998 resultados para Guarda de hecho


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The Republican National Guard (GNR) is a military structure and hierarchical force where discipline and obedience is a serious matter, but at the same time, the scope of its activity relates to the protection of the rights, freedoms and guarantees of citizens and the primacy of public interest. While security force, GNR ensures democratic law, guarantee the internal security and the rights of citizens. The controversial issue that lies at the heart of this work its related with the balance between the hierarchy and the written law. The hierarchy, also established by law, with given powers, exist to apply the law. However, the rule of law has exceptions. Which institute to prioritize, hierarchy or the law. And within the law, its rules or the exceptions. Who decides? The GNR's officers have to obey the laws and regulations and comply with the accuracy and timeliness determinations, orders and instructions issued by a superior, given in terms of service, as long as does not involve the practice of crime. The GNR´s officer with command tasks exercises power of authority inherent in these functions, and the corresponding disciplinary authority, being responsible for acts by himself or by his order are practiced. Identify situations of exception to law enforcement, the situations in which one must obey illegal orders, is difficult and thankless, it requires conferred authority and raises the weight of responsibility for decisions and orders issued.


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The study now presented a research study aimed at the exercise of security activity of the prison guard corps (CGP) in the specific context of the prison system (SP). The study also focused on the phenomenon of globalization and its influence on the current panorama of world crime and their relationship with the prison security object of study was the security activity of the CGP on the current inmate population, as well as the typology of crimes inherent to it and that requires the interpretation of the amendment to the correctional paradigm. In the preparation of the study we have tried to identify the legal framework of the profession based on the main laws and decree-laws governing the institution DGRSP and CGP's career. The difficulties and constraints were analyzed the performance of the security function of the CGP, resulting from the infrastructure, the interaction with the inmates and the need of assigning the status of Criminal Police (OPC). Really connected the relevant importance of OPC so the Corporation can establish a cooperation interaction and sharing of information with different security forces. We noted the importance of the CGP being OPC status before the framework for its action in work situations, specifically, on gatehouses, prison wings, area, and high-complexity operations such as escorts and riot control interventions.The explanation of this study enabled us to assess the importance of the actions of a police officer of the elements of the CGP for maintaining internal security. The analyses and studies were complemented by twenty years of career and exercise of the activity of the master's degree, during which time he served as guard and head of the CGP, the intervention Group and Prison Security, the Lisbon Prison, Prison, Prison of Caxias, Sintra and Monsanto.


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A permanently changing occidental society framework, simultaneously, to a world Globalization and a market liberalization, requires to know how important and which role the agents plays, in Estates representation, to guarantee their own intern security. Portugal is an example of that since has been integrated in European and world politics that allowed the borders opening, with all the negative consequences of that kind of measures. In way to struggle with those debilities emerge, in our Juridical Order, several security forces such as Prison Guards Corporation, whose contribute to intern security seems undefined and confuse, being urgent legislation in way to describe and clearly define their goals and functions. We begin with a brief history view to understand the evolution, focusing on the present moment, correlate several laws in way to clarify their juridical situation. Using a own critical sense, it draws attention to legislation lack problem in opposition to the conclusion that, Prison Guards Corporation is a security force with specialized expertise in matter and territory fields. Their activity occurs, generally, in penitentiaries where people see themselves without their freedom, legally determinated and confined to places as other individuals with deviant behaviors that deserve society refutation, establishing a separation period having rehabilitation as a goal – it is called general and special prevention. Penitentiaries specificities requires specially police force because penitentiaries are places where tensions are often, both between inmates and against employees, above all prison guards, the first to struggle inmates daily frustrations. In way that institutions achieve their purpose, it is necessary that citizens respect all the rules, although, to their efficacy is necessary to inflict punishment to those who did not respect the rules. Furthermore, it will be indispensable to act immediately in situations as impeding runaway helping, illegally standing in jail and to avoid violent acts against personal and patrimonial belongings. Juridical Order has a few security tools that are available to administration, in which is included coercive methods, that as damaging to citizens in whom they are use, are restricted, unavoidably, to inflexible control rules. Concluding, Prison Guards and Penitentiaries General Direction last goal is to give back recovered inmates to society, in a way to conduct their lives responsibly, without committing crimes.


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Existen sólidos orgánicos en los cuales las interacciones intermoleculares tienen un efecto determinante sobre la conformación de equilibrio y la dinámica molecular. Tal es el caso de los compuestos de la familia de los bifenilos, que presentan en general valores bajos para la energía de torsión fenil-fenil, en algunos casos comparables a los de las interacciones intermoleculares. Esta competencia de interacciones inter. e intramoleculares, al variar con la temperatura, ocasiona transiciones de fase que pueden involucrar la pérdida de la periodicidad del cristal, como ocurre con el bifenilo y el bis(4-clorofenil)sulfone ((ClC6H4)2SO2), abreviado como BCPS). En estos compuestos se producen transiciones a fases inconmensuradas (IC), en las cuales los ángulos interfenilos están modulados espacialmente con una periodicidad irracional respecto de la red cristalina subyacente. Por otra parte, estos mismos factores estéricos y dinámicos internos juegan un rol crucial en el nivel de actividad biológica de una sustancia, a nivel molecular. En los bifenilos clorados se ha demostrado, que la conformación interna de la molécula y la libertad reorientacional de ciertos grupos moleculares (como por ejemplo anillos bencénicos, C-Cl3, etc.) son determinantes en la interacción con las membranas celulares durante el proceso de absorción. La toxicidad de los pesticidas derivados del DDT esta basada en este hecho. Así, el problema de cómo se modifica la conformación interna de la molécula y su dinámica debido a interacciones con su entorno (vecinos próximos en el sólido, membrana celular, etc.) guarda interés tanto desde el punto de vista de la física del sólido (estudio de fases aperiódicas, dinámica molecular) como de la física aplicada (grado de bioactividad). El objetivo general del proyecto es realizar la caracterización, el análisis y la descripción de los mecanismos que originan, en compuestos bifenilos colorados, transiciones a fases conformacionalmente inconmensuradas. Como objetivo específico, se plantea un estudio de compuestos estructuralmente semejantes al BCPS y soluciones sólidas de estos compuestos de BCPS. Se efectuarán de esta forma, perturbaciones del balance entre las interacciones intra e intermoleculares, observándose el efecto sobre los diagramas de fases, con referencia al correspondiente al BCPS.


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O presente trabalho que propomos apresentar tem como tema “ O Alcoolismo no contexto laboral”. Foi definido como objectivo geral deste trabalho analisar as características de trabalho da Guarda Fiscal e investigar em que medida os factores organizacionais podem criar um ambiente favorável para o uso de bebidas alcoólicas. Para a concretização do nosso estudo, levamos a cabo uma revisão bibliográfica sobre diversas matérias que abordam a problemática do alcoolismo em vários níveis, com enfoque especial para o âmbito do trabalho. Quanto ao procedimento, o nosso trabalho trata-se de um Estudo de Caso, cuja população é constituída por 59 elementos policiais da Guarda Fiscal, efectivos do Comando da Secção Fiscal da Praia. São todos do sexo masculino, cuja faixa etária varia entre 21 a 61 anos de idade. Pertencem a várias categorias profissionais (oficiais, subchefes e agentes), estão distribuídos em diferentes sectores de serviço, nomeadamente Porto e Aeroporto. A nossa investigação é do tipo descritivo e exploratório, caracterizada por uma abordagem quantitativa e qualitativa. E como técnica foi utilizado a entrevista e o questionário. Concluiu-se que no contexto de trabalho da Guarda Fiscal, onde decorreu o nosso estudo, os aspectos de trabalho propiciam o uso de bebidas alcoólicas.


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Definir el anarquismo supone hablar de un horizonte ideológico profundamente dispar quenos obliga a considerarlo en plural. Sería erróneo, pues, tratarlo como un pensamientouniforme y homogéneo precisamente por las premisas que lo constituye. El desprecio a laautoridad, su crítica sentimental de la sociedad y sus utópicos objetivos —que no por elloirrealizables— componen el marco común en el que se postulan diversas doctrinas. Pero,pese a su diversidad, ¿cómo conciliar el hecho de que un pensamiento político cuyas basesfilosóficas se sustentan en la fe en el progreso científico, el pacifismo o la bondad naturaldel hombre adoptara la propaganda por el hecho como vehículo de sus protestas y germende la revolución social? Es precisamente la moral anarquista la que, en su juicio de lahumanidad, cree en la necesidad de erigir una sociedad al margen de las instituciones yaexistentes.


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Examino la semántica de las oraciones de acción de Davidson y sus aspectos más relevantes: la formalización cuantificacional y las tesis sobre preposiciones y sobre modificación adverbial. A partir de Grice, emprendo tres líneas de ataque contra esta propuesta: una mezclando predicados y preposiciones, otra basada en modificaciones adverbiales y una a partir del posible análisis acciones negativas. Con ello espero suscitar dudas acerca del papel de los hechos y sucesos en el análisis de la acción.


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Tesis (Maestría en Ciencias de la Ingeniería con Orientación en Energías Térmica y Renovable) UANL, 2013.