332 resultados para ympäristön tila
Sydämen krooninen vajaatoiminta on merkittävä maailmanlaajuinen ongelma. Se on erilaisten sydän- ja verisuonisairauksien aiheuttama monimuotoinen oireyhtymä. Sydämen vasemman kammion hypertrofia eli sydämen seinämien paksuuntuminen on yksi keskeinen tekijä, joka voi olla sydämen vajaatoiminnan taustalla. Kohonnut verenpaine on yleisin syy, joka johtaa sydänlihaksen paksuuntumiseen. Tämä johtaa sydämen pumppaustoiminnan häiriintymiseen, erilaisten neurohormonaalisten mekanismien aktivaatioon ja edelleen sydämen vajaatoimintaan. Sydämen vajaatoiminnan neurohormonaalisista mekanismeista tärkeimmät ovat reniini-angiotensiini-aldosteroni-järjestelmän ja sympaattisen hermoston aktivaatio, sydämen rakenteiden uudelleenmuovautuminen, sydänlihassolujen apoptoosi ja systeeminen tulehdustila. Sydämen hypertrofiaa ja sen syntymistä pyritään estämään kohonneen verenpaineen lääkehoidolla. Reniini-angiotensiini-aldosteronijärjestelmällä on keskeinen merkitys sydämen vajaatoiminnassa. Sydämen vajaatoiminnan ennusteeseen vaikuttavista lääkeaineista angiotensiinikonvertasin estäjät (ACEestäjät) ovat säilyttäneet johtoasemansa jo vuosikymmenten ajan. Angiotensiinireseptoreiden salpaajien (AT1-salpaajien) odotettiin syrjäyttävän ACE-estäjät sydämen vajaatoiminnan hoidossa, mutta toistaiseksi niitä pidetään vain vaihtoehtoisina lääkkeinä. Sympaattisen hermoston aktivaatiota vähentävät β-salpaajat ovat vakiinnuttaneet asemansa toiseksi tärkeimpänä lääkeryhmänä. Diureetit ovat paljon käytetty lääkeaineryhmä sydämen vajaatoiminnan hoidossa, mutta niistä ainoastaan aldosteroniantagonisteilla on tutkitusti ennustetta parantavaa vaikutusta. Kroonisen vajaatoiminnan hoidossa käytetään edelleen myös digoksiinia. Tulevaisuudessa sydämen vajaatoiminnan ennusteeseen vaikuttavia lääkeaineita voivat olla reniinin estäjät, neutraaliendopeptidaasin estäjät, vasopressiinin antagonistit tai inflammatroisiin sytokiineihin vaikuttavat molekyylit. Erikoistyön kokeellisessa osiossa tarkoituksena oli tutkia sydämen hypertrofian kehittymistä vatsa-aortta kuristetuilla rotilla ja kalsiumherkistäjä levosimendaanin sekä AT1-salpaaja valsartaanin vaikutuksia hypertrofian kehittymiseen. Kokeellisessa osiossa arvioitiin myös sydämen hypertrofian ja vajaatoiminnan jyrsijämallina käytetyn vatsa-aortan kuristuksen (koarktaation) toimivuutta ja vaikutuksia ultraäänen avulla määritettyihin kardiovaskulaarisiin parametreihin. Vatsa-aortta kuristettiin munuaisvaltimoiden yläpuolelta. Kuristus saa aikaan verenpaineen kohoamisen ja sydämen työtaakan lisääntymisen. Pitkittyessään tila johtaa sydänlihaksen hypertrofiaan ja vajaatoimintaan. 64 eläintä jaettiin ryhmiin, siten että jokaiseen ryhmään tuli kahdeksan eläintä. Ryhmistä kolmelle annettiin lääkeaineena levosimendaania kolmella eri päiväannoksella (0,01 mg/kg; 0,10 mg/kg; 1,00 mg/kg) ja kolmelle valsartaania kolmella eri päiväannoksella (0,10 mg/kg; 1,00 mg/kg; 10,00 mg/kg) juomaveden mukana. Lääkitys aloitettiin leikkauksen jälkeen ja jatkettiin kahdeksan viikon ajan. Kardiovaskulaariset parametrit, kuten isovolumetrinen relaksaatioaika (IVRT), vasemman kammion läpimitta systolessa ja diastolessa sekä seinämäpaksuudet, ejektiofraktio (EF), supistuvuusosuus (FS), minuuttitilavuus (CO) ja iskutilavuus (SV) määritettiin kahdeksan viikon kuluttua leikkauksesta ultraäänitutkimuksen avulla. Lisäksi määritettiin eläinten sydämen paino suhteessa ruumiin painoon. Tuloksia verrattiin ilman lääkehoitoa olleeseen koarktaatioryhmään. Eläinmallin toimivuutta arvioitiin vertaamalla koarktaatioryhmän tuloksia sham-operoidun ryhmän tuloksiin. Levosimendaanilla havaittiin työssä sydämen systolista toimintaa parantava vaikutus. Tämä näkyi tendenssinä parantaa ejektiofraktioita ja vasemman kammion supistuvuusosuuksia. Sydämen diastoliseen toimintaan ei kummallakaan lääkeaineella ollut merkittävää vaikutusta. Diastolista toimintaa arvioitiin isovolumetrisen relaksaatioajan muutoksilla. Sydämen hypertrofian kehittymiseen ei kummallakaan lääkeaineella ollut merkittävää vaikutusta. Eläinmallin todettiin mallintavan hyvin sydämen hypetrofiaa ihmisellä, mutta ei niinkään sydämen vajaatoimintaa.
It has been found usually to talk in the early childhood education in connection with the creativity about arts and skills and about play. In this treatise, the creativity is approached besides play but also from the point of view of the creativity of the everyday. The starting point for the study is the view according to which the creativity is complex interaction between a creative person and an environment. The theoretical body of the study is the Componential theory of creativity of Amabile (1996). The process which is open and product which is new and suitable or acceptable were defined creative. In the opinion of many researchers, the creativity is a phenomenon that has determined in a certain time and place so the creativity is examined from the point of view of the social constructionism. As creative processes in the day nursery it has been defined pretend play, child´s involvement and children´s agentive perception which is based on the Children´s agentive perception theory of Reunamo (2007). The purpose of the study is to clarify how the child's personal factors and the social environment affect the creative processes of children in the day nursery. This Master's thesis is based on the Children' s agentive perception uncovered study led by Jyrki Reunamo (2010) which was carried out in the spring of 2010 in Keski-Uusimaa and in Hämeenlinna and Taiwan. From the study, a name has also been used "on the sources of Orientation", a research project and development project. The study includes the children's evaluation sector, the observation sector, the children's interview sector and the evaluation sector of the pedagogic environment. 891 Children 1-7 year-old by age participated in the study. All the sectors which belong to the study of Reunamo were utilized in this treatise and the Finnish day nurseries or preschool groups which had participated in the study were marked off as the target group. The main component analysis, sum variables, the correlation coefficients, Mann-Whitney s U-test and Kruskall-Wallas test were used for the statistical examination of the quantitative material. In this treatise it was noticed, both the personal properties of the child and a social environment, that they affected all the examined creative processes which also had a significant connection with each other statistically. The definition of creativity was filled best by the participative answers. However, the number of the participative answers was only 8% in the questions concerning adults. That raised the question whether an attempt should be made to have effect so that the children's better participation also in the interaction with the adults would be possible in the educational culture of the day nursery. In the further study, the conscious building of the social environment which supports the creativity from a social constructionism point of view could indeed be an interesting task. The treatise is suitable for an examination of the interaction between the child's person and a social environment especially from the point of view of the creativity.
The National Curriculum Guidelines on Early Childhood Education and Care (ECEC) in Finland says that ECEC is developed holistically through observing children´s and the educator community´s activities and the ECEC environment. The background of this research was that assesment should be based on commonly agreed principles, which are recorded e.g. to unit-specific ECEC curriculum. The objective of this research was to investigate how unit-specific ECEC curriculums have descriped the physical indoor environment in day-care centres. According to the National Curriculum Guidelines on ECEC, there are four ways of acting that are peculiar to children: playing, physical activities, exploration and artistic experiences and self-expression. The descriptions of physical environment in unit-spesific curriculums were observed through above mentioned four ways of acting. In addition to that, the descriptions of four ways of acting were compared to each other, in order to find out, which are the main differencies and similarities in relation to physical ECEC environment. Research material was build on unit-specific ECEC curriculums from 18 day-care centres of Helsinki. Target of the research were the descriptions of physical indoor environment in curriculums.The method used in the research was theory-guided content analysis. The analyses were mainly qualitative. The descriptions of psysical environment varied widely both quantitatively and by substance. All curriculums contained mentions of playing and artistic experiences and self-expression, but mentions of physical activities and exploration were noticiably fewer. All four ways of acting were mentioned in research material in relation to premises and instruments. Also, principles related to the use of premises and instruments and other more common priciples were mentioned in relation to all ways of acting. Instead of that, children were not mentioned even once as an upholders or innovators of physical activities environment and children were mentioned only once regarding to exploration environment. All ways of acting included scenarios of e.g. that environment must provide possibilities of particular way of acting, and both materials and instruments must be available for children. Anyhow, research material did not include any principle or scenario that relates to physical environment that would have occurred in every unit-specific curriculum.
Moonlighting functions have been described for several proteins previously thought to localize exclusively in the cytoplasm of bacterial or eukaryotic cells. Moonlighting proteins usually perform conserved functions, e. g. in glycolysis or as chaperonins, and their traditional and moonlighting function(s) usually localize to different cell compartments. The most characterized moonlighting proteins in Grampositive bacteria are the glycolytic enzymes enolase and glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase (GAPDH), which function in bacteria-host interactions, e. g. as adhesins or plasminogen receptors. Research on bacterial moonlighting proteins has focused on Gram-positive bacterial pathogens, where many of their functions have been associated with bacterial virulence. In this thesis work I show that also species of the genus Lactobacillus have moonlighting proteins that carry out functions earlier associated with bacterial virulence only. I identified enolase, GAPDH, glutamine synthetase (GS), and glucose-6-phosphate isomerase (GPI) as moonlighting proteins of Lactobacillus crispatus strain ST1 and demonstrated that they are associated with cell surface and easily released from the cell surface into incubation buffer. I also showed that these lactobacillar proteins moonlight either as adhesins with affinity for basement membrane and extracellular matrix proteins or as plasminogen receptors. The mechanisms of surface translocation and anchoring of bacterial moonlighting proteins have remained enigmatic. In this work, the surface localization of enolase, GAPDH, GS and GPI was shown to depend on environmental factors. The members of the genus Lactobacillus are fermentative organisms that lower the ambient pH by producing lactic acid. At acidic pH enolase, GAPDH, GS and GPI were associated with the cell surface, whereas at neutral pH they were released into the buffer. The release did not involve de novo protein synthesis. I showed that purified recombinant His6-enolase, His6-GAPDH, His6-GS and His6-GPI reassociate with cell wall and bind in vitro to lipoteichoic acids at acidic pH. The in-vitro binding of these proteins localizes to cell division septa and cell poles. I also show that the release of moonlighting proteins is enhanced in the presence of cathelicidin LL- 37, which is an antimicrobial peptide and a central part of the innate immunity defence. I found that the LL-37-induced detachment of moonlighting proteins from cell surface is associated with cell wall permeabilization by LL-37. The results in this thesis work are compatible with the hypothesis that the moonlighting proteins of L. crispatus associate to the cell wall via electrostatic or ionic interactions and that they are released into surroundings in stress conditions. Their surface translocation is, at least in part, a result from their release from dead or permeabilized cells and subsequent reassociation onto the cell wall. The results of this thesis show that lactobacillar cells rapidly change their surface architecture in response to environmental factors and that these changes influence bacterial interactions with the host.
Bayesian networks are compact, flexible, and interpretable representations of a joint distribution. When the network structure is unknown but there are observational data at hand, one can try to learn the network structure. This is called structure discovery. This thesis contributes to two areas of structure discovery in Bayesian networks: space--time tradeoffs and learning ancestor relations. The fastest exact algorithms for structure discovery in Bayesian networks are based on dynamic programming and use excessive amounts of space. Motivated by the space usage, several schemes for trading space against time are presented. These schemes are presented in a general setting for a class of computational problems called permutation problems; structure discovery in Bayesian networks is seen as a challenging variant of the permutation problems. The main contribution in the area of the space--time tradeoffs is the partial order approach, in which the standard dynamic programming algorithm is extended to run over partial orders. In particular, a certain family of partial orders called parallel bucket orders is considered. A partial order scheme that provably yields an optimal space--time tradeoff within parallel bucket orders is presented. Also practical issues concerning parallel bucket orders are discussed. Learning ancestor relations, that is, directed paths between nodes, is motivated by the need for robust summaries of the network structures when there are unobserved nodes at work. Ancestor relations are nonmodular features and hence learning them is more difficult than modular features. A dynamic programming algorithm is presented for computing posterior probabilities of ancestor relations exactly. Empirical tests suggest that ancestor relations can be learned from observational data almost as accurately as arcs even in the presence of unobserved nodes.
The aim of this thesis is to examine the skilled migrants’ satisfaction with the Helsinki Metropolitan Area. The examination is executed on three scales: housing, neighbourhoods and the city region. Specific focus is on the built environment and how it meets the needs of the migrants. The empirical data is formed of 25 semi-structured interviews with skilled migrants and additionally 5 expert interviews. Skilled and educated workforce is an increasingly important resource in the new economy, and cities are competing globally for talented workers. With aging population and a need to develop its innovational structure, the Helsinki Metropolitan Area needs migrant workforce. It has been stated that quality of place is a central factor for skilled migrants when choosing where to settle, and from this perspective their satisfaction with the region is significant. In housing, the skilled migrants found the price-quality ratio and the general sizes of apartments inadequate. The housing market is difficult for the migrants to approach, since they often do not speak Finnish and there are prejudices towards foreigners. The general quality of housing was rated well. On the neighbourhood level, the skilled migrants had settled in residential areas which are also preferred by the Finnish skilled workers. While the migrants showed suburban orientation in their settlement patterns, they were not concentrated in the suburban areas which host large shares of traditional immigrant groups. Migrants were usually satisfied with their neighbourhoods; however, part of the suburban dwellers were unsatisfied with the services and social life in their neighbourhoods. Considering the level of the city region, the most challenging feature for the skilled migrants was the social life. The migrants felt that the social environment is homogeneous and difficult to approach. The physical environment was generally rated well, the most appreciated features being public transportation, human scale of the Metropolitan Helsinki, cleanliness, and the urban nature. Urban culture and services were seen good for the city region’s size, but lacking in international comparison.
Many Finnish municipalities need to control their growth. In this research growth is understood as developments of land utilisation and also as a wide range of other changes that have mainly ap-peared as a result of a long term growth in population. The development growth control contains four areas: 1. adequate productivity of town planning, 2. stationing the growth to needs led and for sustainable developments, 3. quality of the developing environment, and 4. producing growth with communicative and transparent process. The aim of the research is to represent connection between town planning and development growth control. Research defines the role of town planning in the municipalities development growth control. In addition research focuses on links between town planning and development growth control in history, present and in the development work for the future. According to the hypothesis the extensive examination of town planning enables better growth control and promotes appropriate response to municipal changes regarding housing delivery. As an example there are five outskirt municipalities in the Helsinki region. They are called Kirkkonummi, Vihti, Nurmijärvi, Tuusula and Sipoo. The decision was to use examples based on a contingence theory. According to the theory there is no one correct way to operate. Therefore development should be based on individual municipal needs. In the research, municipality s needs were collected by 20 semi- structured interviews from municipal officials. In addition there were group interviews in Uusimaa Regional Council and in Uusimaa Regional Environmental Centre. There was also secondary material collected from official papers and statistics. Operationalisation was the analysis tool between empiric and literature reviews. The role of town planning has evolved during the 20th century from a more simple town plan level to operative stage in town planning hierarchy. Outskirt municipalities town planning was established during the 1960s. Since then one of the most important aims in the town planning has been to produce growth and building possibilities. Currently the challenge is to reach the satisfying rate of productivity and to meet increased housing demand. Other challenges include locating the appropriate geographical areas for growth; and the balance between required developments and planning permission decisions. Findings concluded that town planning should be more viable and it should have better ability to co-operate and operate in the changing operational environment. Municipality s ability to receive growth can increase and growth control can advance by planned and workable town planning. It is essential to take wide perspective of the each municipality's unique needs to improve productivity rather than to focus simply on productivity.
The object of this research is to study the mineralogy of the diabase dykes in Suomussalmi and the relevance of the mineralogy to tectonic events, specifically large block movements in the Archaean crust. Sharp tectonic lines separate two anomalies in the dyke swarms, shown on a geomagnetic map as positive anomalies. In one of these areas, the Toravaara anomaly, the diabases seem to contain pyroxenes as a main component. Outside the Toravaara anomaly hornblende is the main ferromagnesian mineral in diabases. The aim of this paper is to research the differences in the diabases inside and outside the anomalies and interpret the processes that formed the anomalies. The data for this sudy consist of field observations, 120 thin sections, 334 electron microprobe analyses, 19 whole-rock chemical analyses, a U-Pb age analysis and geomagnetic low-altitude aerial survey maps. The methods are interpretation of field observations, chemical analyses, microprobe analyses of single minerals and radiometric age determination, microscopic studies of the thin sections, geothermometers and geobarometers. On the basis of field observations and petrographic studies the diabases in the area are divided into pyroxene diabases, hornblende diabases and the Lohisärkkä porphyritic dyke swarm. Hornblende diabases are found in the entire study area, while the pyroxene diabases concentrate on the area of the Toravaara geomagnetic anomaly. The Lohisärkkä swarm transects the whole area as a thin line from east to west. The diabases are fairly homogenous both chemically and by mineral composition. The few exceptions are part of rarer older swarms or are significantly altered. The Lohisärkkä dyke swarm was dated as 2,21 Ga old, significantly older than the most common 1,98 Ga swarm in the area. The geothermometers applied showed that the diabases on the Toravaara anomaly were stabilized at a much higher temperature than the dykes outside the anomaly. The geobarometers showed the pyroxenes to have crystallized at varying depths. The research showed the Toravaara anomaly to have formed by a vertical block movement, and the fault on its west side to have a total lateral transfer of only a few kilometers. The formation of the second anomaly was also interpreted to be tectonic in nature. In addition, the results of the geothermobarometry uncovered necessary conditions for the study of diabase emplacement depth: the minerals for the study must be chosen by minimum crystallization depth, and a geobarometer capable of determining the magmatic temperature must be used. In addition, it would be more suitable to conduct this kind of study in an area where the dykes are more exposed.
Tutkielmassa tarkasteltiin aktiivista kansalaisuutta perusopetuksen yläkoulun (luokat 7–9) maantieteen opetuksessa. Tutkielman taustana olivat aktiiviseen kansalaisuuteen liittyvät viralliset ja epäviralliset diskurssit: opetussuunnitelman perusteiden aihekokonaisuudet, kouluun kohdistuvat kansalaiskasvatushankkeet sekä nuoriin, kansalaisuuteen ja kansalaisyhteiskuntaan liittyvät keskustelut. Maantieteen opetuksen osalta taustana olivat opetussuunnitelman velvoitteet huomioida aktiivinen kansalaisuus yläkoulun maantieteen opetuksessa sekä (pääasiassa brittiläinen) kirjallisuus, jossa maantieteen ja kansalaiskasvatuksen/aktiivisen kansalaisuuden välillä nähdään yhtäläisyyksiä. Tutkielmassa pyrittiin selvittämään, mitä aktiivinen kansalaisuus on yläkoulun maantieteen opetuksessa ja miten maantieteen opettajat suhtautuvat tehtäviinsä nuorten kansalaisten kasvattajina ja yhteiskunnallisina vaikuttajina. Tutkielmaa varten kerättiin teemahaastatteluaineisto kuudelta yläkoulun maantieteen opettajalta. Haastatteluihin pyrittiin löytämään mahdollisimman aktiivisia maantieteen opettajia. Haastatteluaineiston analyysissa käytettiin sisällönanalyysia, ja aineiston avulla pyrittiin kuvaamaan ilmiötä. Haastateltujen opettajien mukaan yläkoulun maantieteen opetuksessa luonnonmaantieteelliset sisällöt painottuvat enemmän kuin kulttuurimaantieteelliset. Aktiivisen kansalaisuuden kannalta keskeisiä sisältöjä, kuten vaikutusmahdollisuuksia oman ympäristön suunnitteluun ja kehittymiseen sekä kotikunnan ja lähiympäristön tutkimista käsitellään opetuksessa vain vähän, jos ollenkaan. Aktiivinen kansalaisuus on yläkoulun maantieteen opetuksessa eniten tiedon jakamista, ajattelun taitojen ja mielipiteen muodostamisen harjoittelua sekä ympäristövastuullisuuteen kansalaisuuteen kasvattamista. Opetuksessa käytetään myös aktiivisen kansalaisuuden kannalta keskeisiä työtapoja, mutta työtapojen käyttö vaihtelee. Haastatellut opettajat eivät koe opetussuunnitelman aihekokonaisuuksia juurikaan omakseen. Opettajat eivät myöskään määrittele kansalaisvaikuttamiseen kasvattamista koulun tärkeimpien tehtävien joukkoon. Osa opettajista kokee kuitenkin olevansa yhteiskunnallinen vaikuttaja opettajana. Opettajien puheessa koulun kansalaiskasvatuksen tavoite, kunnon kansalainen, ei määrity kovin aktiivisena tai poliittisena. Opettajien puhe sisältää kuitenkin monenlaisia näkemyksiä suhteessa nuoriin kansalaisina ja aktiivisuuteen: toisaalta nuoret eivät ole kiinnostuneita yhteiskunnallisista asioista eikä heiltä vaaditakaan sitä, toisaalta maaperä nuorten kasvattamiseen aktiivisiksi kansalaisiksi on hyvä ja aktiivisuus on pieniä asioita lähiympäristössä sekä yhdessä tekemiseen uskomista. Haastattelujen pohjalta todettiin, että lukuun ottamatta joidenkin opettajien ympäristökasvatuksellista otetta, aktiivinen kansalaisuus ei ole täysin tiedostettu tavoite yläkoulun maantieteen opetuksessa.
The aim of this thesis was to study the crops currently used for biofuel production from the following aspects: 1. what should be the average yield/ ha to reach an energy balance at least 0 or positive 2. what are the shares of the primary and secondary energy flows in agriculture, transport, processing and usage, and 3. overall effects of biofuel crop cultivation, transport, processing and usage. This thesis concentrated on oilseed rape biodiesel and wheat bioethanol in the European Union, comparing them with competing biofuels, such as corn and sugarcane-based ethanol, and the second generation biofuels. The study was executed by comparing Life Cycle Assessment-studies from the EU-region and by analyzing them thoroughly from the differences viewpoint. The variables were the following: energy ratio, hectare yield (l/ha), impact on greenhouse gas emissions (particularly CO2), energy consumption in crop growing and processing one hectare of a particular crop to biofuel, distribution of energy in processing and effects of the secondary energy flows, like e.g. wheat straw. Processing was found to be the most energy consuming part in the production of biofuels. So if the raw materials will remain the same, the development will happen in processing. First generation biodiesel requires esterification, which consumes approximately one third of the process energy. Around 75% of the energy consumed in manufacturing the first generation wheat-based ethanol is spent in steam and electricity generation. No breakthroughs are in sight in the agricultural sector to achieve significantly higher energy ratios. It was found out that even in ideal conditions the energy ratio of first generation wheat-based ethanol will remain slightly under 2. For oilseed rape-based biodiesel the energy ratios are better, and energy consumption per hectare is lower compared to wheat-based ethanol. But both of these are lower compared to e.g. sugarcane-based ethanol. Also the hectare yield of wheat-based ethanol is significantly lower. Biofuels are in a key position when considering the future of the world’s transport sector. Uncertainties concerning biofuels are, however, several, like the schedule of large scale introduction to consumer markets, technologies used, raw materials and their availability and - maybe the biggest - the real production capacity in relation to the fuel consumption. First generation biofuels have not been the expected answer to environmental problems. Comparisons made show that sugarcane-based ethanol is the most prominent first generation biofuel at the moment, both from energy and environment point of view. Also palmoil-based biodiesel looks promising, although it involves environmental concerns as well. From this point of view the biofuels in this study - wheat-based ethanol and oilseed rape-based biodiesel - are not very competitive options. On the other hand, crops currently used for fuel production in different countries are selected based on several factors, not only based on thier relative general superiority. It is challenging to make long-term forecasts for the biofuel sector, but it can be said that satisfying the world's current and near future traffic fuel consumption with biofuels can only be regarded impossible. This does not mean that biofuels shoud be rejected and their positive aspects ignored, but maybe this reality helps us to put them in perspective. To achieve true environmental benefits through the usage of biofuels there must first be a significant drop both in traffic volumes and overall fuel consumption. Second generation biofuels are coming, but serious questions about their availability and production capacities remain open. Therefore nothing can be taken for granted in this issue, expect the need for development.
Road transport and infrastructure has a fundamental meaning for the developing world. Poor quality and inadequate coverage of roads, lack of maintenance operations and outdated road maps continue to hinder economic and social development in the developing countries. This thesis focuses on studying the present state of road infrastructure and its mapping in the Taita Hills, south-east Kenya. The study is included as a part of the TAITA-project by the Department of Geography, University of Helsinki. The road infrastructure of the study area is studied by remote sensing and GIS based methodology. As the principal dataset, true colour airborne digital camera data from 2004, was used to generate an aerial image mosaic of the study area. Auxiliary data includes SPOT satellite imagery from 2003, field spectrometry data of road surfaces and relevant literature. Road infrastructure characteristics are interpreted from three test sites using pixel-based supervised classification, object-oriented supervised classifications and visual interpretation. Road infrastructure of the test sites is interpreted visually from a SPOT image. Road centrelines are then extracted from the object-oriented classification results with an automatic vectorisation process. The road infrastructure of the entire image mosaic is mapped by applying the most appropriate assessed data and techniques. The spectral characteristics and reflectance of various road surfaces are considered with the acquired field spectra and relevant literature. The results are compared with the experimented road mapping methods. This study concludes that classification and extraction of roads remains a difficult task, and that the accuracy of the results is inadequate regardless of the high spatial resolution of the image mosaic used in this thesis. Visual interpretation, out of all the experimented methods in this thesis is the most straightforward, accurate and valid technique for road mapping. Certain road surfaces have similar spectral characteristics and reflectance values with other land cover and land use. This has a great influence for digital analysis techniques in particular. Road mapping is made even more complicated by rich vegetation and tree canopy, clouds, shadows, low contrast between roads and surroundings and the width of narrow roads in relation to the spatial resolution of the imagery used. The results of this thesis may be applied to road infrastructure mapping in developing countries on a more general context, although with certain limits. In particular, unclassified rural roads require updated road mapping schemas to intensify road transport possibilities and to assist in the development of the developing world.
Microbes in natural and artificial environments as well as in the human body are a key part of the functional properties of these complex systems. The presence or absence of certain microbial taxa is a correlate of functional status like risk of disease or course of metabolic processes of a microbial community. As microbes are highly diverse and mostly notcultivable, molecular markers like gene sequences are a potential basis for detection and identification of key types. The goal of this thesis was to study molecular methods for identification of microbial DNA in order to develop a tool for analysis of environmental and clinical DNA samples. Particular emphasis was placed on specificity of detection which is a major challenge when analyzing complex microbial communities. The approach taken in this study was the application and optimization of enzymatic ligation of DNA probes coupled with microarray read-out for high-throughput microbial profiling. The results show that fungal phylotypes and human papillomavirus genotypes could be accurately identified from pools of PCR amplicons generated from purified sample DNA. Approximately 1 ng/μl of sample DNA was needed for representative PCR amplification as measured by comparisons between clone sequencing and microarray. A minimum of 0,25 amol/μl of PCR amplicons was detectable from amongst 5 ng/μl of background DNA, suggesting that the detection limit of the test comprising of ligation reaction followed by microarray read-out was approximately 0,04%. Detection from sample DNA directly was shown to be feasible with probes forming a circular molecule upon ligation followed by PCR amplification of the probe. In this approach, the minimum detectable relative amount of target genome was found to be 1% of all genomes in the sample as estimated from 454 deep sequencing results. Signal-to-noise of contact printed microarrays could be improved by using an internal microarray hybridization control oligonucleotide probe together with a computational algorithm. The algorithm was based on identification of a bias in the microarray data and correction of the bias as shown by simulated and real data. The results further suggest semiquantitative detection to be possible by ligation detection, allowing estimation of target abundance in a sample. However, in practise, comprehensive sequence information of full length rRNA genes is needed to support probe design with complex samples. This study shows that DNA microarray has the potential for an accurate microbial diagnostic platform to take advantage of increasing sequence data and to replace traditional, less efficient methods that still dominate routine testing in laboratories. The data suggests that ligation reaction based microarray assay can be optimized to a degree that allows good signal-tonoise and semiquantitative detection.
"Se luulo on aina paljon vaikeempaa kuin se tieto”: kokemuksia perinnöllisen sydänsairauden riskistä
Tiivistelmä – Referat – Abstract Tausta: Perinnöllisyystutkimuksen kehittymisen on katsottu johtavan siihen, että tulevaisuudessa perimää koskevalla riski-informaatiolla saattaisi olla keskeinen rooli terveydenhuollossa. Perimää koskeva riski-informaatio perustuu todennäköisyyksiin ja sen avulla saattaa olla mahdollista ennustaa tulevaa terveydentilaa ympäristöön ja käyttäytymiseen liittyvät tekijät huomioiden. Riski-informaatio voi mahdollistaa yksilöllisten terveyskäyttäytymisen muutokseen tähtäävien interventioiden räätälöimisen. Tutkimuksen kontekstissa on keskusteltu siitä, tulisiko yllättävistä, perinnölliseen riskiin viittaavista löydöksistä kertoa tutkittaville. Kertominen saattaa parhaassa tapauksessa pelastaa ihmishenkiä, mutta myös aiheuttaa huolta yksilölle ja tämän lähipiirille. Metodit ja tutkimuskysymykset: Tässä tutkimuksessa tarkastellaan 2000-luvun alkupuolella Suomessa tehtyyn laajaan terveystutkimukseen osallistuneiden kokemuksia tutkimusprosessista, jonka yhteydessä heille kerrottiin terveystutkimuksen yhteydessä havaitusta, perinnölliseen rytmihäiriöalttiuteen (pitkä QT-aika -oireyhtymä) viittaavasta geenimuutoksesta. Metodologisena lähestymistapana käytetty tulkitseva fenomenologinen analyysi (IPA) on fenomenologiaan, hermeneutiikkaan ja idiografiaan pohjaava laadullinen lähestymistapa yksilön kokemusmaailman tutkimiseen. Tutkittavien kokemusmaailman kuvauksen ja tulkinnan kautta on etsitty vastausta seuraaviin kysymyksiin: 1) Miten haastateltavat kokivat tilanteen, jossa heille kerrottiin pitkä QT-aika -oireyhtymään viittaavasta löydöksestä? 2) Millaisia kokemuksia haastateltavilla on kertomista seuranneesta ajanjaksosta ja toimenpiteistä? 3) Millaisia näkemyksiä haastateltavilla on siitä, miten perinnöllisiin sairauksiin viittaavista löydöksistä kerrottaessa tulisi toimia? Tulokset ja johtopäätökset: Haastateltavien sisäistä ja välistä kokemusmaailmaa leimaa ristiriitaisuus kaikissa aineistosta esiin nousevassa neljässä kattoteemassa: 1) ristiriitaiset kokemukset pitkä QT-aika tutkimusprosessista, 2) perimästä kertominen kontekstuaalisena kysymyksenä, 3) perimää koskevan tiedonkäsittelyn kompleksisuus ja 4) autonomia. Ristiriitaiset kokemukset pitkä QT-aika -tutkimusprosessista kertovat siitä, että vaikka valtaosa tutkittavista on tyytyväisiä tutkimusprosessiin ja kiitollinen sen kautta saadusta riski-informaatiosta, tutkimusprosessin kulkuun liittyvät seikat synnyttävät ristiriitoja yksilöiden sisäisessä kokemusmaailmassa. Sisäistä ristiriitaa kokeneet toivovat mahdollisuutta jatkoseurantaan ja lisäinformaation saamiseen esimerkiksi asiantuntijakontaktien ja perinnöllisyysneuvonnan muodossa. Epävarmaan geenitestin tuloksen odotusaikaan verrattuna geenitestin tuloksen saaminen ja perimää koskevan informaation henkilökohtaisen merkityksen ymmärtäminen vähentää huolta, mahdollistaa minäkäsitykseen kohdistuvan uhan työstämisen ja hallinnan tunteen palauttamisen, ja sen koetaan tukevan elämäntapoihin ja elämänsuunnitteluun liittyvissä valinnoissa. Kaikki haastateltavat kannattavat perimästä kertomista kontekstuaalisena kysymyksenä, johon ei ole yksiselitteistä vastausta. Kysymys siitä, miten perimästä kerrotaan, näyttää tämän tutkimuksen pohjalta olevan keskeisempi, kuin kysymys siitä, pitäisikö perimästä kertoa. Perimää koskeva tiedonkäsittelyn kompleksisuus viittaa siihen, että todennäköisyyksiin perustuvan riski-informaation käsittely on haastavaa. Autonomia ja siihen liittyvä puhe hallinnasta nousevat esiin eri konteksteissa. Sairauden perinnöllisyyden vuoksi autonomia koetaan toisinaan rajallisena, ja omat vaikutusmahdollisuudet tulevaan terveydentilaan toisaalta tunnustetaan ja toisaalta kyseenalaistetaan. Avainsanat – Nyckelord – Keywords biopankkitutkimus, riski-informaatio, perimästä kertominen, tiedonkäsittely, autonomia
Several of the newly developed drug molecules experience poor biopharmaceutical behavior, which hinders their effective delivery at the proper site of action. Among the several strategies employed in order to overcome this obstacle, mesoporous silicon-based materials have emerged as promising drug carriers due to their ability to improve the dissolution behavior of several poorly water-soluble drugs compounds confined within their pores. In addition to improve the dissolution behavior of the drugs, we report that porous silicon (PSi) nanoparticles have a higher degree of biocompatibility than PSi microparticles in several cell lines studied. In addition, the degradation of the nanoparticles showed its potential to fast clearance in the body. After oral delivery, the PSi particles were also found to transit the intestines without being absorbed. These results constituted the first quantitative analysis of the behavior of orally administered PSi nanoparticles compared with other delivery routes in rats. The self-assemble of a hydrophobin class II (HFBII) protein at the surface of hydrophobic PSi particles endowed the particles with greater biocompatibility in different cell lines, was found to reverse their hydrophobicity and also protected a drug loaded within its pores against premature release at low pH while enabling subsequent drug release as the pH increased. These results highlight the potential of HFBII-coating for PSi-based drug carriers in improving their hydrophilicity, biocompatibility and pH responsiveness in drug delivery applications. In conclusion, mesoporous silicon particles have been shown to be a versatile platform for improving the dissolution behavior of poorly water-soluble drugs with high biocompatibility and easy surface modification. The results of this study also provide information regarding the biofunctionalization of the THCPSi particles with a fungal protein, leading to an improvement in their biocompatibility and endowing them with pH responsive and mucoadhesive properties.
Some texts and a performance story. All motivated by the author’s interest in space, in this that surrounds, and that interest, in turn, originating from the author’s earlier studies in cultural anthropology, in observing and experiencing the surrounding animate and inanimate world. The texts in this thesis are alternating between academic and creative writing. They are texts written on a specific site on Suomenlinna island in Helsinki, Finland, as part of the performance ”Beyond the Wind in Front of Me / A Space Ship Journey” story or prologues to that, and the more academic ones supporting them or growing out of them, being accompanied also by the thoughts and practices of others. The main research questions and themes being How to perceive this that surrounds me? What is space, what does it consist of? Is it something that simply surrounds me? Am I a part of it or is it a part of me? How can a space be researched? How to activate a space? What kind of mental images do spaces/places create/uncover/open up in us? How to animate/make alive those images? Body giving meaning to space via actions created by the body. Physical environment contra emotional, imaginary, visionary one. Presence in a space/place. Physical and mental presence. Presence in memories.