929 resultados para Organizational behavior -- Evaluation
Using sexual assault on college campuses as a context for interrogating issues management, this study offers a normative model for inclusive issues management through an engagement approach that can better account for the gendered and emotional dimensions of issues. Because public relations literature and research have offered little theoretical or practical guidance for how issues managers can most effectively deal with issues such as sexual assault, this study represents a promising step forward. Results for this study were obtained through 32 in-depth interviews with university issues managers, six focus groups with student populations, and approximately 92 hours of participant observation. By focusing on inclusion, this revised model works to have utility for an array of issues that have previously fallen outside of the dominant masculine and rationale spheres that have worked to silence marginalized publics’ experiences. Through adapting previous issues management models to focus on inclusion at the heart of a strategic process, and engagement as the strategy for achieving this, this study offers a framework for ensuring more voices are heard—which enables organizations to more effectively communicate with their publics. Additionally, findings from this research may also help practitioners at different types of organizations develop better, and proactive, communication strategies for handling emotional and gendered issues as to avoid negative media attention and work to change organizational culture.
A Psicomotricidade consiste numa intervenção por mediação corporal e expressiva que pode ser desenvolvida em vários âmbitos, nomeadamente o preventivo, o reeducativo, o terapêutico. Essa intervenção pretende a compensação da expressão motora inadequada ou inadaptada, ligada geralmente a problemas de desenvolvimento e maturação psicomotora, de comportamento, de aprendizagem e de âmbito emocional. As Dificuldades Intelectuais e Desenvolvimentais (DID) são caracterizadas pela manifestação antes dos 18 anos e por um conjunto de limitações significativas ao nível do funcionamento intelectual e do comportamento adaptativo em três domínios fundamentais: conceptual, social ou prático. O presente relatório visa abordar a importância da Psicomotricidade nas DID, através da apresentação das atividades realizadas com jovens e adultos, neste âmbito. Em síntese, no cumprimento do regulamento da unidade curricular do Mestrado em Reabilitação Psicomotora, iremos descrever as atividades desenvolvidas na Associação Quinta Essência, pormenorizando aspetos fundamentais das ações desenvolvidas, retirando conclusões sobre a repercussão formativa das ações aí tomadas, quer em termos pessoais quer profissionais.
Os conceitos de Qualidade de Vida e Psycap tem vindo a ganhar popularidade nas últimas décadas. Vários têm sido os fatores que têm contribuído para este crescente interesse nas questões que envolvem estes dois conceitos. Por um lado, temos a qualidade de vida e a sua importância para o desenvolvimento da sociedade e por outro, o psycap e todas as vantagens que traz o seu desenvolvimento nos indivíduos. Partindo da importância que a qualidade de vida tem para o individuo pretendeu-se com este trabalho compreender de que forma esta poderá fomentar o desenvolvimento de psycap nos indivíduos. Utilizando a amostra do estudo "Os Melhores Municípios para Viver", estudou-se de que forma as perceções de qualidade de vida dos indivíduos fomentam o surgimento de psycap. A análise dos resultados revelou que o psycap dos indivíduos é explicado, ainda que de uma forma moderada, pelos indicadores da qualidade de vida urbana. /ABSTRACT: The concepts of Quality of Life and PsyCap has gained popularity in the recent decades. There have been several factors that have contributed to this growing interest in issues surrounding these two concepts. On one hand, we have quality of life and its importance to the development of society and secondly, PsyCap and all the benefits it brings to their development on individuals. Starting from the importance that quality of life has for the individual, the goal of this research was to understand how quality of life can encourage the development of PsyCap individuals. Using the sample of the study "Os Melhores Municípios para Viver", we studied how the perceptions of quality of life of individuals foster the emergence of PsyCap on them. The results showed that the PsyCap of individuals is explained, although in a moderate way by the indicators of quality of urban life.
This work investigates the using of kitchens of the apartments of PLANO 100 in Natal-RN, through one method s set of the functional and behavior evaluation. The theme was selected through of the emergence of the many questions that sought to understand what manners how individuals relates to the constructed space, what was the possible changes caused by these relation, also verifying how this space interferes in a daily life of theirs users. This research to search answers what to improve of the study s object and in futures production s architectonic too. The used approach combined an overview of new kinds of familiar arrangements and the evolution process of the brazilian s kitchens within social context of Brazil, with APO (Post-Occupation Evaluation), techniques through a physical space survey, questionnaires and interviews with users. Beyond to APO s implements were applied behavior setting s techniques too, what presented the most knowledge about to satisfactions levels pointed by the users
A kutatás megkíséreli feltárni, hogy a magyar szervezetek besorolhatók-e olyan kisebb csoportokba, amelyek jól megragadható, homogén szervezeti kultúrával rendelkeznek. A kutatás során a GLOBE (Global Leadership and Organizational Behavior Effectiveness) kutatási módszerére építve többváltozós statisztikai eljárások segítségével három szervezeti kultúra klasztert (piacorientáltak, közszolgálatiak, tradicionálisak) sikerült elhatárolni. A három klaszter vállalatai szignifikánsan különböznek a legtöbb szervezeti kultúra változó mentén.
To stay competitive, many employers are looking for creative and innovative employees to add value to their organization. However, current models of job performance overlook creative performance as an important criterion to measure in the workplace. The purpose of this dissertation is to conduct two separate but related studies on creative performance that aim to provide support that creative performance should be included in models of job performance, and ultimately included in performance evaluations in organizations. Study 1 is a meta-analysis on the relationship between creative performance and task performance, and the relationship between creative performance and organizational citizenship behavior (OCB). Overall, I found support for a medium to large corrected correlation for both the creative performance-task performance (ρ = .51) and creative performance-OCB (ρ = .49) relationships. Further, I also found that both rating-source and study location were significant moderators. Study 2 is a process model that includes creative performance alongside task performance and OCB as the outcome variables. I test a model in which both individual differences (specifically: conscientiousness, extraversion, proactive personality, and self-efficacy) and job characteristics (autonomy, feedback, and supervisor support) predict creative performance, task performance, and OCB through engagement as a mediator. In a sample of 299 employed individuals, I found that all the individual differences and job characteristics were positively correlated with all three performance criteria. I also looked at these relationships in a multiple regression framework and most of the individual differences and job characteristics still predicted the performance criteria. In the mediation analyses, I found support for engagement as a significant mediator of the individual differences-performance and job characteristics-performance relationships. Taken together, Study 1 and Study 2 support the notion that creative performance should be included in models of job performance. Implications for both researchers and practitioners alike are discussed.^
The examination of Workplace Aggression as a global construct conceptualization has gained considerable attention over the past few years as organizations work to better understand and address the occurrence and consequences of this challenging construct. The purpose of this dissertation is to build on previous efforts to validate the appropriateness and usefulness of a global conceptualization of the workplace aggression construct. ^ This dissertation has been broken up into two parts: Part 1 utilized a Confirmatory Factor Analysis approach in order to assess the existence of workplace aggression as a global construct; Part 2 utilized a series of correlational analyses to examine the relationship between a selection of commonly experienced individual strain based outcomes and the global construct conceptualization assessed in Part 1. Participants were a diverse sample of 219 working individuals from Amazon’s Mechanical Turk participant pool. ^ Results of Part 1 did not show support for a one-factor global construct conceptualization of the workplace aggression construct. However, support was shown for a higher-order five-factor model of the construct, suggesting that it may be possible to conceptualize workplace aggression as an overarching construct that is made up of separate workplace aggression constructs. Results of Part 2 showed support for the relationships between an existing global construct workplace aggression conceptualization and a series of strain-based outcomes. Utilizing correlational analyses, additional post-hoc analyses showed that individual factors such as emotional intelligence and personality are related to the experience of workplace aggression. Further, utilizing moderated regression analysis, the results demonstrated that individuals experiencing high levels of workplace aggression reported higher job satisfaction when they felt strongly that the aggressive act was highly visible, and similarly, when they felt that there was a clear intent to cause harm. ^ Overall, the findings of this dissertation do support the need for a simplification of its current state of measurement. Future research should continue to examine workplace aggression in an effort to shed additional light on the structure and usefulness of this complex construct.^
This phenomenological study explored Black male law enforcement officers’ perspectives of how racial profiling shaped their decisions to explore and commit to a law enforcement career. Criterion and snow ball sampling was used to obtain the 17 participants for this study. Super’s (1990) archway model was used as the theoretical framework. The archway model “is designed to bring out the segmented but unified and developmental nature of career development, to highlight the segments, and to make their origin clear” (Super, 1990, p. 201). Interview data were analyzed using inductive, deductive, and comparative analyses. Three themes emerged from the inductive analysis of the data: (a) color and/or race does matter, (b) putting on the badge, and (c) too black to be blue and too blue to be black. The deductive analysis used a priori coding that was based on Super’s (1990) archway model. The deductive analysis revealed the participants’ career exploration was influenced by their knowledge of racial profiling and how others view them. The comparative analysis between the inductive themes and deductive findings found the theme “color and/or race does matter” was present in the relationships between and within all segments of Super’s (1990) model. The comparative analysis also revealed an expanded notion of self-concept for Black males – marginalized and/or oppressed individuals. Self-concepts, “such as self-efficacy, self-esteem, and role self-concepts, being combinations of traits ascribed to oneself” (Super, 1990, p. 202) do not completely address the self-concept of marginalized and/or oppressed individuals. The self-concept of marginalized and/or oppressed individuals is self-efficacy, self-esteem, traits ascribed to oneself expanded by their awareness of how others view them. (DuBois, 1995; Freire, 1970; Sheared, 1990; Super, 1990; Young, 1990). Ultimately, self-concept is utilized to make career and life decisions. Current human resource policies and practices do not take into consideration that negative police contact could be the result of racial profiling. Current human resource hiring guidelines penalize individuals who have had negative police contact. Therefore, racial profiling is a discriminatory act that can effectively circumvent U.S. Equal Employment Opportunities Commission laws and serve as a boundary mechanism to employment (Rocco & Gallagher, 2004).
Regulatory Focus Theory predicts that the motivation to self-regulate goal-directed thought and behavior depends on two distinct regulation strategies: a promotion focus based on attaining gains and a prevention focus based on avoiding losses. This study took a social-cognitive approach predicting that regulatory focus has an impact on how family startups (several family related founders) explore “new ideas”, exploit “old certainties” and achieve the balance of both (ambidexterity), compared to lone founder startups (only one founder present). It was proposed that the social context of family ties among founders leads them to a prevention focus concerned with avoiding the loss of the socio-emotional benefits of those ties. In order to avoid such a loss, family founders were expected to increase their risk perceptions and thus, explore less than lone founders, who lack such socio-emotional ties. It was also proposed that two commonly used psychological traits in entrepreneurship research --achievement motivation and internal locus of control, predispose entrepreneurs to a promotion focus. Founders with a promotion focus, in turn, were hypothesized to lead startups to more risk-seeking behaviors and to more explorative orientation. The previous argument was used as a springboard to derive hypotheses about ambidexterity (the ability to exploit and explore simultaneously) and survival hazards. Using Regulatory Focus Theory, exploitative orientation, conceptualized as the motivational strength to continue on previous paths of action, was hypothesized to be not significantly different from that of lone founder startups. Taking previous arguments together, lone founder startups were hypothesized to be more ambidextrous than family startups. Finally, ambidexterity and internal locus of control were hypothesized to reduce survival hazards in family startups. The findings suggested that family startups explore less than lone founder startups even after controlling for group effects. Interesting but contradictory findings revealed that internal locus of control have both a positive direct effect and a positive interaction that increases the explorative and ambidextrous orientation gap of family startups over lone founder startups. As expected, ambidexterity and internal locus of control reduced survival hazards on family startups. Implications for practitioners were derived based on a sample of 470 nascent entrepreneurs.
El compromiso laboral entre los trabajadores y las organizaciones es uno de los activos con mayor poder explicativo para consolidar un alto desempeño e incrementar la productividad. Para lograr eso es fundamental conocer cuáles son las vocaciones de los trabajadores actuales y futuros y de qué manera estas motivaciones de carrera encuentran articulación con la misión y la visión de la compañía. El problema es que las empresas fallan sistemáticamente en este proceso. El modelo de anclas de carrera (ac) de Edgar Schein es una metodología que permite conocer cuáles son las motivaciones de carrera de los individuos. Este documento tiene como propósito establecer un vínculo entre las ac y los procesos de selección, vinculación, y retención del capital humano en un contact centre que se desempeña en Bogotá, Colombia. Para alcanzar este propósito, se implementó el modelo de ac en una muestra de 116 trabajadores del área de gestión de esta compañía. El informe presenta el análisis de resultados y las propuestas sugeridas por los autores a la gerencia de la compañía.
El objetivo que tiene este proyecto es revisar los conceptos básicos acerca de las relaciones que crean los líderes con sus colaboradores dentro de las organizaciones, dichas relaciones y vínculos pueden afectar positiva o negativamente el desempeño de sus actividades diarias dentro de una organización. Para darle inicio a la investigación se estudió como primer paso el concepto de liderazgo transformacional, capital psicológico y que componentes hacían parte de este factor. El desarrollo de la investigación se enfatizó entre el liderazgo transformacional y la autoeficacia ya que son factores claves dentro del desarrollo de las actividades organizacionales debido a que afectan claramente el capital humano de las compañías y están directamente relacionados con el crecimiento de las mismas, lo que nos llevó a preguntarnos ¿qué relación tendrá el liderazgo transformacional y la autoeficacia en la productividad de las empresas? Es aquí donde radica la importancia de esta investigación ya que el cambio de pensamiento de las organizaciones hacia un liderazgo transformacional podría lograr una maximización del desempeño del personal de trabajo en relación al objetivo de la compañía. Como conclusión llegamos a que efectivamente hay un efecto positivo en los individuos que desarrollan un capital psicológico específicamente en el factor de autoeficacia para lograr un desempeño destacable, productivo y eficiente dentro de las organizaciones.
A lo largo del tiempo se aborda el liderazgo desde las posturas propias del comportamiento organizacional y la gestión humana. Desde un principio se basaba el liderazgo como un sujeto (líder), más adelante se tuvo en cuenta la parte situacional, es decir cómo afecta el entorno a la empresa y por último, es de principal interés el liderazgo organizacional. Dicho esto,en el contexto actual, un mundo globalizado y en que el mercado se vuelve más exigente, las organizaciones deben adaptarse y adecuarse rápidamente a los nuevos requerimientos para sobrevivir (Chiavenato, 2002) . Esta investigación tiene como fin explorar reconocer y demostrar como el mundo de los negocios es dinámico y exige cambiar para mejorar e incursionar estrategias que garanticen la perdurabilidad de una empresa, debido a esto se analizan diferentes empresas exitosas y perdurables en el tiempo ubicadas en la ciudad de Nueva York ,el cómo y porque la gestión humana, su talento humano en una organización debe ser valorado como personas dotadas de capacidades y habilidades que trabajan en conjunto por un bien común y así mismo ,la relación y el impacto que tiene con los diferentes estilos de liderazgos, por lo tanto ,si una compañía desea mostrarse y ser exitosa en el mercado, primeramente debe estar bien estructurada y fuerte por dentro , es decir, la relación directa con su talento humano.
Actualmente encontramos una fuerte presión en las organizaciones por adaptarse a un mundo competitivo con un descenso en las utilidades y una incertidumbre constante en su flujo de caja. Estas circunstancias obligan a las organizaciones al mejoramiento continuo buscando nuevas formas de gestionar sus procesos y sus recursos. Para las organizaciones de prestación de servicios en el sector de telecomunicaciones una de las ventajas competitivas más importantes de obtener es la productividad debido a que sus ganancias dependen directamente del número de actividades que puedan ejecutar cada empleado. El reto es hacer más con menos y con mejor calidad. Para lograrlo, la necesidad de gestionar efectivamente los recursos humanos aparece, y aquí es donde los sistemas de compensación toman un rol importante. El objetivo en este trabajo es diseñar y aplicar un modelo de remuneración variable para una empresa de prestación de servicios profesionales en el sector de las telecomunicaciones y con esto aportar al estudio de la gestión del desempeño y del talento humano en Colombia. Su realización permitió la documentación del diseño y aplicación del modelo de remuneración variable en un proyecto del sector de telecomunicaciones en Colombia. Su diseño utilizó las tendencias de programas remunerativos y teorías de gestión de desempeño para lograr un modelo integral que permita el crecimiento sostenido en el largo plazo y la motivación al recurso más importante de la organización que es el talento humano. Su aplicación permitió también la documentación de problemas y aciertos en la implementación de estos modelos.
Esta tesis se presenta como el inicio de una larga reflexión que se pregunta por los espacios de trabajo, sus significados, las relaciones y decisiones que los configuran y a la vez ellos configuran, y la manera como se transforman, transgreden y superan a través de la adopción de las tecnologías. Los resultados que aquí se presentan parten del análisis de once (11) organizaciones ubicadas en Bogotá que acompañé durante el 2014 y 2015 en sus procesos de cambio de oficina.