895 resultados para Metafore, Teoria della Metafora Concettuale, Corpus Linguistics, crisi economica
The reprise evidential conditional (REC) is nowadays not very usual in Catalan: it is restricted to journalistic language and to some very formal genres (such as academic or legal language), it is not present in spontaneous discourse. On the one hand, it has been described among the rather new modality values of the conditional. On the other, the normative tradition tended to reject it for being a gallicism, or to describe it as an unsuitable neologism. Thanks to the extraction from text corpora, we surprisingly find this REC in Catalan from the beginning of the fourteenth century to the contemporary age, with semantic and pragmatic nuances and different evidence of grammaticalization. Due to the current interest in evidentiality, the REC has been widely studied in French, Italian and Portuguese, focusing mainly on its contemporary uses and not so intensively on the diachronic process that could explain the origin of this value. In line with this research, that we initiated studying the epistemic and evidential future in Catalan, our aim is to describe: a) the pragmatic context that could have been the initial point of the REC in the thirteenth century, before we find indisputable attestations of this use; b) the path of semantic change followed by the conditional from a ‘future in the past’ tense to the acquisition of epistemic and evidential values; and c) the role played by invited inferences, subjectification and intersubjectification in this change.
Questo elaborato finale riguarda la figura del teorico e traduttore slovacco Blahoslav Hečko. I primi capitoli contengono una breve descrizione della sua vita e delle sue opere sulla teoria della traduzione ("Nehádžte perly sviniam" e "Dobrodružstvo prekladu"). Il resto della tesi si concentra sulla traduzione verso lo slovacco del libro per l'infanzia di Gianni Rodari "Le avventure di Cipollino". La parte più corposa è rappresentata proprio dal commento analitico alla traduzione. Sono stati selezionati cinque capitoli del libro di Rodari in base alla presenza di sfide traduttive particolarmente interessanti e si è prestata particolare attenzione alla resa dei nomi propri, dei modi di dire e dei realia italiani. Nel confrontare il testo originale e la traduzione si è cercato di spiegare le scelte del traduttore attraverso annotazioni grammaticali e approfondimenti di carattere culturale, in alcuni casi sono state avanzate proposte alternative.
L’obiettivo del presente elaborato è quello di fornire una proposta di traduzione del libro per ragazzi “The Beatrice Letters” dell’autore statunitense Lemony Snicket, pubblicato dalla casa editrice HarperCollins nel 2006. Nel primo capitolo vengono enunciati i propositi dell’elaborato, mentre il secondo capitolo ospita una panoramica della letteratura per ragazzi, a cui segue una presentazione della teoria della traduzione con particolare attenzione alla metodologia legata alla letteratura per l’infanzia. Il terzo capitolo si sofferma invece sulla figura dell’autore e sulle sue opere per poter comprendere appieno il testo in esame. Il capitolo contiene anche la proposta di traduzione vera e propria, corredata da relativo commento che analizza le principali problematiche traduttive riscontrate. Infine, i capitoli successivi presentano una breve conclusione oltre che la bibliografia e sitografia consultate.
The aim of this paper is to evaluate the efficacy of the application WebBootCaT to create specialised corpora automatically, investigating the translation of articles of association from Italian into English. The first section reflects on the relevant literature and proposes the utility of corpora for translators. The second section discusses the methodology employed, and the third section analyses the results obtained and comments on how language professionals could possibly exploit the application to its full. The fourth section provides a few concrete usage examples of the thus built corpora, to then conclude that WebBootCaT is a genuinely powerful tool that could be implemented by professional translators in order to save time and improve their translations in the long term.
La mia analisi verte in principio sul diverso rapporto dei tre principali riformatori (Lutero, Calvino, Zwingli) con l’Eucarestia. In seguito, sono approfondite le teorie di Giovanni Calvino, cercando di tracciare un parallelo con la contemporaneità. Infine, il linguaggio: qui si spiega come l’arbitrarietà del segno linguistico sia collegata alla teoria della predestinazione calviniana.
On the basis of a transcribed French television corpus made of two news bulletins, two chat shows and one literary programme recorded in February 2003, this paper explores the claim that passé simple (PS) may still be used in prepared oral discourse (Pfister 1974). The corpus does not provide support for that use on television, but it seems to suggest a shift from temporal to aspectual features in French television talk: a perfective presentation prevails on a past presentation. This trend would need to be confirmed by a larger television corpus, tested in other types of oral discourse and tested on written corpora.
Corpora—large collections of written and/or spoken text stored and accessed electronically—provide the means of investigating language that is of growing importance academically and professionally. Corpora are now routinely used in the following fields: •the production of dictionaries and other reference materials; •the development of aids to translation; •language teaching materials; •the investigation of ideologies and cultural assumptions; •natural language processing; and •the investigation of all aspects of linguistic behaviour, including vocabulary, grammar and pragmatics.
The goal of this study is to determine if various measures of contraction rate are regionally patterned in written Standard American English. In order to answer this question, this study employs a corpus-based approach to data collection and a statistical approach to data analysis. Based on a spatial autocorrelation analysis of the values of eleven measures of contraction across a 25 million word corpus of letters to the editor representing the language of 200 cities from across the contiguous United States, two primary regional patterns were identified: easterners tend to produce relatively few standard contractions (not contraction, verb contraction) compared to westerners, and northeasterners tend to produce relatively few non-standard contractions (to contraction, non-standard not contraction) compared to southeasterners. These findings demonstrate that regional linguistic variation exists in written Standard American English and that regional linguistic variation is more common than is generally assumed.
This study presents a detailed contrastive description of the textual functioning of connectives in English and Arabic. Particular emphasis is placed on the organisational force of connectives and their role in sustaining cohesion. The description is intended as a contribution for a better understanding of the variations in the dominant tendencies for text organisation in each language. The findings are expected to be utilised for pedagogical purposes, particularly in improving EFL teaching of writing at the undergraduate level. The study is based on an empirical investigation of the phenomenon of connectivity and, for optimal efficiency, employs computer-aided procedures, particularly those adopted in corpus linguistics, for investigatory purposes. One important methodological requirement is the establishment of two comparable and statistically adequate corpora, also the design of software and the use of existing packages and to achieve the basic analysis. Each corpus comprises ca 250,000 words of newspaper material sampled in accordance to a specific set of criteria and assembled in machine readable form prior to the computer-assisted analysis. A suite of programmes have been written in SPITBOL to accomplish a variety of analytical tasks, and in particular to perform a battery of measurements intended to quantify the textual functioning of connectives in each corpus. Concordances and some word lists are produced by using OCP. Results of these researches confirm the existence of fundamental differences in text organisation in Arabic in comparison to English. This manifests itself in the way textual operations of grouping and sequencing are performed and in the intensity of the textual role of connectives in imposing linearity and continuity and in maintaining overall stability. Furthermore, computation of connective functionality and range of operationality has identified fundamental differences in the way favourable choices for text organisation are made and implemented.
Relatively little research on dialect variation has been based on corpora of naturally occurring language. Instead, dialect variation has been studied based primarily on language elicited through questionnaires and interviews. Eliciting dialect data has several advantages, including allowing for dialectologists to select individual informants, control the communicative situation in which language is collected, elicit rare forms directly, and make high-quality audio recordings. Although far less common, a corpus-based approach to data collection also has several advantages, including allowing for dialectologists to collect large amounts of data from a large number of informants, observe dialect variation across a range of communicative situations, and analyze quantitative linguistic variation in large samples of natural language. Although both approaches allow for dialect variation to be observed, they provide different perspectives on language variation and change. The corpus- based approach to dialectology has therefore produced a number of new findings, many of which challenge traditional assumptions about the nature of dialect variation. Most important, this research has shown that dialect variation involves a wider range of linguistic variables and exists across a wider range of language varieties than has previously been assumed. The goal of this chapter is to introduce this emerging approach to dialectology. The first part of this chapter reviews the growing body of research that analyzes dialect variation in corpora, including research on variation across nations, regions, genders, ages, and classes, in both speech and writing, and from both a synchronic and diachronic perspective, with a focus on dialect variation in the English language. Although collections of language data elicited through interviews and questionnaires are now commonly referred to as corpora in sociolinguistics and dialectology (e.g. see Bauer 2002; Tagliamonte 2006; Kretzschmar et al. 2006; D'Arcy 2011), this review focuses on corpora of naturally occurring texts and discourse. The second part of this chapter presents the results of an analysis of variation in not contraction across region, gender, and time in a corpus of American English letters to the editor in order to exemplify a corpus-based approach to dialectology.
While language use has been argued to reflect gender asymmetry, increasing parity has been evidenced in official settings (Holmes, 2000; Dister and Moreau, 2006). Our hypothesis is that the French national press has developed a norm of equal linguistic treatment of men and women. In a corpus of articles from Libération, Le Monde, and Le Figaro, we examine the treatment of Arlette Laguiller, the female leader of the French extreme-left 'Worker's Struggle' Party (Lutte Ouvrière), during the run-up to the 2007 presidential elections. How Laguiller is referred to and described in comparison with her male counterparts evidences no asymmetry. Breaches to parity are only found in the right-wing Figaro newspaper. The ideological distance between the newspaper and the candidate suggests that power struggles are a primary source of asymmetrical treatments. The discursive functions of such treatments can be understood through an investigation based on a portable corpus linguistics methodology for the measure of discrimination. © 2011 Elsevier B.V.
Este artículo sugiere un enfoque nuevo a la enseñanza de las dos estructuras gramaticales la pasiva refleja y el “se” impersonal para las clases universitarias de E/LE. Concretamente, se argumenta que las dos se deberían tratar como construcciones pasivas, basada en un análisis léxico-funcional de ellas que enfoca la lingüística contrastiva. Incluso para la instrucción de E/LE, se recomienda una aproximación contrastiva en la que se enfocan tanto la reflexión metalingüística como la competencia del estudiante en el L2. Específicamente, el uso de córpora lingüísticos en la clase forma una parte integral de la instrucción. El uso de un corpus estimula la curiosidad del estudiante, le expone a material de lengua auténtica, y promulga la reflexión inductiva independiente.
This paper is a study about the way in which se structures are represented in 20 verb entries of nine dictionaries of Spanish language. There is a large number of these structures and they are problematic for native and non native speakers. Verbs of the analysis are middle-high frequency and, in the most part of the cases, very polysemous, and this allows to observe interconnections between the different se structures and the different meanings of each verb. Data of the lexicographic analysis are cross-checked with corpus analysis of the same units. As a result, it is observed that there is a large variety in the data which are offered in each dictionary and in the way they are offered, inter and intradictionary. The reasons range from the theoretical overall of each Project to practical performance. This leads to the conclusion that it is necessary to further progress in the dictionary model it is being handled, in order to offer lexico-grammatical phenomenon such as se verbs in an accurate, clear and exhaustive way.
Studio sperimentale del coefficiente di compressibilità secondaria al variare del contenuto organico
Questa tesi svolta nell’ambito della geotecnica ha L’obiettivo di porre l’attenzione sul comportamento dei cedimenti secondari, quindi sul coefficiente di consolidazione secondaria Cα mediante l’esecuzione di una prova edometrica su di una sezione di campione estratto in sito, dove si evidenzia una percentuale di contenuto organico molto alta (torba).Si introduce il concetto di terreno organico a partire dalla genesi fino ad una classificazione atta a distinguere terreni con percentuali di componente organica differenti. Si spiega la teoria della consolidazione monodimensionale, quindi la prova edometrica, riportando in maniera grafica e analitica tutti i coefficienti che da essa si possono ricavare a partire dai parametri di compressione volumetrica fino alla consolidazione primaria e secondaria (o creep)si descrivono dettagliatamente la strumentazione e la procedura di prova. Descrivendo l’edometro utilizzato in laboratorio e tutti gli accessori ad esso collegati, il campione da analizzare, la procedura di preparazione del campione alla prova edometrica, trovando alcune proprietà fisiche del campione, come il contenuto d’acqua e il contenuto organico, ed in fine riportando i passaggi della prova edometrica in modo tale da poter essere riprodotta.Si analizzano tutti i risultati ottenuti durante la prova in maniera analitica e grafica, osservando e commentando la forma dei grafici ottenuti in relazione al materiale che compone il campione ed i tempi impiegati per eseguire la prova.
In this article, we will try to demonstrate that there are strong analogies between literature and new media, as they were both born to satisfy a human need. We will try to show that the inglorious world of media and the prestigious literary universe are walking – without knowing – in the same direction. Therefore, it would be easier to confute the recent theory that declares the death of literature after the rise of new media. Only an honest and interdisciplinary dialogue can reveal all sorts of hidden structural homologies, uncovering new creative horizons.