806 resultados para Difference logic
We introduce a set of sequential integro-difference equations to analyze the dynamics of two interacting species. Firstly, we derive the speed of the fronts when a species invades a space previously occupied by a second species, and check its validity by means of numerical random-walk simulations. As an example, we consider the Neolithic transition: the predictions of the model are consistent with the archaeological data for the front speed, provided that the interaction parameter is low enough. Secondly, an equation for the coexistence time between the invasive and the invaded populations is obtained for the first time. It agrees well with the simulations, is consistent with observations of the Neolithic transition, and makes it possible to estimate the value of the interaction parameter between the incoming and the indigenous populations
The University of Southampton has a long history of pursuing research, development and social change with the Web This document guides you through the opportunities for Web-related study and research that we offer: an MSc in Web Technology; a 3-year PhD in Web Technology; an MSc in Web Science or a 4-year PhD in Web Science
La presente investigación analiza las estrategias populistas empleadas por los candidatos para las presidenciales colombianas de 2014. Se asume el populismo como discurso desde los planteamientos de Ernesto Laclau, considerando que el populismo actúa en forma de discurso movilizador, cuya lógica implica la construcción de una perspectiva antagónica de la realidad, la cual identifica positivamente a las mayorías frente un enemigo que encarna valores y prácticas negativas. Las estrategias populistas constituyen el medio para proponer una visión dicotómica de la realidad y una demanda hegemónica, donde el candidato aparece como parte positiva del antagonismo y constituye la solución de la demanda más importante en términos sociales. La tesis se concentra en responder a la pregunta: ¿Cómo se emplearon las estrategias populistas en las elecciones presidenciales de 2014? Para esto se construyó un índice de estrategias populistas en el cual se ubicó el discurso de cada candidato, donde un antagonismo adecuadamente estructurado y una demanda hegemónica representativa para la sociedad, representa beneficios electorales para el candidato. Se concluye que una adecuada articulación discursiva entre frontera antagónica (receptor positivo y contraparte negativa) y demanda hegemónica, puede significar para el candidato una mayor probabilidad de éxito, en la medida que los ciudadanos interioricen su discurso y se adhieran a él.
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Es una guía para maestros sobre cómo motivar y apoyar a sus estudiantes a reflexionar sobre las cuestiones ecológicas y el futuro del medio ambiente. Se detallan más de cincuenta acciones, todas ellas con potencial para lograr un cambio: en el hogar, la escuela, a nivel local, nacional e internacional, sobre cualquier cuestión que los jóvenes elijan. Está dividido en cinco secciones principales, cada una hace frente a un tipo diferente de acción para el cambio. Cada uno de estos capítulos contiene una serie de actividades, mediante las cuales los jóvenes pueden lograrlo. La información de cada sección está dedicada a ayudar a los docentes a que sus alumnos consideren los méritos relativos de las acciones de cambio diferentes, y seleccionar la más adecuada y eficaz. Proporciona una serie de acciones a largo plazo a través de proyectos que pueden ser utilizados en las clases o en el tiempo libre.
Resumen basado en el de la publicación
With the advent of digital era web applications have become inevitable part of our lives. We are using the web to manage even the financially or ethically sensitive issues. For this reason exploration of information seeking behavior is an exciting area of research. Current study provides insight on information seeking behavior using a classic ‘Find the Difference’ game. 50 university students between the age of 19 and 26 participated in the study. Eye movement data were recorded with a Tobii T120 device. Participants carried out 4 continuous tasks. Each task included two pictures side by side with 7 hidden differences. After finishing the tasks, participants were asked to repeat the game with the same picture set. This data collection methodology allows the evaluation of learning curves. Additionally, participants were asked about their hand preference. For the purpose of analysis the following metrics were applied: task times (including saccades), fixation count and fixation duration (without saccades). The right- and left-hand side on each picture was selected as AOI (Area of Interest) to detect side preference in connection with hand preference. Results suggest a significant difference between male and female participants regarding aggregated task times (male 58.37s respectively female 68.37s), deviation in the number of fixations and fixation duration (apparently female have less but longer fixations) and also in the distribution of fixations between AOIs. Using eyetracking data current paper highlights the similarities and differences in information acquisition strategies respectively reveals gender and education (Arts vs. Sciences) dependent characteristics of interaction.
Focusing on Fluxus, a loosely knit association of artists from America, Europe and Asia whose work centers around intermediality, this article explores the notion of relationality without relata. Intermediality refers to works that fall conceptually between media – such as visual poetry or action music – as well as between the general area of art media and those of life media(Higgins). Departing from two Fluxus intermedia – the event score, a performative score in the form of words, and the Fluxkit, a performative score in the form of objects – I investigate the logic of co-constitutivity within which every element is both subject and object, both constitutive and constituted. To be more precise, I trace the cross-categorial interplay of differences that explodes the logico-linguistic structure of binary oppositions, such as those between foreground and background, word and action, sound and silence, identity and alterity. Aided by Jacques Derrida’s concept of ‘de-centered play’ and Shigenori Nagatomo’s concept of ‘interfusion’ this article seeks to articulate the ways in which the Fluxus works mobilise the ‘silent background’ to dismantle the dualistic logic of definite differences.
A escritora mexicana Rosario Castellanos incorpora silêncios em suas obras de uma forma que permite ao leitor a questionar o próprio significado da agência e da natureza da subjetividade de uma protagonista feminina. Silêncios tendem a criar brechas no texto, iluminando as diferenças sociais e raciais que a narração em primeira pessoa foge. Além disso, é revelado que o sujeito se imagina em oposição ao silêncio de mulheres menos privilegiadas, e que realmente não existe um local em que o subalterno pode falar. Este projecto se centra em seu romance Balún Canan (1957), em que a babá Indígena de uma menina complica o desejo de ascender dentro da estrutura patriarcal da sua família mais privilegiada, como a menina descobre que o que faria sua vida confortável é a causa da subjugação de sua “outra mãe.” O texto é desenvolvido em torno de um desejo de falar a partir das margens, e há um esforço claro para dar voz aos subalternos. No entanto, a relação entre a menina e sua babá não é nem romântica nem idealizada; a presença da mulher colonizada resiste a marginalização e ressalta que está sendo coberto no processo de desenvolvimento individual. Ansiedadesurge dentro da narração da menina como ela percebe seu privilégio como membro da classe latifundiária, e a escrita navega entre diferentes manifestações de silêncio: o silenciamento da babá em uma replicação de violência colonial, e a manutenção do silêncio como uma barreira respeitosa.
This paper studies auditory-vowel perception abilities of the hearing impaired. The study investigated the relationship among the difference limen for first formant frequencies of synthesized vowels in severe and profoundly hearing-impaired listeners, degree of hearing low, and general auditory speech perception.