862 resultados para Cant.


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Tämän työn tavoitteena oli tehdä perusteltu esitys kahden suunnitellun sähköaseman toiminnan aloittamisen ajankohdasta sekä rakentamisen kestosta lupamenettelyineen. Työssä oli pyrkimys perustella asemien maantieteellinen sijainti, toteutustapa, rakenne sekä sähköasemien syöttöön tarvittavien 110 kV johtojen alustava rakenne ja reitti. Työssä on tarkasteltu uuden sähköaseman verkosto- ja kustannusvaikutuksia, sähköasemarakenteita ja niiden valintaa, sähköasemainvestointihankkeen vaiheita ja rakennuttamisprosessin läpivientiin tarvittavaa aikaa. Verkoston nykytilaa, käyttövarmuutta ja selviytymistä kuormituksen kasvusta on tarkasteltu sähköasemien toiminnan aloittamisen ajankohtien määrittämiseksi. Työn keskeisin painopiste oli sähköasemien rakentamisajankohdan määrittäminen. Sähköasemien toiminnan aloittamisen ajankohdan määrääväksi tekijäksi muodostuivat sähköasemien korvaustilanteet. Nykytilassa Valkealan haja-asutusalueen sähkönjakelua ei voida taata yksittäisen sähköaseman korvaustilanteessa, minkä takia sähköasemahankkeen valmistelu on aloitettava välittömästi. Kouvolan ydinkeskustan alueen maakaapeliverkon tehonsiirtokyky ja päämuuntajien reservitehokapasiteetti korvaustilanteissa riittävät vielä 5-10 vuotta riippuen suuresti alueen kuormituksen kasvusta.


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In this paper, we report a preliminary analysis of the impact of Global Navigation Satellite System Reflections (GNSS-R) data on ionospheric monitoring over the oceans. The focus will be on a single polar Low Earth Orbiter (LEO) mission exploiting GNSS-R as well as Navigation (GNSS-N) and Occultation (GNSS-O) total electron content (TEC) measurements. In order to assess impact of the data, we have simulated GNSS-R/O/N TEC data as would be measured from the LEO and from International Geodesic Service (IGS) ground stations, with an electron density (ED) field generated using a climatic ionospheric model. We have also developed a new tomographic approach inspired by the physics of the hydrogen atom and used it to effectively retrieve the ED field from the simulated TEC data near the orbital plane. The tomographic inversion results demonstrate the significant impact of GNSS-R: three-dimensional ionospheric ED fields are retrieved over the oceans quite accurately, even as, in the spirit of this initial study, the simulation and inversion approaches avoided intensive computation and sophisticated algorithmic elements (such as spatio-temporal smoothing). We conclude that GNSS-R data over the oceans can contribute significantly to a Global/GNSS Ionospheric Observation System (GIOS). Index Terms Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS), Global Navigation Satellite System Reflections (GNSS-R), ionosphere, Low Earth Orbiter (LEO), tomography.


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En els últims anys, el món de la informàtica ha evolucionat d'una manera inimaginable, tan a nivell de Hardware com de Software. Aquesta evolució ha donat lloc a la creació de moltes empreses dedicades a la programació, on una de les seves principals feines ha estat la realització de programes de gestió d'empreses. Moltes vegades, però, els programes estàndards no poden satisfer el total de les necessitats dels clients, sinó algunes d’aquestes i realitzar un programa personalitzat té un cost elevat. En el cas de la Pastisseria Mas de Navàs, una empresa familiar, per poder realitzar les tasques administratives utilitzen fulls de càlcul, concretament el Microsoft Excel, que permet portar els comptes d'una manera més o menys senzilla, ja que només són necessàries unes nocions bàsiques d'informàtica. El mateix passa amb les dades dels proveïdors, que les guarden en una Base de Dades del tipus Microsoft Access. Una altra de les mancances és el tema dels encàrrecs que es fa de manera manual. Per tant, l’objectiu d’aquest projecte, és realitzar un programa que els hi faciliti la seva activitat. Aquest programa els permetrà gestionar les dades que utilitzen, com la informació sobre els clients, personal, comandes... També s’ha desenvolupat una web que permet obtenir informació sobre les comandes que s’han realitzat. Aquesta aplicació està dissenyada per funcionar en l’entorn Windows XP i s’ha desenvolupat amb el compilador de CodeGear Rad Studio, concretament el C++ Builder 2009. A nivell de base de dades, he utilitzat MySQL i en el cas de la pàgina web, PHP i lamateixa base de dades. L’anàlisi i el disseny ha estat fet en UML.


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Un dels principals problemes quan es realitza un anàlisi de contorns és la gran quantitat de dades implicades en la descripció de la figura. Per resoldre aquesta problemàtica, s’aplica la parametrització que consisteix en obtenir d’un contorn unes dades representatives amb els mínims coeficients possibles, a partir dels quals es podrà reconstruir de nou sense pèrdues molt evidents d’informació. En figures de contorns tancats, la parametrització més estudiada és l’aplicació de la transformada discreta de Fourier (DFT). Aquesta s’aplica a la seqüència de valors que descriu el comportament de les coordenades x i y al llarg de tots els punts que formen el traç. A diferència, en els contorns oberts no es pot aplicar directament la DFT ja que per fer-ho es necessita que el valor de x i de y siguin iguals tan en el primer punt del contorn com en l’últim. Això és degut al fet que la DFT representa sense error senyals periòdics. Si els senyals no acaben en el mateix punt, representa que hi ha una discontinuïtat i apareixen oscil·lacions a la reconstrucció. L’objectiu d’aquest treball és parametritzar contorns oberts amb la mateixa eficiència que s’obté en la parametrització de contorns tancats. Per dur-ho a terme, s’ha dissenyat un programa que permet aplicar la DFT en contorns oberts mitjançant la modificació de les seqüencies de x i y. A més a més, també utilitzant el programari Matlab s’han desenvolupat altres aplicacions que han permès veure diferents aspectes sobre la parametrització i com es comporten els Descriptors El·líptics de Fourier (EFD). Els resultats obtinguts han demostrat que l’aplicació dissenyada permet la parametrització de contorns oberts amb compressions òptimes, fet que facilitarà l’anàlisi quantitatiu de formes en camps com l’ecologia, medicina, geografia, entre d’altres.


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This paper introduces the basics of peptide mass spectra interpretation applied to proteomics and is directed to chemists, biochemists and biologists. The manuscript presents a well detailed protocol aiming to serve as a first choice guide for understanding peptide sequencing. The tutorial was elaborated based on both a thorough bibliographic revision and the author's experience. In order to prove the applicability of the proposed guide, spectra obtained on different instruments have been successfully interpreted by applying the presented rational.


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Especially in global enterprises, key data is fragmented in multiple Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) systems. Thus the data is inconsistent, fragmented and redundant across the various systems. Master Data Management (MDM) is a concept, which creates cross-references between customers, suppliers and business units, and enables corporate hierarchies and structures. The overall goal for MDM is the ability to create an enterprise-wide consistent data model, which enables analyzing and reporting customer and supplier data. The goal of the study was defining the properties and success factors of a master data system. The theoretical background was based on literature and the case consisted of enterprise specific needs and demands. The theoretical part presents the concept, background, and principles of MDM and then the phases of system planning and implementation project. Case consists of background, definition of as is situation, definition of project, evaluation criterions and concludes the key results of the thesis. In the end chapter Conclusions combines common principles with the results of the case. The case part ended up dividing important factors of the system in success factors, technical requirements and business benefits. To clarify the project and find funding for the project, business benefits have to be defined and the realization has to be monitored. The thesis found out six success factors for the MDM system: Well defined business case, data management and monitoring, data models and structures defined and maintained, customer and supplier data governance, delivery and quality, commitment, and continuous communication with business. Technical requirements emerged several times during the thesis and therefore those can’t be ignored in the project. Conclusions chapter goes through these factors on a general level. The success factors and technical requirements are related to the essentials of MDM: Governance, Action and Quality. This chapter could be used as guidance in a master data management project.


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In the last two decades of studying the Solar Energetic Particle (SEP) phenomenon, intensive emphasis has been put on how and when and where these SEPs are injected into interplanetary space. It is well known that SEPs are related to solar flares and CMEs. However, the role of each in the acceleration of SEPs has been under debate since the major role was taken from flares ascribed to CMEs step by step after the skylab mission, which started the era of CME spaceborn observations. Since then, the shock wave generated by powerful CMEs in between 2-5 solar radii is considered the major accelerator. The current paradigm interprets the prolonged proton intensity-time profile in gradual SEP events as a direct effect of accelerated SEPs by shock wave propagating in the interplanetary medium. Thus the powerful CME is thought of as a starter for the acceleration and its shock wave as a continuing accelerator to result in such an intensity-time profile. Generally it is believed that a single powerful CME which might or might not be associated with a flare is always the reason behind such gradual events.

In this work we use the Energetic and Relativistic Nucleus and Electrons ERNE instrument on board Solar and Heliospheric Observatory SOHO to present an empirical study to show the possibility of multiple accelerations in SEP events. In the beginning we found 18 double-peaked SEP events by examining 88 SEP events. The peaks in the intensity-time profile were separated by 3-24 hours. We divided the SEP events according to possible multiple acceleration into four groups and in one of these groups we find evidence for multiple acceleration in velocity dispersion and change in the abundance ratio associated at transition to the second peak. Then we explored the intensity-time profiles of all SEP events during solar cycle 23 and found that most of the SEP events are associated with multiple eruptions at the Sun and we call those events as Multi-Eruption Solar Energetic Particles (MESEP) events. We use the data available by Large Angle and Spectrometric Coronograph LASCO on board SOHO to determine the CME associated with such events and YOHKOH and GOES satellites data to determine the flare associated with such events. We found four types of MESEP according to the appearance of the peaks in the intensity-time profile in large variation of energy levels. We found that it is not possible to determine whether the peaks are related to an eruption at the Sun or not, only by examining the anisotropy flux, He/p ratio and velocity dispersion. Then we chose a rare event in which there is evidence of SEP acceleration from behind previous CME. This work resulted in a conclusion which is inconsistent with the current SEP paradigm. Then we discovered through examining another MESEP event, that energetic particles accelerated by a second CME can penetrate a previous CME-driven decelerating shock. Finally, we report the previous two MESEP events with new two events and find a common basis for second CME SEPs penetrating previous decelerating shocks. This phenomenon is reported for the first time and expected to have significant impact on modification of the current paradigm of the solar energetic particle events.


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Psychometric analysis of the AF5 multidimensional scale of self-concept in a sample of adolescents and adults in Catalonia. The aim of this study is to carry out a psychometric study of the AF5 scale in a sample of 4.825 Catalan subjects from 11 to 63 years-old. They are students from secondary compulsory education (ESO), from high school, middle-level vocational training (CFGM) and from the university. Using a principal component analysis (PCA) the theoretical validity of the components is established and the reliability of the instrument is also analyzed. Differential analyses are performed by gender and normative group using a 2 6 factorial design. The normative group variable includes the different levels classifi ed into 6 sub-groups: university, post-compulsory secondary education (high school and CFGM), 4th of ESO, 3rd of ESO, 2nd of ESO and 1st of ESO. The results indicate that the reliability of the Catalan version of the scale is similar to the original scale. The factorial structure also fi ts with the original model established beforehand. Signifi cant differences by normative group in the four components of self-concept explored (social, family, academic/occupational and physical) are observed. By gender, signifi cant differences appear in the component of physical self-concept, academic and social but not in the family component


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El objetivo principal de este estudio es conocer el grado de concordancia entre los informes proporcionados por padres y maestros acerca de la sintomatología negativista desafiante en niños en edad escolar (6-8 años). Además, se pretende analizar si la edad y el sexo del niño afectan el nivel de acuerdo entre informantes. Padres y maestros evaluaron a 702 niños y niñas de 25 escuelas de la Comarca de Osona, Barcelona (España), mediante el Child Sympton Inventory-4 (versión padres y maestros). Los resultados indican una concordancia muy baja, casi nula, entre las valoraciones de ambos informantes; además, las variables edad y sexo de los niños no representan una diferencia significativa en dichas valoraciones. Los padres tienden a evaluar más síntomas del Trastorno Negativista Desafiante como presentes, y a percibir con mayor intensidad su severidad


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This article looks at the musical activity carried out at Palafrugell Music School as a musical education centre over the past forty years. After giving a brief description of the work carried out there by vocal and instrumental groups, the article analyses and offers examples and tangible motives that use activities to show that forming part of a coral or instrumental group helps personal development and promotes the acquisition of habits, alongside musical training and learning. In short, an education in values


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La seqüència gregoriana Dies Irae s'ha convertit en un material musical àmpliament utilitzat per compositors per dotar d'un significat concret a la seves obres. Però a mesura que han passat el segles es pot determinar que l'objectiu que han tingut els compositors en voler incloure una referència a aquesta seqüència ha variat notablement. En aquest treball tracto de demostrar quins canvis hi ha hagut segons l'època i el compositor, ja sigui des del punt de vista conceptual com des del punt de vista tècnic tot analitzant obres de moments i estils diferents, parant atenció a sis obres concretes que o tenen importància a causa de la seva influència o la seva singularitat. Alhora, exposo com tot això m'ha influït per compondre obres que estiguin relacionades amb el Dies Irae i amb la música al voltant de la mort.


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The goal of this study was to investigate the effect of composted pig slurry (PS) on the organic matter concentration and distribution of humic acid (HA), fulvic acid (FA) and humin (HU) fractions. The fractions were quantified following the addition of composted PS to the soil, which was produced with no acidification (T2) or with acidification with H3PO4 (T3); and in soil without compost addition (T1). The HA chemical composition was analyzed by FTIR spectroscopy. The addition of the two composts did not change the soil carbon concentration but affected the distribution of the humic fractions. For the three treatments, the carbon concentration of humic substances increased until 52 days following compost addition, with more pronounced increases with the addition of non-acidified PS compost (14.5 g kg-1) and acidified PS compost (15.1 g kg-1). This increase was reflected in both the FA and HA concentrations. The addition of compost with PS acidification resulted in the formation of larger humic micelles (HA) with higher aromatic content and fewer functional groups than the non-acidified PS compost. These findings, together with a lower proportion of carbohydrate-type structures, indicated the presence of more stable humic micelles in the soil treated with acidified PS compost.


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Paperin tärkeiden teknisten ominaisuuksien lisäksi myös paperin aistinvaraiset ominaisuudet ovat nousseet merkittäviksi parametreiksi paperia luonnehdittaessa. Aistinvaraisilla ominaisuuksilla tarkoitetaan ominaisuuksia, jotka ihminen aistii käsitellessään tuotetta. Tällaisia ominaisuuksia ovat esimerkiksi paperin karheus, liukkaus, jäykkyys sekä ääni paperia selattaessa. Paperin aistinvaraiset ominaisuudet luovat lukijalle mielikuvan lukemastaan lehdestä lehden sisällön lisäksi. Tämän työn tavoitteena oli kehittää olemassa olevan aistinvaraisten ominaisuuksien arviointiraadin toimintaa. Arviointimenetelmän tilalle pyrittiin löytämään toinen menetelmä sekä kehittämään uusi tulosten raportointimalli. Työssä käytettiin kahta subjektiivista arviointimenetelmää, parivertailua ja ranking-menetelmää. Tuloksia verrattiin aiemmin käytössä olleen referenssimenetelmän tuloksiin. Näytteistä arvioitiin karheus, liukkaus, tahmeus, jäykkyys, selailtavuus, äänen voimakkuus ja äänen laatu. Näiden lisäksi näytteiden miellyttävyyttä arvioitiin parivertailua käyttäen. Arvioitsijoiden yksimielisyyttä selvitettiin parivertailun yhteydessä. Näytteet olivat painamattomia, mutta painokoneen läpi menneitä lehtiformaattiin taitettuja. Visuaalisissa arvioinneissa käytettiin painettuja näytteitä samasta paperivalikoimasta. Arviointimenetelmien tuloksia vertailtaessa, voidaan menetelmien välillä havaita muutamia eroja. Sekä parivertailussa että ranking-menetelmässä näytteet jakaantuivat lähes kokonaan annetulle arviointiskaalalle, kun referenssimenetelmällä ne kasautuivat hyvin pienelle alueelle. Ranking-menetelmässä näytteet jakautuivat vielä laajemmalle kuin parivertailussa. Parivertailu erotteli näytteet paremmin toisistaan kuin referenssimenetelmä. Ranking-menetelmän ja parivertailun välillä vastaavaa eroa erotuskyvyssä ei havaittu. Tulosten perusteella voidaan sanoa, että parivertailu


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Palvelun mallinnus on kehitetty uusien ja jo olemassa olevien palveluiden innovointiin ja kehittämiseen. Sen tarkoituksena on luoda palvelusta visuaalinen kuvaus, eli palvelukartta. Tutkielman tavoitteena on tutkia palvelun mallinnusta apuna ikääntyneiden palveluiden hankinnassa ja päätutkimuskysymyksenä on, miten ikääntyneiden palveluasumista voidaan mallintaa ja voidaanko mallinnuksen avulla verrata palvelua tarjouspyynnössä vaadittuun. Ikääntyneiden palveluista tutkittavaksi on valittu tehostettu palveluasuminen. Tutkimuskohteena on Espoon kaupunki ja sen tehostettua palveluasumista tarjoava palveluntuottaja, hoivakoti Villa Lauriina. Palveluntuottajan toiminnasta luodaan tutkielmassa palvelukartat, joita verrataan Espoon kaupungin palvelukonseptiin. Aineisto tutkielmaan on kerätty haastatteluilla sekä kyselytutkimuksella. Analysoinnin perusteella palvelun mallinnusta ei voi suoraan käyttää apuvälineenä palvelun vertaamisessa tarjouspyyntöön, tosin tuloksia ei voi yleistää, sillä kyselytutkimusta ei toteutettu tarpeeksi laajasti. Palvelun mallinnus on kuitenkin hyvä apuväline asiakas-lähtöisyyden korostamisessa palveluiden kehittämisessä ja hankinnassa.


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The aim of this study was to find out the benefits of centralized procurement. Research began with description of sourcing process and tools used in it. In this process the final tendering was done with e-auction. Due the fact that e-auction is unknown for most people, there is also need to explain when it can be used and what are the pros and cons. In the end of the study the pros and cons of the centralized sourcing process were analysed. This research was qualitative and that is why the results can’t be generalised to all other situations. Spend-analysis, Cost Break Down and Kraljic Matrix were used during the sourcing process. Process began with product group analysis- After that the financial and strategic significance was analysed. After analyses first quotations were asked and according to the results suppliers were eliminated and the selected ones were invited to e-auction. E-auction is an event where suppliers bid in a live online situation against each other to have the lowest current price. Benefits of it are fast sourcing process, discovering the true market price and information transparency. In the other hand the biggest problem comes from weakened supplier relationships. Average prices degreased 26 % from the 2009 price level and acquired price level was over 20 % lover that prices asked by individual projects. In a e-auction only moderate 1,34 % saving was acquired, but it also had other benefits as increasing the internal interest towards it.