986 resultados para Customer order decoupling point
Este estudo enquadra-se na área do Marketing Digital, e pretende demonstrar a influência exercida pelos vídeo-blogs no YouTube na decisão de compra de produtos cosméticos em Portugal. Aborda inicialmente conceitos como as redes sociais, mais concretamente os vídeoblogs e a rede social YouTube, o comportamento do consumidor online, o mercado da cosmética em Portugal e o Marketing ligado à industria da beleza. O objetivo deste estudo é o de demonstrar como as marcas de cosmética podem aumentar as suas vendas e notoriedade com a influência exercida pelas beauty vloggers. A fim de perceber a influência na tomada de decisão no que diz respeito a produtos de cosmética, adotámos uma metodologia quantitativa, que assentou na realização de inquéritos online por questionário. Os dados foram organizados e analisados com a ajuda do software de análise quantitativa SPSS. Os principais resultados observados determinam uma influência positiva dos vídeo-blogs na decisão de compra de produtos cosméticos. Esta influência poderá demonstrar que o sucesso das empresas de cosméticos na divulgação, venda e fidelização de clientes deve apontar cada vez mais para a utilização intensiva de video bloggers dedicadas a temas de beleza, e identificadas no estudo como líderes de opinião, para as suas estratégias de comunicação.
Tribimaximal leptonic mixing is a mass-independent mixing scheme consistent with the present solar and atmospheric neutrino data. By conveniently decomposing the effective neutrino mass matrix associated to it, we derive generic predictions in terms of the parameters governing the neutrino masses. We extend this phenomenological analysis to other mass-independent mixing schemes which are related to the tribimaximal form by a unitary transformation. We classify models that produce tribimaximal leptonic mixing through the group structure of their family symmetries in order to point out that there is often a direct connection between the group structure and the phenomenological analysis. The type of seesaw mechanism responsible for neutrino masses plays a role here, as it restricts the choices of family representations and affects the viability of leptogenesis. We also present a recipe to generalize a given tribimaximal model to an associated model with a different mass-independent mixing scheme, which preserves the connection between the group structure and phenomenology as in the original model. This procedure is explicitly illustrated by constructing toy models with the transpose tribimaximal, bimaximal, golden ratio, and hexagonal leptonic mixing patterns.
Mestrado em Engenharia Mecânica – Gestão Industrial
Relatório de Estágio Curricular apresentado ao Instituto Superior de Contabilidade e Administração do Porto para obtenção do Grau de Mestre em Logística Orientado pelo Doutor Júlio Faceira Guedes Coorientado pelo Engenheiro Ricardo Costa Moreira
Dissertação de mestrado integrado em Engenharia e Gestão Industrial
Engineering of fetal tissue has a high potential for the treatment of acute and chronic wounds of the skin in humans as these cells have high expansion capacity under simple culture conditions and one organ donation can produce Master Cell Banks which can fabricate over 900 million biological bandages (9 x 12cm). In a Phase 1 clinical safety study, cases are presented for the treatment of therapy resistant leg ulcers. All eight patients, representing 13 ulcers, tolerated multiple treatments with fetal biological bandages showing no negative secondary effects and repair processes similar to that seen in 3rd degree burns. Differential gene profiling using Affymetrix gene chips (analyzing 12,500 genes) were accomplished on these banked fetal dermal skin cells compared to banked dermal skin cells of an aged donor in order to point to potential indicators of wound healing. Families of genes involved in cell adhesion and extracellular matrix, cell cycle, cellular signaling, development and immune response show significant differences in regulation between banked fetal and those from banked old skin cells: with approximately 47.0% of genes over-expressed in fetal fibroblasts. It is perhaps these differences which contribute to efficient tissue repair seen in the clinic with fetal cell therapy.
Unlike the evaluation of single items of scientific evidence, the formal study and analysis of the jointevaluation of several distinct items of forensic evidence has to date received some punctual, ratherthan systematic, attention. Questions about the (i) relationships among a set of (usually unobservable)propositions and a set of (observable) items of scientific evidence, (ii) the joint probative valueof a collection of distinct items of evidence as well as (iii) the contribution of each individual itemwithin a given group of pieces of evidence still represent fundamental areas of research. To somedegree, this is remarkable since both, forensic science theory and practice, yet many daily inferencetasks, require the consideration of multiple items if not masses of evidence. A recurrent and particularcomplication that arises in such settings is that the application of probability theory, i.e. the referencemethod for reasoning under uncertainty, becomes increasingly demanding. The present paper takesthis as a starting point and discusses graphical probability models, i.e. Bayesian networks, as frameworkwithin which the joint evaluation of scientific evidence can be approached in some viable way.Based on a review of existing main contributions in this area, the article here aims at presentinginstances of real case studies from the author's institution in order to point out the usefulness andcapacities of Bayesian networks for the probabilistic assessment of the probative value of multipleand interrelated items of evidence. A main emphasis is placed on underlying general patterns of inference,their representation as well as their graphical probabilistic analysis. Attention is also drawnto inferential interactions, such as redundancy, synergy and directional change. These distinguish thejoint evaluation of evidence from assessments of isolated items of evidence. Together, these topicspresent aspects of interest to both, domain experts and recipients of expert information, because theyhave bearing on how multiple items of evidence are meaningfully and appropriately set into context.
Turning biases have been associated with unbalanced hemispheric dopaminergic activity, and this activity has been correlated with cue-directed behaviors. Moreover, a sexual differentiation in hippocampal dopaminergic receptors following learning has been shown. In humans, pointing responses towards the starting point is commonly used to assess the accuracy of direction estimation after locomotion. Thus, it may be of interest for the field of spatial cognition to explore human sex differences in spontaneous turning bias when a body rotation is required. To this end, male and female blindfolded subjects were guided in a linear displacement and asked to rotate in order to point in the direction of the starting position. The main finding was a massive difference between men and women. 80% of women showed a turning bias to the right when 69% of men showed a bias to the left. Moreover, these preferences were not correlated with handedness. These results suggest basic preferences associated to sex might influence male and female performance in spatial cognition. They also suggest experimental procedures may be biased in favor of male or female strategies. Therefore, such preferences should be considered in order to gain further insight into the development of more balanced procedures.
Työn tavoitteena on ollut selvittää runkoelementtitehtaan materiaalien hankinnanorganisointi ja ohjaus nykytilanteessa. Tutkimuksessa on pyritty löytämään materiaaliprosessin kannalta toimintaa rajoittavia pullonkauloja sekä etsitty kehitystoimenpiteitä ongelmakohtiin prosessiajattelun näkökulmasta. Tarkastelun kohteena on ollut yrityksen operatiivinen materiaaliprosessi nimikkeiden tilauksesta varastointiin. Työssä on käytetty kvalitatiivista tutkimusmenetelmää ja empiirisen osuuden tiedot on hankittu haastatteluilla ja laatuohjeistuksesta. Yrityksen nykytilanne on mallinnettu prosessikaavioiden avulla, ja on selvitetty mitkä ovat prosessin tieto- ja materiaalivirrat sekä mitkä ovat tärkeimmät toiminnot materiaaliketjussa. Prosessianalyysin ja haastatteluiden pohjalta määriteltiin kehitysehdotukset prosessin suorituskyvyn tehostamiseksi. Nykytilan kartoituksen jälkeen suurimmat ongelmat materiaaliprosessissa liittyvät tilausten ajoitusten hallintaan, muutoksien vaikutukseen prosessissa sekä vastuiden ja kokonaishallinnan puuttumiseen. Ongelmat johtuvat pääosin rakennusalan projektimaisesta luonteesta. Yhdeksi kehityskohteeksi nousi myös tiedonhallinnan tehostaminen, etenkin prosessin vaiheiden automatisointi tietojärjestelmiä hyödyntäen. Toimintaan on pyritty etsimään ratkaisuja prosessiajattelun avulla, mikä osoittautui sopivaksi menetelmäksi toiminnan kehittämisessä. Tutkimuksen tuloksena syntyi kehitysehdotuksia, joiden pohjalta muodostettiin uusi materiaalien ohjauksen toimintamalli. Toimintamallissa tärkeimpänä on ennakkotiedon hyödyntäminen tilaussuunnittelun tukena. Alustavat materiaalimäärät välitetään ennakkotietona myös toimittajille, jotka voivat paremmin suunnitella omaa tuotantokapasiteettiaan. Tilausten suunnittelu tapahtuu tarkentuvasti ja lopullinen materiaalimäärä ja tarveajankohta välitetään kotiinkutsun yhteydessä. Toimintamalliin liittyy lisäksi materiaalien vastaanoton ja varastoinnin kehittäminen sekä muutoksien hallinta tietojärjestelmää paremmin hyödyntäen. Kriittisintä materiaaliprosessissa tulee olemaan prosessin tiedonhallinta ja siihen liittyvät vastuukysymykset.
Tässä tutkimuksessa on keskitytty tutkimaan kuparituotetehtaan tuoterakennetta ja tilausten kohdistumispisteitä sekä esittämäänparannusehdotuksia näiden suhteen. Valssaamon prosessivarasto on kokenut huomattavan pienennyksen ja tavoitteena on, että tästä huolimatta tuotantoa pystyttäisiin ohjaamaan vähemmin resurssein, materiaalipulasta kärsimättä ja nopeammin läpimenoajoin. Lisäksi työssä esitetään muita tuotantoprosessiin liittyviä kehitysehdotuksia, jotka tukevat tuotannon virtaviivaistamista ja varastosaldojen vähentämistä. Teoriaosuudessa selitetään Lean-tuotannon toimivuuttavalssaamon kaltaisessa toimintaympäristössä. Teoriaosuudessa on käsitelty Lean-tuotannon lisäksi myös Agile- ja Leagile-teorioita, koska myös näiden teorioidenyhteensopivuus valssaamon tuotantoon on merkittävä. Empiirisessä osassa on kuvattu tuotantoprosessin ja tuoterakenteen nykytila sekä esitetty kehitysehdotuksianäiden kehittämiseen esiteltyjen teorioiden pohjalta. Tutkimuksen perusteella esitetään muutoksia tämänhetkiseen tuoterakenteeseen, koska nykyisen kaltainen tuoterakenne on jäänyt osittain turhaksi varastojen siirryttyä tuotannon alkupäähän. Lisäksi ehdotetaan kuumavalssaussuunnitelmasta luopumista ja kuumavalssaimen ohjaussyklin lyhentämistä vuorokauden mittaiseksi, sekä esitetään, miten tuotantoon tulisi välittää nykyistä tarkempaa tietoa tilauksien valmistumisajankohdista.
The application of forced unsteady-state reactors in case of selective catalytic reduction of nitrogen oxides (NOx) with ammonia (NH3) is sustained by the fact that favorable temperature and composition distributions which cannot be achieved in any steady-state regime can be obtained by means of unsteady-state operations. In a normal way of operation the low exothermicity of the selective catalytic reduction (SCR) reaction (usually carried out in the range of 280-350°C) is not enough to maintain by itself the chemical reaction. A normal mode of operation usually requires supply of supplementary heat increasing in this way the overall process operation cost. Through forced unsteady-state operation, the main advantage that can be obtained when exothermic reactions take place is the possibility of trapping, beside the ammonia, the moving heat wave inside the catalytic bed. The unsteady state-operation enables the exploitation of the thermal storage capacity of the catalyticbed. The catalytic bed acts as a regenerative heat exchanger allowing auto-thermal behaviour when the adiabatic temperature rise is low. Finding the optimum reactor configuration, employing the most suitable operation model and identifying the reactor behavior are highly important steps in order to configure a proper device for industrial applications. The Reverse Flow Reactor (RFR) - a forced unsteady state reactor - corresponds to the above mentioned characteristics and may be employed as an efficient device for the treatment of dilute pollutant mixtures. As a main disadvantage, beside its advantages, the RFR presents the 'wash out' phenomena. This phenomenon represents emissions of unconverted reactants at every switch of the flow direction. As a consequence our attention was focused on finding an alternative reactor configuration for RFR which is not affected by the incontrollable emissions of unconverted reactants. In this respect the Reactor Network (RN) was investigated. Its configuration consists of several reactors connected in a closed sequence, simulating a moving bed by changing the reactants feeding position. In the RN the flow direction is maintained in the same way ensuring uniformcatalyst exploitation and in the same time the 'wash out' phenomena is annulated. The simulated moving bed (SMB) can operate in transient mode giving practically constant exit concentration and high conversion levels. The main advantage of the reactor network operation is emphasizedby the possibility to obtain auto-thermal behavior with nearly uniformcatalyst utilization. However, the reactor network presents only a small range of switching times which allow to reach and to maintain an ignited state. Even so a proper study of the complex behavior of the RN may give the necessary information to overcome all the difficulties that can appear in the RN operation. The unsteady-state reactors complexity arises from the fact that these reactor types are characterized by short contact times and complex interaction between heat and mass transportphenomena. Such complex interactions can give rise to a remarkable complex dynamic behavior characterized by a set of spatial-temporal patterns, chaotic changes in concentration and traveling waves of heat or chemical reactivity. The main efforts of the current research studies concern the improvement of contact modalities between reactants, the possibility of thermal wave storage inside the reactor and the improvement of the kinetic activity of the catalyst used. Paying attention to the above mentioned aspects is important when higher activity even at low feeding temperatures and low emissions of unconverted reactants are the main operation concerns. Also, the prediction of the reactor pseudo or steady-state performance (regarding the conversion, selectivity and thermal behavior) and the dynamicreactor response during exploitation are important aspects in finding the optimal control strategy for the forced unsteady state catalytic tubular reactors. The design of an adapted reactor requires knowledge about the influence of its operating conditions on the overall process performance and a precise evaluation of the operating parameters rage for which a sustained dynamic behavior is obtained. An apriori estimation of the system parameters result in diminution of the computational efforts. Usually the convergence of unsteady state reactor systems requires integration over hundreds of cycles depending on the initial guess of the parameter values. The investigation of various operation models and thermal transfer strategies give reliable means to obtain recuperative and regenerative devices which are capable to maintain an auto-thermal behavior in case of low exothermic reactions. In the present research work a gradual analysis of the SCR of NOx with ammonia process in forced unsteady-state reactors was realized. The investigation covers the presentationof the general problematic related to the effect of noxious emissions in the environment, the analysis of the suitable catalysts types for the process, the mathematical analysis approach for modeling and finding the system solutions and the experimental investigation of the device found to be more suitable for the present process. In order to gain information about the forced unsteady state reactor design, operation, important system parameters and their values, mathematical description, mathematicalmethod for solving systems of partial differential equations and other specific aspects, in a fast and easy way, and a case based reasoning (CBR) approach has been used. This approach, using the experience of past similarproblems and their adapted solutions, may provide a method for gaining informations and solutions for new problems related to the forced unsteady state reactors technology. As a consequence a CBR system was implemented and a corresponding tool was developed. Further on, grooving up the hypothesis of isothermal operation, the investigation by means of numerical simulation of the feasibility of the SCR of NOx with ammonia in the RFRand in the RN with variable feeding position was realized. The hypothesis of non-isothermal operation was taken into account because in our opinion ifa commercial catalyst is considered, is not possible to modify the chemical activity and its adsorptive capacity to improve the operation butis possible to change the operation regime. In order to identify the most suitable device for the unsteady state reduction of NOx with ammonia, considering the perspective of recuperative and regenerative devices, a comparative analysis of the above mentioned two devices performance was realized. The assumption of isothermal conditions in the beginningof the forced unsteadystate investigation allowed the simplification of the analysis enabling to focus on the impact of the conditions and mode of operation on the dynamic features caused by the trapping of one reactant in the reactor, without considering the impact of thermal effect on overall reactor performance. The non-isothermal system approach has been investigated in order to point out the important influence of the thermal effect on overall reactor performance, studying the possibility of RFR and RN utilization as recuperative and regenerative devices and the possibility of achieving a sustained auto-thermal behavior in case of lowexothermic reaction of SCR of NOx with ammonia and low temperature gasfeeding. Beside the influence of the thermal effect, the influence of the principal operating parameters, as switching time, inlet flow rate and initial catalyst temperature have been stressed. This analysis is important not only because it allows a comparison between the two devices and optimisation of the operation, but also the switching time is the main operating parameter. An appropriate choice of this parameter enables the fulfilment of the process constraints. The level of the conversions achieved, the more uniform temperature profiles, the uniformity ofcatalyst exploitation and the much simpler mode of operation imposed the RN as a much more suitable device for SCR of NOx with ammonia, in usual operation and also in the perspective of control strategy implementation. Theoretical simplified models have also been proposed in order to describe the forced unsteady state reactors performance and to estimate their internal temperature and concentration profiles. The general idea was to extend the study of catalytic reactor dynamics taking into account the perspectives that haven't been analyzed yet. The experimental investigation ofRN revealed a good agreement between the data obtained by model simulation and the ones obtained experimentally.
Els préstecs hipotecaris són préstecs a llarg termini que es tramiten a través d’un banc o qualsevol altra entitat financera i a canvi cobren interessos i prenen el teu habitatge com a garantia del pagament del préstec. La traducció d’aquest tipus de textos pot enfocar-se com una traducció jurada depenent del tipus d’encàrrec del client. És important la informació prèvia a la traducció sobre el tema, tant en la cultura d’origen com en la d’arribada. També s’ha de tenir en compte la quantitat de tecnicismes que ens poden aparèixer en el text i per tant, la necessitat d’utilitzar diccionaris i bases terminològiques especialitzades en el tema. Aquest treball és una traducció i anàlisi traductològic d’un préstec hipotecari de l’Estat de Massachusets al català.
Projektit ovat keskeinen osa usean yrityksen päivittäistä toimintaa. Niiden avulla voidaan toteuttaa organisaatioiden sisäisiä kehityshankkeita tai yhtä hyvin asiakastoimituksia tuotteiden ja palveluiden muodossa. Tämän tutkimustyön tavoitteena on kehittää asiakastoimitusprojektien projektiliiketoimintamallia strategian näkökulmasta tapaustutkimuksen avulla. Lisäksi tutkimustyön tavoitteena on määrittää projektiliiketoiminnan menestystekijät asiakastoimitusprojektien yhteydessä ja muodostaa niiden mukainen suorituskykymittariston perusta. Tutkimus toteutettiin valitun yrityksen projektiliiketoimintamalliin perehtymällä. Ensimmäisessä vaiheessa esitellään yritystä ja sen toimintaa. Yrityksen toimintaa kuvataan viitekehyksen avulla, joka on valittu teoriakatsauksen perusteella. Teoriakatsaus käsittelee projektiliiketoimintaa, strategiaa projektiliiketoiminnassa sekä suorituskyvynjohtamisen teoriaa. Keskeisenä tuloksena tutkimuksen perusteella muodostettiin ehdotus yrityksen projektiliiketoiminnan tavoitetilasta, ydintoiminnoista, menestystekijöistä sekä strategiasta. Ehdotuksessa kuvataan projektiliiketoiminnan suorituskyvynjohtamisen peruselementit, jotka muodostavat perustan suorituskyvyn mittaamiselle kohdeorganisaatiossa.
Relevant aspects of proposed mechanisms of the chemiluminescent reaction of luminol are presented and commented to emphasize its perspectives for kinetic analysis. A careful search for analytical applications of this reaction is discussed in order to point out new trends of the studies. Kinetic analysis using the luminol reaction is proposed to be a very attractive due to the good performance of the reaction in analytical applications and the positive characteristics of kinetic analysis, such as low cost and sensibility. It is pointed out that kinetic analysis using the chemiluminescent reaction of luminol should be encouraged.
Tämän diplomityön tarkoituksena on löytää hitsaavan asiakasohjautuvan tilauskonepajan käyttöön keinoja, joiden avulla on mahdollista tasata suhdannevaihteluiden vaikutusta yrityksen toimintaan. Korkea- ja matalasuhdanteen välistä eroa pyritään yksittäisen yrityksen osalta kaventamaan, vähentämään laskusuhdanteen vaikutuksia yritykseen ja parantamaan yrityksen valmiuksia noususuhdanteeseen siirryttäessä. Tämän työn tarkoituksen saavuttamiseksi tarkastelussa on keskitytty yrityksen tuottavuuteen, kannattavuuteen ja kustannustehokkuuteen. Tarkastelu on rajattu yksittäis- ja piensarjatuotantoon ja siinä tyypillisimmin käytössä oleviin kaarihitsausmenetelmiin. Teoreettinen tarkastelu on perustunut kirjallisuuteen ja oman työuran aikaisiin havaintoihin. Tarkastelua on täydennetty kolmen yrityksen toimitusjohtajan avoimella haastattelulla. Soveltuvina keinoina on löydetty asiakasohjautuvalle tilauskonepajalle yleisesti soveltuvia toimenpiteitä ja erikseen asiakasohjautuvan tilauskonepajan hitsaukseen soveltuvia toimenpiteitä. Löydetyillä yleisillä toimenpiteillä vaikutetaan erityisesti tuotannon sitoman pääoman määrään, toimitusvarmuuteen ja asiakassuhteen muotoon sekä niissä tapahtuviin muutoksiin. Hitsaukseen liittyvillä toimenpiteillä vaikutetaan pääasiassa tekijöihin, joiden avulla hitsaustyön määrää tuotteen valmistuksessa voidaan vähentää, tuotteen hitsaustyöhön kuluvaa aikaa voidaan pienentää ja hitsaustyötä voidaan helpottaa ja keventää.