943 resultados para Poet-translator
In this position paper we define an interculturally competent translator as one that demonstrates a high level of intercultural knowledge, skills, attitude and flexibility throughout his or her professional engagements. We argue that to attain this goal in translator training intercultural competence needs to be introduced into the curriculum explicitly and in a conceptually clear manner. In this article we provide an overview of earlier attempts at discussing the role of intercultural communication in translator training curricula and we discuss the various pedagogical and practical challenges involved. We also look at some future challenges, identifying increasing societal diversity as both a source of added urgency into intercultural training and a challenge for traditional biculturally based notions of translators’ intercultural competence and we argue for the central role of empathy. Finally, and importantly, we introduce the contributions to the special issue.
La cuestión del género fue trabajada dentro de los estudios de traducción de diversas formas, incluyendo la asignación de género en la lengua meta, la traducción de lenguaje marcado de género y la traducción feminista. En este trabajo se estudia el uso o ausencia de marcas de género y de la praeterio a la hora de afrontar una traducción al gallego de la autora irlandesa Eiléan Ní Chuillanáin, feminista y nacionalista. Ambas situaciones se reflejan conscientemente en sus poemas de manera significativa. A través de ejemplos prácticos seleccionados, se reflexiona sobre la necesidad de tener en cuenta que la traslación de sus textos a una lengua que obligatoriamente establece elecciones lingüísticas entre el femenino y el masculino, debe hacerse respetando el sentido de la autora. Esto supone, para quien traduzca, compartir la perspectiva feminista y nacional de la autora familiarizándose con el marco y condicionantes de su obra poética.
Programa de doctorado: Estudios sobre la Traducción e Interpretación
This study is a reflection about the similarities between uptake and trace, and translation taken as an event - at once possible and impossible - which deflagrates and constitutes meaning through the language game played by the subjects of communication: text-translator. Both Austin and Derrida, each one on his own way, show that meaning is part of the human language process. The uptake, in Austin s point of view, guarantees the existence of human language, assured by a process of recognition between the subjects of communication, process through which the production of meaning takes place. The trace, according to Derrida, deflagrates, through the human language, the crashing of meaning and destroys the possibility of someone reaching the origin. In this study, taking into consideration the similarities between uptake and trace, I try to disclose translation taken as an event which at once contaminates the languages and is contaminated by them.
How should one consider the responsibility of the translator, who is located between the differences of two linguistic systems and in the middle of the various idioms constitute each of the languages involved in the translation? (P. Ottoni). What is the role of the translator in inter-acting with both his/her mother tongue and the idiom of the other? These two questions will be discussed in order to reflect on the responsibility of translating the un-translatable. Two hypotheses orient the paper: 1 - an idiom spoken idiomatically is known as the mother tongue and is not appropriated, so that accommodating the other in one's own language automatically considers his/her idiom (J. Derrida) and 2 - face-to-face with language and its idioms, the translator is trapped in a double (responsibility) bind; faced with something which cannot be translated, he/she is forced to perceive it in another way. In conclusion, how should one consider the responsibility of translating the un-translatable Jacques Derrida?
The article presents two translation models that were typical in the XVII and XVIII centuries, but can also be seen as paradigmatics in the field of Translation Studies: 1) The rhetorical model that defends the possibility of translation and emphasizes the necessity of adapting the original to the taste of the target public. 2) The model that affirms the impossibility of translation, the non-translatability: a) because the sensual elements that are linked to the language of the original are praised; b) because there is a defense of the cultural relativism and of the non-translatability between cultures; c) or because there is a defense not only of the impossibility to separate signifiers and meaning, but also because there is a definition of the signifier and of all identities as being the result of a differential game.
The present paper brings about a possible articulation between translation and body from a non-sublimated, pragmatic perspective on meaning, as suggested by Wittgenstein in his Philosophical Investigations. By considering theoretical elaborations within embodied realism and elsewhere on the role of the body in cognitive processes, together with a critique of the concept of translation somatics, as proposed by Douglas Robinson (1991), the paper highlights the situated and social character of the translator's body.
This essay focuses on the translations of Catalan poetry by Joao Cabral, seen both from The viewpoint of his poetical trajectory and-from its publication in the Revista Brasileira de Poesia, in 1949.
This article aims at presenting a reading of Vicente Huidobro's poem Altazor (1931,) assuming the epic genre postulations and the conditions of its development in the first half of the twentieth century. Important works were produced in that period, setting in motion a deployment of the epic genre as refashioned by the avant-garde movements and contesting the metaphysical formulations that had considered it impossible as a discursive space in modern times. Altazor is situated in this movement as a self-conscience of issues of language and its objective capacities. The work deals with the possible modes of enunciation of a great poet, Altazor, who lacks his former serenity of old and looks for a language able to transcend his mother tongue, because he does not accept its origin. His political revolution is performed on language, the artifice through which history is told.
Marginal poetry (poesia marginal) has motivated several studies concerning features common to some poets in the literary scene of the nineteen seventies. On the part of contemporary criticism, however, the focus has been on specific details of each writer from that period. The poet Afonso Henriques Neto debuted with the book 0 misterioso ladrao de Tenerife (1972), written in partnership with Eudoro Augusto, and has revealed an influence of surrealist procedures in all his works published since then. The largely casual style and everyday themes are present in several of his texts, where they coexist with prolific imagery and unusual elements which point out the central conflict of his poetry: the oscillation between the affirmation of the intrinsic value of literature, and the perception of its crisis in a peculiar historical moment. In this sense, we consider how the appropriation of the surrealist denial of rationalism and common sense by the Beat Generation and the counterculture ""filtered"" the reception of the avant-garde movement, influencing the poet's work.
Oodgeroo Noonuccal of the Noonuccal tribe of Stradbroke Island near Brisbane, was a poet and Aboriginal activist.
This paper discusses the change in the enunciative strategy in Algaravias (1996), written by the Brazilian poet Waly Salomao (1943-2003). This change is specially treated in relation to his previous production which, in my point of view, is re-writed according to the new historical and cultural context.