Esta dissertação, a partir das lentes teórico-metodológicas de Michel Foucault, lança um olhar sobre aspectos da cultura escolar, suas regras, modos de organização, currículo, avaliações que movimentam o processo de escolarização, problematizando as relações de poder envolvidas na produção de subjetividades dos diferentes sujeitos e permeadas por diferentes verdades sobre esses sujeitos. Nessa perspectiva relacional, o poder é entendido como dinâmico, flexível, estratégico, difícil de ser capturado: o sujeito e suas ações são seus efeitos e agentes. Pretendo entender como algumas forças provenientes de diferentes direções vão construindo os cenários nos quais os sujeitos do cotidiano escolar atuam, produzindo relações de poder muito complexas. Nesse exercício, não cabe descrever os efeitos do poder em termos negativos. O poder produz realidades e rituais de verdade. Assim, busco, neste estudo, olhar para essa articulação de forças, de estratégias, de movimentos que, atravessando as relações de poder, produzem o currículo e as subjetividades num determinado espaço educativo. Esses saberes/verdades, extraídos das práticas de objetivação, possibilitam o investimento em ações e intervenções. É nesse sentido que busco olhar as práticas escolares como espaços de objetivação/subjetivação. Ao analisar essas práticas, destaco que os efeitos, no que diz respeito à produção de subjetividades, não se encontram em uma ou outra forma de agir. Percebi que as práticas escolares articulam-se numa rede disciplinar formada por diferentes dispositivos que se relacionam na produção de sujeitos, agindo sobre seus corpos. Relatórios, registros, observações, classificações, controle das atividades, organização do tempo e do espaço formam uma rede de significações e de normalização dos sujeitos no espaço escolar. E aqueles/as que não se enquadram, que se desviam do caminho, são apanhados mais facilmente pelas redes do poder e objetivados são produzidos em sua subjetividade que tenta fazer com que ele/a se perceba e se compreenda de certo jeito para se autogovernar, para melhor aprender e normalizar-se. Nesse processo de normalização dos sujeitos, não descarto a necessidade de se ter determinadas regras de convivência, de se ter a preocupação com que as crianças aprendam os conhecimentos escolares. O que ressalto é que se reflita sobre que tipo de normas estabelece o que é normal e anormal, que tipo de saberes é valorizado, com que propósito se investe sobre os corpos das crianças, que subjetividades estão sendo produzidas no espaço da escola.
System F is the well-known polymorphically-typed λ-calculus with universal quantifiers ("∀"). F+η is System F extended with the eta rule, which says that if term M can be given type τ and M η-reduces to N, then N can also be given the type τ. Adding the eta rule to System F is equivalent to adding the subsumption rule using the subtyping ("containment") relation that Mitchell defined and axiomatized [Mit88]. The subsumption rule says that if M can be given type τ and τ is a subtype of type σ, then M can be given type σ. Mitchell's subtyping relation involves no extensions to the syntax of types, i.e., no bounded polymorphism and no supertype of all types, and is thus unrelated to the system F≤("F-sub"). Typability for F+η is the problem of determining for any term M whether there is any type τ that can be given to it using the type inference rules of F+η. Typability has been proven undecidable for System F [Wel94] (without the eta rule), but the decidability of typability has been an open problem for F+η. Mitchell's subtyping relation has recently been proven undecidable [TU95, Wel95b], implying the undecidability of "type checking" for F+η. This paper reduces the problem of subtyping to the problem of typability for F+η, thus proving the undecidability of typability. The proof methods are similar in outline to those used to prove the undecidability of typability for System F, but the fine details differ greatly.
In this paper I consider the role of education poli-cies in redistribution of income when individuals differ in two aspects: ability and inherited wealth. I discuss the extent to which the rules that emerge in unidimensional settings apply also in the bidimen-sional setting considered in this paper. The main conclusion is that, subject to some qualifi cations, the same type of rules that determine optimal education policies when only ability heterogeneity is considered apply to the case where both parameters of heterogeneity are considered. The qualifi cations pertain to the implementation of the optimal alloca-tion of resources to education and not the way the optimal allocations fi rst- and second-best differ.
In this article we describe recent progress on the design, analysis and implementation of hybrid numerical-asymptotic boundary integral methods for boundary value problems for the Helmholtz equation that model time harmonic acoustic wave scattering in domains exterior to impenetrable obstacles. These hybrid methods combine conventional piecewise polynomial approximations with high-frequency asymptotics to build basis functions suitable for representing the oscillatory solutions. They have the potential to solve scattering problems accurately in a computation time that is (almost) independent of frequency and this has been realized for many model problems. The design and analysis of this class of methods requires new results on the analysis and numerical analysis of highly oscillatory boundary integral operators and on the high-frequency asymptotics of scattering problems. The implementation requires the development of appropriate quadrature rules for highly oscillatory integrals. This article contains a historical account of the development of this currently very active field, a detailed account of recent progress and, in addition, a number of original research results on the design, analysis and implementation of these methods.
Some polynomials and interpolatory quadrature rules associated with strong Stieltjes distributions are considered, especially when the distributions satisfy a Certain symmetric property. (C) 1995 Academic Press, Inc.
The results in this paper are motivated by two analogies. First, m-harmonic functions in R(n) are extensions of the univariate algebraic polynomials of odd degree 2m-1. Second, Gauss' and Pizzetti's mean value formulae are natural multivariate analogues of the rectangular and Taylor's quadrature formulae, respectively. This point of view suggests that some theorems concerning quadrature rules could be generalized to results about integration of polyharmonic functions. This is done for the Tchakaloff-Obrechkoff quadrature formula and for the Gaussian quadrature with two nodes.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
A positive measure ψ defined on [a,b] such that its moments μn=∫a btndψ(t) exist for n=0,±1,±2,⋯, is called a strong positive measure on [a,b]. If 0≤aquadrature rules associated with these kernel polynomials. Associated eigenvalue problems and numerical evaluation of the nodes and weights of such quadrature rules are also considered. © 2010 IMACS. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
We study polynomials which satisfy the same recurrence relation as the Szego{double acute} polynomials, however, with the restriction that the (reflection) coefficients in the recurrence are larger than one in modulus. Para-orthogonal polynomials that follow from these Szego{double acute} polynomials are also considered. With positive values for the reflection coefficients, zeros of the Szego{double acute} polynomials, para-orthogonal polynomials and associated quadrature rules are also studied. Finally, again with positive values for the reflection coefficients, interlacing properties of the Szego{double acute} polynomials and polynomials arising from canonical spectral transformations are obtained. © 2012 American Mathematical Society.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Im Mittelpunkt dieser Arbeit steht Beweis der Existenz- und Eindeutigkeit von Quadraturformeln, die für das Qualokationsverfahren geeignet sind. Letzteres ist ein von Sloan, Wendland und Chandler entwickeltes Verfahren zur numerischen Behandlung von Randintegralgleichungen auf glatten Kurven (allgemeiner: periodische Pseudodifferentialgleichungen). Es erreicht die gleichen Konvergenzordnungen wie das Petrov-Galerkin-Verfahren, wenn man durch den Operator bestimmte Quadraturformeln verwendet. Zunächst werden die hier behandelten Pseudodifferentialoperatoren und das Qualokationsverfahren vorgestellt. Anschließend wird eine Theorie zur Existenz und Eindeutigkeit von Quadraturformeln entwickelt. Ein wesentliches Hilfsmittel hierzu ist die hier bewiesene Verallgemeinerung eines Satzes von Nürnberger über die Existenz und Eindeutigkeit von Quadraturformeln mit positiven Gewichten, die exakt für Tschebyscheff-Räume sind. Es wird schließlich gezeigt, dass es stets eindeutig bestimmte Quadraturformeln gibt, welche die in den Arbeiten von Sloan und Wendland formulierten Bedingungen erfüllen. Desweiteren werden 2-Punkt-Quadraturformeln für so genannte einfache Operatoren bestimmt, mit welchen das Qualokationsverfahren mit einem Testraum von stückweise konstanten Funktionen eine höhere Konvergenzordnung hat. Außerdem wird gezeigt, dass es für nicht-einfache Operatoren im Allgemeinen keine Quadraturformel gibt, mit der die Konvergenzordnung höher als beim Petrov-Galerkin-Verfahren ist. Das letzte Kapitel beinhaltet schließlich numerische Tests mit Operatoren mit konstanten und variablen Koeffizienten, welche die theoretischen Ergebnisse der vorangehenden Kapitel bestätigen.
Ce mémoire contient quelques résultats sur l'intégration numérique. Ils sont liés à la célèbre formule de quadrature de K. F. Gauss. Une généralisation très intéressante de la formule de Gauss a été obtenue par P. Turán. Elle est contenue dans son article publié en 1948, seulement quelques années après la seconde guerre mondiale. Étant données les circonstances défavorables dans lesquelles il se trouvait à l'époque, l'auteur (Turán) a laissé beaucoup de détails à remplir par le lecteur. Par ailleurs, l'article de Turán a inspiré une multitude de recherches; sa formule a été étendue de di érentes manières et plusieurs articles ont été publiés sur ce sujet. Toutefois, il n'existe aucun livre ni article qui contiennent un compte-rendu détaillé des résultats de base, relatifs à la formule de Turán. Je voudrais donc que mon mémoire comporte su samment de détails qui puissent éclairer le lecteur tout en présentant un exposé de ce qui a été fait sur ce sujet. Voici comment nous avons organisé le contenu de ce mémoire. 1-a. La formule de Gauss originale pour les polynômes - L'énoncé ainsi qu'une preuve. 1-b. Le point de vue de Turán - Compte-rendu détaillé des résultats de son article. 2-a. Une formule pour les polynômes trigonométriques analogue à celle de Gauss. 2-b. Une formule pour les polynômes trigonométriques analogue à celle de Turán. 3-a. Deux formules pour les fonctions entières de type exponentiel, analogues à celle de Gauss pour les polynômes. 3-b. Une formule pour les fonctions entières de type exponentiel, analogue à celle de Turán. 4-a. Annexe A - Notions de base sur les polynômes de Legendre. 4-b. Annexe B - Interpolation polynomiale. 4-c. Annexe C - Notions de base sur les fonctions entières de type exponentiel. 4-d. Annexe D - L'article de P. Turán.