1000 resultados para Rio de Janeiro State University (UERJ)


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This work intends to present the history of top-level Chemistry education in Rio de Janeiro. It's important to rescue the history of Chemistry Institute of Federal University of Rio de Janeiro since 1959. It's also important to understand the incorporation of two undergraduate courses: Chemistry and Chemistry bachelor's degree. It covers historical background of Chemistry education in old National Faculty of Philosophy, considering power disputes between Industrial Chemistry Course and Chemical Engineering; when and in which circumstances the Institute was created; political context and its relation with postgraduate. Finally, discuss the incorporation of undergraduate courses and curriculum modifications since 1968.


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In this paper, we discussed the conceptions of curriculum of teachers' trainers from de course of Chemistry from de Chemistry Institute and from the Education School of the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro. We understand that the curriculum results from a social construction, so, we intent to comprehend how happen the constitution of the course's curriculum, based on documents and interviews with the subjects of the research. The study showed that there were competitions for status, resources and territories between the Chemistry Institute and the Education School when the course was created, as well as there were internal competitions in the creation of the disciplines depending on the department of origin of the teachers.


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Ce mémoire interroge l’histoire, l’articulation pratique et les effets de ce que l’on appelle actuellement au Brésil «l’urbanisation intégratrice», un type d’intervention étatique dans les favelas (bidonvilles) de Rio de Janeiro. Il s’agit d’une énième tentative de régler le «problème de la favela», consistant en l’urbanisation de son territoire (insertion d’infrastructure publique, consolidation du cadre bâti) et la légalisation de son statut et de ses pratiques (octroi de droits de propriété foncière et insertion de règlementation publique). Officiellement, c’est une manière de mettre fin à l’exclusion dont les populations faveladas sont victimes depuis l’apparition des favelas à Rio. L’analyse est faite à partir de l’étude du PAC-Favelas, un programme du gouvernement fédéral lancé en 2008, et son application dans la favela Rocinha. Il est proposé de considérer l’urbanisation intégratrice en tant que dispositif sécuritaire ou biopolitique, c’est-à-dire en tant qu’appareil de gouvernement de la population locale. À travers le projet, on planifie de formaliser les conduites, d’accroître la circulation des ressources, de transformer les perceptions des résidents, de contenir les excès et les risques associés à la favela et de tendre vers la prise en charge entièrement planifiée – en un mot, d’assurer le passage vers l’intervention permanente. Concrètement, cela revient pour l’État à procéder à une sélection, par des moyens légitimés ou indirects (le plan, la loi, le marché), des individus et des pratiques désormais admissibles sur le territoire. L’espace se raréfie, le contrôle augmente et les prix montent : ne peut demeurer que celui qui a déjà atteint un certain niveau de stabilité, reléguant les plus précaires à devoir progressivement quitter le territoire. Urbaniser la Rocinha, c’est un peu forcer son embourgeoisement en la rendant enfin sécurisée, civilisée et rentable.


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Esta dissertação analisa um evento da história recente do país - o processo deprivatização do sistema TELEBRÁS - através do resgate da memória de alguns dosseus atores, os empregados das operadoras de telefonia. Para tanto, privilegiou-se oestudo de caso de uma empresa privatizada em julho de 1998 a Telecomunicaçõesdo Rio de Janeiro S.A. (TELERJ).O setor de telecomunicações é de grande relevância para o desenvolvimentoeconômico e social na era contemporânea e o presente trabalho acompanha a históriada empresa desde a sua formação em 1923, transformação em empresa estatal e suaprivatização. A partir do processo de preparação para venda, que foi operado desde aquebra do monopólio das telecomunicações em 1995, e, de forma mais radical, desdesua privatização, analisou-se o processo de


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Este estudo tem por objetivo analisar as tendências atuais para a cooperação ou competição entre os estados brasileiros, nos jogos predatórios para atração de investimentos privados. Investigamos o processo de construção de agendas, relacionado às opções do Estado, no momento em que se debate a reforma tributária e o fim da "guerra fiscal". A pesquisa apresenta as razões históricas da questão e enfoca as condições estratégicas nas quais o Governo do Estado do Rio de Janeiro pode se inserir nessa agenda política. Os resultados revelam que, sem a superação de um conjunto de fragilidades na estrutura federativa e no sistema tributário nacional, mesmo com fortes lideranças políticas e mecanismos regulatórios, o jogo competitivo entre os estados não alcançará, em curto ou médio prazo, um padrão salutar.


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A dissertação apresenta o processo de trabalho do inquérito policial como sendo o processo-chave do sistema de informações policiais de uma delegacia de Polícia Civil do Estado do Rio de Janeiro. Faz considerações quanto à gestão e à análise de sistemas, comparando alguns especialistas, para compreensão da organização. Apresenta, também, uma visão da Polícia Civil no presente e a sua história. Disserta sobre a importância da linguagem em sua cultura organizacional e na sua lógica do trabalho apoiada em discursos, e propõe algumas possibilidades de mudanças organizacionais. A metodologia adotada foi a de pesquisa-ação, participante e etnográfica, com tratamento dos dados apoiado nas teorias da informação, da análise de conteúdo do discurso e de sistemas.


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Na atualidade os processos de gestão organizacionais nas empresas não podem ser mais concebidos em forma rígida e reativa ás mudanças atuais. Sabe-se que tal conceição errada acarreta conseqüências graves como ineficiência e baixa produtividade no gerenciamento das mesmas. Tais fatos geram uma ineficácia geral das empresas, influenciando negativamente nas políticas das empresas. Em relação á política de Remunerações, a mesma está gerando um forte descontentamento na comunidade trabalhadora e fazendo com que os sindicatos atuem tentando garantir emprego fixo como também igualdade salarial. Um dos grandes problemas que as mesmas empresas enfrentam é, certamente, o da determinação de uma estrutura adequada de salários. Isto porque, se de um lado existe a preocupação de motivar os empregados com salários compensadores, de outro lado existe a preocupação de situar num nível razoável os custos com o pessoal. O salário deixa de ser, para o empregado, o principal motivador, na medida que o próprio empregado considera-se inadequadamente remunerado. Contemplasse pelo menos dois aspectos: o equilíbrio interno e externo. O primeiro se refere a comparação de salário dentro da empresa, e o segundo tem como referência outras empresas do mesmo ramo. Métodos como a descrição e avaliação de cargos permitem estabelecer uma estrutura organizacional congruente solucionando problemas como desequilíbrio interno/externo dos salários. Esta pesquisa tem como objetivo principal identificar e avaliar os planos de cargos e salários do Sindicato dos Trabalhadores do serviço público federal no estado do Rio de Janeiro (SINTRASEF), propondo um plano alternativo de remunerações compatível como sua realidade organizacional atual.


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Since some years ago, the penitentiany systen of Rio de Janeiro is going through the nuest sendus administrative crisis,leading more and more to chaotic situations, over imagined before by homan being. Nowadays all the factors and components of the existing models are still medievaIs, and even distant fron the human needs. The daily life ofthe condemned is a sway betuen lack of hygiene, disrespect to homan rigts, lack of modem corrective practices and also, lack of psychological support. How, then can me demand from the state ( Govemment) the rehabilitation of the imprisoned and their preparation to face society if they are treated manny times as victins of this same society? This society impose a life style enjoyed only by a privileged social class which forget about then when sent to the darkness. Many of then, join the penitentary systen because of minor crimes, and when they serve their tem, um for funately they go back to prison accused for move violent crimes. The penitentian models haven't developed the same way the society where they worked at has. There, the present brazilian penitentiary model has showed obsolete and inefficient alone its principal mission ofrehabilitation and re - education ofthe imprisoned. Our main objetive will be the construction and analysis of the penitential administrative model, as being able to fullfill the necesity of the penitentiary administrator (Manager). Analy zing on a specific reasoning which focus showld not be that of the theories and isolated projects of the topic, we will develop a progran far form religions, judiciary on political technics by building na administrtive penitentiary model strictly professional where we coul a have a deep analysis of the topic. We will try to approach the aspects of organization existing to day inorder to understand them and criate, a model wich will adjust betten to the necesitives of this thesis.


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In recent years, clusters have become a central part in discussions about local and regional economic development, as well as in the elaboration of public policies for generating jobs and income. Concurrent with the discussions about clusters, the subject globalization has also received growing attention from the media in the academic and government fields. Different aspects are considered in the discussions regarding globalization and one of the subjects is the insertion of local economies into international commerce. One of these ways of insertion is by global value chains. This term began to be used at the end of 90s, and refers to the productive value chains dispersed throughout the world, but with integrated production and commercialization. The aim of this thesis is to understand how the exportation process influences the development of fashion clusters, this being done by the insertion of these clusters into the global value chains. Each year, the Brazilian fashion sector seeks to broaden their participation in the global economy by means of insertion into the global value chains. This insertion, however, has caused impacts in specialized clusters of garment manufacturers, such as beach fashion, jeans and women¿s clothing. As a way of identifying these impacts, three cluster manufacturers were studied in the state of Rio de Janeiro, namely Cabo Frio, São Gonçalo and Niterói. The impacts of internationalization on the companies integrated into these three clusters were explored by means of a six-month field study, including semistructured interviews. This internationalization occurs either by direct exportation or by means of inserting these companies into the global value chains. The results of the study points out the opportunities and threats to these companies, as well as shows the importance of more adequate public policies for the development of Brazilian fashion clusters. Among these threats, the possibility of inserting these cluster companies into the global value chains in a captive manner (Gereffi, Humphrey, Sturgeon, 2005) was singled out, placing them ¿under control¿ of the exporting companies. As for opportunities, the participation of government support agencies and improvements in fashion show good alternatives for inserting these companies into the global value chains, making possible autonomous and competitive performance.


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The present work aims to identify emerging organizational changes in the Court of Accounts of the State of Rio de Janeiro - TCE/RJ that are happening in the contemporary scenery known as the Age of Information. The search for the comprehension of the institutional dynamics is oriented by concepts originated from the theory of complexity, which believe that the public services external control system can be understood in a political, technical and legal environment with growing levels of learning and innovation. While chasing the possible causes of these changes, we try to prove the hypothesis that the TCE/RJ is turning into a more transparent organization. For this purpose, we define the outlines and reaches of the principle of transparency, based in bibliographical and documental researches, and analyze the phenomenon perceived in a explanation research through semi-structured interviews performed with two groups: a sample representing the universe under jurisdiction entities top level directors and the other obtained in the universe of formal and informal leaderships existing in the educational body of the institution. The conclusion of the present work confirms the initial questions, indicating that the organization is really becoming more and more transparent. The social-technical changes that are happening today at the TCE/RJ are caused by the growing social pressure for more effective results in the control of public expenditures. Under the systemic point of view, we observe cracks in the protective bell-glass that evolves the institution - previously hermetic to the external contingencies and that works today as a SAC - Adaptive Complex System. Aspects such as organization structural changes, the introduction of strategic planning and the growing democratization of the decision process are producing a new organizational culture. The seniority of the Technical Headcount contributes to establish the pre-conditions for the development of a administration where the participation of the TCE/RJ technical employees adds importance to its development as an institution that generates republican effects in the society from its less hermetic decision process.


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This work of research treats of the police military formation in the state of the Rio de Janeiro. The academic approach to be adopted in respect to verify the state actions for the adaptation of the course of the soldier¿s formation to the national curriculum mould (NCM) for the police education, proposed by the National General Office of Public Security in the year of 2000. It¿s part of a group of actions of the federal government to format the police education in all country. The aim of this action is to form policemen to act in an appropriate way in a democratic society. The result of the research revealed that the Military Police of the state of the Rio de Janeiro, did not effect actions for the adoption the of NCM in the period of 2000-2005, as well as it¿s not preparing the militaries polices to act with base in the values of a democratic society. The empirical material show us the view the of the military police in relation to the education in the Military Police, as well as its performance day by day in the resolution of the social conflicts.


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In the Brazilian political history, the power of the State was always associated to the classes that hold the production means. The state intervention to solve the lacks of the population induced the cooptation of the less favored classes, guaranteeing the continuity of the elites in the power and discouraging initiatives of the bases participation. The citizen participation is one of the analysis dimensions of the public power decision process and it must consist in a key dimension at the identification of solutions for the development. Through the evaluation of a municipal program addressed to the resident population in slums of medium load in Rio de Janeiro - the Programa Favela-Bairro - the study aims to verify, at the present time, if the participation remain an expression of the theoretical speech of the public administration or if it is understood as a social right. It intends to evaluate the mechanisms and the spaces of the communities dialogue with the public municipal managers. The field research consisted of interviews with social actors of the executive and municipal legislative, as well as with members of the organized civil society (inhabitants associations), community leaders and beneficiaries of the program, residents in the slum. The work raises the discussion about the necessary conditions to the public politics produce effective results, in terms of the human satisfaction, and to lead the social subjects to the understanding and learning of the active citizenship and democracy. It also intends to identify an evaluation methodology whose produced knowledge acts in the transformation of the society, reinforcing the critical researcher's paper, whose commitment is to study the reality and to point the roads that lead to the change in the social practice.


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O presente estudo procurou descrever e analisar o contexto em que se desenvolveu o processo de concessão dos sistemas de transporte de massa na Região Metropolitana do Rio de Janeiro, promovido pelo Programa Estadual de Desestatização ¿ PED, na gestão governamental compreendida entre os anos de 1995 e 1998, bem como avaliar suas implicações sobre o modelo de organização e gestão do transporte público regional então vigente. Seu desenvolvimento enfatizou três aspectos desse processo: a caracterização do cenário anterior à proposta de mudança, a análise substantiva da política representada pelo programa de concessões e a avaliação do novo cenário criado como conseqüência do programa. Sua metodologia pautou-se em consulta bibliográfica, volumosa análise documental, observação dos fatos e entrevistas desestruturadas com administradores e técnicos envolvidos no processo. Seus resultados evidenciaram as limitações dos modelos de análise e de planejamento tradicionalmente adotados para a formulação das políticas setoriais, a precariedade dos sistemas de transporte de passageiros regionais e a situação pelos sistemas de metrô, trens e barcas, consubstanciando um ambiente propício às propostas de sua transferência à gestão privada. Evidenciaram, ainda, que a iniciativa foi influenciada pelo contexto dos projetos de reforma do Estado patrocinados pelo Banco Mundial (BIRD), desenvolvendo-se sem referências relevantes na comunidade técnica setorial e gerando um cenário institucional frágil diante da tarefa de gerir os contratos dela resultantes. Embora pautado em estratégias de retomada de investimentos condizentes com as diretrizes do Plano de Transporte de Massa ¿ PTM, elaborado em 1994, a insipiência do programa não permite constatar, ainda tendências significativas no desempenho dos sistemas concedidos. São evidentes, entretanto, seus reflexos na desentruturação do modelo de gestão pública do transporte metropolitano sob responsabilidade do Estado.


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With the consolidation of democracy, the society being more aware of their rights as citizens, demands from the public administration services of more quality as well as efficiency and transparency when it comes to what is being done with the money of the tax payer. In order to have that, the public administration needs competent, highly-motivated and well-qualified civil servants. In this project, we describe the importance of a career plan motivating the civil servants, especially those who work for the Court of Accounts of the State of Rio de Janeiro. Based on the Law of Fiscal Responsibility and on the legal rules, we¿ve measured the sustainability of TCE-RJ plan, based in another project developed by the Fundação Getulio Vargas for a federal administrative body. Having evaluated the sustainability of the plan, we offer the administration of TCE-RJ a study which is able to signal for moments of the cut on costs as well as those of the revenue available for investments which are destined for the capacitation of their civil servants, always complying with the legal rules.


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The acts of public administration personnel are of great importance and various laws have been passed in attempt to limit the related expenses. The management of Public administration personnel is based on the principle of efficiency. The TCE/RJ (State of Rio de Janeiro/Audit Court) digital communication system is expected through telework to facilitate its auditing duties in compliance with the terms of the Federal and State constitutions. The TCE/RJ, the superior judicial body of auditing, has done more than just reduce costs and use flextime; it applies telework as an instrument to optimize public service through SICODI digital certification to maximize the resources applied to this constitutional act with greater efficiency for effective auditing. The focus of the first part of this study is to evaluate the tasks of positions that forward the TCE/RJ objectives and the profile characteristics of employees of the inspection area on personnel performance beginning with defined concepts and purposes. Questionnaires for auditors and technicians of the area were approved for this specific purpose to analyze the duties of positions and employee profiles. The second part of this study evaluates the TCE/RJ digital communication system according to theoretical reference and ISO/IEC Standard No. 9126-1, observing three dimensions: the content, usability and functionality. The results obtained, with the use of qualitative methods complemented by quantitative analysis, were positive for the implementation of telework in the inspection of personnel performance in relation to the analysts and technicians involved in this type of auditing as well as in relation to the TCE/RJ digital communication system.