830 resultados para Qualitative Method
The previous academic research on Finnish peacekeeping has clarified the operative and historical aspects of Finnish peacekeeping lacking the view of an individual who does the actual peacekeeping work. This research is based on the underlying theoretical assumption of human beings possessing different kinds of talents and intelligences creating a holistic entity. In this broad perspective spirituality was explored as an umbrella concept, as a holistic ability or talent, that can be explored as the deepest aspect of defining what it means to be human. The theoretical framework incorporated the concept of an intelligence, which is defined in Gardner's theory of multiple intelligences as the ability to solve problems, or to create products, that are valued within one or more cultural settings (Gardner, 1993, x). The viability of this theory was studied in the sample of Finnish peacekeepers. Spirituality in the theoretical and conceptual horizon was viewed as an extension of Gardner's theory of intelligences as one potential Gardnerian intelligence candidate. In addition to Gardner's theory, spirituality was explored as sensitivity which includes capacities such as sensing awareness, sensing mystery and sensing value (Hay, 1998). Also the practical aspects of spirituality were taken in account as shown in our everyday lives giving us the direction and influencing our social responsibilities and concerns (Bradford, 1995). Spirituality was explored also involving the element of the peacekeepers' community, the element of personal moral orientations and in the domain of religion and coping. The purpose of this research aimed in two dimensions. First, the aim was to outline the intelligence profile and the spiritual sensitivity profile of peacekeepers. Second, the aim was to understand qualitatively the nature of peacekeepers' spirituality The research interests were studied with different kinds of peacekeepers. Applying the mixed methods approach the research was conducted in two phases: first the former SFOR peacekeepers (N=6) were interviewed and the data was analysed. Inspired by the primary findings of these interviews, the data for the case-study of one peacekeeper was collected in co-operation with one former SFOR peacekeeper (N=1). In the second phase the data was collected from KFOR peacekeepers through the quantitative MI-Survey and the spiritual sensitivity survey (N=195). The quantitative method was used to outline the intelligence profile and the spiritual sensitivity profile of peacekeepers (N=195). In the mixed methods approach this method highlighted the general overview of intelligence traits and spiritual sensitivity of peacekeepers. In the mixed methods approach the qualitative method including interviews (N=6) and a case-study of one peacekeeper (N=1) increased subjective, qualitative information of spirituality of peacekeepers. The intelligence profile of peacekeepers highlighted the bodily-kinesthetic and interpersonal dimensions as the practical and social aspects of peacekeepers. Strong inter-item dependencies in the intrapersonal intelligence profile meant that peacekeepers possess a self-reflection and self-knowledge component and they reflect on deep psychological and philosophical issues. Regarding the spiritual sensitivity, peacekeepers found awareness-sensing, mystery-sensing, value-sensing and community-sensing important. The community-sensing emphasised a strong will to advance peace and to help people who are in need: things that are close to the heart of the peacekeepers. These results depicted practicality, being socially capable, and reflecting one's inner world as essential to peacekeepers. Moreover, spirituality as peacekeepers' moral endeavour became clearer because the sub-model of their community-sensing described morally charged destinations: advancing peace and helping people in need. In the qualitative findings peacekeepers articulated justice orientation and rule-following characterising the nature of peacekeepers' moral attitude and moral call (Kohlberg, 1969). An ethic of care (Gilligan, 1982) describes mainly female moral orientation, but the findings revealed that an ethic of care is also an important agent supporting strongly male peacekeepers in their aim to carry out qualitatively good peacekeeping work. The moral endeavour was voiced, when the role of religion in coping meant the assessment of the a way of life, a way of conduct, a way of being truthful to one's own values in confusing surroundings. The practical level of spiritual and religious contemplation was voiced as morally charged inner motivation to fulfil one's duties and at the same time to cope with various peacekeeping challenges. The results of different data sets were combined and interpreted as the moral endeavour, which characterises peacekeepers' spirituality. As the combining result, the perspective of peacekeepers' spirituality is considered moral or at least morally charged.
The purpose of this study is to analyse education, employment, and work-life experiences of visually impaired persons in expert jobs. The empirical data consists of 30 thematic interviews (24 visually impaired persons, 1 family-member of a visually impaired person, 5 persons working with diversity issues), of supplementary articles, and of statistics on the socio-economic status of the visually impaired. The interviewees experiences of education and employment have been analysed by a qualitative method. The analysis has been deepened by reflecting it against the recent discussion on the concept of diversity. The author s methodological choice as a disability researcher has been to treat the interviewees as co-researchers rather than objects of research. Accessibility in its different forms is a prerequisite of diversity in the workplace, and this study examines what kind of accessibility is required by visually impaired professionals. Access to working life depends on the attitudes prejudices and expectations that society has towards a minority group. Social accessibility is connected with internal relationships in the workplace, and achieving social accessibility is a bilateral process. Information technology has revolutionised the visually impaired people s possibilities of accessing information and performing expert tasks. Accessible environment, good mobility skills, and transportation services enable visually impaired employees to get to their workplaces and to navigate there with ease. Integration has raised the level of education and widened the selection of career options for the visually impaired. However, even visually impaired people with academic degrees often need employment support services. Visually impaired professionals are mainly employed in the public and third sector. Achieving diversity in the labour market is a multiactor process. Social support services are needed, as well as courage and readiness from employers to hire people with disabilities. The organisations of the visually impaired play an important role in affecting the attitudes and providing peer support. Visually impaired employees need good professional skills, blindness skills, and social courage, and they need to be comfortable with their disability. In the workplace, diversity may actualise as diverse ways of working: the work is done by using technical aids or other means of compensating for the lack of eyesight. When an employee must find compensatory solutions for disability-related limitations at work, this will also develop his/her problem-solving abilities. Key words: visually impaired, diversity, accessibility, working life
The object of the dissertation is to analyse the concept of social responsibility in relation to research and development of new biotechnology. This is done by examining the relevant actors – researchers, administrators, decision-makers, experts, industry, and the public – involved in the Finnish governance of biotechnology through their roles and responsibilities. Existing practises of responsibility in biotechnology governance, as well as the discourses of responsibility – the actors’ conceptions of their own and others responsibilities – are analysed. Three types of responsibility that the actors have assumed are formulated, and the implications of these conceptions to the governance of new biotechnology are analysed. From these different types of responsibility adopted and used by the actors, theoretical models called responsibility chains are constructed. The notion of responsibility is under-theorised in sociology and this research is an attempt to create a mid-range theory of responsibility in the context of biotechnology governance. The research aims to increase understanding of the governance system from a holistic viewpoint by contributing to academic debates on science and technology policy, public understanding of science, commercialisation of research, and corporate social responsibility. With a thorough analysis of the concept of responsibility that is derived from empirical data, the research brings new perspectives into these debates by challenging many normative ideas embedded in discourses. For example, multiple roles of the public are analysed to highlight the problems of consumerism and citizen participation in practise, as well as in relation to different policy strategies. The research examines also the contradictory responsibilities faced by biotechnology researchers, who balance between academic autonomy, commercialisation of research, and reflecting social consequences of their work. Industries responsibilities are also examined from the viewpoint of biotechnology. The research methodology addresses the contradictions between empirical findings, theories of biotechnology governance, and policies in a novel way, as the study concentrates on several actors and investigates both the discourses and the practises of the actors. Thus, the qualitative method of analysis is a combination of discourse and content analysis. The empirical material is comprised of 29 personal interviews as well as documents by Finnish and multinational organizations on biotechnology governance.
Body: The foundation for the formation of the knowledge and conception of gender identity among the transgendered The purpose of this study is to increase the understanding of the experiential formation of the knowledge and conception of one's gender and the foundation of that experience. This study is based on qualitative method and phenomenological approach. The research material consists: Herculine Barbin's Herculine Barbin, Christine Jorgensen's Christine Jorgensen. A Personal Autobiography Kate Bornstein's Gender Outlaw and Deirdre McCloskey's Crossing. A Memoir. The theoretical frame of reference for the study is Michel Henry's phenomenology of the body. The most important relations regarding the formation of the knowledge and conception of gender identity at which the sensing of the body is directed are human being's own subjective, organic and objective bodily form and other people and representatives of institutions. The concept of resistance reveals that gender division and the stereotypes and accountability related to it have dual character in culture. As a resistance they contain the potential for triggering the reflections about one's own gender. As an instrument they may function as means of exercising power and, as such, of monitoring gender normality. According to the research material the sources for the knowledge and conception of gender identity among the transgendered are literature, medical articles and books, internet, clerical and medical professionals, friends and relatives, and the peer group, that is, other transgendered. The transgendered are not only users of gender knowledge, but many of them are also active producers and contributors of gender knowledge and especially of knowledge about transgenderness. The problem is that this knowledge is unevenly distributed in society. The users of gender knowledge are mainly the transgendered, researchers of different disciplines specialized in gender issues, and medical and healthcare professionals specialized in gender adjustments. Therefore not everyone has the sufficient knowledge to support one's own or someone other's life as a gendered being in a society and ability to achieve gender autonomy. The quality of this knowledge is also rather narrow from the gender multiplicity point of view. The feeling of strangeness and the resulting experience of enstrangement have, like stereotypes, dual character in culture. They may be the reason for people's social disadvantage or exclusion, but the experiences may just as well be a resource for people's gender maturity and culture. As a cultural resource in gender issue this would mean innovativity in creating, upholding and changing cultural gender division, stereotypes and accounting customs. A transgendered may then become a liminal that aspires to change the limits related to resistances in society. Transgenderness is not only a medical issue but, first and foremost, an issue bearing upon human situation as a whole, or, in other words, related to the art of life. The subject of gender adjustment treatments is not only gender itself but the art of life as a gendered being. Transgenderness would then require multi-discipline co-operation.
The main purpose of this research is to shed light on the factors that gave rise to the office of Field Bishop in the years 1939-1944. How did military bishophood affect the status of the head of military pastoral care and military clergy during these years? The main sources of my research are the collections in the Finnish National Archives, and I use a historical-qualitative method. The position of the military clergy was debated within both the Church and the Defence Forces before 1939. At that stage, Church law did not yet recognize the office of the leading military priest, the Field Dean. There had been a motion in 1932 to introduce the office of a military bishop, but the bishops' synod blocked it. The concept of Field Bishop appeared for the first time in 1927 in a Finnish military document, which dealt with pastoral care in the Polish military. The Field Dean in Finland had regularly proposed improvements to the salary of the military clergy before the Winter War. After the Winter War, arguments were made for strengthening the position of the military clergy: these arguments were based on the increased respect shown towards this clergy, especially due to their role in the care of the fallen, which had become their task during the war. Younger members of the military clergy in particular supported the demands to improve their position within the Church and the army. The creation of a Field Bishop was perceived as strengthening the whole military clergy, as the Field Bishop was envisioned as a bishop within the Church and a general within the Defence Forces. During that time the Field Dean was still without any military rank. The idea of a Field Bishop was recommended to Mannerheim in June 1940, after which the Defence Forces lent their support to the cause. The status of the military clergy, in Church law, made it to the agenda of the Church council in January 1941, thanks largely to the younger priests' group influence and Mannerheim's leverage. The bishops opposed the notion of a Field Bishop mostly on theological grounds but were ready to concede that the position the Field Dean in Church law required further defining. The creation of the office of Field Bishop was blocked in the Church law committee report issued close to the beginning of the Continuation War. The onset of that war, however, changed the course of events, as the President of the Republic appointed Field Dean Johannes Björklund as Field Bishop. Speculation has abounded about Mannerheim's role in the appointment, but the truth of the matter is not clear. The title of Field Bishop was used to put pressure on the Church, and, at the same time, Mannerheim could remain detached from the matter. Later, in September 1941, the Church council approved the use of the Field Bishop title to denote the head of military pastoral care in Church law, and Field Bishops were assigned some of the duties formerly pertaining to bishops. Despite all expectations and hopes, the new office of Field Bishop did not affect the status of the military clergy within the Defence Forces, as no ranks were established for them, and their salary did not improve. However the office of the Field Bishop within Army HQ was transformed from a bureau into a department in the summer of 1942. At the beginning of the Continuation War, the Field Bishop was criticized by certain military and Church clergy for favouring Russian Orthodox Christians in Eastern Karelia. Björklund agreed in principle with most of the Lutheran clergy on the necessity of Lutheranizing East Karelia but had to take into account the realities at Army HQ. As well, at the same time the majority of the younger clergy were serving in the army, and there was a lack of parish priests on the home front. Bishop Lehtonen had actually expressed the wish that more priests could have been released from the front to serve in local parishes. In his notes Lehtonen accused Björklund of trying to achieve the position of Field Bishop by all possible means. However, research has revealed a varied group of people behind the creation of the office of Field Bishop, including in particular younger clergy and the Defence Forces.
Ihmisille ympäri maailmaa on tyypillistä valita tiettyjä ruokia suuremmasta valikoimasta syömäkelpoista ruokaa ja luoda mieltymyksiä sekä kieltoja joitakin ruokia kohtaan. Näitä ilmiöitä kutsutaan ruokauskomuksiksi ja ne ovat tärkeä osa kulttuuria. Niiden taustalla on usein terveydelliset perustelut tai sosiaalinen arvostus yhteisössä. Afrikassa on todettu olevan paljon erilaisia ruokauskomuksia, jotka kohdistuvat usein raskaana oleviin ja imettäviin naisiin sekä lapsiin, ryhmään, joka on fysiologisesti erityisen herkässä elämänvaiheessa. Ravitsemustilan tai ruokaturvan ollessa heikko, mahdollisilla ruokauskomuksilla voi olla merkittävät seuraukset erityisesti tämän väestönosan terveydentilaan. Aliravitsemus ja virheravitsemus ovat edelleen suuria ongelmia Afrikassa ja muissa kehittyvissä maissa. Tämän työn tavoitteena oli tutkia laadullisin menetelmin, onko erityisesti raskaana olevilla ja imettävillä naisilla Keski-Mosambikin maaseudulla, Zambézian maakunnassa, ruokauskomuksia, mitä ne mahdollisesti ovat, sekä arvioida voiko ruokauskomuksilla olla ravitsemuksellista merkitystä. Menetelminä oli 5 ryhmähaastattelua kolmessa kylässä ja 10 yksilöhaastattelua kahdessa kylässä. Tutkittavat olivat 12–78-vuotiaita naisia ja heitä oli yhteensä 27. Tulkkaus, tutkimusaiheen sensitiivisyys ja haastattelijan kokemattomuus aiheuttivat haasteita haastatteluiden toteutukseen. Tämän vuoksi menetelmää muokattiin ja se vaihdettiin ryhmähaastattelusta yksilöhaastatteluun tutkimuksen aikana. Ruokauskomukset vaihtelivat sekä kylien välillä että kylien sisällä, joskin niistä löytyi samantyyppisiä pääpiirteitä. Työssä todettiin, että raskaana oleviin ja imettäviin naisiin kohdistui tutkimusalueella ruokauskomuksia. Raskauden aikana tuli välttää pääasiassa proteiinipitoisia ruokia, kuten lihaa ja kalaa ja puolestaan suosia kasvisten, hedelmien ja viljatuotteiden käyttöä. Linnun munien syöntiä sekä suositeltiin että kehotettiin välttämään raskauden aikana. Raskauden aikana ilmeni lisäksi tietoinen tapa vähentää kassavapuuron tai ruuan syömistä kokonaisuudessaan. Imetyksen aikana ei vältetty juuri mitään ruokia, vaan suositeltiin kookosta ja kasviksia. Suurin osa perusteluista liittyi äidin ja lapsen terveyteen. Perustelut voitiin jakaa seuraaviin ryhmiin: lisää äidinmaidon tuotantoa; aiheuttaa vatsakipua äidillä; pitää yllä kuntoa ja estää vatsan kasvua; äidistä tulee vahva, terve ja hän saa vitamiineja; lapsen ulkonäkö muuttuu; lapsesta tulee terve ja vahva; lapsen käyttäytyminen muuttuu; aiheuttaa keskenmenon; aiheuttaa vaikean tai helpon synnytyksen. Ruokauskomukset ja terveysviranomaisilta tullut valistus oli osittain sekoittunut keskenään. Lähes kaikki naiset kertoivat noudattavansa näitä ruokauskomuksia. Muutamat naiset kertoivat suositeltavien ruokien kohdalla, että ruokien saatavuus tekee noudattamisen joskus vaikeaksi. Proteiinipitoisten ruokien välttäminen voi lisätä proteiinialiravitsemuksen riskiä ja syömisen vähentäminen saattaa lisätä riskiä saada riittämättömästi energiaa raskauden aikana. Suositeltavat ruuat todennäköisesti edistävät terveyttä. Tutkielman perusteella voitiin todeta, että vieraassa kulttuurissa tutkiminen vaatii tutkimusmenetelmältä paljon. Tärkeää on menetelmän joustavuus, jotta sitä voi muuttaa tutkimuskentällä toimivampaan ja luotettavampaan muotoon. Johtopäätöksenä todettiin, että suositeltavin menetelmä tutkittaessa ruokauskomuksia tällä tutkimusalueella olisi ollut yksilöhaastattelut, jossa olisi ollut mahdollisimman vähän osallistujia ja osallistujat olisivat olleet samaa sukupuolta ja saman ikäisiä. Terveyden ja ravitsemuksen kannalta on tärkeää, että ruokauskomuksista ollaan tietoisia ja väestön ruokauskomuksia tutkitaan alueittain, koska ne voivat vaihdella merkittävästi jopa kylien tai ihmisryhmien sisällä.
Analisi contrastiva delle modalità di traduzione in finnico dei Tempi verbali e delle perifrasi aspettuali dell italiano (Italian Philology) The topic of this research is a contrastive study of tenses and aspect in Italian and in Finnish. The study aims to develop a research method for analyzing translations and comparable texts (non-translation) written in a target language. Thus, the analysis is based on empirical data consisting of translations of novels from Italian to Finnish and vice versa. In addition to this, for the section devoted to solutions adopted in Finnish for translating the Italian tenses Perfetto Semplice and Perfetto Composto, 39 Finnish native speakers were asked to answer questions concerning the choice of Perfekti and Imperfekti in Finnish. The responses given by the Finnish informants were compared to the choices made by translators in the target language, and in this way it was possible both to benefit from the motivation provided by native speakers to explain the selection of a tense (Imperfekti/Perfekti) in a specific context compared with the Italian formal equivalents (Perfetto Composto/Perfetto Semplice), and to define the specific features of the Finnish verb tenses. The research aims to develop a qualitative method for the analysis of formal equivalents and translational changes ( shifts ). Although, as the choice of Italian and Finnish progressive forms is optional and related to speaker preferences, besides the qualitative analysis, I also considered it necessary to operate a quantitative one in order to find out whether the two items share the same degree of correspondence in frequency of use. In this study I explain translation choices in light of cognitive grammar, suggesting that particular translation relationships derive from so-called construal operations. I use the concepts of cognitive linguistics not only to analyze the convergences and divergences of the two aspectual systems, but also to redefine some general procedures related to the phenomenon of translation. For the practical analysis of the corpus were for the most part employed theoretical categories developed in a framework proposed by Pier Marco Bertinetto. Following this approach, the notions of aspect (the morphologic or morphosyntactic, subjective level) and actionality (the lexical aspect or objective level, traditionally Aktionsart) are carefully distinguished. This also allowed me to test the applicability of these distinctions to two languages typologically different from each other. The data allowed both the analysis of the semantic and pragmatic features that determine tense and aspect choices in these two languages, and to discover the correspondences between the two language systems and the strategies that translators are forced to resort to in particular situations. The research provides not only a detailed and analytically argued inventory about possible solutions for translating Italian tenses and aspectual devices in Finnish that could be of pedagogical relevance, but also new contributions about the specific uses of time-aspectual devices in the two languages in question.
35 p.
Este trabalho se situa na fronteira entre as áreas de Comunicação Social e Linguística e é voltado à investigação das interações ocorridas nos espaços dedicados à publicação de comentários de leitores em quatro blogs jornalísticos institucionais: Blog do Noblat, Blog MiriamLeitão.com, Blog do Reinaldo Azevedo e Blog do Josias de Souza. Com ele, pretende-se definir como cada leitor utiliza seus comentários para se relacionar com o jornalista autor do blog (o blogueiro), com outros leitores que também publicam suas opiniões (os leitores-comentaristas) e com o tópico tratado no texto (postagem) escrito pelo blogueiro. Além disso, considerando que autores da área de Comunicação Social discutem os blogs como um dispositivo amplamente conversacional, o propósito desta pesquisa é também esclarecer, à luz dos princípios da Análise da Conversação, se efetivamente ocorre uma conversação entre os participantes no ambiente de troca de mensagens dos blogs. Para a realização do estudo, foi compilado um corpus de 400 comentários cujo conteúdo demonstra a visão crítica de leitores dos blogs acima citados acerca de um mesmo tema: o apagão ocorrido em 10 de novembro de 2009 em 18 estados brasileiros. Tais mensagens foram trabalhadas a partir de um método predominantemente qualitativo e interpretativo, sendo que uma abordagem quantitativa também foi considerada para permitir uma visão mais abrangente e comparativa dos dados. Na ausência de um referencial teórico da Linguística que abrangesse os fenômenos interacionais percebidos nos comentários dos blogs, optou-se por desenvolver uma proposta de análise de base empírica, que norteou todo o desenvolvimento do trabalho. Entre as conclusões preliminares da pesquisa, pode-se dizer que, ao mesmo tempo em que os blogs inauguraram uma nova forma de relacionamento entre o jornalista e sua audiência, há indícios de grande parte dos leitores utilizem os blogs como um espaço restrito à publicação de opiniões isoladas, em vez de enxergá-lo como um ambiente com amplas possibilidades interativas, e, consequentemente, propício à discussão
O presente estudo tem objetivo investigar as práticas educativas desenvolvidas por enfermeiros, no interior da Equipe de Saúde da Família. A profissão de Enfermeiro no Brasil foi marcada, desde a sua origem, por ser aquela incumbida das ações de educação em saúde. No processo de trabalho das equipes de saúde da família, estão incluídas ações educativas, que tanto devem interferir no processo saúde- doença como ampliar o controle social em defesa da qualidade de vida. Assim, essas práticas estão presentes no cotidiano dos enfermeiros, sendo importante a reflexão a respeito das mesmas para a construção de uma prática educativa mais consciente. Participaram do estudo 21 enfermeiros do Programa Saúde da Família do município de Petrópolis- RJ. A pesquisa foi realizada pelo método qualitativo. A entrevista semi-estruturada foi utilizada como técnica de coleta de dados, que foram tratados pelo método da análise de conteúdo temática. Foram obtidas cinco categorias empíricas, que demonstraram que no cenário estudado, predominam as práticas educativas em grupo. Nelas, há priorização do trabalho em equipe, sendo que os profissionais mais atuantes são os enfermeiros e os médicos. Em relação aos locais onde são realizados os grupos, poucos postos de saúde dispõem de uma sala específica para a sua realização, sendo então utilizadas escolas, igrejas, clubes e associações de moradores, que nem sempre são considerados adequados. A falta de infra- estrutura e de incentivo por parte dos gestores não impedem a realização das práticas educativas, mas traduzem a falta de valorização das mesmas. A complexidade do trabalho do enfermeiro no Programa de Saúde da Família é reconhecida como um dificultador para o trabalho educativo. A maioria dos entrevistados teve alguma aproximação, prática ou teórica, com a educação em saúde durante sua formação acadêmica. Embora haja predominância do enfoque preventivo, são percebidas aproximações a enfoques mais críticos. Os enfermeiros percebem que o trabalho educativo traz mudanças benéficas às comunidades e aos indivíduos assistidos. Também referem gostar desse trabalho, percebendo-o como integrante do trabalho do enfermeiro e do Programa Saúde da Família. O estudo recomenda a formação e a capacitação dos enfermeiros a respeito das abordagens em educação em saúde, assim como a priorização da educação em saúde por parte desses profissionais. Recomenda também a busca de um relacionamento transdisciplinar entre os membros das equipes. Sugere a realização de pesquisas a respeito de técnicas para a abordagem a grupos educativos, por profissionais de saúde, especialmente por enfermeiros.
[eus] Proiektu honen bidez, Lehen Hezkuntzako lehenengo zikloan bertsogintza eta koplagintza lantzea posible dela erakutsi nahian, eguneroko errutinetan eta ipuin baten sekuentzializazioan bertsoak eta koplak txertatu ditut. Horretarako, hizkuntza lantzea izan da nire helbururik nagusiena, taldea motibatuz eta bertsoekiko zaletasuna bultzatuz. Ebaluaketa egiterakoan, metodo kualitatiboan oinarritu naiz ikasleen garapenaz ohartzeko. Azkenik, emaitzak eta ondorioak plazaratu ditut.
Atualmente tem se apresentado, pelo movimento quilombola, a demanda de formulação de políticas educacionais para o povo quilombola, acompanhando as reivindicações para legitimação do direito ao território ocupado secularmente, assim como outros direitos demandados por este povo tradicional. O processo de educação e escolarização na educação básica de um território quilombola como o de Brejo dos Crioulos em Minas Gerais, sob a perspectiva da educação diferenciada, ou seja, orientada culturalmente, pode estar fortemente relacionado com a dimensão política da atuação dos quilombolas na luta pelo reconhecimento e legitimidade do território, do modo de vida, da sua identidade, da sua cultura e história. Contemplou-se nesta investigação o mapeamento e a análise dos processos educativos de Brejo dos Crioulos apontando suas propostas curriculares, seus avanços, assim como os limites relacionados à formulação e implementação de políticas direcionadas para o desenvolvimento educacional local. A investigação no território quilombola específico, nos moldes da pesquisa qualitativa enquanto lógica de investigação, abordou as ações do movimento quilombola estadual e local, a identidade coletiva e a territorialidade em relação ao ciclo de políticas disponível, como, por exemplo, a Lei n 10.639/03, atualizada por meio da Lei n 11.645/08 e diretrizes curriculares que alteram a Lei n 9.394/96, com o objetivo de incluir, no currículo oficial da rede de ensino, a obrigatoriedade do ensino da História e cultura afro-brasileira e indígena, e as Diretrizes Curriculares para Educação Quilombola, aprovadas em 05 de junho de 2012, Parecer MEC/CNE/CEB 16/2012, homologadas na Resolução MEC/CNE/CEB n 8, publicada em 20 de novembro de 2012. Além das práticas políticas quilombolas, foram analisadas as práticas de gestão educacional do poder público municipal de São João da Ponte e Varzelândia, municípios do norte mineiro que integram o território pesquisado. Com a inserção em campo, nos moldes explicitados, foi privilegiado o uso da observação direta para mapear e descrever em profundidade o cotidiano no território pesquisado. Com a inserção em campo, nos moldes explicitados, foi privilegiado o uso da observação direta para mapear e descrever em profundidade o cotidiano no território pesquisado, as representações políticas e educacionais, as mudanças e transformações atuais. A entrevista em forma de conversa é, também, uma das técnicas utilizadas para documentar as experiências e representações dos sujeitos quilombolas, professores, gestores e coordenadores envolvidos com a educação e escolarização no território de Brejo dos Crioulos, além de registros em áudio, vídeo e caderno de campo. O tratamento e a análise dos dados coletados obedecem a critérios metodológicos qualitativos de triangulação para apresentação dos resultados da pesquisa.
Em todo o mundo é alta a prevalência dos transtornos depressivos e ansiosos, em especial no nível primário. Uma das estratégias terapêuticas é o atendimento em grupo que propicia bons resultados e cuidado adequado, incluindo melhor aproveitamento do tempo e maior abrangência no atendimento segundo experiências relatadas em diversos países.O objeto deste estudo é o discurso de mulheres com transtornos depressivos e ansiosos atendidas em grupo na atenção primária. O objetivo é conhecer representações e questões sobre o processo de adoecimento de mulheres atendidas na Estratégia de Saúde da Família (ESF) diagnosticadas com transtornos depressivos e ansiosos. Os grupos terapêuticos ocorreram em Postos de Saúde da Família, no município de Petrópolis, Rio de Janeiro, realizados pelos profissionais da ESF (médicos e enfermeiros) e supervisionados por especialistas em saúde mental. A pesquisa se deu com base análise de material de observação de dois grupo em comunidades distintas. Foi utilizado o método qualitativo, com analise das falas que foram organizadas em categorias segundo o método análise de conteúdo. Resultados: Transtornos depressivos e ansiosos são retratados no discurso das mulheres nos grupos como um processo solitário, sem apoio, compreensão e ajuda de terceiros. São agravantes: dificuldades financeiras, falta de lazer, sobrecarga de obrigações e cobranças.O álcool é retratado como apaziguador do sofrimento e da solidão. Relatam relacionamentos insatisfatórios e ocupam posições de submissão, sentindo-se desempoderadas, sem ver saída para sua situação, perpetuando pensamentos e ações, retroalimentando o sofrimento emocional. Valorizam o grupo enquanto espaço terapeutico. A possibilidade de verem retratado nas colegas situações similares encoraja a ajuda mútua. Estes são aspectos que auxiliam na autopercepção e no empoderamento. A intervenção se mostrou aplicável na atenção primária, sendo factível a não especialistas de saúde mental.
Being an established qualitative method for investigating presence of additional phases in single crystal materials, X-ray diffraction has been used widely to characterize their structural qualities and to improve the preparation techniques. Here quantitative X-ray diffraction analysis is described which takes into account diffraction geometry and multiplicity factors. Using double-crystal X-ray four-circle diffractometer, pole figures of cubic (002), {111} and hexagonal {10 (1) over bar0} and reciprocal space mapping were measured to investigate the structural characters of mixed phases and to obtain their diffraction geometry and multiplicity factors. The fractions of cubic twins and hexagonal inclusions were calculated by the integrated intensities of rocking curves of cubic (002), cubic twin {111}, hexagonal {10 (1) over bar0} and hexagonal {10 (1) over bar1}. Without multiplicity factors, the calculated results are portions of mixed phases in only one {111} plane of cubic GaN. Diffraction geometry factor can eliminate the effects of omega and X angles on the irradiated surface areas for different scattered planes. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
The main reservoir type in the south of Dagang Oilfield is alluvial reservoir. In this paper, the reservoir structure model and the distribution of connected body and flow barrier were built on base of the study of high-resolution sequential stratigraphic skeleton and fine sedimentary microfacies on level of single sandbody. Utilizing the static and dynamic data synthetically and carrying out the comparision of the classification method for reservoir flow unit in different reservoir, the criterion, which can be used to classify the flow unit in first section of Kongdian formation of Kongnan area, was defined. The qualitative method of well-to-well correlation and the quantitative method of conditional simulation using multiple data are adopted to disclose the oil and water moving regulation in different flow unit and the distribution rule of remaining oil by physical simulation measure. A set of flow unit study method was formed that is suit for the Dagang Oilfield on account of the remaining oil production according to the flow unit. Several outstanding progresses was obtained in the following aspects:It is considered that the reservoir structure of Zao V iow oil group- Zao Vup4 layerand are jigsaw-puzzled reservoir, while ZaoVup3-ZaoVupi layers are labyrinth reservoir,which are studied on base of high-resolution sequential stratigraphic skeleton on the levelof single sandbody in first section of Kongdian formation of Kongnan area and accordingto the study of fine sedimentary microfacies and fault sealeing.When classifying the flow unit, only permeability is the basic parameter using thestatic and dynamic data and, and also different parameters should be chose or deleted, suchas porosity, effective thickness, fluid viscosity and so on, because of the weak or stronginterlayer heterogeneous and the difference of interlayer crude oil character.The method of building predicting-model of flow unit was proposed. This methodis according to the theories of reservoir sedimentology and high-resolution sequencestratigraphic and adopts the quantitative method of well-to well correlation and the quantitative method of stochastic simulation using integrateddense well data. Finally the 3-D predicting-model of flow unit and the interlay er distribution model in flow unit were built which are for alluvial fan and fan delta fades in first section of Kongdian formation of Kongnan area, and nine genetic model of flow unit of alluvial environment that spread in the space were proposed.(4) Difference of reservoir microscopic pore configuration in various flow units and difference of flow capability and oil displacement effect were demonstrated through the physical experiments such as nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR), constant rate mercury penetration, flow simulation and so on. The distribution of remaining oil in this area was predicted combining the dynamic data and numerical modeling based on the flow unit. Remaining oil production measure was brought up by the clue of flow unit during the medium and late course of the oilfield development.