897 resultados para customer procurement
The purpose of the study is to find factors affecting projects' profitability in project business. The issue is approached from customer profitability and project management point of view. The study has been made for a big Finnish company acting in a global market place. The research method is quantitative. Research hypotheses are based on the literature. The used database is originated from the company's ERP- (enterprise resource planning) and project financial follow-up —system. The findings of the study supported the hypotheses weakly. Obviously profitability fluctuated depending on a customer and a project manager. The reasons could not be justified with the variables used in the research.
Tämän tutkimuksen kohdeorganisaatio on suuren teollisuusyrityksen sisäinen raaka-aineen hankkija ja toimittaja. Tutkimuksessa selvitetään, mistä kohdeorganisaation hankinta-asiakkuuksien arvo muodostuu ja kuinka olemassa olevan liiketoimintadatan perusteella voidaan tutkia, arvioida ja luokitella kauppojen ja asiakkuuksien arvokkuutta aikaan sitomatta, objektiivisesti ja luotettavasti. Tutkimuksen teoriaosiossa esitellään lähestymistapoja ja menetelmiä, joiden avulla voidaan jalostaa olemassa olevasta datasta uutta sidosryhmätietämystä liiketoiminnan käyttöön, sekä tarkastellaan asiakaskannattavuusanalyysin, portfolioanalyysin, sekä asiakassegmentoinnin perusteita ja malleja. Näiden teorioiden ja mallien pohjalta rakennetaan kohdeorganisaatiolle räätälöity, indeksoituihin hinta-, määrä- ja kauppojen toistuvuus-muuttujiin perustuva, asiakkuuksien arvottamis- ja luokittelumalli. Arvottamis- ja luokittelumalli testataan vuosien 2003–2007 liiketoimintadatasta muodostetulla 389 336 kaupparivin otoksella, joka sisältää 42 186 arvioitavaa asiakkuussuhdetta. Merkittävin esille nouseva havainto on noin 5 000:n keskimääräistä selkeästi kalliimman asiakkuuden ryhmä. Aineisto ja sen poikkeavuudet testataan tilastollisin menetelmin, jotta saadaan selville asiakkuuden arvoon vaikuttavat ja arvoa selittävät tekijät. Lopuksi pohditaan arvottamismallin merkitystä analyyttisemman ostotoiminnan ja asiakkuudenhallinnan välineenä, sekä esitetään muutamia parannusehdotuksia.
Tutkimuksen tarkoituksena on selvittää laajennettujen transaktiokustannustarkastelun avulla tietoteknisten palveluiden hankintaa strategisena kumppanuutena. Tutkimus kuvaa empiirisen esimerkkitapauksen kautta ulkoistuksen kokonaisvaikuttavuutta eli kumppanuuden hyötyjä ja haittoja asiakkaan kannalta tilanteessa, jossa julkisen sektorin tehtävien uudelleenorganisoinnissa ei ole käytettävissä tehokkaita markkinoita. Kumppanuuden kokonaisvaikuttavuuden elementtien merkitys asiakkaalle on asiakkaan ja palveluntuottajan näkökulmista erilaisia. Asiakas pitää transaktiokustannuksia ja byrokratiahyötyjä tärkeinä. Toimittaja taas koros-taa transaktiohyötyjä ja byrokratiakustannuksia.
The objective of this study is to resolve how customer retention is managed in Finnish health and fitness clubs, and how is this comparable with the theoretical aspects of customer retention. It is also discussed how the process leading to customer retention is handled, and what the essential elements of customer retention and loyalty are specifically in the health and fitness club industry. In addition, it is discussed to what extent do health and fitness club companies implement the elements of customer retention in their businesses. Finally, there is discussion about the relationship and priority between the behavioral and attitudinal methods of creating retention in the companies. The data was collected by interviewing the management of six health and fitness clubs from different geographical regions in Finland. Results indicated that the most important constructs concerning customer retention were switching barriers, pricing strategy, competitive aspect, corporate image, service quality, employee retention, and customer satisfaction. In addition, the implementation of customer retention was found to vary between different sized companies and companies from different geographical locations. Moreover, it was discovered that the companies put more effort in constructs that are considered to create customer loyalty instead of retention.
The purpose of this study was to define the customer profitability of the case company as well as to specify the factors that explain customer profitability. The study was made with a quantitative research method. The research hypotheses were formulated mainly on the grounds of previous research, and were tested with statistical research methods. The research results showed that customer profitability is not equally distributed among the customers of the case company, and the majority of its customers is profitable. The interpreters for absolute customer profitability were sales volume and the customer’s location region. The interpreters for relative customer profitability were the customer’s location region and the product segment into which a customer can be classified on the basis of the products that were sold to this customer.
Customer profitability accounting is a well-researched topic in the academic field, and it has been proved to posses rather undisputable benefits. However, the calculation of the customer profitabilities can be challenging, therefore the usage of the accounting is not self-explanatory in organizations. The aim of this study was to create a customer profitability accounting model for a wholesales unit in the case company to function as a sales management tool. The literature review of the study presents certain fundamental issues related to customer profitability accounting, in addition a theoretical framework for accounting model design is provided. The creation of the model was commenced by setting the requirements for it and examining the foundation of the model design, which consisted of for instance price setting and cost structure of products. This was followed by selecting approaches to the creation of the model. The result of the study was an accounting model, for which a determination of included revenues and costs was executed, along with the formulation of an allocation criteria of the costs. Lastly, the customer profitabilities were calculated in accordance with the accounting principles and the calculation logic of the model. The attained figures proved the model to provide an appropriate solution for obtaining the customer profitabilities and thus to use the accounting information as a sales management tool in for instance decision making and negotiation situations.
The purpose of this thesis was to investigate creating and improving category purchasing visibility for corporate procurement by utilizing financial information. This thesis was a part of the global category driven spend analysis project of Konecranes Plc. While creating general understanding for building category driven corporate spend visibility, the IT architecture and needed purchasing parameters for spend analysis were described. In the case part of the study three manufacturing plants of Konecranes Standard Lifting, Heavy Lifting and Services business areas were examined. This included investigating the operative IT system architecture and needed processes for building corporate spend visibility. The key findings of this study were the identification of the needed processes for gathering purchasing data elements while creating corporate spend visibility in fragmented source system environment. As an outcome of the study, roadmap presenting further development areas was introduced for Konecranes.
Problems in the mobile services are complex where the lack of the user analysis is not the modest issue. User centered design has increasingly become as a basis for the design of mobile services. The concept of user centered design gives end-user extensive attention at each stage of the design process. Mobile service providers want to offer experiences for users and clearly the users look for services that can provide pleasant experiences. In this thesis, the elements of user experience in mobile internet were studied as well as user experience measuring methods were researched. This study was looking for user experience measuring metrics and methods to specify new factors to measure user experience. During this thesis research project an application called CEM4Mobile was designed and implemented. CEM4Mobile is an application for observing and analysing user experience based on the user activity and behaviour. As a result of this thesis, a collection of user experience elements and measuring metrics were found. The elements and metrics were designed and implemented to CEM4Mobile product, which measures user experience. It was found out that the user experience measuring methods were based on interaction between two people but CEM4Mobile makes user observation programmatic.
This study has been made for specific paper production line at an international forest industry company in Finland. The main purpose for the study was a need to examine the current situation of the customer knowledge and its’ sharing at case production line, recognize the problems in it and finally, find out the improvement actions. The study is composed of theoretical and empirical parts. In theoretical part, knowledge management and information sharing in addition to customer knowledge management are presented. Empirical data from case production line was collected by using survey questionnaires. The results are analyzed in discussion and conclusions and finally, study ends with summary which includes recommendations. Based on the study, the amount and quality of customer knowledge and gaining and transferring the customer knowledge were found as the main challenges. The proposed solutions were discovered from moving towards more dynamic operating environment and in the area of customer knowledge management, especially from the communities of creation.
Especially in global enterprises, key data is fragmented in multiple Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) systems. Thus the data is inconsistent, fragmented and redundant across the various systems. Master Data Management (MDM) is a concept, which creates cross-references between customers, suppliers and business units, and enables corporate hierarchies and structures. The overall goal for MDM is the ability to create an enterprise-wide consistent data model, which enables analyzing and reporting customer and supplier data. The goal of the study was defining the properties and success factors of a master data system. The theoretical background was based on literature and the case consisted of enterprise specific needs and demands. The theoretical part presents the concept, background, and principles of MDM and then the phases of system planning and implementation project. Case consists of background, definition of as is situation, definition of project, evaluation criterions and concludes the key results of the thesis. In the end chapter Conclusions combines common principles with the results of the case. The case part ended up dividing important factors of the system in success factors, technical requirements and business benefits. To clarify the project and find funding for the project, business benefits have to be defined and the realization has to be monitored. The thesis found out six success factors for the MDM system: Well defined business case, data management and monitoring, data models and structures defined and maintained, customer and supplier data governance, delivery and quality, commitment, and continuous communication with business. Technical requirements emerged several times during the thesis and therefore those can’t be ignored in the project. Conclusions chapter goes through these factors on a general level. The success factors and technical requirements are related to the essentials of MDM: Governance, Action and Quality. This chapter could be used as guidance in a master data management project.
This study focuses on the phenomenon of customer reference marketing in a business tobusiness (B to B) context. Although customer references are generally considered an important marketing and sales tool, the academic literature has paid surprisingly little attention to the phenomenon. The study suggests that customer references could be viewed as important marketing assets for industrial suppliers, and the ability to build, manage and leverage customer reference portfolios systematically constitutes a relevant marketing capability. The role of customer references is examined in the context of the industrial suppliers' shift towards a solution and project orientation and in the light of the on going changes in the project business. Suppliers in several industry sectors are undergoing a change from traditional equipment manufacturing towards project and solution oriented business. It is argued in this thesis that the high complexity, the project oriented nature and the intangible service elements that characterise many contemporary B to B offerings further increase the role of customer references. The study proposes three mechanisms of customer reference marketing: status transfer, validation through testimonials and the demonstration of experience and prior performance. The study was conducted in the context of Finnish B to B process technology and information technology companies. The empirical data comprises 38 interviews with managers of four case companies, 165 customer reference descriptions gathered from six case companies' Web sites, as well as company internal material. The findings from the case studies show that customer references have various external and internal functions that contribute to the growth and performance of B to B firms. Externally, customer references bring status transfer effects from reputable customers, concretise and demonstrate complex solutions, and provide indirect evidence of experience, previous performance, technological functionality and delivered customer value. They can also be leveraged internally to facilitate organisational learning and training, advance offering development, and motivate personnel. Major reference projects create new business opportunities and can be used as a vehicle for strategic change. The findings of the study shed light on the on going changing orientations in the project business environment, increase understanding of the variety of ways in which customer references can be deployed as marketing assets, and provide a framework of the relevant tasks and activities related to building, managing and leveraging a firm's customer reference portfolio. The findings contribute to the industrial marketing research, to the literature on marketing assets and capabilities and to the literature on projects and solutions. The proposed functions and mechanisms of customer reference marketing bring a more thorough and structured understanding about the essence and characteristics of the phenomenon and give a wide ranging view of the role of customer references as marketing assets for B to B firms. The study suggests several managerial implications for industrial suppliers in order to systematise customer reference marketing efforts.
Customer loyalty programs have increased in recent decades and customers are members in several loyalty programs. Loyalty programs are seen as a tool of exploiting customer relationship management with the aim of long-term, profitable customer relationships. Companies have created such a market where customers are rewarded automatically, even if they are disloyal. In addition, companies are struggling as they try to motivate customers to purchase more and make more frequent visits.
This diploma thesis has been done to international organization which takes care from the accounting actions of two major companies. In this organization are used three different purchasing tools which are used when new asset master data is wanted to input to SAP R/3- system. The aim of this thesis is to find out how much changing the user interface of one of these three e-procurement programs will affect to overall efficiency in asset accounting. As an addition will be introduced project framework which can be used in future projects and which help to avoid certain steps in the development process. At the moment data needs to be inputted manually with many useless mouse clicks and data needs to be searched from many various resources which slow down the process. Other organization has better tools at the moment than the myOrders system which is under investigation Research was started by exploring the main improvement areas. After this possible defects were traced. Suggested improvements were thought by exploring literature which has been written from usability design and research. Meanwhile also directional calculations from the benefits of the project were done alongside with the analysis of the possible risks and threats. After this NSN IT approved the changes which they thought was acceptable. The next step was to program them into tool and test them before releasing to production environment. The calculations were made also from implemented improvements and compared them to planned ones From whole project was made a framework which can be utilized also to other similar projects. The complete calculation was not possible because of time schedule of the project. Important observation in the project was that efficiency is not improved not only by changing the GUI but also improving processes without any programming. Feedback from end user should be also listened more in development process. End-user is after all the one who knows the best how the program should look like.
Valtiot soveltavat yleisesti puolustusvälinehankintojensa yhteydessä vastakauppamenettelyä, jota kutsutaan offsetiksi. Tämän laadullisen tapaustutkimuksen tavoitteena on selvittää minkälaista verkottumista suora offset edellyttää myyjäyritykseltä ja mitä vaikutuksia verkottumisella on myyjäyritykseen. Offsetvaatimusten ja paikallisyhteistyön vuoksi tapahtuvalla verkottumisella on monia vaikutuksia myyjäyritykseen, joista pääosan voidaan sanoa olevan liiketaloudellisessa mielessä negatiivisia. Huomioitavaa kuitenkin on, että ilman offsetia ei voida voittaa hankkeita ja näin generoida liiketoimintaa. Suoran offsetin verkostoituminen perustuu ratkaisuliiketoiminnan eli arvopajan kautta tuotettuun lisäarvoon loppuasiakkaalle. Tällaista verkostotoimintaa harjoittavaa yritystä voidaan kutsua asiakaskeskeisen verkoston ansaitsijaksi joka kasvattaa ansaintaansa tuottamansa korkeamman lisäarvon kautta. Offsetin luonteesta johtuen erilaisten mittausjärjestelmien rakentaminen voi nousta haasteeksi.