Social Democrats and Moderates reaction to the niche parties New Democracy 1991-1994 and Sweden Democrats 2010-2015. Using Meguid´s PSO-theory and by performing an qualitative analyse of the parties rhetoric and political suggestions in the parliamentary debates as well as in government bills and reservations in committee reports, the study aims to describe mainstream parties position on the issue and if and how they change position and strategy. The results of the study shows that both mainstream parties over all applies an adversarial strategy, aiming to maintain distance to the niche party and its position but with time and due to changes in the political environment, changes in position and strategy takes place and the mainstream parties applies a slightly more accommodative strategy.


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The purpose of this study is to examine the strategic choice of mainstream parties in relation to the competition of voters posed by a niche party and their most important issue, in this case radicalist rightwing populists and the migration issue. The study uses a comparative approach to examine the mainstream parties Social Democrats and Moderates reaction to the niche parties New Democracy 1991-1994 and Sweden Democrats 2010-2015. Using Meguid´s PSO-theory and by performing an qualitative analyse of the parties rhetoric and political suggestions in the parliamentary debates as well as in government bills and reservations in committee reports, the study aims to describe mainstream parties position on the issue and if and how they change position and strategy. The results of the study shows that both mainstream parties over all applies an adversarial strategy, aiming to maintain distance to the niche party and its position but with time and due to changes in the political environment, changes in position and strategy takes place and the mainstream parties applies a slightly more accommodative strategy.


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Legal perspectives or Social Pedagogy? Schools strategies of handling harassments The present study explores how Swedish schools define and categorize situations when students have been exposed to different forms of abusive acts and violence at school. The empirical study is designed as case studie of two urban secondary schools situated in areas with different socioeconomic conditions. One of the schools is located in a suburb in one of the most economically disadvantaged areas in a greater city area. The other school is located in a small town municipality, where the students are relatively privileged in respect to their socio-economic backgrounds. The results indicate that different socio-economic conditions influence how professional’s describe and categorize violence and harassment and the types of strategies chosen. In the suburban school professionals talk and collaborate with the police, reporting cases of violence and harassment. In the small town school the professionals talk about the importance of collaborating with parents.


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This dissertation, based on material from Stenman s vast private archive, examines the role played by Swedish-speaking Finnish art dealer Gösta Stenman (1888-1947) and his art gallery, Stenmans Konstsalong, in the Finnish and Swedish art worlds from 1911 to 1947. This archive is examined here for the first time. The analytical framework used for this empirical study derives from Pierre Bourdieu s sociological theories. An art-sociological approach allows for the inclusion of more mechanisms at work in the art world than are typically embraced in such inquiries. This approach provides a fuller understanding of how Stenman attained his standing and central role in the art world in Finland as well as Sweden; enabling us to appreciate how he came to occupy such a prominent position in current art historical writing. All of these issues constitute new areas of research. Taking his cues from the contemporary art world of Paris, Stenman became the year 1914 a modern art dealer like no other in the Nordic countries. This dissertation represents the first academic investigation into his operations, strategies, and objectives, offering insight into not only the art dealer himself but also the functioning of the art market one of the most vital aspects of the art world. A by-product of this work, is that the modern art market in Finland is portrayed, including essential issues related to its growth and development as well as how it altered the conditions under which art could be produced, exhibited and promoted and what this entailed for the art world at large, artists and patrons alike. This first systematic analysis of the operations of Stenman s Konstsalong offers greater understanding of the art worlds of Sweden and Finland in the early twentieth century. The work also looks at how an agent of the art market could move between the fields of art in Sweden and Finland. The manner in which Stenman promoted individual artists, including his relationships with Tyko Sallinen, Helene Schjerfbeck, Juho Mäkelä, Jalmari Ruokokoski, Siri Derkert, Esther Kjerner, Eva Bagge, and many others, also falls within this purview. Stenman s contract with Sallinen from 1913 stands out as a new phenomenon in Finnish art promotion, whereby an artistic career became established via a far-sighted, strategic promotional program. The case study of Stenman s promotion of Schjerfbeck in Sweden provides evidence of the increasingly advanced nature of Stenman s strategies. The title of the dissertation, The Promoter of Modernism, attempts to convey that Stenman was the consummate modernist, modern in his thoughts, his actions, and his approach to art. Keywords: Gösta Stenman, Stenmans konstsalong, Stenmans dotter, art market, modernism, collecting, Novembergruppen, Helene Schjerfbeck, Tyko Sallinen, Juho Mäkelä, Jalmari Ruokokoski, Wäinö Aaltonen, Siri Derkert, Åke Göransson, Esther Kjerner, Eva Bagge.


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Gender in eastern Nyland – from dialect levelling to identity marking The study of dialect leveling in eastern Nyland focuses on variation and change in the Swedish dialects of Nyland (Fi. Uusimaa) on the south coast of Finland. During the last century the grammatical gender system of the dialects in the area has been reduced from a three-gender system to a two-gender system (cf. Corbett 1991). The present study is based on five linguistic variables in the gender system: the anaphoric pronouns (han, hon, den) when used for inanimates; the neuter pronouns he(t) and de(t) – when used anaphorically or as expletives; and three different types of morphological postposed definite articles. For all these variables, both dialect variants and standard variants are used in the dialects. Within the study of processes of variation and change, the work focuses on the mechanisms of leveling, simplification and reallocation; cf. Trudgill (1986) and Hinskens, Auer Kerswill (2005). With regard to the reductions of the gender system, the possibility that some of these variables might have turned into becoming dialect markers (Labov 1972) in the modern varieties of eastern Nyland is given special attention. The primary data consist of tape recordings with 25 informants done in the 1960s and 1970s. The informants were born in 1881–1913. In addition, recent changes were investigated in detail in tape recordings from 2005–2008 with 15 informants, who were born in the period 1927–1947 or 1976–1988. The study combines quantitative and qualitative methods in the systematic analysis of the data. Theoretically and methodologically the study relies on methods and results from variation studies and socio-dialectology, as well as on methods and results from traditional dialectology; cf. Ahlbäck (1946) and the dictionary of Swedish dialects, Ordbok över Finlands svenska folkmål, (1976–). The results show that there are different strategies among the informants in their use of the features studied. In the modern varieties of the dialects, most of the informants use only two genders, uter and neuter. Of the variables, the masculine pronoun for inanimates, the traditional neuter pronoun he(t) and some variants of the traditional definite articles have received a new function as dialect markers in my data. These changes first affect the gender distinctions, and the function of marking gender is lost; gradually the features then get new functions as dialect markers through processes of dialect leveling and reallocation. These processes are connected to changes taking place in the communities in eastern Nyland because of urbanization. When the dialect speakers experience that the traditional values of both the dialects and the culture are threatened, they begin to mark their dialectal identity by using dialect markers in their speech.


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Territoriality is a central issue in indigenous peoples struggles. The territorial struggles involve struggles over the control of natural resources and over political participation and representation, but also over the perception of territorial rights and the symbolic representation of the territory. These struggles are carried through both in material and symbolic ways through recurring to different discourses and representations that provide legitimation for the territorial claims of the group. The study is located in the Northern Autonomous Atlantic Region of Nicaragua. The study concerns the territorial strategies, conceptions and practices of the indigenous people and other actors. Territorial conflicts exist between the autonomous region and the central government of Nicaragua, between mestizo settlers and indigenous people, between different indigenous groups, and between these and development agents such as conservation projects. The study focuses on how territorial discourses and representations are used to legitimate territorial control. Environmental, historical and cartographical discourses are the most important discourses recurred to. The influence of discourses and representations on the territorial practices and policies of the different actors, the links between the local struggles and global processes, and the broader structural factors impacting on the territorial struggles are also analysed. Among the structural factors are the problems related to land tenure and management and the use of natural resources, the advance of the agricultural frontier, the institutional weaknesses of the central and regional governments and the legislative processes. The territorial discourses are both recurred to in a strategic way and also grounded in local ideals and practices. The discourses have produced real effects for example in legislation, land tenure systems, political representation and environmental practices. Although the use of discourses and representations are an important power tool in territorial struggles, territorial control cannot be effectively accomplished merely through representing territorial claims in a legitimate way or through reforming legislation, as the conflicts are also largely a result of structural factors affecting the region. The fieldwork was carried out during a total of twelve months between 2000 and 2002. The research methods used were semi-structured interviews, participant observation and participatory research methods. A broad range of literary sources were also used to collect data. The study is located within the field of critical political geography with a discursive political ecology approach. It can be called a critical realist approach to the discursive analysis of indigenous territoriality.


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Individual movement is very versatile and inevitable in ecology. In this thesis, I investigate two kinds of movement body condition dependent dispersal and small-range foraging movements resulting in quasi-local competition and their causes and consequences on the individual, population and metapopulation level. Body condition dependent dispersal is a widely evident but barely understood phenomenon. In nature, diverse relationships between body condition and dispersal are observed. I develop the first models that study the evolution of dispersal strategies that depend on individual body condition. In a patchy environment where patches differ in environmental conditions, individuals born in rich (e.g. nutritious) patches are on average stronger than their conspecifics that are born in poorer patches. Body condition (strength) determines competitive ability such that stronger individuals win competition with higher probability than weak individuals. Individuals compete for patches such that kin competition selects for dispersal. I determine the evolutionarily stable strategy (ESS) for different ecological scenarios. My models offer explanations for both dispersal of strong individuals and dispersal of weak individuals. Moreover, I find that within-family dispersal behaviour is not always reflected on the population level. This supports the fact that no consistent pattern is detected in data on body condition dependent dispersal. It also encourages the refining of empirical investigations. Quasi-local competition defines interactions between adjacent populations where one population negatively affects the growth of the other population. I model a metapopulation in a homogeneous environment where adults of different subpopulations compete for resources by spending part of their foraging time in the neighbouring patches, while their juveniles only feed on the resource in their natal patch. I show that spatial patterns (different population densities in the patches) are stable only if one age class depletes the resource very much but mainly the other age group depends on it.


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Phylogenetic studies of cyanobacterial lichens Lichens are symbiotic assemblages between fungi (mycobiont) and green algae (phycobiont) or/and cyanobacteria (cyanobiont). Fossil records show that lichen-like symbioses occurred already 600 million years ago. Lichen symbiosis has since then become an important life strategy for the Fungi, particularly for species in the phylum Ascomycota as approximately 98% of the lichenized fungal species are ascomycetes. The taxonomy of lichen associations is based on the mycobiont. We reconstructed, using DNA sequence data, hypotheses of phylogenetic relationships of lichen-forming fungi that include species associated with cyanobacteria. These hypotheses of phylogeny should form the basis for the taxonomy. They also allowed studies of the origin and the evolution of specific symbioses. Genetic diversity and phylogenetic relationships of symbiotic cyanobionts were also studied in order to examine selectivity of cyanobionts and mycobionts as well as possible co-evolution between partners involved in lichen associations. The suggested circumscription of the family Stereocaulaceae to include Stereocaulon and Lepraria is supported. The recently described crustose Stereocaulon species seem to be correctly placed in the genus, although Stereocaulon traditionally included only fruticose species. The monospecific crustose genus Muhria is also shown to be best placed in Stereocaulon. Family Lobariaceae as currently delimited is monophyletic. Within Lobariaceae genus Sticta including Dendriscocaulon dendroides form a monophyletic group while the genera Lobaria and Pseudocyphellaria are non-monophyletic. A new classification of Lobariaceae is obviously needed. Further studies are however required before a final proposal for a new classification can be made. Our results show that the cyanobacterial symbiotic state has been gained repeatedly in the Ascomycota while losses of symbiotic cyanobacteria appear to be rare. The symbiosis with green algae is confirmed to have been gained repeatedly in Ascomycota but also repeatedly lost. Cyanobacterial symbioses therefore seem to be more stable than green algal associations. Cyanobacteria are perhaps more beneficial for the lichen fungi and therefore maintained. The results indicate a dynamic association of the lichen symbiosis. This evolutionary instability will perhaps be important for the lichen fungi as the utilization of options will perhaps enable lichens to colonize new substrates and survive environmental changes. Some cyanobacterial lichen genera seem to be highly selective towards the cyanobiont while others form symbioses with a broad spectrum of cyanobacteria. No evidence of co-evolution between fungi and cyanobacteria in cyanolichens could be demonstrated.


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Social groups are common across animal species. The reasons for grouping are straightforward when all individuals gain directly from cooperating. However, the situation becomes more complex when helping entails costs to the personal reproduction of individuals. Kin selection theory has offered a fruitful framework to explain such cooperation by stating that individuals may spread their genes not only through their own reproduction, but also by helping related individuals reproduce. However, kin selection theory also implicitly predicts conflicts when groups consist of non-clonal individuals, i.e. relatedness is less than one. Then, individual interests are not perfectly aligned, and each individual is predicted to favour the propagation of their own genome over others. Social insects provide a solid study system to study the interplay between cooperation and conflict. Breeding systems in social insects range from solitary breeding to eusocial colonies displaying complete division of reproduction between the fertile queen and the sterile worker caste. Within colonies, additional variation is provided by the presence of several reproductive individuals. In many species, the queen mates multiply, which causes the colony to consist of half-sib instead of full-sib offspring. Furthermore, in many species colonies contain multiple breeding queens, which further dilutes relatedness between colony members. Evolutionary biology is thus faced with the challenge to answer why such variation in social structure exists, and what the consequences are on the individual and population level. The main part of this thesis takes on this challenge by investing the dynamics of socially polymorphic ant colonies. The first four chapters investigate the causes and consequences of different social structures, using a combination of field studies, genetic analyses and laboratory experiments. The thesis ends with a theoretical chapter focusing on different social interactions (altruism and spite), and the evolution of harming traits. The main results of the thesis show that social polymorphism has the potential to affect the behaviour and traits of both individuals and colonies. For example, we found that genetic polymorphism may increase the phenotypic variation between individuals in colonies, and that socially polymorphic colonies may show different life history patterns. We also show that colony cohesion may be enhanced even in multiple-queen colonies through patterns of unequal reproduction between queens. However, the thesis also demonstrates that spatial and temporal variation between both populations and environments may affect individual and colony traits, to the degree that results obtained in one place or at one time may not be applicable in other situations. This opens up potential further areas of research to explain these differences.


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I föreliggande arbete redovisas en studie gjord för att försöka se hur olika forskare ser på ett intoleransproblem, ett socialt fenomen som mobbning. Hur definieras begreppet och skall problemet lösas på individ- grupp- eller samhällsnivå? Hur kan den praktiskt verksamme pedagogen använda sig av de arbetssätt som idag finns?Angreppsättet i studien bygger uteslutande på dokument. Det är alltså text som utgör mitt empiriska material. Forskningslitteraturen representeras av väl erkända författare. Deras syn på problemet skiljer sig åt på några väsentliga punkter; skall orsaken till problemet analyseras eller skall pedagogen inrikta sig på akuta lösningar här och nu? Hur skall föräldrainformationen hanteras vid upptäckta mobbningsfall?Mina frågor till materialet ger enligt min tolkning svaren att alla nivåer bör synliggöras för att finna den bästa lösningen. De olika arbetssätten och synsätten kompletterar varandra och bör därför användas var för sig och tillsammans.De olika åsikterna om vilken sorts föräldrainformation som skall ges bör enligt min erfarenhet noggrannt diskuteras för att inte förvärra ett redan svårt problem.


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Syftet med litteraturstudien var att beskriva vilken livskvalitet barn och ungdomar med astma och deras föräldrar hade. Till resultatet användes tretton vetenskapliga artiklar publicerade tidigast år 2000. Databaserna Elin, Blackwell Synergy och Ebsco Host användes vid artikelsökningen och en manuell sökning gjordes via www.asthma.se. Sökorden asthma, child, parents, quality of life, experience och coping användes i olika kombinationer. Artikelurvalet gjordes för att passa litteraturstudiens syfte och frågeställningar och det vetenskapliga värdet i artiklarna skattades med hjälp av modifierade granskningsmallar. Resultatet visade att barn och ungdomar med astma hade relativt högt skattad livskvalitet och hade lärt sig att hitta strategier för att hantera sin sjukdom och därmed kunna leva ett så normalt liv som möjligt. Många av barnen och ungdomar testade gränser för hur mycket kroppen tålde genom påfrestande fysiska aktiviteter. För de ungdomarna som hade lågt skattad livskvalitet kunde orsakerna härledas till dålig kontrollerade astmasymtom eller då omgivningen påverkade barnet negativt. Flickor hade lägre livskvalitet än pojkar i studierna. Föräldrarna till barn och ungdomar med astma var generellt mer påverkade av barnets sjukdom än barnen själva. De fanns vissa skillnader mellan föräldrarna, mödrarna var mer bekymrade och oroade medan fäderna hade ett mer avslappnat förhållande till barnet och sjukdomen.


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Syftet med denna systematiska litteraturstudie var att beskriva barns copingstrategier vid smärta och undersöka sjuksköterskors kunskaper och även bristande kunskaper om smärta och smärtskattning hos barn. Sökning av vetenskapliga artiklar har skett vid Högskolan Dalarnas databaser där Blackwell Synergy och Elin har använts. Sammanlagt användes 23 artiklar till studien, varav 21 i resultatet. Hanteringen av smärta hos barn var ofta problematisk och i stort behov av en förbättring. Sjuksköterskan var den som hade huvudansvaret för barns smärttillstånd. Sjuksköterskans uppgift var att uppmärksamma barnets smärta, se till att smärtbehandling gavs och sedan utvärderade effekten av smärtbehandlingen. För att sjuksköterskan skulle kunna utföra sina arbetsuppgifter på bästa sätt krävdes en god kunskap om smärta hos barn. Olika typer av copingstrategier som barn använde sig av vid smärttillstånd var att distansera sig, kämpa emot och göra det bättre. Resultaten visade att ju mer smärta barnen kände desto oftare användes dessa strategier. Dessa strategier gick under begreppen känslofokuserad och problemfokuserad coping.


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Syftet med denna systematiska litteraturstudie var att undersöka vilka copingstrategier föräldrar och syskon till cancersjuka barn använde sig av. Underlag till studien söktes i Högskolan Dalarnas databas ELIN och i databasen Cinahl. Sökningarna resulterade i 30 artiklar som granskades och värderades med hjälp av granskningsmallar. Av de granskade artiklarna bedömdes 22 motsvara studiens syfte och frågeställningar och användes i studiens resultat. Resultatet visade att föräldrar till cancersjuka barn inte valde en eller flera copingstrategier utan att det var en process under en längre tid. Ju längre tiden gick desto färre copingstrategier behövde de använda sig av för att hantera sin situation. Det visade sig också att mödrarna oftast använde sig av problemfokuserade copingstrategier såsom att söka socialt stöd och att söka information, men även till viss del av känslofokuserade copingstrategier som att tänka positivt och att hålla samman familjen. Fäderna däremot använde sig till största delen av känslofokuserade copingstrategier som bland annat innebar att de distanserade sig från problemet genom att spendera mer tid på arbetet. Syskon till barn med cancer använde sig oftare av en blandning av problemfokuserade och känslofokuserade copingstrategier än vad föräldrarna gjorde. De strategier som syskonen beskrev vara till störst hjälp var att söka socialt stöd, att söka information samt att umgås med kamrater och sysselsätta sig med annat.