972 resultados para Théorie des genres


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Gender perceptions, religious belief systems, and political thought have excluded women from politics, for ages, around the world. Combining feminist and modernisation theorists in my theoretical framework, I examine the trends in patriarchal Europe and I highlight the gender-sensitive model of the Nordic countries. Retracing local gender patterns from precolonial to postcolonial eras in sub-Saharan Africa, I explore the links between perceptions, needs, resources, education and women's political participation in Cameroon. Democratisation is supposed to open up political participation, to grant equal opportunities to all adults. One ironic feature of the liberalisation process in Cameroon has been the decrease of women in parliamentarian representation (14% in 1988, 6% in 1992, 5% in 1997 and 10% in 2002). What social, cultural and institutional mechanisms produced this paradoxical outcome, the exclusion of half the population? The gender complementarity of the indigenous context has been lost to male prevalence privileged by education, church, law, employment, economy and politics in the public sphere; most women are marginalised in the private sphere. Nation building and development have failed; ethnicism and individualism are growing. Some hope lies in the growing civil society. From two surveys and 21 focus groups across Cameroon, in 2000 and 2002, some significant results of the processed empirical data reveal low electoral registration (34.5% women and 65.9% men), contrasted by the willingness to run for municipal elections (33.3 % women and 45.2% men). The co-existence of customary and statutory laws, the corrupt political system and fraudulent practices, contribute to the marginalisation of women and men who are interested in politics. A large majority of female respondents consider female politicians more trustworthy and capable than their male counterparts; they even foresee the appointment of a female Prime Minister. The Nordic countries have institutionalised gender equality in their legislation, policies and practices. France has improved women's political inclusion with the parity laws; Rwanda is another model of women's representation, thanks to its post-conflict constitution. From my analysis, Cameroonian institutions, men and more so women, may learn and borrow from these experiences, in order to design and implement a sustainable and gender-balanced democracy. Keywords: democratisation, politics, gender equality, feminism, citizenship, Cameroon, Nordic countries, Finland, France, United Kingdom, quotas, societal social psychology.


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[FR] La femme homosexuelle, reflet d’un désir mythique hermaphrodite, est, pendant la fin du siècle une figure littéraire paradoxale et en même temps obsédante. Sapho est, comme la femme fatale, une des protagonistes de la fin-du-siècle qui répond à une misogynie récurrente dans l’imaginaire créateur. Il s’agit d’un désir artificiel, éros intangible (Péladan 1910: 74), contre nature, un idéal impossible: Sexe initial,sexe définitif, absolu de l’amour, absolu de la forme, sexe qui nies le sexe, sexe d’éternité! Los à toi, Androgyne! (Péladan 1910: 76). Sapho, figure archétypique, androgyne, constitue en définitive le symbole de l’abolition des sexes, de la confusion des genres, de la crise du couple traditionnel. Elle met en évidence la solitude, la peur et un désir inassouvi.


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O exotismo, em sua projeção literária, é um conceito relacionado ao imperialismo e ao relato da aventura. Cabe, assim, questionar o emprego de semelhante conceito na produção literária contemporânea, inserida em um mundo mapeado, cosmopolita e de fronteiras fluidas. No esteio da reflexão sobre o exotismo literário no século XXI, os conceitos de alteridade e de identidade ganham peso, expondo um sujeito multifacetado e descentrado, que se equilibra na corda bamba entre realidade e ficção. Está preparado, assim, o terreno para a transgressão de gêneros canônicos, como a autobiografia, gerando novas perspectivas de abordagem do posicionamento do autor no campo literário e ampliando conceitos como os de autoficção e de espaço biográfico. No mesmo movimento, o fenômeno da desterritorialização conduz autores e leitores a novos espaços, nem sempre físicos, mas talvez propícios a inéditas viagens pelo caminho da arte


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Nas gramáticas tradicionais da língua portuguesa, o estudo sobre a antonomásia, figura de linguagem que designa o processo de passagem de um nome próprio a um nome comum e vice-versa, é visto ora ligado ao conceito de metáfora, ora ligado à relação parte- todo, isto é, à metonímia. Na maioria das vezes, os exemplos mostrados nessas abordagens tradicionais estão descontextualizados, ou seja, não são retirados de um emprego discursivo- dialógico da língua. O principal objetivo desta tese é fazer uma reflexão sobre o potencial semiótico- funcional e cognitivo dos nomes próprios nas antonomásias discursivas, ou seja, aquelas que ainda não estão dicionarizadas, porque são temporárias, e, consequentemente, sua interpretação pertence ao âmbito do processamento discursivo. Tendo como base teórica a teoria dos Espaços Mentais em seu segundo momento, reconhecida como teoria da Integração Conceptual (FAUCONNIER; TURNER, 2002), e a teoria da Iconicidade Verbal, desenvolvida por Simões (2009), baseada nos estudos semióticos de Charles Sanders Peirce, analisar-se-ão, nesta tese, os seguintes aspectos do nome próprio nas antonomásias discursivas: a forma do nome próprio, ou seja, sua plasticidade, que é a característica central da iconicidade diagramática, e a iconicidade isotópica, que age como uma espécie de condutor temático para a formação de sentido de um texto. Esses dois tipos de iconicidade se inserem numa rede mais ampla de signos denominada iconicidade verbal, ou lexical (SIMÕES, 2004), que abrange efeitos tanto de ordem discursiva (discursivização) como de ordem estilística. Assim, ao se conceber o estudo das antonomásias discursivas do nome próprio em uma perspectiva semiótico- discursiva e cognitiva, ter-se-á dado mais um passo nos estudos dos itens lexicais que atuam como organizadores de sentido de um texto


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O presente trabalho tem como objetivo estabelecer, pelo viés da Literatura Comparada, pontos de interseção entre o plano de vingança engendrado pelas personagens, Edmond Dantès, no romance-folhetim O Conde de Monte-Cristo de Alexandre Dumas, e Norma Pimentel na telenovela Insensato Coração de Gilberto Braga e Ricardo Linhares. Além de apresentar um histórico da formação, assim como a evolução dos gêneros, melodrama, folhetim e teledramaturgia. Este trabalho surgiu da vontade de revolver intertextos de obras, em diferentes gêneros, que até hoje garantem uma continuidade de aspectos de absorção do grande público. Princípios teóricos como aqueles de Julia Kristeva sobre intertextualidade, assim como os princípios de arquitexto e hipertexto, propostos por Gérard Genette são tomados como norteadores da análise. Pretendemos, também, refletir a respeito das ideias trabalhadas por Pierre Bourdieu sobre o capital simbólico e o capital econômico das obras, trazendo à tona uma discussão sobre o valor da produção artística, considerando a sua recepção pelo seu respectivo público


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Taking into account the huge repercussion and influence that J.J. Rousseau has had on modern pedagogy, the recent tercentenary of his birth is a good opportunity to think about his outstanding relevance nowadays. This paper is a theoretical and educative research developed with an analytic and comparative hermeneutical method. The main objective is to show how some concepts of his philosophy of education have a great similarity with certain changes that the present competency based teaching is demanding, so it could be considered its methodological background. In order to achieve this objective this exposure has been divided in three parts. The first part is an analysis of Rousseau's educational theory as developed in the first three books of the Emilio, in which one of the main themes is self experience-based learning, fostering self-sufficiency, curiosity and the motivation for learning. Rousseau proposed as a method the negative education, which requires, among other conditions, a constant monitoring of the learner by the tutor. In the second part, a brief summary of the most relevant changes and characteristics of competency-based teaching is developed, as well as its purpose. The student’s participation and activity are highlighted within their own learning process through the carrying out of tasks. The new educational model involves a radical change in the curriculum, in which it is highlighted the transformation of the methodology used in the classroom as well as the role of the teacher. Finally, the aim of the third part is to offer a comparative synthesis of both proposals grouping the parallelisms found in 4 topics: origin of the two models, its aims, methodology, and change in the teaching roles.


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L’adaptation de romans à la scène au XIXe siècle dans la dramaturgie franco-portugaise passe par l’étude des relations et des contaminations intergénériques et interculturelles qui s’établissent entre les genres romanesque et dramatique dans les deux cultures. Pour ce faire, nous nous sommes consacrés dans une première partie aux questions théoriques qu’un tel exercice soulève. Effectivement, nous ne pourrions pas prétendre étudier et cerner un tel phénomène littéraire et artistique sans un abordage pluridimensionnel qui nous mène vers son approche à la lumière des études de Traduction et de Réception, d’un côté et, de l’autre, des études sociologiques. Questionner les fondements théoriques de l’adaptation théâtrale, sa production et sa circulation dans les deux pays supposait, pour nous, dès le départ, délimiter non seulement l’horizon d’attente d’une telle pratique artistique mais aussi sa place et son impact dans le champ littéraire et le polysystème culturel de l’époque. En contrepoint, nous nous sommes ensuite intéressés à la question de l’adaptation théâtrale et des contact zones, cette fois en passant par la problématique de la transculturation qu’engendre le contact de deux littératures différentes, s’affrontant dans le champ culturel et littéraire d’arrivée. Dans une deuxième partie, nous nous sommes concentrés sur la contextualisation historico-générique de l’adaptation théâtrale. Le recours à la transposition scénique de romans révèle un désir de gloire au niveau financier et artistique. La pratique est courante, voire généralisée dans le champ littéraire français du XIXe siècle. Parmi les adeptes de l’exercice de transposition, Dumas père est certainement l’auteur le plus prolifique. En outre, la transmodalisation générique s’insère dans un mouvement de création collective, puisque la collaboration entre auteurs dramatiques est très répandue. Par la suite, nous nous sommes intéressés à la genèse des textes à travers la transmodalisation du roman au théâtre : du roman-feuilleton au roman naturaliste. Nous avons constaté que le genre romanesque comme le genre dramatique sont empreints de contaminations intergénériques qui passent par la théâtralisation du roman puis par la romanisation du théâtre. Ainsi, l’adaptation apparaît comme la concrétisation de la fusion des genres romanesque et dramatique qui donnent lieu à un genre hybride. L’adaptation est alors le résultat d’une série de procédés et de techniques : la transmodalisation du roman s’adapte aux nécessités génériques du théâtre. De la sorte, nous avons distingué cinq types d’adaptations : l’adaptation fidèle, l’adaptation partielle, l’adaptation libre, l’adaptation pastichée et l’adaptation de l’adaptation. Dans une troisième partie, nous avons abordé le phénomène de l’adaptation dans le contexte littéraire portugais au XIXe siècle. À travers la présence accrue du théâtre français sur les scènes lisboètes, nous avons observé les rouages de la transposition d’un modèle étranger qui peut passer par différents processus, comme la traduction ou l’appropriation par l’adaptation théâtrale. Cela nous a amené à présenter cinq modèles d’adaptations théâtrales issues d’hypotextes français : l’adaptation française, la traduction fidèle de l’adaptation française, la traduction libre de l’adaptation française, l’adaptation à la couleur locale de l’adaptation française et l’adaptation portugaise d’un roman français. Nous avons également présenté quelques exemples de cas concrets, notamment Le Comte de Monte-Cristo adapté au répertoire lisboète. L’étude de ce phénomène culturel nous a permis de mieux cerner son impact sur le champ théâtral lisboète du XIXe siècle, dans la mesure où il contribue à la transculturation de la dramaturgie portugaise de l’époque.


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Cette thèse examine la circulation et l'intégration des informations scientifiques dans la pensée quotidienne d'après la théorie des représentations sociales (TRS). En tant qu'alternative aux approches traditionnelles de la communication de la science, les transformations survenant entre le discours scientifique et le discours de sens commun sont considérées comme adaptatives. Deux études sur la circulation des informations dans les media (études 1 et 2) montrent des variations dans les thèmes de discours exposés aux profanes, et parmi les discours de ceux-ci, en fonction de différentes sources. Ensuite, le processus d'ancrage dans le positionnement préalable envers la science est étudié, pour l'explication qu'il fournit de la réception et de la transmission d'informations scientifiques dans le sens commun. Les effets d'ancrage dans les attitudes et croyances préexistants sont reportés dans différents contextes de circulation des informations scientifiques (études 3 à 7), incluant des études de type corrélationnel, experimental et de terrain. Globalement, cette thèse procure des arguments en faveur de la pertinence de la TRS pour la recherche sur la communication de la science, et suggère des développements théoriques et méthodologiques pour ces deux domaines de recherche. Drawing on the social representations theory (SRT), this thesis examines the circulation and integration of scientific information into everyday thinking. As an alternative to the traditional approaches of science communication, it considers transformations between scientific and common-sense discourses as adaptive. Two studies, focused on the spreading of information into the media (Studies 1 and 2), show variations in the themes of discourses introduced to laypersons and in the themes among laypersons' discourses, according to different sources. Anchoring in prior positioning toward science is then studied for the explanation it provides on the reception and transmission of scientific information into common sense. Anchoring effects in prior attitudes and beliefs are reported in different contexts of circulation of scientific information (Studies 3 to 7) by using results from correlational, field, and experimental studies. Overall, this thesis provides arguments for the relevance of SRT in science communication research and suggests theoretical and methodological developments for both domains of research.


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Contient : I恒星曆指Heng xing li zhi.Théorie des étoiles fixes ; II恒星經緯表Heng xing jing wei biao.Tables des latitudes et longitudes des étoiles fixes


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Théorie des étoiles fixes.Feuillets détachés.


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It is well-known that non-cooperative and cooperative game theory may yield different solutions to games. These differences are particularly dramatic in the case of truels, or three-person duels, in which the players may fire sequentially or simultaneously, and the games may be one-round or n-round. Thus, it is never a Nash equilibrium for all players to hold their fire in any of these games, whereas in simultaneous one-round and n-round truels such cooperation, wherein everybody survives, is in both the a -core and ß -core. On the other hand, both cores may be empty, indicating a lack of stability, when the unique Nash equilibrium is one survivor. Conditions under which each approach seems most applicable are discussed. Although it might be desirable to subsume the two approaches within a unified framework, such unification seems unlikely since the two approaches are grounded in fundamentally different notions of stability.


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We provide a survey of the literature on ranking sets of objects. The interpretations of those set rankings include those employed in the theory of choice under complete uncertainty, rankings of opportunity sets, set rankings that appear in matching theory, and the structure of assembly preferences. The survey is prepared for the Handbook of Utility Theory, vol. 2, edited by Salvador Barberà, Peter Hammond, and Christian Seidl, to be published by Kluwer Academic Publishers. The chapter number is provisional.


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This paper develops and estimates a game-theoretical model of inflation targeting where the central banker's preferences are asymmetric around the targeted rate. In particular, positive deviations from the target can be weighted more, or less, severely than negative ones in the central banker's loss function. It is shown that some of the previous results derived under the assumption of symmetry are not robust to the generalization of preferences. Estimates of the central banker's preference parameters for Canada, Sweden, and the United Kingdom are statistically different from the ones implied by the commonly used quadratic loss function. Econometric results are robust to different forecasting models for the rate of unemployment but not to the use of measures of inflation broader than the one targeted.


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This paper addresses the question of whether R&D should be carried out by an independent research unit or be produced in-house by the firm marketing the innovation. We define two organizational structures. In an integrated structure, the firm that markets the innovation also carries out and finances research leading to the innovation. In an independent structure, the firm that markets the innovation buys it from an independent research unit which is financed externally. We compare the two structures under the assumption that the research unit has some private information about the real cost of developing the new product. When development costs are negatively correlated with revenues from the innovation, the integrated structure dominates. The independent structure dominates in the opposite case.