992 resultados para Chemical vapor reaction processes


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Although the transition metal chemistry of many dialkylamido ligands has been well studied, the chemistry of the bulky di(tert-butyl)amido ligand has been largely overlooked. The di(tert-butyl)amido ligand is well suited for synthesizing transition metal compounds with low coordination numbers; such compounds may exhibit interesting structural, physical, and chemical properties. Di(tert-butyl)amido complexes of transition metals are expected to exhibit high volatilities and low decomposition temperatures, thus making them well suited for the chemical vapor deposition of metals and metal nitrides. Treatment of MnBr₂(THF)₂, FeI₂, CoBr₂(DME), or NiBr₂(DME) with two equivalents of LiN(t-Bu)2 in benzene affords the two-coordinate complex M[N(t-Bu)₂]₂, where M is Mn, Fe, Co, or Ni. Crystallographic studies show that the M-N distances decrease across the series: 1.9365 (Mn), 1.8790 (Fe), 1.845 (Co), 1.798 Å (Ni). The N-M- N angles are very close to linear for Mn and Fe (179.30 and 179.45°, respectively), but bent for Co and Ni (159.2 and 160.90°, respectively). As expected, the d⁵ Mn complex has a magnetic moment of 5.53 μΒ that is very close to the spin only value. The EPR spectrum is nearly axial with a low E/D ratio of 0.014. The d⁶ Fe compound has a room temperature magnetic moment of 5.55 μΒ indicative of a large orbital angular momentum contribution. It does not exhibit a Jahn-Teller distortion despite the expected doubly degenerate ground state. Applied field Mössbauer spectroscopy shows that the effective internal hyperfine field is unusually large, Hint = 105 T. The magnetic moments of Co[N(t-Bu)₂]₂ and Ni[N(t-Bu)₂]₂ are 5.24 and 3.02 μΒ respectively. Both are EPR silent at 4.2 K. Treatment of TiCl₄ with three equivalents of LiN(t-Bu)2 in pentane affords the briding imido compound Ti₂[μ-N(t-Bu)]₂Cl₂[N(t-Bu)₂]₂ via a dealkylation reaction. Rotation around the bis(tert-butyl)amido groups is hindered, with activation parameters of ΔH‡ = 12.8 ± 0.6 kcal mol-1 and ΔS‡ = -8 ± 2 cal K-1 ·mol-1, as evidenced by variable temperature 1H NMR spectroscopy. Treatment of TiCl₄ with two equivalents of HN(t-Bu)₂ affords Ti₂Cl₆[N(t-Bu)₂]₂. This complex shows a close-contact of 2.634(3) Å between Ti and the carbon atom of one of the CH₃ substituents on the tert-butyl groups. Theoretical considerations and detailed structural comparisons suggest this interaction is not agostic in nature, but rather is a consequence of interligand repulsions. Treatment of NiI₂(PPh3)₂ and PdCl₂(PPh₃)₂ with LiN(t-Bu)₂in benzene affords Ni[N(t-Bu)₂](PPh₃)I and Pd₃(μ₂-NBut₂)2(μ₂-PPh₂)Ph(PPh₃) respectively. The compound Ni[N(t-Bu)₂](PPh₃)I has distorted T-shape in geometry, whereas Pd₃(μ₂-NBut₂)₂(μ₂-PPh₂)Ph(PPh₃) contains a triangular palladium core. Manganese nitride films were grown from Mn[N(t-Bu)₂]₂ in the presence of anhydrous ammonia. The growth rate was several nanometers per minute even at the remarkably low temperature of 80⁰C. As grown, the films are carbon- and oxygen-free, and have a columnar morphology. The spacings between the columns become smaller and the films become smoother as the growth temperature is increased. The composition of the films is consistent with a stoichiometry of Mn₅N₂.


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Detailed analytical electron microscope (AEM) studies of yellow whiskers produced by chemical vapor deposition (CVD)1 show that two basic types of whiskers are produced at low temperatures (between 1200°C and 1400°C) and low boron to carbon gas ratios. Both whisker types show planar microstructures such as twin planes and stacking faults oriented parallel to, or at a rhombohedral angle to, the growth direction. For both whisker types, the presence of droplet-like terminations containing both Si and Ni indicate that the growth process during CVD is via a vapor-liquid-solid (VLS) mechanism.


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Graphene films with different structures were catalytically grown on the silicon substrate pre-deposited with a gold film by hot filament chemical vapor deposition under different conditions, where methane, hydrogen and nitrogen were used as the reactive gases. The morphological and compositional properties of graphene films were studied using advanced instruments including field emission scanning electron microscopy, micro-Raman spectroscopy and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy. The results indicate that the structure and composition of graphene films are changed with the variation of the growth conditions. According to the theory related to thermodynamics, the formation of graphene films was theoretically analyzed and the results indicate that the formation of graphene films is related to the fast incorporation and precipitation of carbon. The electron field emission (EFE) properties of graphene films were studied in a high vacuum system of ∼10-6 Pa and the EFE results show that the turn-on field is in a range of 5.2-5.64 V μm-1 and the maximum current density is about 63 μ A cm-2 at the field of 7.7 V μm-1. These results are important to control the structure of graphene films and have the potential applications of graphene in various nanodevices.


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Nitrogenated carbon nanotips with a low atomic concentration of nitrogen have been synthesized by using a custom-designed plasma-enhanced hot-filament plasma chemical vapor deposition system. The properties (including morphology, structure, composition, photoluminescence, etc.) of the synthesized nitrogenated carbon nanotips are investigated using advanced characterization tools. The room-temperature photoluminescence measurements show that the nitrogenated carbon nanotips can generate two distinct broad emissions located at ∼405 and ∼507 nm, respectively. Through the detailed analysis, it is shown that these two emission bands are attributed to the transition between the lone pair valence and bands, which are related to the sp3 and sp2 C-N bonds, respectively. These results are highly relevant to advanced applications of nitrogenated carbon nanotips in light emitting optoelectronic devices.


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Carbon nanotips with different structures were synthesized by plasma-enhanced hot filament chemical vapor deposition and plasma-enhanced chemical vapor deposition using different deposition conditions, and they were investigated by scanning electron microscopy and Raman spectroscopy. The results indicate that the photoluminescence background of the Raman spectra is different for different carbon nanotips. Additionally, the Raman spectra of the carbon nanotips synthesized using nitrogen-containing gas precursors show a peak located at about 2120 cm-1 besides the common D and G peaks. The observed difference in the photoluminescence background is related to the growth mechanisms, structural properties, and surface morphology of a-C:H and a-C:H:N nanotips, in particular, the sizes of the emissive tips.


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Graphitization, a common process involving the transformation of metastable nongraphitic carbon into graphite is one of the major present-day challenges for micro- and nanocarbons due to their unique structural character and highly unusual thermal activation. Here we report on the successful graphitization of nanocrystalline carbon microcoils prepared by catalytic chemical vapor deposition and post-treated in argon atmosphere at temperatures ∼2500 °C for 2 h. The morphology, microstructure, and thermal properties of the carbon microcoils are examined in detail. The graphitization mechanism is discussed by invoking a model of structural transformation of the carbon microcoils. The results reveal that after graphitization the carbon microcoils are prominently purified and feature a clear helical morphology, as well as a more regular and ordered microstructure. The interlayer spacing of the carbon microcoils decreases from 0.36 to 0.34 nm, whereas the mean crystal sizes in the c - and a -directions increase from 1.64 to 2.04 nm and from 3.86 to 7.21 nm, respectively. Thermal treatment also substantially improves the antioxidation properties of the microcoils by lifting the oxidation onset temperature from 550 to 672 °C. This process may be suitable for other nongraphitic micro- and nanomaterials.


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A theoretical model to describe the plasma-assisted growth of carbon nanofibers (CNFs) is proposed. Using the model, the plasma-related effects on the nanofiber growth parameters, such as the growth rate due to surface and bulk diffusion, the effective carbon flux to the catalyst surface, the characteristic residence time and diffusion length of carbon atoms on the catalyst surface, and the surface coverages, have been studied. The dependence of these parameters on the catalyst surface temperature and ion and etching gas fluxes to the catalyst surface is quantified. The optimum conditions under which a low-temperature plasma environment can benefit the CNF growth are formulated. These results are in good agreement with the available experimental data on CNF growth and can be used for optimizing synthesis of related nanoassemblies in low-temperature plasma-assisted nanofabrication. © 2008 American Institute of Physics.


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Nanocrystalline silicon carbide (nc-SiC) films are prepared by low-frequency inductively coupled plasma chemical vapor deposition from feedstock gases silane and methane diluted with hydrogen at a substrate temperature of 500 °C. The effect of different hydrogen dilution ratios X [hydrogen flow (sccm) / silane + methane flow (sccm)] on the growth of nc-SiC films is investigated by X-ray diffraction, scanning electron microscopy, Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy, and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS). At a low hydrogen dilution ratio X, cubic silicon carbide is the main crystal phase; whereas at a high hydrogen dilution ratio X, hexagonal silicon carbide is the main crystal phase. The SiC crystal phase transformation may be explained by the different surface mobility of reactive Si-based and C-based radicals deposited at different hydrogen dilution ratios X. The FTIR and XPS analyses show that the Si-C bonds are the main bonds in the films and elemental composition of SiC is nearly stoichiometric with almost equal share of silicon and carbon atoms.


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The results of 1D simulation of nanoparticle dynamics in the areas adjacent to nanostructured carbon-based films exposed to chemically active complex plasma of CH4 + H2 + Ar gas mixtures are presented. The nanoparticle-loaded near-substrate (including sheath and presheath) areas of a low-frequency (0.5 MHz) inductively coupled plasma facility for the PECVD growth of the ordered carbon-based nanotip structures are considered. The conditions allowing one to predict the size of particles that can pass through the plasma sheath and softly land onto the surface are formulated. The possibility of soft nano-cluster deposition without any additional acceleration common for some existing nano-cluster deposition schemes is demonstrated. The effect of the substrate heating power and the average atomic mass of neutral species is studied numerically and verified experimentally.


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This paper reports on the efficient deposition of hydrogenated diamond-like carbon (DLC) film in a plasma reactor that features both the capacitively and inductively coupled operation regimes. The hydrogenated DLC films have been prepared on silicon wafers using a low-frequency (500 kHz) inductively coupled plasma (ICP) chemical vapor deposition (CVD) system. At low RF powers, the system operates as an asymmetric capacitively coupled plasma source, and the film deposition process is undertaken in the electrostatic (E) discharge regime. Above the mode transition threshold, the high-density inductively coupled plasma is produced in the electromagnetic (H) discharge regime. It has been shown that the deposition rate and hardness of the DLC film are much higher in the H-mode deposition regime. For a 2.66-Pa H-mode CH4 + Ar gas mixture discharge, the deposited DLC film exhibits a mechanical hardness of 18 GPa, Young's modulus of 170 GPa, and compressive stress of 1.3 GPa.


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Graphene has received great interest from researchers all over the world owing to its unique properties. Much of the excitement surrounding graphene is due to its remarkable properties and inherent quantum effects. These effects and properties make it a desirable material for the fabrication of new devices. Graphene has a plethora of potential uses including gas and molecular sensors, electronics, spintronics and optics [1-7]. Interestingly, some of these properties have been known about since before the material was even isolated due to a considerable amount of theoretical work and simulations. The material was to some extent a condensed matter modelers "toy" as it was used as a benchmark 2D material Graphene had been used for a long time as the fundamental building block of many other carbon structures...


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High conductive graphene films can be grown on metal foils by chemical vapor deposition (CVD). We here analyzed the use of ethanol, an economic precursor, which results also safer than commonly-used methane. A comprehensive range of process parameters were explored in order to obtain graphene films with optimal characteristics in view of their use in optoelectronics and photovoltaics. Commercially-available and electro-polished copper foils were used as substrates. By finely tuning the CVD conditions, we obtained few-layer (2-4) graphene films with good conductivity (-500 Ohm/sq) and optical transmittance around 92-94% at 550 nm on unpolished copper foils. The growth on electro-polished copper provides instead predominantly mono-layer films with lower conductivity (>1000 Ohm/sq) and with a transmittance of 97.4% at 550 nm. As for the device properties, graphene with optimal properties as transparent conductive film were produced by CVD on standard copper with specific process conditions.


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Graphene films were produced by chemical vapor deposition (CVD) of pyridine on copper substrates. Pyridine-CVD is expected to lead to doped graphene by the insertion of nitrogen atoms in the growing sp2 carbon lattice, possibly improving the properties of graphene as a transparent conductive film. We here report on the influence that the CVD parameters (i.e., temperature and gas flow) have on the morphology, transmittance, and electrical conductivity of the graphene films grown with pyridine. A temperature range between 930 and 1070 °C was explored and the results were compared to those of pristine graphene grown by ethanol-CVD under the same process conditions. The films were characterized by atomic force microscopy, Raman and X-ray photoemission spectroscopy. The optical transmittance and electrical conductivity of the films were measured to evaluate their performance as transparent conductive electrodes. Graphene films grown by pyridine reached an electrical conductivity of 14.3 × 105 S/m. Such a high conductivity seems to be associated with the electronic doping induced by substitutional nitrogen atoms. In particular, at 930 °C the nitrogen/carbon ratio of pyridine-grown graphene reaches 3%, and its electrical conductivity is 40% higher than that of pristine graphene grown from ethanol-CVD.


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Abstract: We report the growth and the electron cyclotron resonance measurements of n-type Si/Si0.62Ge0.38 and Si0.94Ge0.06/Si0.62Ge0.38 modulation-doped heterostructures grown by rapid thermal chemical vapor deposition. The strained Si and Si0.94Ge0.06 channels were grown on relaxed Si0.62Ge0.38 buffer layers, which consist of 0.6 mu m uniform Si0.62Ge0.38 layers and 0.5 mu m compositionally graded relaxed SiGe layers from 0 to 38% Ge. The buffer layers were annealed at 800 degrees C for 1 h to obtain complete relaxation. A 75 Angstrom Si(SiGe) channel with a 100 Angstrom spacer and a 300 Angstrom 2 X 10(19) cm(-3) n-type supply layer was grown on the top of the buffer layers. The cross-sectional transmission electron microscope reveals that the dense dislocation network is confined to the buffer layer, and relatively few dislocations terminate on the surface. The plan-view image indicates the threading dislocation density is about 4 X 10(6) cm(-2). The far-infrared measurements of electron cyclotron resonance were performed at 4 K with the magnetic field of 4-8 T. The effective masses determined from the slope of the center frequency of the absorption peak versus applied magnetic field plot are 0.203m(0) and 0.193m(0) for the two dimensional electron gases in the Si and Si0.94Ge0.06 channels, respectively. The Si effective mass is very close to that of a two dimensional electron gas in an Si MOSFET (0.198m(0)). The electron effective mass of Si0.94Ge0.06 is reported for the first time and is about 5% lower than that of pure Si.


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A generalized mass transport model is developed for predicting the rate ofdeposition in chemical vapor deposition (CVD) systems. This combines thegeneralized method of obtaining equilibrium composition, with elemental fluxbalance expressions. This procedure avoids the usual problems encountered incalculating the rates in multicomponent systems, like writing overall reactionschemes. The dependence of multicomponent diffusivities on the fluxes is accountedin this model using an iterative procedure. The model developed isapplied to the deposition of titanium carbide on cemented carbide tool bitsfrom a gas mixture of titanium tetrachloride, toluene, and hydrogen. Experimentaldeposition rates were obtained using a thermogravimetric assembly.Mass transport controlled rates give an order of magnitude estimates of theobserved rates.