986 resultados para Constituição econômica
Os bancos públicos representam, historicamente, importante instrumento do governo federal no âmbito da formulação e implementação de políticas públicas. A relevância das ações materializadas por eles, principalmente, em relação ao desenvolvimento econômico e social, por meio da utilização de vultosos recursos oriundos do tesouro nacional, desperta a atenção da sociedade interessada em conhecer mais sobre as operações de empréstimos. A política de transparência torna-se central à luz de relevantes conceitos de democracia e de desdobramentos importantes de publicidade, prestação de contas e Accountability, principalmente após a Constituição de 1988 pela necessidade de efetivação de mecanismos democráticos. Desta forma, esta pesquisa busca contribuir tanto para a discussão teórica quanto para a base empírica do tema de transparência nos bancos públicos. Com a realização de pesquisa documental estruturada para levantamento de dados e informações, foi possível analisar os fatores apresentados a partir dos casos do Banco do Brasil (BB), da Caixa Econômica Federal (CEF) e do Banco Nacional de Desenvolvimento Econômico e Social (BNDES), avançando no debate da transparência dos bancos públicos. Esta pesquisa exploratória explica, além de outros fatores, como o conceito de transparência aplicado ao objeto de banco público no Brasil assume a característica de “conceito essencialmente contestado” (GALLIE, 1956).
This research proposes a study about the interpretative techniques application that are compatible with the national legal system under the principles for Sustainable Development characterized in Brazilian Constitution. It verifies the actual possibility of reconciliation between national development and environment protection, with reflections under the water legal protection. It was proposed, therefore, to point subsidies for jurisdictional decisions involving development and the environmental goods, protected as constitutionally guaranteed principles. It was assumed that, both development and environment protection represents basic rights that are eventually placed in conflict situations, considering the many legitimate economic activities within the Brazilian State. A representative case analysis was elected within the current national scene, detailing the judicial and political conflict involving the Transboundery water Project from the São Francisco River Basin to another Northeastern river basin in Brazil. The implementation of several constitutional principles with elements from legal hermeneutics provides subsidies for the legal analysis about the conflict between development and environmental protection. It was assumed that the main discussion item about rights due to development today is the institutions influence and their results, among them the rules, laws and interpretative elements for the constitutional text objectivity, as the institutions credibility and the Supreme Courts interpretations. The use of interpretative resources for specific conflict situations about constitutional principles by Superior Courts, on the search, would bring a contributory factor for decision safety, related to sustainable development principles, elimination of inequalities and regional protecting for the environment. Specific aspects of Law No. 9.433/97 that introduced the National Water Resources Policy were examined, with its instruments, in order to specifically contextualize aspects of the Brazilian water resources management politics
Aborda a evolução histórica das liberdades individuais, a partir de apontamentos pertinentes ao constitucionalismo liberal, à formação do Estado de Direito e ao advento dos regimes democráticos amparados em direitos fundamentais. Pretende, quanto aos direitos fundamentais, mostrar diversas classificações, funções, critérios e conceitos, além da sistematização de gerações ou dimensões de direitos. Discorre acerca da teoria dos limites aos limites, ao lado de teorias correlatas em profícua confrontação doutrinária, tudo com fins a estruturar os conceitos basilares de direitos de liberdade, que orientam o restante da obra. Trata do cenário histórico-jurídico do surgimento da Análise Econômica do Direito (AED), consistente, sobretudo, no jusrealismo norte-americano, abordado, em paralelo, com o realismo jurídico escandinavo. Aplica conceitos e premissas de microeconomia ao Direito Penal, com ênfase para a investigação do comportamento criminoso empreendida pela Economia do Crime. Avança não apenas restrito à perspectiva teórica, trazendo dados empíricos e implicações concretas da teoria econômica dos delitos e das penas, que serão reconhecidos na evolução e redução da criminalidade, nas políticas de desarmamento, na estruturação empresarial do narcotráfico, bem como na otimização da administração penitenciária brasileira a fim de concretizar o preconizado pela legislação de execução penal. Desenvolve estudo a partir da leitura histórica do Direito Penal, passando pelos conceitos de sociedade complexa e de riscos. Analisa, após fixados tais pressupostos, algumas causas do processo de expansão do Direito Penal com vistas a identificar propostas alternativas ao hiperpunitivismo hodierno, preservando-se, assim, os direitos de liberdade que sustentam o Estado Democrático de Direito. Propõe uma desconstrução do conceito jurídico do princípio da eficiência administrativa, demonstrando como seu conteúdo normativo foi demasiadamente mitigado pela recepção precária dos respectivos elementos econômicos por parte da doutrina e da jurisprudência pátria. Ressalta a importância jurídica da eficiência econômica, devidamente harmonizada com os demais princípios constitucionais, por força do instrumental analítico da AED Positiva. Investiga criticamente algumas teorias sociológicas tendentes ao funcionalismo penal, sob referenciais de eficiência e de direitos de liberdade. Almeja, ao final, propor a AED como alternativa à expansão funcionalista e irracional dos tipos e sanções criminais, de modo que a aproximação entre Economia do Crime, eficiência econômica e Direito Penal contribua para blindar os direitos de liberdade das vicissitudes típicas da sociedade contemporânea
It is verified worldwide an increasing concern with the protection of natural resources in the planet, a fact that became relevant in Brazil since the promulgation of the Constitution of 1988, based on the viewpoint of sustainable development, which seeks to promote economic activities in the country according to the need for conservation and preservation of natural resources for the use of present and future generations. In addition, we seek to reduce the differences that occur in our society by determining as a fundamental objective to be persecuted by the Federative Republic of Brazil the reduction of social and regional inequalities. A value that should also be observed in the context of economic activities developed here, since it is a general principle of financial and economic order of the country. Therefore, considering the exhaustion of world s reserves of fossil fuels, as well as the impacts on the environment, especially for the large emission of greenhouse effect gases, the debate about the need to change the global energy matrix increases while alternative energy sources appears as a bet to fulfill the contemporary aspirations for sustainability, and Brazil emerges in a very favorable position, because it has the essential natural conditions to allow this sector s full development. In this perspective, the work has the scope to analyze how the production of alternative energy sources may act in the search for concretization of constitutional values, to promote sustainable development for present and future generations, and to reduce regional and social inequalities in an attempt to improve the quality of life of the population. It will also be observed the current regulatory framework of alternative energy sources in the national laws to verify the existence of legal and institutional security, which is necessary to guarantee the full development of the sector in the country. And to investigate the expected results, it will be observed through the concrete evaluation of specific practices adopted in the industry, analyzing their actual compliance with the constitutional provisions under analysis, based on the examination of the possibility of using renewable biomass sources for biofuel production, promoting development to the country, indicating the opening lines about how this important sector can act to solve the energy challenge today
This work pursues to analyze the sanctions of restrictive nature, which are characterized by impeding the business of the contributor in debt. Such sanctions known as political sanctions, are truly understood as an indirect way of tax enforcement, liable to cause problems to the private entity in curtailing, the initiative freedom, opposing the Article 5°, item XIII and Article 170, single paragraph of CF/88. As the State gets the several means to assure the economic order effective performance, it is up to the State to restrain the economic power abuse that objects to the marketing domination, to the ending of competition, and arbitrary increasing of profits (CF Article 173, § 4ª.) Therefore, it depends on the state, besides maintaining the economic order, to ensure a fair distribution of tax burden and act under the command of the Democratic State of Law principles. In order to make the tax collection effective, specific in some cases, the administrative fiscal agent uses coercive, excessive, and institutional, in imposing sanctions which causes constraint, maculating the contributor s essential rights, that matters of the necessity to force the tax credit ending. The principle of the free initiative and free competition, which are intended to be analyzed in this study, comes from a constitutional context and it will be reviewed in its systematic relations and with another rules, in order to evidence, at the end, the occurrence of an intervention towards the economic order when the State makes do of political sanctions as a tool for the tax credit effectiveness, infringing the Tax and Constitutional principles
There is a clear relationship between citizenship and labor market. While foreign nationals are equal in dignity and rights in the laws governing the employment of this labor force. Motivated by reasons of state security or political direction, such laws to a greater or lesser degree, create establish a system of worker protection in the face of the foreign national. These rules have a direct impact on economic regulation, as they can affect the supply of skilled labor or not, articulating with the economic order envisaged by the 1988 Constitution. The Constitution adopts several principles in its economic order, so that the issues involving the rules of the nationalization of all work must be considered in a systematic way, one can not choose a pleasure interpreter. The nationalization of the work rules are not unique to Brazil, similar rules exist in several countries of South America and Africa. In Europe they already existed, but lost out on the basis of treaties setting up the European Union, although other mechanisms are used for the purpose of protecting the citizens of the member states, making policies equal treatment legislation symbolic. The nationalization of the work rules governing the relationship between nationality and the labor market and are in a legal category, which has a function to fulfill in the Brazilian legal system. Not all rules nationalization violate the principle of equality, as it is possible, depending on the circumstance indeed adopt a criterion that implies differentiation between nationals and foreigners. The Constitution has a will arising from its normative force, so that the assumptions it (constitution) used to discriminate may also be possible by ordinary legislation, since the situation is actually justifiably constitutional
This work presents an analysis about the legitimation of independent regulatory commission`s rulemaking power by participation procedure. It is observed that political and administrative decentralization and fragmentation of State, with the purpose of approaching citizens and provide, more efficiently, the functions acquired by the passage of the Welfare State, leads to a deficit of legitimacy (democratic crisis), which is noticeable in the making of legal norms by directors of independent regulatory commission to regulate specific economic sector. However, we understand that this crisis stems from the observation of the contemporary world from dogmas and legal institutions of the eighteenth century, without their evolution and adaptation to the modern world. The legitimacy must be perceived as the justification of power, relation command /obedience, which, from the Modern State, has the democracy as standard. Therefore, just as the world has evolved and demanded political and administrative decentralization to accompany him, it is necessary to the development of the idea of representative democracy (formal legitimacy) to participatory democracy (legitimacy stuff). Legitimacy is not confused with the legality: as the legality is on observance to internal legal system, the "rules of play"; legitimacy, as inputs to be fed into this system, the selection of the different expectations in the environment. Nevertheless, the legitimacy will take place by legality, through introduction of rational and communicative procedures: procedures get fundamental importance because these will be the means to select the expectations to be introduced in the legal system in order to make decisions more fair, rational and qualified towards society. Thus, it is necessary to its opening to the environment for dialogue with the government. In this context, we try to make an analysis of constitutional norms based on systematic and teleological interpretation of these norms to build these arguments. According to the Constitution of 1988, participatory democracy is a result of the democratic principle (sole paragraph of art. 1 of the Constitution), and it is an expression of citizenship and political pluralism, both foundations of Republic (respectively Art. 1st, inc . V and II of the Constitution), as well as the national consciousness. From another point of view, that principle consists of an evolution in the management public affairs (principle of Republic). The right of interested participate in the rulemaking process derives both the principle of popular participation (part of the democratic principle) and the republican principle as the due process constitutional (art. 5, LIV and LV, CF/88) and the right to petition (Art . 5 °, inc. XXXIV, "a", CF/88), and it is the duty of the State not only be open to participation and encourage it. Ignoring stakeholder involvement in procedures and / or expressions compiled can be causes of invalidation of the rule of law produced by addiction of procedure, motive, motivation and/or because of the administrative act. Finally, we conclude that the involvement of stakeholders in the process of making rules within the independent regulatory commission is the legitimacy and the validity of rules; and that, despite of the expressions do not bind the decision making, they will enter the system as juridical fact, balancing the field of technical discretionary of agencies
The study aims to investigate the limits of state intervention via induction on Economic Order, especially in cases regarding tax equality, through the analysis of their effects on economic development and on free competition from the perspective of economic efficiency and the Constitution. Thus, the work seeks to demonstrate that the achievement of equality in taxation is important in that it strengthens the economic relations in terms of efficiency, protects competition and fosters economic development to reduce regional and social inequalities and other constitutional desiderata. A dissertation is characterized by interdisciplinarity and was divided into two parts. The first is to discuss the legal meaning of equality from the doctrinal analysis of the principle and the relationship between equality and justice in the economic sense without rejecting its philosophical content. It is noteworthy that hermeneutics and the philosophy of language are useful tools for achieving equality in presenting the pragmatic methodologies applicable to the subject in terms of corrective justice. Based on these general assumptions, is going to study the tax equality and their characteristics, the corollary of the ability to pay and its relation to the economic capacity and the issue of progressivity in taxation as an ideal of distributive justice. The second part concerns the legal foundations of Economic Order and its relation to extrafiscality as a means of economic regulation in order to investigate the efficiency of this induction in order to promote economic development, free competition and tax equality itself to reduce inequalities and distributing wealth. Within this context, we investigated the scope of the constitutional principles of economic order, free enterprise and free competition, and favored differential treatment for small and medium enterprises, the issue of regional development for the reduction of regional and social inequalities, the problem the "fiscal war" and finally the efficiency from the perspective of Economic Analysis of Law
During the ninth century, owing to the process of industrialization, new social conflicts were showed, forcing the Government not to remain inert. The necessity of answer to these new demands requires from the State some actions that assure the new economic, cultural and social rights, able to exceed the formal equality, according to the principles of redistributive equality and well-being. Among the social rights, the right to health is showed up, which is placed at the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the International Treaty for the Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, as a necessary term to promote the dignity and the free development of the human personality. Under the Constitutional Law, it is clear that the implementation of the right to health, placed at the 6th article of the Brazilian Constitution, demands a government activity, which usually requires a provision of material goods, depending on budgetary resources. The Legislative and Executive Branches have a very important role in compliance with the constitutional regulations about the satisfactory offer of health care services, besides the correct use of the resources at this area. The adoption of public policies is the way of Government action to the planning and realization of this right. Though, some public policies are usually made apart from the social compromises, to the detriment of the basic social rights. The government has a discretionary competence to manage the health services. That is the reason it is necessary the control of the political choices, through the popular control, the extrajudicial control by the Account Courts, or the judicial review. Owed to the constitutionalization of social rights, the constitutional justice has a very relevant role, concerning to the constitutional jurisdiction, in a way the Judiciary Branch assume your position as a player that transforms the society. On the control of the public health policies, there is a cast of official instruments, judicial or not, to the guarantee of the collective right to the public health services, and to allow the citizens to reach the real implementation of the right to health
A partir da relação Trabalho e Educação estabelecida dentro de uma comunidade de pescadores artesanais no município de Cametá, são analisados os acordos de pesca, enquanto formas estratégicas para a gestão dos recursos pesqueiros presentes nos rios e para o dia a dia desses trabalhadores. Buscamos, assim, na voz desses sujeitos (pescadores artesanais) identificar os problemas, as dificuldades e os ganhos com esses acordos, mas também como esses documentos são capazes de incitar mecanismos de organização coletiva, através da cogestão dos recursos pesqueiros entre os moradores das comunidades onde a experiência é realizada. Inicialmente buscando seu próprio reconhecimento e depois o reconhecimento como categoria, enquanto classe social, os sujeitos pescadores são estudados nesse processo de constituição quer em sua luta individual quer inseridos em movimentos sociais. Objetivamos, dessa forma, apreender a importância do seu trabalho e como ele está impregnado no seu saber e nas suas práticas econômicas e/ou organizacionais. Do mesmo modo, tendo como ponto de partida concepções que descrevem lógicas comunitárias que permeiam formas de acesso e exercem a manutenção e a gestão de seus espaços, queremos compreender quais os fundamentos que viabilizam o uso compartilhado dos recursos pesqueiros.
The present work has shown the development of the comic book market in the United States and Brazil, according to Schumpeter's theory of technological innovation. Firstly was made an analysis of the Brazilian market during the years of rising inflation, after the end of dictatorship, in our country, following the trajectory of two publishers, D-arte e Circo that closed their doors due to the economic crisis. The analysis has followed until the current days, showing that the market has changed like the strategies used by publishers to keep launching comic books
Pós-graduação em Educação - FFC
Tese de doutoramento, Direito (Ciências Jurídico-Políticas), Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de Direito, 2016
As Estradas de baixo volume de tráfego (EBVT) têm um importante papel para o desenvolvimento de um país porque representam uma extensão considerável da malha rodoviária existente, sendo de grande relevância social e económica. A função económica da infraestrutura rodoviária traduz-se, por um lado, pelo montante de recursos investidos na sua construção e manutenção e, por outro lado, pelo suporte que garantem à mobilidade de pessoas e bens. Os pavimentos daquelas infraestruturas são uma componente fundamental para o seu bom desempenho, o que explica a importância de empregar bons métodos de dimensionamento. Pavimentos rodoviários subdimensionados e com estratégias de conservação deficientes sofrerão rotura prematura, o que conduzirá a altos custos de reconstrução e grandes perdas económicas. Por sua vez, pavimentos sobredimensionados envolverão desperdício dos recursos, os quais poderiam ser utilizados para melhorar outras características igualmente relevantes para a infraestrutura. Verifica-se ainda que, nos últimos anos, as empresas construtoras portuguesas têm alargado a sua atividade para países africanos, nos quais as soluções de pavimentação utilizam solos naturais ou estabilizados nas camadas estruturais, e revestimentos betuminosos delgados colocados sobre aquelas, porquanto há escassez de materiais pétreos para uso rodoviário. Por isso, as técnicas de pavimentação utilizadas em Portugal e na Europa não são geralmente utilizadas nos países africanos. Essa realidade leva a que os técnicos portugueses ao serviço de empresas que atuam em mercados africanos necessitem de reunir informação sistematizada sobre o assunto, o que acarreta algumas dificuldades. É, assim, de todo o interesse reunir informação dispersa sobre os materiais a utilizar para as situações referidas, assim como avaliar as metodologias de dimensionamento que poderão utilizar-se, de modo a estabelecer estruturas de pavimentos e as características dos materiais que as constituem, de modo conseguir infraestruturas de transporte rodoviário que suportem a economia de um território. A par da conceção e do dimensionamento estão as estratégias e as técnicas de conservação das estruturas de pavimentos, de modo a contribuir para a durabilidade da infraestrutura e para o desenvolvimento da economia do território servido. Pelas razões aduzidas, na presente dissertação procurou-se reunir informação dispersa sobre os aspetos relevantes da constituição, conceção, dimensionamento e conservação de pavimentos de estruturas pouco espessas de pavimentos, destinados a tráfego de pesados pouco significativo no seu ciclo de vida, mas com picos de solicitação importantes. A sistematização e análise dos aspetos relevantes, e a aplicação a casos concretos, permitiu uma análise comparativa das soluções em confronto, quer no que diz respeito aos aspetos tecnológicos da construção e da conservação, quer no que se refere aos aspetos do dimensionamento deste tipo de pavimentos, constituindo uma contribuição útil para o setor.
This scientific investigation begins with the recognition of the authorization granted by the Constitutional Legislator to the State for, relativizing its neutrality towards the private sector, intervene in the behavior of economic agents, through different means, including fiscal incentives and tax increases in order to achieve the objectives and directives of the Federal Constitution, as well as achieve the rights and guarantees also described in the Federal Constitution. Demonstrates, however, that this intervention in the private sector has the power to generate both salutary reflections as perverse and divorced goals from what was established by the Federal Constitution and Multilateral Agreements and this is the basis that justifies the relevance of the study: because of the urgency to provide a thorough analysis of the phenomenon of state intervention in the Economic Order, given the importance of its impacts, both for citizens' lives, as well as for the maintenance of the State established as it is nowadays. From this premise, this research examines the issue of tax policies adopted in the country, focusing on tax incentives, comparing its use with the principles of the Economic Order and the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade - GATT analyzing whether these have been respected or if Brazil adopted unjustified protectionist measures. From this context, this research approximated different branches of the law, developed through literature review in areas such as constitutional law, economic law, tax law, financial law and law and economics. This study verifies the motivations and objectives that underlie the adopted justifications for the use of tax incentives, as well as its results, seeking to empirically answer if its use is reasonable and consistent with the terms enshrined in the Federal Constitution of 1988 and GATT. The answer to this research question will be sought through doctrinal analysis, jurisprudence and hard cases. Thus, the study begins with the historical evolution of extrafiscality, analyzes the principles that should guide the behavior of economic agents. Subsequently analyzes the legal regime of tax incentives and the results achieved by hard cases in which the tax policies with extrafiscal nature were adopted in order to demonstrate the positive and negative consequences arising from the adoption of this type of benefit