613 resultados para DEA


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El art??culo forma parte de un monogr??fico dedicado a sinergias en torno a la lectura


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Aportar alguna ídea que ayude a la comprensión total del niño que presenta muchas inadaptaciones en multitud de cosas. La psicología moderna ha abierto muevos campos y nos ha aportado un conocimiento más exacto del proceso de maduración afectiva, anomalías de conducta, los trastornos de aprendizaje. El que se ponga la psicología al servicio de la educación no significa, en manera alguna, transportar la acción pedagógica al campo de la anormalidad. El Psicodrama es un método de gran importancia y quizás el más indicado y de fácil aplicación en las escuelas o colegios de niños inadaptados y principalmente en las escuelas y colegios ordinarios. El Psicodrama va muy bien con la psicología del niño. Éste se expresa mejor por el movimiento. Está muy indicado, sobre todo, para niños tímidos, desgraciados en sus contactos sociales o en la expresión de sí mismos. El fin primario del Psicodrama es obtener una satisfactoria adaptación del individuo a su ambiente y aprender a soportar las frustraciones que la vida en la sociedad lleva consigo.


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Memoria de investigación DEA (UNED, 2012). Resumen basado en el de la publicación


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Resumen tomado de la publicaci??n


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Comunicaci??n presentada en las Jornadas sobre Investigaci??n e Innovaci??n en la Educaci??n F??sica escolar celebradas en el CEP de La Laguna, del 2 al 5 de junio de 2010


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Esta tesis contribuye, te??rica y emp??ricamente, a entender hasta qu?? punto el problema de endogeneidad, uno de los principales problemas observado frecuentemente en los procesos de producci??n educativos, afecta a la estimaci??n de la eficiencia t??cnica mediante el An??lisis Envolvente de Datos (DEA). Asimismo, esta investigaci??n combina ideas de la literatura de evaluaci??n de impacto con las t??cnicas de medici??n de eficiencia no param??tricas con el fin de aportar potenciales soluciones para hacer frente a este problema en aplicaciones emp??ricas educativas y obtener as?? estimaciones de la eficiencia m??s precisas. El cap??tulo 1 analiza te??ricamente en qu?? medida la presencia de endogeneidad en el proceso de producci??n puede afectar a las estimaciones DEA en muestras finitas, de modo que los investigadores que aplican esta t??cnica conozcan la precisi??n de sus estimaciones. Para ello, en primer lugar se ilustra desde un punto de vista conceptual el problema de la endogeneidad y sus implicaciones en la estimaci??n de la eficiencia. En segundo lugar, utilizando datos generados en un experimento de Monte Carlo se eval??a c??mo diferentes niveles de endogeneidad positiva y negativa pueden afectar al desempe??o de DEA. A pesar de que DEA es robusto a la presencia de endogeneidad negativa, la existencia de una endogeneidad positiva y significativa perjudica gravemente el desempe??o de DEA. A partir de los resultados hallados previamente, la siguiente pregunta que surge es ??c??mo hacer frente a este problema en una aplicaci??n emp??rica cuando se sospecha de la presencia de este tipo de endogeneidad? Esto implica responder dos cuestiones, c??mo identificar el problema y c??mo enfrentarlo. A partir de las simulaciones de Monte Carlo se propone un m??todo heur??stico sencillo que permite identificar correctamente la presencia de inputs end??genos en todos los escenarios simulados. Adem??s, a partir de la t??cnica de Variables Instrumentales (VI) ampliamente utilizada en econometr??a, se ofrece una nueva estrategia que aborda efectivamente el problema de endogeneidad en la estimaci??n de la eficiencia t??cnica, el instrumental Input DEA Adicionalmente a este ejercicio te??rico. Los cap??tulos 2 y 3 proporcionan evidencia de dos aplicaciones emp??ricas en el que el problema de endogeneidad est?? presente. En el cap??tulo 2 se aplican las estrategias propuestas en el cap??tulo 1 a datos de colegios p??blicos de Educaci??n Secundaria en Uruguay. tilizando el m??todo heur??stico, se detecta que el nivel socio-econ??mico medio de los colegios est?? alta y positivamente relacionado con la eficiencia t??cnica de los mismos, y por lo tanto se aplica la estrategia II-DEA para estimar la eficiencia t??cnica de los colegios controlando por endogeneidad. En el cap??tulo 3, tomando nuevamente ideas de la literatura de evaluaci??n de impacto, se utilizan datos de un experimento natural en las escuelas de educaci??n primaria en Espa??a para estimar la eficiencia de los maestros. Seg??n la asignaci??n aleatoria de los estudiantes a las clases en los colegios, se explota la variaci??n ex??gena de la eficiencia t??cnica entre los maestros para evaluar su desempe??o. Esta estrategia permite obtener una medida objetiva del verdadero efecto del maestro sobre los logros de los estudiantes y explorar los principales factores que explican la eficiencia de los docentes. M??s all?? de los resultados concretos de cada contexto educativo analizado (que se discuten en cada cap??tulo), ambos an??lisis proporcionan evidencia robusta de que el tomar o no en consideraci??n el problema de endogeneidad conduce a resultados radicalmente diferentes en t??rminos de las recomendaciones de pol??tica educativa p??blica para mejorar la calidad de la ense??anza.


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Os avanços na área da Medicina transfucional, nomeadamente a descoberta de nova informação sobre os grupos sanguíneos de várias espécies, a introdução rotineira da tipificação sanguínea e das provas de compatibilidade eritrocitária, o estudo das reacções transfusionais adversas, o despiste de doenças infeciosas no dador e a aplicação da terapia por componentes, têm contribuído para aumentar a segurança da transfusão sanguínea em Medicina Veterinária e, por consequência, a sua utilização é cada vez mais frequente. O presente trabalho é constituído por três objectivos: perspectivar a medicina transfusional em Portugal através da análise dos resultados de um inquérito, dirigido aos CAMV, nomeadamente sobre o uso da terapia por componentes, as principais indicações de transfusão e a ocorrência de reacções transfusionais; caracterizar a população de gatos e cães receptores de transfusões sanguíneas, com enfoque na prevalência dos diferentes grupos sanguíneos, na indicação para a realização da transfusão e tipo de produto administrado; determinar a ocorrência de reacções transfusionais através da monotorização do doente antes, durante e após a administração das transfusões. No presente estudo, 86% dos Centros de Atendimento Médico Veterinário (CAMV) inquiridos recorrem à transfusão sanguínea como terapia complementar. Destes, 54.7% utiliza sangue total e produtos do sangue, 41.3% apenas sangue total e 4% apenas produtos do sangue. Os produtos do sangue mais utilizados são o concentrado de glóbulos vermelhos e o plasma fresco congelado (34.2% e 31.6% respectivamente). A anemia constitui o principal motivo para a realização de transfusões sanguíneas e a hipertermia a reacção transfusional mais frequente. Relativamente à caracterização da população de cães e gatos que receberam transfusão sanguínea conclui-se que 77.8% dos cães pertenciam ao grupo DEA 1.1 negativo e 22.2% ao grupo DEA 1.1 positivo. Todos os gatos incluídos neste estudo pertenciam ao grupo sanguíneo A. A anemia por hemorragia foi a indicação predominante para a administração de sangue nos cães (54.3%). Nos gatos a anemia por não produção de eritrócitos prevalece (60%). No que respeita às reacções transfusionais, das 61 transfusões realizadas apenas se registou uma dispneia num gato.


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This article assesses the extent to which sampling variation affects findings about Malmquist productivity change derived using data envelopment analysis (DEA), in the first stage by calculating productivity indices and in the second stage by investigating the farm-specific change in productivity. Confidence intervals for Malmquist indices are constructed using Simar and Wilson's (1999) bootstrapping procedure. The main contribution of this article is to account in the second stage for the information in the second stage provided by the first-stage bootstrap. The DEA SEs of the Malmquist indices given by bootstrapping are employed in an innovative heteroscedastic panel regression, using a maximum likelihood procedure. The application is to a sample of 250 Polish farms over the period 1996 to 2000. The confidence intervals' results suggest that the second half of 1990s for Polish farms was characterized not so much by productivity regress but rather by stagnation. As for the determinants of farm productivity change, we find that the integration of the DEA SEs in the second-stage regression is significant in explaining a proportion of the variance in the error term. Although our heteroscedastic regression results differ with those from the standard OLS, in terms of significance and sign, they are consistent with theory and previous research.


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This article illustrates the usefulness of applying bootstrap procedures to total factor productivity Malmquist indices, derived with data envelopment analysis (DEA), for a sample of 250 Polish farms during 1996-2000. The confidence intervals constructed as in Simar and Wilson suggest that the common portrayal of productivity decline in Polish agriculture may be misleading. However, a cluster analysis based on bootstrap confidence intervals reveals that important policy conclusions can be drawn regarding productivity enhancement.


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Supplier selection has a great impact on supply chain management. The quality of supplier selection also affects profitability of organisations which work in the supply chain. As suppliers can provide variety of services and customers demand higher quality of service provision, the organisation is facing challenges for making the right choice of supplier for the right needs. The existing methods for supplier selection, such as data envelopment analysis (DEA) and analytical hierarchy process (AHP) can automatically perform selection of competitive suppliers and further decide winning supplier(s). However, these methods are not capable of determining the right selection criteria which should be derived from the business strategy. An ontology model described in this paper integrates the strengths of DEA and AHP with new mechanisms which ensure the right supplier to be selected by the right criteria for the right customer's needs.


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This research has responded to the need for diagnostic reference tools explicitly linking the influence of environmental uncertainty and performance within the supply chain. Uncertainty is a key factor influencing performance and an important measure of the operating environment. We develop and demonstrate a novel reference methodology based on data envelopment analysis (DEA) for examining the performance of value streams within the supply chain with specific reference to the level of environmental uncertainty they face. In this paper, using real industrial data, 20 product supply value streams within the European automotive industry sector are evaluated. Two are found to be efficient. The peer reference groups for the underperforming value streams are identified and numerical improvement targets are derived. The paper demonstrates how DEA can be used to guide supply chain improvement efforts through role-model identification and target setting, in a way that recognises the multiple dimensions/outcomes of the supply chain process and the influence of its environmental conditions. We have facilitated the contextualisation of environmental uncertainty and its incorporation into a specific diagnostic reference tool.


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Sustainable Intensification (SI) of agriculture has recently received widespread political attention, in both the UK and internationally. The concept recognises the need to simultaneously raise yields, increase input use efficiency and reduce the negative environmental impacts of farming systems to secure future food production and to sustainably use the limited resources for agriculture. The objective of this paper is to outline a policy-making tool to assess SI at a farm level. Based on the method introduced by Kuosmanen and Kortelainen (2005), we use an adapted Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) to consider the substitution possibilities between economic value and environmental pressures generated by farming systems in an aggregated index of Eco-Efficiency. Farm level data, specifically General Cropping Farms (GCFs) from the East Anglian River Basin Catchment (EARBC), UK were used as the basis for this analysis. The assignment of weights to environmental pressures through linear programming techniques, when optimising the relative Eco-Efficiency score, allows the identification of appropriate production technologies and practices (integrating pest management, conservation farming, precision agriculture, etc.) for each farm and therefore indicates specific improvements that can be undertaken towards SI. Results are used to suggest strategies for the integration of farming practices and environmental policies in the framework of SI of agriculture. Paths for improving the index of Eco-Efficiency and therefore reducing environmental pressures are also outlined.


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This paper conducts productivity and efficiency analysis of banks operating in Australia since the deregulation of the Australian financial system in early 1980s. Applying data envelopment analysis (DEA), with a moving window, the Malmquist indices are determined in order to investigate the levels of and the changes in the efficiency of Australian banks over the period from 1983 to 200 I. The DEA window analysis is adopted in order to relieve the small sample problem that in previous studies has proved problematic in the study of the Australian banking sector. The pal1icular window used in this case has been carefully designed to ensure the robustness of the efficiencies scores to changes in the window width. A second-stage regression is conducted by using the unconditional bootstrap approach suggested by Xue and Harker (1999) to overcome the dependency and heteroskedasticity of DE A efficiency scores. The empirical results demonstrate the effect of deregulation on the performance of individual banks, banks of different organizational types and the entire Australian banking sector.


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This paper estimates productivity growth in Malaysian manufacturing over the period 1983-1999. Malmquist productivity Indices (MPIs) have been computed using non parametric Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) type linear programming, which show productivity growth sourced from efficiency change and growth in technology. Unlike previous studies, this study identifies the sources of productivity growth in Malaysian manufacturing industries at the five digit breakdown of Malaysian Standard Industrial Classification (MSIC) thereby revealing more industry specific efficiency and technical growth patterns. Results indicated that a high majority of the industries operated with low levels of technical efficiency with little or no improvement over time. Growth estimates revealed that two third of the industries (76 out of total 114 categories) experienced average annual productivity improvement ranging from 0.1% to 7.8%. Average annual technical progress was recorded by 95 industry categories while technical efficiency improvement was achieved by 53 industries. Overall yearly average indicated relatively low productivity growth from the mid 1990’s onwards caused by either efficiency decline or technical regress. Summary results for industries showed that some of the high rates of productivity growth have been recorded in glass and glass products (7.3%), Petroleum and coal (7.2%), industrial chemicals (4.9%) contributed from both efficiency improvement and technical progress ranging from 0.8% to 5.4% and from 1.7% to 4.1%, respectively. These results are expected to have some implications for ongoing and future strategic policy reform in Malaysian manufacturing generating a more sustainable growth for specific industry categories.