769 resultados para Diagramas de Voronoi esféricos


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Se presentan los resultados de un experimento en el ámbito educativo llevado a cabo con estudiantes de química dentro de la carrera de ingeniería mecánica. El objetivo del experimento fue estudiar el desarrollo de la capacidad general para el programa de estudios como proceso de construcción del conocimiento basado en la teoría de asimilación de P.Ya Galperin. En el análisis de datos se consideraron como parámetros el grado de generalización, el grado de independencia, el grado de consciencia. Los resultados apuntan que bajo este enfoque los alumnos no sólo se ven favorecidos en los procesos de tipo cognitivo sino tambien los procesos motivacionales.


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La enseñanza de elementos de física moderna y, en particular, de la teoría de la relatividad es hoy un reto importante y difícil para el profesorado de los nuevos bachilertatos LOGSE. En el contexto de una metodología de enseñanza de las ciencias como investigación mostramos una herramienta didáctica que juzgamos muy útil para contribuir a que los estudiantes se apropien de conceptos básicos de esta teoría: el manejo de diagramas gráficos posición-tiempo relativistas.


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Resumen tomado de la publicación. Anexos con entrevistas y los diagramas relacionales


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Resumen tomado de la publicación


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Resumen tomado de la publicación


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Realizado en la Escuela Politécnica Superior, por 7 profesores del centro. El objetivo era construir una herramienta software que asista al alumno de Ingeniería Técnica en Informática de Gestión e Ingeniería Informática en la elaboración del diseño de diagramas de clases y posterior implementación de sistemas software a través de un mapeo en lenguaje Java. El proyecto se ha desarrollado en 10 fases: 1. Fijación de objetivos y plan detallado; 2. Especificación del proyecto; 3. Análisis; 4. Diseño; 5. Implementación y pruebas unitarias en fases iterativas, con realimentación al diseño; 6. Pruebas de integración; 7. Liberación del prototipo de la aplicación; 8. Revisión y correcciones al prototipo; 9. Explotación de la aplicación; 10. Publicación de memoria y conclusiones. Junto a la memoria con los conocimientos técnicos se adjunta un CD-ROM con el software. Se ha conseguido una herramienta práctica y efectiva en base al objetivo propuesto y el mejor resultado es el de la generación del código.


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Exposición de la práctica realizada con alumnos del curso preuniversitario en las clases de física y química sobre diagramas logarítmicos cuyo objetivo es facilitar la expresión verbal y los cálculos a los alumnos.


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Las fases necesarias para elaborar un diagrama de Gant son: determinación de las actividades principales; estimación de la duración efectiva de las mismas; enunciación en el diagrama de las actividades principales y de su relación entre si; representación gráfica de su duración; su utilización sus limitaciones, las actividades que se presentan tienen que ser limitadas perfectamente sin excederse en detalles. Tienen a su favor que son fácilmente realizables por personas no especializadas y que su representación sinóptica e intuitiva es muy útil. En definitiva, podemos decir que es un método útil para las programaciones de los docentes y puede contribuir a la mejora de la enseñanza, ya que proporciona un método sencillo de resumir las progresiones efectuadas y anotar la marcha de las actividades es de fácil seguimiento y una clara visión de conjunto lo que contribuirá a una clara coordinación.


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Investigación financiada por la Junta de Extremadura en el marco del Proyecto 'Enseñar a pensar históricamente' del II Plan Regional de Investigación y Desarrollo Tecnológico de Extremadura. Resumen basado en el de la publicación


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Resumen basado en el de la publicaci??n


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We present an algorithm for computing exact shortest paths, and consequently distances, from a generalized source (point, segment, polygonal chain or polygonal region) on a possibly non-convex polyhedral surface in which polygonal chain or polygon obstacles are allowed. We also present algorithms for computing discrete Voronoi diagrams of a set of generalized sites (points, segments, polygonal chains or polygons) on a polyhedral surface with obstacles. To obtain the discrete Voronoi diagrams our algorithms, exploiting hardware graphics capabilities, compute shortest path distances defined by the sites


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Alternative meshes of the sphere and adaptive mesh refinement could be immensely beneficial for weather and climate forecasts, but it is not clear how mesh refinement should be achieved. A finite-volume model that solves the shallow-water equations on any mesh of the surface of the sphere is presented. The accuracy and cost effectiveness of four quasi-uniform meshes of the sphere are compared: a cubed sphere, reduced latitude–longitude, hexagonal–icosahedral, and triangular–icosahedral. On some standard shallow-water tests, the hexagonal–icosahedral mesh performs best and the reduced latitude–longitude mesh performs well only when the flow is aligned with the mesh. The inclusion of a refined mesh over a disc-shaped region is achieved using either gradual Delaunay, gradual Voronoi, or abrupt 2:1 block-structured refinement. These refined regions can actually degrade global accuracy, presumably because of changes in wave dispersion where the mesh is highly nonuniform. However, using gradual refinement to resolve a mountain in an otherwise coarse mesh can improve accuracy for the same cost. The model prognostic variables are height and momentum collocated at cell centers, and (to remove grid-scale oscillations of the A grid) the mass flux between cells is advanced from the old momentum using the momentum equation. Quadratic and upwind biased cubic differencing methods are used as explicit corrections to a fast implicit solution that uses linear differencing.


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We bridge the properties of the regular triangular, square, and hexagonal honeycomb Voronoi tessellations of the plane to the Poisson-Voronoi case, thus analyzing in a common framework symmetry breaking processes and the approach to uniform random distributions of tessellation-generating points. We resort to ensemble simulations of tessellations generated by points whose regular positions are perturbed through a Gaussian noise, whose variance is given by the parameter α2 times the square of the inverse of the average density of points. We analyze the number of sides, the area, and the perimeter of the Voronoi cells. For all valuesα >0, hexagons constitute the most common class of cells, and 2-parameter gamma distributions provide an efficient description of the statistical properties of the analyzed geometrical characteristics. The introduction of noise destroys the triangular and square tessellations, which are structurally unstable, as their topological properties are discontinuous in α = 0. On the contrary, the honeycomb hexagonal tessellation is topologically stable and, experimentally, all Voronoi cells are hexagonal for small but finite noise withα <0.12. For all tessellations and for small values of α, we observe a linear dependence on α of the ensemble mean of the standard deviation of the area and perimeter of the cells. Already for a moderate amount of Gaussian noise (α >0.5), memory of the specific initial unperturbed state is lost, because the statistical properties of the three perturbed regular tessellations are indistinguishable. When α >2, results converge to those of Poisson-Voronoi tessellations. The geometrical properties of n-sided cells change with α until the Poisson- Voronoi limit is reached for α > 2; in this limit the Desch law for perimeters is shown to be not valid and a square root dependence on n is established. This law allows for an easy link to the Lewis law for areas and agrees with exact asymptotic results. Finally, for α >1, the ensemble mean of the cells area and perimeter restricted to the hexagonal cells agree remarkably well with the full ensemble mean; this reinforces the idea that hexagons, beyond their ubiquitous numerical prominence, can be interpreted as typical polygons in 2D Voronoi tessellations.


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We analyse in a common framework the properties of the Voronoi tessellations resulting from regular 2D and 3D crystals and those of tessellations generated by Poisson distributions of points, thus joining on symmetry breaking processes and the approach to uniform random distributions of seeds. We perturb crystalline structures in 2D and 3D with a spatial Gaussian noise whose adimensional strength is α and analyse the statistical properties of the cells of the resulting Voronoi tessellations using an ensemble approach. In 2D we consider triangular, square and hexagonal regular lattices, resulting into hexagonal, square and triangular tessellations, respectively. In 3D we consider the simple cubic (SC), body-centred cubic (BCC), and face-centred cubic (FCC) crystals, whose corresponding Voronoi cells are the cube, the truncated octahedron, and the rhombic dodecahedron, respectively. In 2D, for all values α>0, hexagons constitute the most common class of cells. Noise destroys the triangular and square tessellations, which are structurally unstable, as their topological properties are discontinuous in α=0. On the contrary, the honeycomb hexagonal tessellation is topologically stable and, experimentally, all Voronoi cells are hexagonal for small but finite noise with α<0.12. Basically, the same happens in the 3D case, where only the tessellation of the BCC crystal is topologically stable even against noise of small but finite intensity. In both 2D and 3D cases, already for a moderate amount of Gaussian noise (α>0.5), memory of the specific initial unperturbed state is lost, because the statistical properties of the three perturbed regular tessellations are indistinguishable. When α>2, results converge to those of Poisson-Voronoi tessellations. In 2D, while the isoperimetric ratio increases with noise for the perturbed hexagonal tessellation, for the perturbed triangular and square tessellations it is optimised for specific value of noise intensity. The same applies in 3D, where noise degrades the isoperimetric ratio for perturbed FCC and BCC lattices, whereas the opposite holds for perturbed SCC lattices. This allows for formulating a weaker form of the Kelvin conjecture. By analysing jointly the statistical properties of the area and of the volume of the cells, we discover that also the cells shape heavily fluctuates when noise is introduced in the system. In 2D, the geometrical properties of n-sided cells change with α until the Poisson-Voronoi limit is reached for α>2; in this limit the Desch law for perimeters is shown to be not valid and a square root dependence on n is established, which agrees with exact asymptotic results. Anomalous scaling relations are observed between the perimeter and the area in the 2D and between the areas and the volumes of the cells in 3D: except for the hexagonal (2D) and FCC structure (3D), this applies also for infinitesimal noise. In the Poisson-Voronoi limit, the anomalous exponent is about 0.17 in both the 2D and 3D case. A positive anomaly in the scaling indicates that large cells preferentially feature large isoperimetric quotients. As the number of faces is strongly correlated with the sphericity (cells with more faces are bulkier), in 3D it is shown that the anomalous scaling is heavily reduced when we perform power law fits separately on cells with a specific number of faces.


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We perturb the SC, BCC, and FCC crystal structures with a spatial Gaussian noise whose adimensional strength is controlled by the parameter a, and analyze the topological and metrical properties of the resulting Voronoi Tessellations (VT). The topological properties of the VT of the SC and FCC crystals are unstable with respect to the introduction of noise, because the corresponding polyhedra are geometrically degenerate, whereas the tessellation of the BCC crystal is topologically stable even against noise of small but finite intensity. For weak noise, the mean area of the perturbed BCC and FCC crystals VT increases quadratically with a. In the case of perturbed SCC crystals, there is an optimal amount of noise that minimizes the mean area of the cells. Already for a moderate noise (a>0.5), the properties of the three perturbed VT are indistinguishable, and for intense noise (a>2), results converge to the Poisson-VT limit. Notably, 2-parameter gamma distributions are an excellent model for the empirical of of all considered properties. The VT of the perturbed BCC and FCC structures are local maxima for the isoperimetric quotient, which measures the degre of sphericity of the cells, among space filling VT. In the BCC case, this suggests a weaker form of the recentluy disproved Kelvin conjecture. Due to the fluctuations of the shape of the cells, anomalous scalings with exponents >3/2 is observed between the area and the volumes of the cells, and, except for the FCC case, also for a->0. In the Poisson-VT limit, the exponent is about 1.67. As the number of faces is positively correlated with the sphericity of the cells, the anomalous scaling is heavily reduced when we perform powerlaw fits separately on cells with a specific number of faces.