779 resultados para DRUGS OF ABUSE


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As leishmanioses são um grupo de doenças causadas por protozoários do gênero Leishmania spp que afetam 98 países. No Brasil, no ano de 2013, foram relatados 3.253 casos de leishmaniose visceral e 18.226 casos de Leishmaniose Tegumentar Americana. O tratamento de primeira escolha continua sendo realizado com antimoniais pentavalentes, e em casos de insucessos os fármacos de segunda escolha são a pentamidina e a anfotericina B. Tais medicamentos causam intensos efeitos adversos e ultimamente têm surgido cepas resistentes aos mesmos. Em áreas endêmicas têm sido cada vez mais comum o surgimento da co-infecção Leishmania com Mycobacterium tuberculosis. O tratamento para a tuberculose com pirazinamida (PZA) e isoniazida (INZ), controla a leishmaniose. Esses dados sugerem atividade anti-leishmania da PZA e da INZ. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a atividade in vitro da INZ e da PZA e seus compostos derivados (série G e série R, respectivamente) sobre Leishmania (Viannia) braziliensis. As moléculas foram testadas em monocamadas de macrófagos peritoneais de camunongos infectados com L. (V) braziliensis durante 48h. Todas as moléculas testadas inibiram o índice de infecção de forma dose dependente em comparação aos controles. As moléculas da série R foram mais ativas do que a PZA, porém o resultado foi significativo somente para a R02 (p < 0,005). Apenas a molécula R05 (76,64M) foi relativamente tóxica para macrófagos. Os compostos mais ativos foram R02, G01 e G02, cujos índices de seletividade foram 14,31, 19 e 30, respectivamente. A dosagem de nitrito foi feita em sobrenadantes de monocamadas de macrófagos peritoniais infectados e tratados com as substâncias nas concentrações 10 e 100M. A G01 e a G02 estimularam a produção de NO2 nas duas concentrações, entretanto o resultado foi estatisticamente significativo para a G02 em 100M (p < 0,0001), a G05 só estimulou óxido nítrico na maior concentração. Todos os compostos da série R estimularam NO2, contudo, o resultado foi estatisticamente significativo para a R03 e R05 a 100M (p < 0,001). Adicionalmente, foi realizado uma análise preditiva in sílico de parâmetros farmacocinéticos das moléculas mais ativas in vitro, utilizando o software admetSAR. Os dados obtidos mostraram que de forma semelhante às suas moléculas originais a G01, G02 e R02 apresentaram alta capacidade de serem absorvidas pelo trato gastrointestinal, baixo potencial hepatotoxico e carcinogênico. Juntos, esses dados demonstram que essas moléculas são seletivamente tóxicas para o parasito com potencial para serem testadas pela via oral em estudos em modelo experimental de infecção.


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A presente Tese aborda o tema do efetivo reconhecimento do princípio da lealdade processual à prestação jurisdicional, com as consequências daí decorrentes. Como se trata de um novo modo de se observar a lealdade processual (que, historicamente, tem sido desenvolvida por doutrina e jurisprudência basicamente sob o prisma das partes e, quando, muito de seus procuradores), fez-se necessário desenvolver, em uma primeira parte do trabalho, as premissas teóricas que pudessem dar sustentabilidade ao tema, em particular a constitucionalização do direito processual, as novas feições da jurisdição como implementadora dos direitos fundamentais e a inserção da cláusula geral da lealdade processual, com os respectivos corolários. A segunda parte da Tese, por seu turno, traça parâmetros para a tentativa de definição daquilo que se alcunhou um novo modelo de juiz, a partir de uma necessária revisitação das tradicionais garantias associadas à prestação jurisdicional e à própria magistratura. Nesse propósito, foram elencados, como elementos indispensáveis à configuração de um juiz leal, o contraditório participativo, a cooperação processual e a gestão processual. Na terceira e última parte, após breve estudo das teorias do abuso do direito, foram levantadas algumas hipóteses de abusos jurisdicionais, até mesmo para que, ainda que a contrario sensu, fosse possível se aproximar do já mencionado juiz leal. Por fim, foram investigadas as sanções processuais cabíveis aos magistrados atualmente existentes no ordenamento jurídico pátrio, e propostas algumas sugestões (de lege lata e de lege ferenda) na expectativa de se melhorar as formas de combate aos abusos citados e, principalmente, respeitar-se o processo justo.


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Apesar dos progressos alcançados em todo o Mundo, a tuberculose continua a ser um problema de saúde pública muito sensível. Com 22 casos/100 mil habitantes registados em 2010, Portugal ainda não conseguiu atingir a categoria de país de baixa incidência. Com o aparecimento de cada vez mais casos de tuberculose multirresistente, os fármacos de primeira e segunda linha têm-se relevado ineficazes. Os novos desafios para a travagem deste fenómeno passam pela utilização de métodos mais rápidos e sensíveis para um diagnóstico precoce e também pela pesquisa de novas moléculas e de novos locais alvo. Despite progress made around the world, TB remains a very sensitive public health problem. With 22 cases/100 thousand inhabitants recorded in 2010, Portugal still failed to reach the country category of low incidence. With the increasing numbers of multidrug-resistant tuberculosis cases, drugs of first and second line have shown to be ineffective. New challenges for stopping this phenomenon are the use of rapid and sensitive methods for early diagnosis and also for researching new molecules and new target sites.


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Projeto de Pós-Graduação/Dissertação apresentado à Universidade Fernando Pessoa como parte dos requisitos para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Ciências Farmacêuticas


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Projeto de Pós-Graduação/Dissertação apresentado à Universidade Fernando Pessoa como parte dos requisitos para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Medicina Dentária


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Projeto de Pós-Graduação/Dissertação apresentado à Universidade Fernando Pessoa como parte dos requisitos para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Medicina Dentária


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Dissertação apresentada à Universidade Fernando Pessoa como parte dos requisitos para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Criminologia


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Child neglect continues to be the most prevalent form of child maltreatment, yet it has received less specific research attention than other forms of maltreatment (Zuravin, 1999). It is only in recent years that neglect has been seen as a phenomenon that needs to be conceptualised separately to other forms of abuse (Gershater- Molko et al., 2002). Although the term ‘neglect’ is used generally when children do not receive minimal physical and/or emotional care, there is no single agreed definition; one possible reason for this is the lack of consensus about minimally adequate standards of childcare either within professional groups or existing research (Rose and Meezan, 1996; Stone, 1998).


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The article debates the issues involved in safeguarding and protecting children in maternity services and offers implications for professional practice. Midwives and other staff who work as members of the maternity team have a safeguarding role to play in the identification of babies and children who have been abused, or at risk of abuse, and in subsequent intervention and protection services. The study highlights how domestic violence increases during pregnancy and the postpartum period, and is significantly related to all types of child maltreatment up to the child's fifth year, and children under one being at the highest risk of injury, or death. Close inter-agency liaison is required with midwives who are accountable and not afraid to challeneg hiostorical working practices.


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Across the UK recent policy developments have focused on improved information sharing and inter-agency cooperation. Professional non-reporting of child maltreatment concerns has been consistently highlighted as a problem in a range of countries and the research literature indicates that this can happen for a variety of reasons. Characteristics such as the type of abuse and the threshold of evidence available are key factors, as are concerns that reporting will damage the professional-client relationship. Professional discipline can also impact on willingness to report, as can personal beliefs about abuse, attitudes towards child protection services and experiences of court processes. Research examining the role of organisational factors in information sharing and reporting emphasises the importance of training and there are some positive indications that training can increase professional awareness of reporting processes and requirements and help to increase knowledge of child abuse and its symptoms. Nonetheless, this is a complex issue and the need for training to go beyond simple awareness raising is recognised. In order to tackle non-reporting in a meaningful way, childcare professionals need access to on-going multidisciplinary training which is specifically tailored to address the range of different factors which impact on reporting attitudes and behaviours.


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Most child maltreatment occurs within the context of high risk families. There are ethical, economic and ecological reasons why physical abuse in such families should be a major concern. Physical abuse is a significant issue throughout the UK. Yet, while neglect and other forms of abuse are receiving focused attention, physical abuse may languish under the misconceptions that it is no longer a problem, is addressed elsewhere, or is just too overwhelming an issue.
The physical abuse of children can involve regular, violent treatment at the hands of parents or carers over a number of years. Its physical effects may last for days and may result in actual physical injury. It is not accidental. Although physical abuse can occur in any family, it is prevalent in particular sectors of society, where families may be vulnerable to a combination of complex risk factors such as domestic abuse, alcohol and drug (mis)use, and mental health issues. These factors are present in 34% of Serious Case Reviews (SCRs).
The authors provide an increased understanding of risk, analysis, impact, learning and the current landscape of service delivery in relation to the physical abuse of children living in high risk families for professional, postgraduate and policy-making audiences.


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The right to practice religion is recognised as one of the universal liberties transitional justice interventions are designed to defend, and religion is often mentioned as one of the cultural factors that impact on local transitional justice practices from below. Many human rights cases of abuse, however, are motivated by religious extremism and the association of religion with conflict has largely a discouraged reflection on its positive contribution to transitional justice. This field is undeveloped and the little work that elaborates its positive role is descriptive. This paper theorises the relationship between religion and transitional justice and develops a model for understanding its potential role that better allows an assessment of its strengths and weaknesses. The model is applied to original research conducted on ex-combatants in Northern Ireland, and concludes that only in very limited circumstances can religious actors make a telling contribution to transitional justice.Understanding what these circumstances are is the purpose of the model developed here.


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In Consumer Law there is a special concern to protect the consumer, who is the weaker party in the legal relationship. With this thesis we intend to show that the professional sometimes needs protection against abusive conducts from consumers. The thesis describes the different categories of abuse of rights and explains some types of consumer contracts. After examining some of the consumer’s rights, we list some situations where the consumer acts frequently with abuse of rights, by analyzing judicial decisions. We conclude that it is not possible which conducts may involve an abuse of right in an abstract manner. Only by analyzing every case and its characteristics individually can one decide where there is an abuse of right.


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In the stock market, information takes on special relevance, due to the market’s permanent updating and the great fluidity of information existent therein. Just as in any other negotiations, the party with the better information has a bargaining advantage, as it is able to make more advantageous business decisions. However, unlike most other markets, the proper functioning of the stock market is greatly dependent on investors’ trust in the market itself. As such, if there are investors who, due to any condition they possess or office they hold, have access to relevant information which is not accessible to the general public, distrust is bred within the market and, consequently, investment is lessened. Thus, there is a need to prevent those who hold privileged information from using it in abusive ways. In Portugal, abuse of privileged information is set out and punished criminally in Article 378. of the Portuguese Securities Code (‘Código dos Valores Mobiliários’). In this dissertation, I have set out, firstly, to analyze the inherent conditions for there to be a crime of abuse of privileged information; secondly, to analyze two well-known cases, which took place and were decided in other jurisdictions, and attempt to understand how these cases would fall under Article 378. of the Portuguese Securities Code. Whereas the first case, Chiarella v. United States, was scrutinize under Article 378 of the Portuguese Securities Code, in the second, Lafonta v. AMF, the conclusion arrived at was that the crime taken place was different. This analysis allowed, on one hand, the application to a particular case of prerequisites and concepts which were explained, at a first approach, from a more theoretical perspective; on the other hand, it also allowed the further development of specific aspects of the regime, namely the difference between an insider and a tipee, as well as to more clearly set out the limits to the precise character of the information at hand.


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People with intellectual disabilities (ID) are more likely to be victims of abuse and human rights violations than people without ID. The 3Rs: Rights, Respect, and Responsibility project has developed and is testing a human rights training program for adults with ID. The current project was conducted to make recommendations to adapt the 3Rs rights training program to be used with youth with ID and their families. An interpretive phenomenological framework was employed to investigate youth with ID, parents', and siblings' perceptions of the i r experiences with choice making, an enactment of rights, in the family context. Thematic analysis of interviews revealed that, consistent with previous research, family members consider family values, conventions, and family members' well being when making decisions. A training program should promote a consideration of expanded opportunities for youth with ID to make choices and should be flexible to address individual families' cultures, needs, and desires.