991 resultados para Ethical problems


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In this study I consider what kind of perspective on the mind body problem is taken and can be taken by a philosophical position called non-reductive physicalism. Many positions fall under this label. The form of non-reductive physicalism which I discuss is in essential respects the position taken by Donald Davidson (1917-2003) and Georg Henrik von Wright (1916-2003). I defend their positions and discuss the unrecognized similarities between their views. Non-reductive physicalism combines two theses: (a) Everything that exists is physical; (b) Mental phenomena cannot be reduced to the states of the brain. This means that according to non-reductive physicalism the mental aspect of humans (be it a soul, mind, or spirit) is an irreducible part of the human condition. Also Davidson and von Wright claim that, in some important sense, the mental aspect of a human being does not reduce to the physical aspect, that there is a gap between these aspects that cannot be closed. I claim that their arguments for this conclusion are convincing. I also argue that whereas von Wright and Davidson give interesting arguments for the irreducibility of the mental, their physicalism is unwarranted. These philosophers do not give good reasons for believing that reality is thoroughly physical. Notwithstanding the materialistic consensus in the contemporary philosophy of mind the ontology of mind is still an uncharted territory where real breakthroughs are not to be expected until a radically new ontological position is developed. The third main claim of this work is that the problem of mental causation cannot be solved from the Davidsonian - von Wrightian perspective. The problem of mental causation is the problem of how mental phenomena like beliefs can cause physical movements of the body. As I see it, the essential point of non-reductive physicalism - the irreducibility of the mental - and the problem of mental causation are closely related. If mental phenomena do not reduce to causally effective states of the brain, then what justifies the belief that mental phenomena have causal powers? If mental causes do not reduce to physical causes, then how to tell when - or whether - the mental causes in terms of which human actions are explained are actually effective? I argue that this - how to decide when mental causes really are effective - is the real problem of mental causation. The motivation to explore and defend a non-reductive position stems from the belief that reductive physicalism leads to serious ethical problems. My claim is that Davidson's and von Wright's ultimate reason to defend a non-reductive view comes back to their belief that a reductive understanding of human nature would be a narrow and possibly harmful perspective. The final conclusion of my thesis is that von Wright's and Davidson's positions provide a starting point from which the current scientistic philosophy of mind can be critically further explored in the future.


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Who is the patient? A social-ethical study of the Finnish practice of prenatal screening. The aim of this study is to examine the Finnish practice of prenatal screening from a social-ethical perspective. Analyzing ethical problems in medicine and medical practice only on a general scale may conceal relevant ethical dilemmas. Previous studies have suggested that many pregnant women view the prenatal screening practices customary in the Finnish maternal care system as intimidating and oppressive. This study analyzes the ethical questions of prenatal screening by focusing on the experiences and decision-making of a pregnant woman. Finnish women s experiences of and decision-making on the most common prenatal screening methods are reflected in the basic principles of biomedical ethics described by Tom L. Beauchamp and James F. Childress in Principles of Biomedical Ethics. To concretize women s experiences I refer to studies of Finnish women s experiences of prenatal screenings. This study shows that the principles of autonomy, non-maleficence and beneficence seem to materialize rather poorly in the Finnish practice of prenatal screening. The main ethical problem with prenatal screening is that the likelihood of a foetal cure is very limited and, upon detection of an affected foetus, the choice is usually whether to continue with the pregnancy or to undergo an abortion. Although informed consent should be required, women s participation in prenatal testing is, in many cases at least, not based on their active decision. Many women experience severe anxiety when they receive a positive screening result and must wait for the final results. Medical studies indicate that long- term anxiety may negatively influence the foetus and the mother-child relationship. This study shows that the practice of prenatal screening as such may cause more harm than benefit to many pregnant women and their foetuses. This study examines the decision-making process of a pregnant woman by using the theory of medical casuistry described in Jonsen, Siegler and Winslade s Clinical Ethics. This study focuses on each of the four points of view recommended by the theory. The main problem seems to be the question of whom the patient of prenatal screening is and whom the practice is intended to benefit: the mother, the foetus, the family or society? This study shows that the concepts of health in Finnish maternal care in general, and of the prenatal screening system in particular, differ considerably. It also demonstrates that the purpose and the aims of prenatal screening, aside from the woman s right to choose, has been expressed neither in Finnish public health programmes nor in the public recommendations of prenatal screening. This study suggests that the practice of prenatal screening is a statement, though unexpressed, of public health policy and as such comprises part of the policy of disability. This study further demonstrates that through a single explicit aim (the woman s right to choose) society actually evades its obligation to women by saddling pregnant women with the entire moral responsibility as well as the possible negative consequences of her choice, such as sorrow, regrets and moral balancing. The study reveals several ethical problems in the Finnish practice of prenatal screening. Such problems should be dealt with as the Finnish practice of prenatal screening advances.


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According to some scientists it is not useful to integrate ethics into research practices. Their claim is that only unethical persons have ethical problems and because of this we must accept ethical misbehaviour as a phenomenon typical of human society. In the present study the argument that the moral personality of scientists explains ethical problems in science is questioned; in addition, the focus is shifted from individuals to the level of the research environment. The question asked is whether the research environment somehow contributes to research ethics violations. To answer this question the focus was turned towards the research environment norms. The aim of the study was to investigate whether or not these norms are consistent with the norms of research ethics, so that it would be possible to evaluate if the research environment supports scientists in their task of meeting the ethical standards of scientific research. In the study the research environment was examined in three parts. The first deals with society especially Finnish society as a research environment. The second deals with the autonomous science institution as a research environment, while the third deals with scientific society (working according to scientific criteria) as a research environment. The conceptual analysis method was used. This means that various normative arguments were analysed, the primary assumptions behind them were recognized, and the acceptability of normative claims was evaluated according to their consistency. The results of the study do not support the claim that ethical violations in science could be satisfactorily explained by referring only to the personal qualities of scientists. The research environment can limit the freedom to follow the ethical principles of science, it can prevent scientists from handling ethical problems openly and from integrating ethical norms effectively into research practices. The norms of research environment are often implicit but nevertheless influence scientific practices. Further, the results indicate that handling ethical questions should be a part of scientific training.


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Doctoral dissertation work in sociology examines how human heredity became a scientific, political and a personal issue in the 20th century Finland. The study focuses on the institutionalisation of rationales and technologies concerning heredity, in the context of Finnish medicine and health care. The analysis concentrates specifically on the introduction and development of prenatal screening within maternity care. The data comprises of medical articles, policy documents and committee reports, as well as popular guidebooks and health magazines. The study commences with an analysis on the early 20th century discussions on racial hygiene. It ends with an analysis on the choices given to pregnant mothers and families at present. Freedom to choose, considered by geneticists and many others as a guarantee of the ethicality of medical applications, is presented in this study as a historically, politically and scientifically constructed issue. New medical testing methods have generated new possibilities of governing life itself. However, they have also created new ethical problems. Leaning on recent historical data, the study illustrates how medical risk rationales on heredity have been asserted by the medical profession into Finnish health care. It also depicts medical professions ambivalence between maintaining the patients autonomy and utilizing for example prenatal testing according to health policy interests. Personalized risk is discussed as a result of the empirical analysis. It is indicated that increasing risk awareness amongst the public, as well as offering choices, have had unintended consequences. According to doctors, present day parents often want to control risks more than what is considered justified or acceptable. People s hopes to anticipate the health and normality of their future children have exceeded the limits offered by medicine. Individualization of the government of heredity is closely linked to a process that is termed as depolitization. The concept refers to disembedding of medical genetics from its social contexts. Prenatal screening is regarded to be based on individual choice facilitated by neutral medical knowledge. However, prenatal screening within maternity care also has its basis in health policy aims and economical calculations. Methodological basis of the study lies in Michel Foucault s writings on the history of thought, as well as in science and technology studies.


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Oocytes present at birth undergo a progressive process of apoptosis in humans and other mammals as they age. Accepted opinion is that no fresh oocytes are produced other than those present at the time of birth. Studies have shown that DNA repair genes in oocytes of mice and women decline with age, and lack of these genes show higher DNA breaks and increased oocyte death rates. In contrast to the ethical problems associated with monitoring the changes in DNA double-strand breaks in oocytes from young and old humans, it is relatively easy to carry out such a study using a rodent model. In this study, the mRNA levels of DNA repair genes are compared with protein products of some of the genes in the primordial follicles isolated from immature (18-20 days) and aged (400-450 days) female rats. Results revealed a significant decline in mRNA levels of BRAC1 (P < 0.01), RAD51 (P < 0.05), ERCC2 (P < 0.05), and H2AX (P < 0.01) of DNA repair genes and phospho-protein levels of BRAC1 (P < 0.01) and H2AX (P < 0.05) in primordial follicles of aged rats. Impaired DNA repair is confirmed as a mechanism of oocyte ageing. (C) 2014 Reproductive Healthcare Ltd. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Watt, D. (2003). Amoral Gower: Language, Sex and Politics. Medievil Cultures Series, volume 38. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press. RAE2008


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The chapter elicits the experience of teaching “Ethnography and Tourism” to undergraduate students at the University of Evora. Our main focus of research and teaching has been directed towards teaching exploratory ethnographic methods in order to promote an understanding of the material and immaterial dimensions of the cultural contexts of the region and beyond. Secondly, and, at the same time, we also learn ethnography by reading and discussing comparative research of other ethnographies of tourism spaces, eliciting, among the students, the ethical problems raised by the consequences of tourism in peoples’ cultural settings.


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Canadians appear to hold the activities of those in government and in big business in low esteem. Media reports of several high-profile political and corporate instances of unethical conduct have reinforced the public's concern for the status of ethical conduct and honesty in government and in big business. The response by public and private sector managers to unethical conduct by employees is largely in the form of 'ethical rules' which both sectors agree provide a measure of certainty as to the ethical conduct expected from employees. Since research on ethics in the public and private sectors is limited and since ethics is a topic of increasing concern to both sectors, this thesis provides data that could assist managers in dealing with the issue of ethical conduct within their respective organizations. The purpose of this thesis is to compare the state of ethical conduct within public and private sector organizations in Canada. This is accomplished through a description and analysis of the approaches taken by the public and private sectors as well as the four professions of law, engineering, accountancy and medicine. Ethical conduct within the public sector focuses on the ethical behaviour of public servants rather than elected officials. The underlying intent of this thesis is to discover if contemporary ethical problems are similar in the public and iv private sectors with respect to the four ethical areas of conflict of interest, political activity, problem public comment and confidentiality. The comparative data on both public and private sector ethics are assessed and similarities and differences are identified. One major finding emerges from this study. Codes of ethics in both the public and private sectors are perceived by management to play an important role in the prevention of unethical conduct. A procedure for developing a code of ethics is presented along with recommendations as to the administration of a code of ethics. Finally, recommendations are made as to the role of education in ethics.


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Un phénomène de résistance au traitement pharmacologique chez les personnes souffrant de maladies psychiatriques graves et persistantes comme la schizophrénie, tel que révélé par la pratique des soins psychiatriques communautaires de première ligne, sert de point de départ pour poser une distinction fondamentale entre les notions de traitement et de soins. Conséquemment, la question du consentement selon qu’il est attribué au traitement ou aux soins suggère des formes de consentement distinctes susceptible d’affecter la façon de faire face à des problèmes particuliers sur le plan de l’éthique. L’analyse conceptuelle d’un certain modèle d’interventions psychiatriques de crise, qui regroupe des travailleurs de la santé et des policiers au sein d’une même équipe de travail, permet de circonscrire des catégories de problèmes éthiques qui conduiront éventuellement à la formalisation d’une approche de résolution de problème. Trois façons d’approcher un problème d’éthique clinique sont proposées sous la forme d’enjeux, de dilemmes, puis de défis éthiques. L’intervention de crise y est catégorisée selon quatre niveaux d’intensité de crise, donnant lieu à une appréciation subjective par le soignant de la capacité de la personne soignée d’établir et de maintenir une relation de soins en situation de crise. Des parallèles entre les soins psychiatriques et les soins palliatifs permettent d’approfondir la question de la souffrance en lien avec la douleur et de distinguer à nouveau les notions de soins et de traitement. La relation de soins est présentée comme une occasion de normaliser les rapports entre soignants et soignés, de valoriser un état de souffrance à l’origine de la rencontre de soins, tout en mettant à profit la dimension relationnelle d’une condition qui appelle à être non pas traitée mais soignée. Ces considérations permettent de dégager une responsabilité nouvelle pour le soignant : celle de se faire le gardien de la relation de soins. Une transition du primum non nocere au primum non excludere : d’abord ne pas exclure est suggérée comme une maxime pour guider la relation de soins vers un consentement aux soins plus authentique.


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El trasplante de órganos es considerado uno de los avances más significativos de la medicina moderna y es un procedimiento cada vez más exitoso en términos de supervivencia de los pacientes, siendo actualmente la mejor opción de tratamiento para los pacientes con innumerables patologías. El proceso de donación es insuficiente para cubrir las necesidades de trasplante de la población, por lo tanto, se hace necesario el desarrollo de nuevas estrategias para fortalecer la experiencia y efectividad de los programas existentes. La falta de conocimiento de los profesionales de la salud, su percepción y actitud hacia temas relacionados con el proceso de donación, pueden convertirlos en facilitadores o barreras para la identificación de potenciales donantes. Por esta razón, los recursos disponibles, las actitudes hacia la donación, la legislación y conocimiento de los procesos involucrados en la donación de tejidos y órganos son críticos. Dada la influencia de los profesionales de salud se definen los objetivos de este proyecto de tesis: determinar cuál es el conocimiento y las habilidades de los profesionales de la salud encargados de los trasplantes de órganos y de tejidos en la regional 1, evaluados mediante una herramienta educativa para contribuir a mejorar un programa eficiente de Donación de Órganos y tejidos y así mismo, fijar recomendaciones en aras de aumentar las tasas de donación, con especial énfasis en la actividad hospitalaria en el país. METODOLOGIA Se realizó un estudio basado en el análisis de la evaluación de conocimientos del proceso donación- trasplante de órganos y tejidos en el personal de salud participante en la herramienta educativa llamada “Curso taller primer respondiente del potencial donante de órganos y tejidos”. Este curso incluía un formato evaluativo que fue diligenciado de manera anónima por los participantes antes y después de recibir el contenido del curso. El estudio se desarrolló en personal de la Salud de IPS pertenecientes a la Regional I, de la Red Nacional de donación y trasplantes de órganos y tejidos. Con el fin de evidenciar si existen diferencias en el conocimiento de los participantes del curso antes y después de asistir al mismo, se utilizó la prueba de McNemar (p< 0.05). RESULTADOS Entre julio del 2011 y junio del 2012, se realizó el “Curso taller primer respondiente del potencial donante de órganos y tejidos” y se obtuvieron 303 encuestados incluidos médicos, enfermeras y auxiliares de enfermería. Al inicio del curso las respuestas acertadas con relación a legislación, selección del donante, muerte encefálica y mantenimiento del donante estuvieron alrededor del 50%. No fue posible detectar la profesión que pudiese generar riesgo en la detección del donante y los procesos asociados. Posterior al curso, el 72% de las preguntas se respondieron de manera correcta, lo que representa un incremento estadísticamente significativo. Este cambio evidenció significancia estadística al usar la prueba de McNemar y arrojar un valor de p=0.00. .DISCUSIÓN El personal de salud participante en el curso taller proveniente de unidades involucradas como generadoras de donantes muestra un déficit de conocimientos del proceso donación trasplantes lo que puede convertirlos en limitantes para dicho proceso


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A partir de entrevistas realizadas a miembros del gremio de albañiles de Quito, el artículo formula algunas hipótesis sobre la formación de la cultura popular en la primera mitad del siglo xx. El gremio de albañiles se desarrolló en el contexto de una ciudad que pretendía ser moderna pero que, al mismo tiempo, reprodujo el privilegio y determinadas formas de violencia simbólica propias de una sociedad más tradicional. Frente a estas concepciones de privilegio, el estudio explora las nociones de raza popular y de respeto que emergen desde el espacio popular. Paralelamente, el artículo discute algunos problemas metodológicos y éticos relacionados con el método biográfico y con la posibilidad de escribir una historia de los trabajadores.


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This paper reports part of a qualitative study into evolving practice in the implementation of the Dispute Adjudication Board (DAB) construction dispute resolution technique, a variant of the Dispute Review Board (DRB) concept used in the US and Canada. Data was collected through a focus group interview of 20 highly experienced dispute resolution practitioners from engineering and the law. The group was assembled from members of FIDIC-NET with direct experience of project DABs. The part reported here concerns practice and procedure for establishing DABs. The main findings are that: constitution of the DABs is often delayed because of either project owners' ignorance of the DAB process or deterrence by the cost of the DABs; such owners also tend to insist on appointing DAB members from local engineers and lawyers without sufficient understanding of the DAB process; rates of remuneration of DAB members vary widely; the training provision for DAB membership and advocacy skills is inadequate; the process of selecting candidates for DAB membership and negotiating the tripartite agreement between each member and the contractual parties needs to be navigated with great care to avoid raising ethical problems. The research contribution is threefold. First, it highlights the importance of realistic fees for DAB members within a standard framework in achieving timely establishment of a board that works well as a team. Second, it illustrates the use of qualitative focus group interview to study the impact of new contract terms from multiple stakeholder perspectives. Finally, it identifies areas where further research is needed.


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Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to examine the implementation, communication and benefits of codes of ethics in the public sector of Sweden.

Design/methodology/approach –
The research is based on a longitudinal approach. It examines the ethos of codes of ethics in the largest public sector organizations of Sweden in 2001-2002 and 2005-2006.

Findings –
Only a few of the largest public sector organizations in Sweden have indicated that they possess codes of ethics. This finding may be explained by the current judicial legislation that governs Swedish society. The public codes of ethics have been established both recently and, in part, years ago.

Research limitations/implications –
A suggestion for further research would be to examine the implementation, communication and perceived benefits of public sector codes of ethics in other countries. Another area of further research would be to replicate the reported surveys in the future to examine the existence of potential trends.

Practical implications –
When it comes to the perceived benefits of public sector codes of ethics there appears to be only minor acknowledgement of the code being used to resolve ethical problems in society. However, there is a strong conviction that the code of ethics positively influences the operations of public sector organizations.

Originality/value –
The paper examines the ethical implementation, communication and benefits put in place by private companies to embed codes of ethics into their organizations.


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Although the practice of forensic and correctional psychology has been understood in relation to certain sets of values that have been articulated in codes of ethical practice or organisational mission statements, there has been little consideration of how the values of offenders can inform the rehabilitative process. In this paper the criminogenic nature of values is discussed and how these might be addressed in an intervention. It is concluded that an exploration of values is not only a necessary condition for successful rehabilitation, but also essential if ethical problems in working with offenders are to be avoided.


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The ethics of care acknowledges the importance of establishing and maintaining practices that help people to meet their needs, develop and protect basic capabilities for problem solving, emotional functioning, and social interaction, and avoid pain and suffering. In this article, we explore the contribution an ethics of care perspective can make to work with sex offenders. First, we briefly describe five classes of ethical problems evident in work with sex offenders. Second, the concept of care is defined and a justification for a version of care theory provided. Third, we apply the care ethical theory to ethical issues with sex offenders and demonstrate its value in responding to the five classes of problems outlined earlier.