943 resultados para Portfolio Diversification
Using quantitative data obtained from public available database, this paper discusses the difference between of the Brazilian GDP and the Brazilian Stock Exchange industry breakdown. I examined if, and to what extent, the industry breakdowns are similar. First, I found out that the Stock Exchange industry breakdown is overwhelming different from the GDP, which may present a potential problem to asset allocation and portfolio diversification in Brazil. Second, I identified an important evidence of a convergence between the GDP and the Stock Exchange in the last 9 years. Third, it became clear that the Privatizations in the late 90’s and IPO market from 2004 to 2008 change the dynamics of the Brazilian Stock Exchange. And fourth, I identified that Private Equity and Venture Capital industry may play an important role on the portfolio diversification in Brazil.
We develop a portfolio balance model with real capital accumulation. The introduction of real capital as an asset as well as a good produced and demanded by firms enriches extant portfolio balance models of exchange rate determination. We show that expansionary monetary policy causes exchange rate overshooting, not once, but twice; the secondary repercussion comes through the reaction of firms to changed asset prices and the firms' decisions to invest in real capital. The model sheds further light on the volatility of real and nominal exchange rates, and it suggests that changes in corporate sector profitability may affect exchange rates through portfolio diversification in corporate securities.
A Work Project, presented as part of the requirements for the Award of a Masters Degree in Management from the NOVA – School of Business and Economics
Minimizing the risks of an investment portfolio but not in the favour of expected returns is one of the key interests of an investor. Typically, portfolio diversification is achieved using two main strategies: investing in different classes of assets thought to have little or negative correlations or investing in similar classes of assets in multiple markets through international diversification. This study investigates integration of the Russian financial markets in the time period of January 1, 2003 to December 28, 2007 using daily data. The aim is to test the intra-country and cross-country integration of the Russian stock and bond markets between seven countries. Our test methodology for the short-run dynamics testing is the vector autoregressive model (VAR) and for the long-run cointegration testing we use the Johansen cointegration test which is an extension to VAR. The empirical results of this study show that the Russian stock and bond markets are not integrated in the long-run either at intra-country or cross-country level which means that the markets are relatively segmented. The short-run dynamics are also relatively low. This implies a presence of potential gains from diversification.
Tässä tutkielmassa tarkastellaan suomalaisen sijoitusportfolion hajauttamista asuinkiinteistöihin. Tutkielman tavoitteena on selvittää, pystyykö hajauttamisella tehostamaan portfoliota sekä tutkia kaupungin ja kokoluokan merkitystä kiinteistöihin hajauttamisessa. Tutkimusaineisto koostuu Suomen osakemarkkinoita kuvaavista toimialaindeksistä sekä asuinkiinteistöindekseistä. Asuinkiinteistöt ovat jaoteltu sekä kaupungeittain että kokoluokittain. Tutkimusaineisto on aikaperiodilta 1988Q3-2008Q3. Tutkimustulosten mukaan kiinteistöihin hajauttamisella voidaan tehostaa portfoliota. Varsinkin pienemmillä tuottotasoilla kiinteistöihin sijoitetaan merkittävästi. Korkeammilla tuottovaatimuksilla kiinteistösijoitus ei tuonut lisäarvoa portfolion hajautukseen.
Due to the different dynamics required for organizations to serve the emerging market which contains billions of people at the bottom of the pyramid (BOP) coupled with the increasing desire for organizations to grow and be more multinational, organizations need to continually innovate. However, the tendency for large and established companies to ignore the BOP market and rather focus on existing markets, gives an indication of the existence of a vulnerability that potentially disruptive innovations from the BOP will not be recognized in good time for a counter measure. This can be deduced from the fact that good management practice advocates that managers should learn and listen to their customers. Therefore majority of the large existing companies continually focus on their main customer/market with sustaining innovations which leaves aspiring new entrants with an underserved BOP market to experiment with. With the aid of research interviews and an agent-based model (ABM) simulation, this thesis examines the attributes of BOP innovations that can qualify them as disruptive and the possibilities of tangible disruptive innovations arising from the bottom of the pyramid and their underlying drivers. The thesis Furthermore, examines the associated impact of such innovations on the future sustainability of established large companies that are operating in the developed world, particularly those with a primary focus which is targeted towards the market at the top of the pyramid (TOP). Additionally, with the use of a scenario planning model, the research provides an evaluation of the possible evolution and potential sustainability impacts that could emerge, from the interplay of innovations at the two pyramidal market levels and the chosen market focus of organizations – TOP or BOP. Using four scenario quadrants, the thesis demonstrates the resulting possibilities from the interaction between the rate of innovations and the segment focused on by organizations with disruptive era characterizing the paradigm shift quadrant. Furthermore, a mathematical model and two theoretical propositions are developed for further research. As recommendations, the thesis also extends the ambidextrous organizational theory, business model innovation and portfolio diversification as plausible recommendations to limit a catastrophic impact, resulting from disruptive innovations.
Tämän tutkimuksen tavoitteena on selvittää onko kansainvälisen hajauttamisen hyöty heikentynyt globaalisti ajan kuluessa. Tutkimusongelmaan pyritään löytämään vastaus korrelaatioanalyysillä sekä Box M-testillä. Teoreettisena viitekehyksenä käytetään Markowitzin luomaa modernia portfolioteoriaa, kansainväliseen hajautukseen liittyvää kirjallisuutta sekä aiheesta aiemmin tehtyjä tutkimuksia. Empiirisenä tutkimusaineistona käytetään Thomson Datastreamin tuottamia kokonaistuottoindeksejä. Indeksit ovat yhdeksältä eri markkina-alueelta ja 30 eri maasta. Maat on jaoteltu 18 kehittyneeseen ja 12 kehittyvään maahan.kaikki tutkielmassa käytetyt tuottoaikasarjat ovat dollarimääräisiä. Tutkimusaineisto kattaa vuodet 1995-2009 sisältäen 783 viikottaista havaintoa, kullekin tuottoindeksille. Tutkimustulosten mukaan kansainvälisen hajauttamisen edut ovat suuremmat sijoitettaessa kehittyville markkinoille, kuin pelkästään kehittyneille markkinoille sijoitettaessa. Tutkimusperiodin alkupuolella kehittyvillä markkinoilla on ollut saatavissa huomattavasti enemmän hajautushyötyä, mutta suhteellinenhyöty suhteessa kehittyneisiin markkinoihin vähenee tultaessa lähemmäs nykyhetkeä. Korrelaatiot ovat nousseet koko ajanjaksolla, mutta on myös ollut osaperiodeja, jolloin korrelaatiokertoimet ovat laskeneet.
Tässä kandidaatintutkielmassa perehdytään Bitcoiniin sijoituskohteena hajautuksen näkökulmasta. Työssä esitellään Bitcoinin toimintaa ja valuuttakurssiin vaikuttavia tekijöitä sekä perehdytään portfolion hajautuksen teoriaan. Bitcoinin hajautushyötyjä tutkitaan empiirisesti suhteessa viiteen käytettyyn sijoituskohteeseen laskemalla keskinäisiä korrelaatioita, muodostamalla tehokas rintama sekä ratkaisemalla optimaaliset painot Sharpen luvulla mitattuna. Tutkielmassa Bitcoinin ei havaittu korreloivan minkään tutkitun sijoituskohteen kanssa. Bitcoineja sisältävän portfolion tehokkaan rintaman havaittiin puolestaan olevan merkittävästi jyrkempi kuin Bitcoineja sisältämättömän portfolion, joka osoittaa Bitcoineilla saavutettavan hajautushyötyjä. Suurimman mahdollisen Sharpen luvun portfolio saa, kun Bitcoineja sisällytetään siihen 0,51 %. Bitcoineja voi tutkielman tulosten mukaan pitää suositeltavana sijoituskohteena hajautushyötyjä hakeville sijoittajille.
This thesis discusses the basic problem of the modern portfolio theory about how to optimise the perfect allocation for an investment portfolio. The theory provides a solution for an efficient portfolio, which minimises the risk of the portfolio with respect to the expected return. A central feature for all the portfolios on the efficient frontier is that the investor needs to provide the expected return for each asset. Market anomalies are persistent patterns seen in the financial markets, which cannot be explained with the current asset pricing theory. The goal of this thesis is to study whether these anomalies can be observed among different asset classes. Finally, if persistent patterns are found, it is investigated whether the anomalies hold valuable information for determining the expected returns used in the portfolio optimization Market anomalies and investment strategies based on them are studied with a rolling estimation window, where the return for the following period is always based on historical information. This is also crucial when rebalancing the portfolio. The anomalies investigated within this thesis are value, momentum, reversal, and idiosyncratic volatility. The research data includes price series of country level stock indices, government bonds, currencies, and commodities. The modern portfolio theory and the views given by the anomalies are combined by utilising the Black-Litterman model. This makes it possible to optimise the portfolio so that investor’s views are taken into account. When constructing the portfolios, the goal is to maximise the Sharpe ratio. Significance of the results is studied by assessing if the strategy yields excess returns in a relation to those explained by the threefactormodel. The most outstanding finding is that anomaly based factors include valuable information to enhance efficient portfolio diversification. When the highest Sharpe ratios for each asset class are picked from the test factors and applied to the Black−Litterman model, the final portfolio results in superior riskreturn combination. The highest Sharpe ratios are provided by momentum strategy for stocks and long-term reversal for the rest of the asset classes. Additionally, a strategy based on the value effect was highly appealing, and it basically performs as well as the previously mentioned Sharpe strategy. When studying the anomalies, it is found, that 12-month momentum is the strongest effect, especially for stock indices. In addition, a high idiosyncratic volatility seems to be positively correlated with country indices on stocks.
Since different stock markets have become more integrated during 2000s, investors need new asset classes in order to gain diversification benefits. Commodities have become popular to invest in and thus it is important to examine whether the investors should use commodities as a part for portfolio diversification. This master’s thesis examines the dynamic relationship between Finnish stock market and commodities. The methodology is based on Vector Autoregressive models (VAR). The long-run relationship between Finnish stock market and commodities is examined with Johansen cointegration while short-run relationship is examined with VAR models and Granger causality test. In addition, impulse response test and forecast error variance decomposition are employed to strengthen the results of short-run relationship. The dynamic relationships might change under different market conditions. Thus, the sample period is divided into two sub-samples in order to reveal whether the dynamic relationship varies under different market conditions. The results show that Finnish stock market has stable long-run relationship with industrial metals, indicating that there would not be diversification benefits among the industrial metals. The long-run relationship between Finnish stock market and energy commodities is not as stable as the long-run relationship between Finnish stock market and industrial metals. Long-run relationship was found in the full sample period and first sub-sample which indicate less room for diversification. However, the long-run relationship disappeared in the second sub-sample which indicates diversification benefits. Long-run relationship between Finnish stock market and agricultural commodities was not found in the full sample period which indicates diversification benefits between the variables. However, long-run relationship was found from both sub-samples. The best diversification benefits would be achieved if investor invested in precious metals. No long-run relationship was found from either sample. In the full sample period OMX Helsinki had short-run relationship with most of the energy commodities and industrial metals and the causality was mostly running from equities to commodities. During the first sub period the number of short-run relationships and causality shrunk but during the crisis period the number of short-run relationships and causality increased. The most notable result found was unidirectional causality from gold to OMX Helsinki during the crisis period.
This study explores the pricing of liquidity risk and its effect on stock returns in the Finnish stock market. In addition to that, it investigates whether there is a trend in liquidity risk. Finally, it analyzes whether the two chosen liquidity measures provide different results. The data consists of all the common shares listed in the Finnish stock market during the period of 1/1997–7/2015. To examine whether liquidity risk affects stock returns in the Finnish stock market, this study utilizes a conditional version of liquidity-adjusted capital asset pricing model (LCAPM) by Acharya and Pedersen (2005). Two recently proposed illiquidity measures – PQS and AdjILLIQ – are used in the empirical estimation to see whether there are differences in the results between the measures. The time-varying conditional liquidity risks are estimated by using a multivariate DCC-GARCH model, while the pricing of the liquidity risk is conducted by applying fixed effect panel regression. The results imply that investors in the Finnish stock market are willing to pay a premium to hedge from wealth shocks and having liquid assets during the declined market liquidity. However, investors are not willing to pay a premium for stocks with higher returns during illiquid markets. The total annualized illiquidity premiums found in the Finnish stock market are 1.77% and 1.04%, based on the PQS and AdjILLIQ measures, respectively. The study also shows that liquidity risk does not exhibit decreasing trend, and investors should consider liquidity risk in their portfolio diversification in the Finnish stock market.
Recientemente, el gobierno nacional radicó un proyecto de reforma financiera en el que se propone flexibilizar la regulación de los Fondos de Pensiones. En particular, se propone que los agentes pueden escoger la composición del portafolio en el que están invertidos sus ahorros pensionales. Para evaluar los posibles efectos de este cambio sobre el bienestar de los agentes, este trabajo analiza las decisiones de inversión de un individuo con función de utilidad con aversión absoluta al riesgo constante (CARA) frente a la Teoría de la diversificación del portafolio. Adicionalmente, se realiza un ejercicio contrafactual con el fin de calcular cual hubiera sido el valor del activo pensional para diferentes individuos si la legislación propuesta por el gobierno hubiera aplicado para el período 1980-2008. Este ejercicio se realiza utilizando información de las Bolsas de Valores de Colombia y la Encuesta de Calidad de Vida 2003 (ECV 2003), siguiendo la metodología de Herscovich (2003) los resultados del análisis teórico sugieren que ante un mayor valor acumulado en las cuentas de pensión, los individuos disminuyen su exposición ante el riesgo en sus portafolios. Así, la composición del portafolio debe estar más concentrada en renta variable para los agentes jóvenes y más concentrada en renta fija para los agentes viejos. Por otro lado, el ejercicio contrafactual, indica que la mejor decisión habría sido invertir todo el portafolio en activos de renta variable. Este contraste en los resultados llama la atención acerca de dos problemas: Primero, es posible que la estrategia que maximiza la utilidad ex-ante de los individuos no sea la misma que maximiza el valor de su pensión. Segundo, el ejercicio presentado parte del supuesto de que no hay información adicional que permita suponer cambios de tendencia o de volatilidad en las rentabilidades de los distintos activos financieros. No obstante, es claro que los especialistas en el mercado financiero cuentan con información suficiente para predecir este tipo de eventos. Por esta razón, el estudio sugiere que el papel de la asesoría financiera a los ahorradores es fundamental para permitir un cambio al sistema multifondos, puesto que el incremento en las opciones de inversión no conduce a un incremento en el bienestar de los individuos en ausencia de información. Adicionalmente, al comparar la evolución de las cuentas de pensión con los porcentajes históricos y con el sistema multifondos, se encuentra un mejor desempeño cuando el porcentaje de inversión en activos de renta variable es mayor que el actual, lo cual sugiere un incremento en la restricción actual de inversión de activos de renta variable para mejorar el desempeño de los fondos.
La empresa S.I.C.C. (soluciones integrales para el campo del Caribe) con el fin de seguir desarrollando su concepto empresarial, surge la idea de crear una nueva línea de negocio con énfasis en la producción de quesos para vender a minoristas. Para empezar a desarrollar esta nueva idea, los dueños tienen en cuenta el conocimiento de productores artesanales de queso, a los cuales proveen de leche. Debe tenerse en cuenta que estos productores no tienen sus negocios formalizados, sino por el contrario son productores informales que realizan la producción de queso de manera artesanal en sus casas, en donde la forma de producción no es la más adecuada por cuestiones fitosanitarias, transporte inadecuado, entre otros. Para hacer efectivo el proyecto, la empresa nos plantea al grupo crear un proyecto para acoger a estos pequeños productores de queso y formalizar su actividad productiva dentro de la empresa S.I.C.C. con el fin de crear una nueva línea de producto dentro de la compañía en donde se beneficiaran los productores y la empresa como tal; a partir de lo anterior se requiere realizar una investigación y planeación en cuanto al sector lácteo, particularmente en cuanto a los quesos en la región de Sucre, específicamente en Sincelejo. El proyecto surge con el fin de seguir apoyando la visión de la empresa, en donde se plantea que la empresa llegue a ser líder en el sector forestal y agropecuario, a través del desarrollo y ejecución de proyectos que sean generadores de empleo y que garanticen un crecimiento social y económico de las regiones donde se ejecuten.
La computación evolutiva y muy especialmente los algoritmos genéticos son cada vez más empleados en las organizaciones para resolver sus problemas de gestión y toma de decisiones (Apoteker & Barthelemy, 2000). La literatura al respecto es creciente y algunos estados del arte han sido publicados. A pesar de esto, no hay un trabajo explícito que evalúe de forma sistemática el uso de los algoritmos genéticos en problemas específicos de los negocios internacionales (ejemplos de ello son la logística internacional, el comercio internacional, el mercadeo internacional, las finanzas internacionales o estrategia internacional). El propósito de este trabajo de grado es, por lo tanto, realizar un estado situacional de las aplicaciones de los algoritmos genéticos en los negocios internacionales.
A stylised fact in the real estate portfolio diversification literature is that sector (property-type) effects are relatively more important than regional (geographical) factors in determining property returns. Thus, for those portfolio managers who follow a top-down approach to portfolio management, they should first choose in which sectors to invest and then select the best properties in each market. However, the question arises as to whether the dominance of the sector effects relative to regional effects is constant. If not property fund managers will need to take account of regional effects in developing their portfolio strategy. Using monthly data over the period 1987:1 to 2002:12 for a sample of over 1000 properties the results show that the sector-specific factors dominate the regional-specific factors for the vast majority of the time. Nonetheless, there are periods when the regional factors are of equal or greater importance than the sector effects. In particular, the sector effects tend to dominate during volatile periods of the real estate cycle; however, during calmer periods the sector and regional effects are of equal importance. These findings suggest that the sector effects are still the most important aspect in the development of an active portfolio strategy.