989 resultados para Ramos, Jorge Leitão, 1952-


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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The growing interest and applications of biotechnology products have increased the development of new processes for recovery and purification of proteins. The expanded bed adsorption (EBA) has emerged as a promising technique for this purpose. It combines into one operation the steps of clarification, concentration and purification of the target molecule. Hence, the method reduces the time and the cost of operation. In this context, this thesis aim was to evaluate the recovery and purification of 503 antigen of Leishmania i. chagasi expressed in E. coli M15 and endotoxin removal by EBA. In the first step of this study, batch experiments were carried out using two experimental designs to define the optimal adsorption and elution conditions of 503 antigen onto Streamline chelating resin. For adsorption assays, using expanded bed, it was used a column of 2.6 cm in diameter by 30.0 cm in height coupled to a peristaltic pump. In the second step of study, the removal of endotoxin during antigen recovery process was evaluated employing the non-ionic surfactant Triton X-114 in the washing step ALE. In the third step, we sought developing a mathematical model able to predict the 503 antigen breakthrough curves in expanded mode. The experimental design results to adsorption showed the pH 8.0 and the NaCl concentration of 2.4 M as the optimum adsorption condition. In the second design, the only significant factor for elution was the concentration of imidazole, which was taken at 600 mM. The adsorption isotherm of the 503 antigen showed a good fit to the Langmuir model (R = 0.98) and values for qmax (maximum adsorption capacity) and Kd (equilibrium constant) estimated were 1.95 mg/g and 0.34 mg/mL, respectively. Purification tests directly from unclarified feedstock showed a recovery of 59.2% of the target protein and a purification factor of 6.0. The addition of the non-ionic surfactant Triton X-114 to the washing step of EBA led to high levels (> 99%) of LPS removal initially present in the samples for all conditions tested. The mathematical model obtained to describe the 503 antigen breakthrough curves in Streamline Chelanting resin in expanded mode showed a good fit for both parameter estimation and validation steps. The validated model was used to optimize the efficiencies, achieving maximum values of the process and of the column efficiencies of 89.2% and 75.9%, respectively. Therefore, EBA is an efficient alternative for the recovery of the target protein and removal of endotoxin from an E. coli unclarified feedstock in just one step.


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Fondo Margaritainés Restrepo


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Panorámica del Municipio de Versalles, 1952


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Fondo Margaritainés Restrepo


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Education for a Technological Society. Public School Curriculum Construction, 1945-1952. The subject of my research is the significance of technology in the construction process of the public school curriculum during the years 1945-1952. During the period the war reparation and rebuilding placed demands and actions to rationalise and dramatise industry and agriculture. Thereby the ambitions of building a technological country and the reformation of curriculum took place simultaneously. Fordistian terms of reference, of which the principles were mass production, rationalisation and standardisation, a hierarchical division of labour and partition of assignments, provided a model for the developing curriculum. In the research the curriculum is examined as an artefact, which shapes socio-technically under the influence of social and technical factors. In the perspective of socio-technical construction the artefact is represented by the viewpoints of members of relevant social groups. The groups give meaning to the curriculum artefact, which determines the components of the curriculum. The weakness of the curriculum was its ineffectiveness, which was due to three critical problems. Firstly, the curriculum was to be based on scientific work, which meant the development of schools through experiments and scientific research. Secondly, the civilised conseption in the curriculum was to be composed of theoretical knowledge, as well as practical skills. Practical education was useful for both the individual and society. Thirdly, the curriculum was to be reformed in a way that the individuality of the pupil would be taken into account. It was useful for the society that talents and natural abilities of every pupil were observed and used to direct the pupil to the proper place in the social division of labour, according to the "right man in a right place" principle. The solutions to critical problems formed the instructions of the public school curriculum, which described the nature and content of education. Technology and its development were on essential part of the whole school curriculum process. The quality words connected to the development of technology - progress, rationality and effectiveness - were also suitable qualifiers and reasons for the reform of the curriculum. On the other hand, technology set a point of comparison and demand for the development of all phases of education. The view of technology was not clearly deterministic - it was also possible to shape technological society with the help of education. The public school curriculum process indicates how originally the principles of technological systems were shaped to the language of education and accepted in educational content.


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Manuscript: "Das Weltfriedensjahr". Essay on the proclamation of an international year of peace to promote peace on earth and outlaw war.


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Temple Emanuel was founded in 1920 in Lawrence, Massachusetts. It began by serving a small immigrant Jewish community that has since grown to an affluent and lively congregation of about 600 families. This growth occurred largely under the tenure of Rabbi Harry A. Roth, who lead the congregation from 1962 until 1990 and oversaw the temple’s move to Andover, Massachusetts. This collection includes correspondence, photographs, and sermons.


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Lemkin is the individual primarily responsible for adoption of the United Nations Convention for the Prevention and Punishment of Genocide. The collection is arranged according to the following subject areas: personal material, material on the Genocide Convention, material on genocide.


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Grave sculpture as interpreter of life and death. Grave sculptures done by Heikki Häiväoja, Kain Tapper and Matti Peltokangas 1952-2002. The thoughts of Philippe Ariès and Erwin Panofsky on western funeral art constitute the starting point of this study. These scholars speak about the 20th century as a period of decline regarding western funeral art. The reason for this situation lies, according to them, in the fact that death has been rejected and become a private affair in modern society. Especially Panofsky sees an important reason for the decay of funeral art also in the separation of death from religion. In this study, I approach the view of Ariès and Panofsky from the angle of Finnish funeral art. The subject of the study is grave sculptures of three Finnish sculptors: Heikki Häiväoja, Kain Tapper and Matti Peltokangas, from 1952 to 2002. (The analysis of the grave sculptures has been performed with the Iconology of Erwin Panofsky. The analysis has been deepened by the ideas of a graveyard as a semiotic text according to Werner Enninger and Christa Schwens. In order to confirm their argumentation, they analyse the graveyard text with the model of communicative functions of Roman Jakobson and verify that the graveyard is a cultural text according to Juri Lotman.) Results of the study In the grave sculptures of the sculptors, different worldviews appear alongside Christian thoughts indicating a new stage in the tradition of funeral art. In the grave sculptures characterised as Christian, the view of life after death is included. In these memorials the direction of life is prospective, pointing to the life beyond. Death is a border, beyond which one is unable to see. Nevertheless the border is open or marked by the cross. On this open border, death is absence of pain, glory and new unity. In memorials with different worldviews, the life beyond is a possibility which is not excluded. Memorials interpret life retrospectively; life is a precious memory which wakens grief and longing. Many memorials have metaphysical and mystic features. In spite of democratization the order and valuation of social classes appear in some memorials. The old order also materializes in the war memorials relating the same destiny of the deceased. Different burial places, nevertheless, do not indicate social inequality but are rather signs of diversity. The sculptors' abstract means of modern funeral art deepen the handling of the subject matter of death and reveal the mystery of it. Grave sculptures are a part of Finnish and sacral modern art, and there is an interaction between funeral art and modern art. Modern art acquires a new dimension, when grave sculptures become a part of its field. Grave sculptures offer an alternative to anonymous burying. The memorial is a sign of the end of life; it gives death significance and publicity and creates a relation to the past of the society. In this way, grave sculptures are a part of the chain of memory of the western funeral art, which extends throughout Antiquity until ancient Egypt. (In this study I have spoken of funeral art as a chain of memory using the thoughts of Danièle Hervieu-Léger.) There are no signs of decay in the grave sculptures, on the contrary the tradition of funeral art continues in them as a search for the meaning of life and death and as an intuitive interpretation of death. As such, grave sculptures are part of the Finnish discussion of death.


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Resumen: Este trabajo pretende avanzar sobre una problemática escasamente abordada por la historiografía jurídica y social argentina: la reinserción social de los egresados de las prisiones. Así, partiendo de la utilidad que tienen para la historiografía los estudios biográficos y de instituciones penitenciarias y post-penitenciarias, analizaremos algunos aspectos de la labor profesional de Jorge H. Frías, distinguido jurista, presidente de la Cámara de Apelaciones en lo Criminal y Correccional y fundador en 1918 de la primera institución de reinserción social de la Argentina: el Patronato de Liberados y Excarcelados de la Capital Federal. Esperamos que este breve trabajo contribuya a alentar la realización de otros estudios sobre diferentes aspectos del universo penitenciario argentino (directores de presidios, viajeros penitenciarios, congresos penitenciarios nacionales e internacionales, revistas de los funcionarios de prisiones, etc.) que aún hoy en día permanecen desconocidos.


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Contenido: ¿Europeos o americanos? / La Dirección – Kierkegaard y Marx / Cornelio Fabro – Panorama filosófico en el Méjico actual / José Rubén Sanabria – Notas y comentarios -- Bibliografía


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Contenido: Crisis y recuperación de la cultura / La Dirección – La personalidad desde el punto de vista metafísico / José Todoli Duque O. P. – Las líneas fundamentales del método de Lavelle / Juan León Reid O. P. – Panorama filosófico en el Méjico actual / José Rubén Sanabria – Notas y comentarios -- Bibliografía


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Integran este número de la revista ponencias presentadas en Studia Hispanica Medievalia VIII: Actas de las IX Jornadas Internacionales de Literatura Española Medieval, 2008, y de Homenaje al Quinto Centenario de Amadis de Gaula.


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Contenido: Josef Pieper en el centenario de su nacimiento / Héctor J. Delbosco – Misterio filosófico y misterio teológico en Josef Pieper y en Santo Tomás de Aquino / Ignacio Andereggen – El status de la filosofía en la posciencia. Respuestas desde Josef Pieper / Miriam Dolly Arancibía de Calmels – “Miseria y esplendor de la interpretación”. En torno a los límites de la hermenéutica en Pieper y en Ortega / Roberto E. Aras – Si sí : la condicionalidad metafísica de una afirmación absoluta / Santiago Argüello – Una perspectiva del saber y de la fortaleza en el héroe unamuniano a la luz de Josef Pieper / Angélica S. Arza de Bousquet – Manía, mito y conmoción erótica / Luis Baliña ; Juan Torbidoni – Juventud, fiesta y esperanza en la obra de Josef Pieper : una respuesta a la cultura posmoderna / Santiago Bellomo – Pieper y Guardini en Rothenfels : un encuentro fecundo / Alberto Berro – La afirmación real del amor / María José Binetti – Josef Pieper al encuentro de Platón : una relectura de las relaciones entre mito y filosofía / Claudio Calabrese – Orientación y pautas de discernimiento en el ámbito poético-literario : la doctrina de la contemplación terrena enunciada por Josef Pieper e ilustrada en Albert Camus / Inés de Cassagne – La imposibilidad de una filosofía no cristiana según Josef Pieper / Agustín Ignacio Echavarría – Ética y psicoterapia según Josef Pieper / Martín Echavarría – Enseñanzas de un gran maestro : la corruptibilidad de la palabra / María del Carmen Fernández – La inspiración platónica de la filosofía de Josef Pieper / Juan Francisco Franck – Método y lenguaje en el pensamiento de Josef Pieper / Jean Lauand – Josef Pieper y Peter Wust / Juan Andrés Levermann – Aprobación creadora : un aspecto de la dimensión social del bien de la persona / Marisa Mosto – Josef Pieper y la reflexión sobre el mito y la cultura / Héctor Jorge Padrón – Josef Pieper y el tomismo medieval : la controversia sobre la creación / François-Xavier Putallaz – Algunas consideraciones sobre J. Pieper y el tema del mal en la problemática filosófica contemporánea / Juan Pablo Roldán – Josef Pieper y la acedia : la causa afectiva de ciertas deformaciones intelectuales / El hombre de ocio : parásito o transformador del mundo / Bernard N. Schumacher – La templanza en Josef Pieper y Santo Tomás / Zelmira Seligmann – El ideal del trabajo en Josef Pieper / Ludovico Antonio Videla – Valor para la realidad – Valor para la persona : reafirmación cristiana como crítica de la cultura en la obra temprana de Josef Pieper / Berthold Wald – Notas y comentarios -- Bibliografía