981 resultados para Geoestatística multivariada
Os sistemas compartimentais são frequentemente usados na modelação de diversos processos em várias áreas, tais como a biomedicina, ecologia, farmacocinética, entre outras. Na maioria das aplicações práticas, nomeadamente, aquelas que dizem respeito à administração de drogas a pacientes sujeitos a cirurgia, por exemplo, a presença de incertezas nos parâmetros do sistema ou no estado do sistema é muito comum. Ao longo dos últimos anos, a análise de sistemas compartimentais tem sido bastante desenvolvida na literatura. No entanto, a análise da sensibilidade da estabilidade destes sistemas na presença de incertezas tem recebido muito menos atenção. Nesta tese, consideramos uma lei de controlo por realimentação do estado com restrições de positividade e analisamos a sua robustez quando aplicada a sistemas compartimentais lineares e invariantes no tempo com incertezas nos parâmetros. Além disso, para sistemas lineares e invariantes no tempo com estado inicial desconhecido, combinamos esta lei de controlo com um observador do estado e a robustez da lei de controlo resultante também é analisada. O controlo do bloqueio neuromuscular por meio da infusão contínua de um relaxante muscular pode ser modelado como um sistema compartimental de três compartimentos e tem sido objecto de estudo por diversos grupos de investigação. Nesta tese, os nossos resultados são aplicados a este problema de controlo e são fornecidas estratégias para melhorar os resultados obtidos.
The work reported in this thesis aimed at applying the methodology known as metabonomics to the detailed study of a particular type of beer and its quality control, with basis on the use of multivariate analysis (MVA) to extract meaningful information from given analytical data sets. In Chapter 1, a detailed description of beer is given considering the brewing process, main characteristics and typical composition of beer, beer stability and the commonly used analytical techniques for beer analysis. The fundamentals of the analytical methods employed here, namely nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy, gas-chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS) and mid-infrared (MIR) spectroscopy, together with the description of the metabonomics methodology are described shortly in Chapter 2. In Chapter 3, the application of high resolution NMR to characterize the chemical composition of a lager beer is described. The 1H NMR spectrum obtained by direct analysis of beer show a high degree of complexity, confirming the great potential of NMR spectroscopy for the detection of a wide variety of families of compounds, in a single run. Spectral assignment was carried out by 2D NMR, resulting in the identification of about 40 compounds, including alcohols, amino acids, organic acids, nucleosides and sugars. In a second part of Chapter 3, the compositional variability of beer was assessed. For that purpose, metabonomics was applied to 1H NMR data (NMR/MVA) to evaluate beer variability between beers from the same brand (lager), produced nationally but differing in brewing site and date of production. Differences between brewing sites and/or dates were observed, reflecting compositional differences related to particular processing steps, including mashing, fermentation and maturation. Chapter 4 describes the quantification of organic acids in beer by NMR, using different quantitative methods: direct integration of NMR signals (vs. internal reference or vs. an external electronic reference, ERETIC method) and by quantitative statistical methods (using the partial least squares (PLS) regression) were developed and compared. PLS1 regression models were built using different quantitative methods as reference: capillary electrophoresis with direct and indirect detection and enzymatic essays. It was found that NMR integration results generally agree with those obtained by the best performance PLS models, although some overestimation for malic and pyruvic acids and an apparent underestimation for citric acid were observed. Finally, Chapter 5 describes metabonomic studies performed to better understand the forced aging (18 days, at 45 ºC) beer process. The aging process of lager beer was followed by i) NMR, ii) GC-MS, and iii) MIR spectroscopy. MVA methods of each analytical data set revealed clear separation between different aging days for both NMR and GC-MS data, enabling the identification of compounds closely related with the aging process: 5-hydroxymethylfurfural (5-HMF), organic acids, γ-amino butyric acid (GABA), proline and the ratio linear/branched dextrins (NMR domain) and 5-HMF, furfural, diethyl succinate and phenylacetaldehyde (known aging markers) and, for the first time, 2,3-dihydro-3,5-dihydroxy-6-methyl-4(H)-pyran-4-one xii (DDMP) and maltoxazine (by GC-MS domain). For MIR/MVA, no aging trend could be measured, the results reflecting the need of further experimental optimizations. Data correlation between NMR and GC-MS data was performed by outer product analysis (OPA) and statistical heterospectroscopy (SHY) methodologies, enabling the identification of further compounds (11 compounds, 5 of each are still unassigned) highly related with the aging process. Data correlation between sensory characteristics and NMR and GC-MS was also assessed through PLS1 regression models using the sensory response as reference. The results obtained showed good relationships between analytical data response and sensory response, particularly for the aromatic region of the NMR spectra and for GC-MS data (r > 0.89). However, the prediction power of all built PLS1 regression models was relatively low, possibly reflecting the low number of samples/tasters employed, an aspect to improve in future studies.
O cancro da mama feminino pela sua magnitude merece uma especial atenção ao nível das políticas de saúde. Emerge, pois uma visão abrangente que, por um lado, deve atentar para o encargo que esta representa para qualquer sistema de saúde, pelos custos que acarreta, como também, para a qualidade de vida das mulheres portadoras da mesma. Desta forma, a Liga Portuguesa Contra o Cancro (LPCC) tem desenvolvido, em colaboração com as Administrações Regionais de Saúde (ARS), o Programa de Rastreio do Cancro da Mama (PRCM), o qual apresenta, no Concelho de Aveiro, taxas de adesão na ordem dos 50%, ainda distantes dos 70%, objetivo recomendado pelas guidelines da Comissão Europeia. A não adesão tem sido considerada como um dos principais problemas do sistema de saúde, tanto pelas repercussões ao nível de ganhos em saúde, como também na qualidade de vida e na satisfação dos pacientes com os cuidados de saúde, constituindo-se como um fenómeno multifatorial e multidimensional. É neste sentido que o presente trabalho se propõe identificar os fatores, de cariz individual e do meio envolvente, determinantes da adesão ao PRCM, numa amostra de mulheres residentes no Concelho de Aveiro, com idades compreendidas entre os 45 e os 69 anos e, a partir dos resultados emergentes, propor estratégias de educação em saúde. Como procedimentos metodológicos e, numa primeira fase, entre outubro 2009 e maio 2010 foi aplicado um survey, o qual foi complementado com notas de campo dos entrevistadores a uma amostra não aleatória de 805 mulheres, em dois contextos distintos: no centro de saúde às aderentes à mamografia e, no domicílio, às não aderentes. Numa segunda fase, realizamos duas sessões de Focus Group (FG), num total de 12 elementos, um grupo heterogéneo com enfermeiros, médicos e utentes, e um outro grupo homogéneo, apenas com profissionais de saúde. O tratamento dos dados do survey foi efetuado através de procedimentos estatísticos, com utilização do SPSS® versão 17 e realizadas análises bivariadas (qui-quadrado) e multivariadas (discriminação de função e árvore de decisão através do algoritmo Chi-squared Automatic Interaction Detector) com o intuito de determinar as diferenças entre os grupos e predizer as variáveis exógenas. No que diz respeito a indicadores sociodemográficos, os resultados mostram que aderem mais, as mulheres com idades <50 anos e ≥ 56 anos, as que vivem em localidades urbanas, as trabalhadoras não qualificadas e as reformadas. As que aderem menos ao PRCM têm idades compreendidas entre os 50-55 anos, vivem nas zonas periurbanas, são licenciadas, apresentam categoria profissional superior ou estão desempregadas. Em relação às restantes variáveis exógenas, aderem ao PRCM, as mulheres que apresentam um Bom Perfil de Conhecimentos (46.6%), enquanto as não aderentes apresentam um Fraco Perfil de Conhecimentos (50.6%), sendo esta relação estatisticamente significativa (X2= 10.260; p=0.006).Cerca de 59% das mulheres aderentes realiza o seu rastreio de forma concordante com as orientações programáticas presentes no PRCM, comparativamente com 41.1% das mulheres que não o faz, verificando-se uma relação de dependência bastante significativa entre as variáveis Perfil de Comportamentos e adesão(X2= 348.193; p=0.000). Apesar de não existir dependência estatisticamente significativa entre as Motivações e a adesão ao PRCM (X2= 0.199; p=0.656), se analisarmos particularmente, os motivos de adesão, algumas inquiridas demonstram preocupação, tanto na deteção precoce da doença, como na hereditariedade. Por outro lado, os motivos de não adesão, também denotam aspetos de nível pessoal como o desleixo com a saúde, o desconhecimento e o esquecimento da marcação. As mulheres que revelam Boa Acessibilidade aos Cuidados de Saúde Primários e um Bom Atendimento dos Prestadores de Cuidados aderem mais ao PRCM, comparativamente com as inquiridas que relatam Fraca Acessibilidade e Atendimento, não aderindo. A partir dos resultados da análise multivariada podemos inferir que as variáveis exógenas estudadas possuem um poder discriminante significativo, sendo que, o Perfil de Comportamentos é a variável que apresenta maior grau de diferenciação entre os grupos das aderentes e não aderentes. Como variáveis explicativas resultantes da árvore de decisão CHAID, permaneceram, o Perfil de Comportamentos (concordantes e não concordantes com as guidelines), os grupos etários (<50 anos, 50-55anos e ≥56anos) e o Atendimento dos prestadores de cuidados de saúde. As mulheres mais novas (<50 anos) com Perfil de comportamentos «concordantes» com as guidelines são as que aderem mais, comparativamente com os outros grupos etários. Por outro lado, as não aderentes necessitam de um «bom» atendimento dos prestadores de cuidados para se tornarem aderentes ao PRCM. Tanto as notas de campo, como a discussão dos FG foram sujeitas a análise de conteúdo segundo as categorias em estudo obtidas na primeira fase e os relatos mostram a importância de fatores de ordem individual e do meio envolvente. No que se refere a aspetos psicossociais, destaca-se a importância das crenças e como fatores ambientais menos facilitadores para a adesão apontam a falta de transportes, a falta de tempo das pessoas e a oferta de recursos, principalmente se existirem radiologistas privados como alternativa ao PRCM. Tal como na primeira fase do estudo, uma das motivações para a adesão é a recomendação dos profissionais de saúde para o PRCM, bem como a marcação de consultas pela enfermeira, que pode ser uma oportunidade de contacto para a sensibilização. Os hábitos de vigilância de saúde, a perceção positiva acerca dos programas de saúde no geral, o acesso à informação pertinente sobre o PRCM e a operacionalização deste no terreno parecem ser fatores determinantes segundo a opinião dos elementos dos FG. O tipo e a regularidade no atendimento por parte dos profissionais de saúde, a relação entre profissional de saúde/paciente, a personalização das intervenções educativas, a divulgação que estes fazem do PRCM junto das suas pacientes, bem como, a organização do modelos de cuidados de saúde das unidades de saúde e a forma como os profissionais se envolvem e tomam a responsabilização por um programa desta natureza são fatores condicionantes da adesão. Se atendermos aos resultados deste estudo, verificamos um envolvimento de fatores que integram múltiplos níveis de intervenção, sendo um desafio para as equipas de saúde que pretendam intervir no âmbito do programa de rastreio do cancro da mama. Com efeito, os resultados também apontam para a combinação de múltiplas estratégias que são transversais a vários programas de promoção da saúde, assumindo, desta forma, uma perspetiva multidimensional e dinâmica que visa, essencialmente, a construção social da saúde e do bem-estar (i.e. responsabilização do cidadão pela sua própria saúde e o seu empowerment).
Torna-se cada vez mais importante fortalecer o vínculo entre o setor agrário, as universidades e o setor industrial. Através de estudos científicos pode-se aprimorar a produção agrícola, valorizar comercialmente os produtos manufaturados e permitir usos biotecnológicos anteriormente indisponíveis. Este trabalho ambicionou gerar dados que incentivassem e permitissem o suporte técnico-científico adequado ao pequeno e médio agricultor do litoral da Grande-Florianópolis, no estado de Santa Catarina (Brasil) viabilizando a exploração comercial das raízes de yacon (Smallanthus sonchifolius). Primeiro, o enfoque agronómico que objetivou ofertar dados científicos da adequação climática do plantio de yacon na região do litoral de Florianópolis (SC) com a finalidade de otimizar a produção e rentabilizá-la. Por cromatografia líquida de alta eficiência foram quantificados os valores de frutooligossacarídeos (fração de interesse, alimento funcional com efeito prebiótico), frutose, glucose e sacarose e avaliaram-se os efeitos diretos dos fatores climáticos na produção fazendo uso da análise multivariada para sua interpretação. Os resultados mostram que a produção de FOS não consegue atingir valores similares aos de outras regiões onde o yacon é explorado economicamente. Igualmente a produção de FOS parece ter uma grande dependência do clima, especialmente da amplitude térmica e da chuva. O segundo enfoque foi a possibilidade de exploração comercial, através de secagem em estufa. O processo de secagem, especialmente em amostras produzidas em condições climatológicas mais drásticas induzem modificações provocadas pela reacção de Maillard, como foi verificado por estudos de GCxGC-Tof-Ms e ESI-MS. O terceiro enfoque foi biotecnológico e consistiu em aproveitar frutooligossacarídeos comerciais para utilizá-los como matriz polimérica para produção de estruturas em escala nano e micrométrica através da eletropulverização. Foram observadas, nesta etapa, os aspetos morfológicos e as características das partículas formadas e a sua capacidade de servir como veículo transportador de compostos com características anti-oxidantes.
This thesis reports the application of metabolomics to human tissues and biofluids (blood plasma and urine) to unveil the metabolic signature of primary lung cancer. In Chapter 1, a brief introduction on lung cancer epidemiology and pathogenesis, together with a review of the main metabolic dysregulations known to be associated with cancer, is presented. The metabolomics approach is also described, addressing the analytical and statistical methods employed, as well as the current state of the art on its application to clinical lung cancer studies. Chapter 2 provides the experimental details of this work, in regard to the subjects enrolled, sample collection and analysis, and data processing. In Chapter 3, the metabolic characterization of intact lung tissues (from 56 patients) by proton High Resolution Magic Angle Spinning (HRMAS) Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) spectroscopy is described. After careful assessment of acquisition conditions and thorough spectral assignment (over 50 metabolites identified), the metabolic profiles of tumour and adjacent control tissues were compared through multivariate analysis. The two tissue classes could be discriminated with 97% accuracy, with 13 metabolites significantly accounting for this discrimination: glucose and acetate (depleted in tumours), together with lactate, alanine, glutamate, GSH, taurine, creatine, phosphocholine, glycerophosphocholine, phosphoethanolamine, uracil nucleotides and peptides (increased in tumours). Some of these variations corroborated typical features of cancer metabolism (e.g., upregulated glycolysis and glutaminolysis), while others suggested less known pathways (e.g., antioxidant protection, protein degradation) to play important roles. Another major and novel finding described in this chapter was the dependence of this metabolic signature on tumour histological subtype. While main alterations in adenocarcinomas (AdC) related to phospholipid and protein metabolisms, squamous cell carcinomas (SqCC) were found to have stronger glycolytic and glutaminolytic profiles, making it possible to build a valid classification model to discriminate these two subtypes. Chapter 4 reports the NMR metabolomic study of blood plasma from over 100 patients and near 100 healthy controls, the multivariate model built having afforded a classification rate of 87%. The two groups were found to differ significantly in the levels of lactate, pyruvate, acetoacetate, LDL+VLDL lipoproteins and glycoproteins (increased in patients), together with glutamine, histidine, valine, methanol, HDL lipoproteins and two unassigned compounds (decreased in patients). Interestingly, these variations were detected from initial disease stages and the magnitude of some of them depended on the histological type, although not allowing AdC vs. SqCC discrimination. Moreover, it is shown in this chapter that age mismatch between control and cancer groups could not be ruled out as a possible confounding factor, and exploratory external validation afforded a classification rate of 85%. The NMR profiling of urine from lung cancer patients and healthy controls is presented in Chapter 5. Compared to plasma, the classification model built with urinary profiles resulted in a superior classification rate (97%). After careful assessment of possible bias from gender, age and smoking habits, a set of 19 metabolites was proposed to be cancer-related (out of which 3 were unknowns and 6 were partially identified as N-acetylated metabolites). As for plasma, these variations were detected regardless of disease stage and showed some dependency on histological subtype, the AdC vs. SqCC model built showing modest predictive power. In addition, preliminary external validation of the urine-based classification model afforded 100% sensitivity and 90% specificity, which are exciting results in terms of potential for future clinical application. Chapter 6 describes the analysis of urine from a subset of patients by a different profiling technique, namely, Ultra-Performance Liquid Chromatography coupled to Mass Spectrometry (UPLC-MS). Although the identification of discriminant metabolites was very limited, multivariate models showed high classification rate and predictive power, thus reinforcing the value of urine in the context of lung cancer diagnosis. Finally, the main conclusions of this thesis are presented in Chapter 7, highlighting the potential of integrated metabolomics of tissues and biofluids to improve current understanding of lung cancer altered metabolism and to reveal new marker profiles with diagnostic value.
Urban soil quality may be severely affected by hydrophobic organic contaminants (HOCs), impairing environmental quality and human health. A comprehensive study was conducted in two contrasting Portuguese urban areas (Lisbon and Viseu) in order to assess the levels and potential risks of these contaminants, to identify sources and study their behaviour in soils. The concentrations of HOCs were related to the size of the city, with much higher contamination levels observed in Lisbon urban area. Source apportionment was performed by studying the HOCs profiles, their relationship with potentially toxic elements and general characteristics of soil using multivariate statistical methods. Lisbon seems to be affected by nearby sources (traffic, industry and incineration processes) whereas in Viseu the atmospheric transport may be playing an important role. In a first tier of risk assessment (RA) it was possible to identify polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in Lisbon soils as a potential hazard. The levels of PAHs in street dusts were further studied and allowed to clarify that traffic, tire and pavement debris can be an important source of PAHs to urban soils. Street dusts were also identified as being a potential concern regarding human and environmental health, especially if reaching the nearby aquatic bodies. Geostatistical tools were also used and their usefulness in a RA analysis and urban planning was discussed. In order to obtain a more realistic assessment of risks of HOCs to environment and human health it is important to evaluate their available fraction, which is also the most accessible for organisms. Therefore, a review of the processes involved on the availability of PAHs was performed and the outputs produced by the different chemical methods were evaluated. The suitability of chemical methods to predict bioavailability of PAHs in dissimilar naturally contaminated soils has not been demonstrated, being especially difficult for high molecular weight compounds. No clear relationship between chemical and biological availability was found in this work. Yet, in spite of the very high total concentrations found in some Lisbon soils, both the water soluble fraction and the body residues resulting from bioaccumulation assays were generally very low, which may be due to aging phenomena. It was observed that the percentage of soluble fraction of PAHs in soils was found to be different among compounds and mostly regulated by soil properties. Regarding bioaccumulation assays, although no significant relationship was found between soil properties and bioavailability, it was verified that biota-to-soil bioaccumulation factors were sample dependent rather than compound dependent. In conclusion, once the compounds of potential concern are targeted, then performing a chemical screening as a first tier can be a simple and effective approach to start a RA. However, reliable data is still required to improve the existing models for risk characterization.
The main scope of this work was to evaluate the metabolic effects of anticancer agents (three conventional and one new) in osteosarcoma (OS) cells and osteoblasts, by measuring alterations in the metabolic profile of cells by nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy metabolomics. Chapter 1 gives a theoretical framework of this work, beginning with the main metabolic characteristics that globally describe cancer as well as the families and mechanisms of action of drugs used in chemotherapy. The drugs used nowadays to treat OS are also presented, together with the Palladium(II) complex with spermine, Pd2Spm, potentially active against cancer. Then, the global strategy for cell metabolomics is explained and the state of the art of metabolomic studies that analyze the effect of anticancer agents in cells is presented. In Chapter 2, the fundamentals of the analytical techniques used in this work, namely for biological assays, NMR spectroscopy and multivariate and statistical analysis of the results are described. A detailed description of the experimental procedures adopted throughout this work is given in Chapter 3. The biological and analytical reproducibility of the metabolic profile of MG-63 cells by high resolution magic angle spinning (HRMAS) NMR is evaluated in Chapter 4. The metabolic impact of several factors (cellular integrity, spinning rate, temperature, time and acquisition parameters) on the 1H HRMAS NMR spectral profile and quality is analysed, enabling the definition of the best acquisition parameters for further experiments. The metabolic consequences of increasing number of passages in MG-63 cells as well as the duration of storage are also investigated. Chapter 5 describes the metabolic impact of drugs conventionally used in OS chemotherapy, through NMR metabolomics studies of lysed cells and aqueous extracts analysis. The results show that MG-63 cells treated with cisplatin (cDDP) undergo a strong up-regulation of lipid contents, alterations in phospholipid constituents (choline compounds) and biomarkers of DNA degradation, all associated with cell death by apoptosis. Cells exposed to doxorubicin (DOX) or methotrexate (MTX) showed much slighter metabolic changes, without any relevant alteration in lipid contents. However, metabolic changes associated with altered Krebs cycle, oxidative stress and nucleotides metabolism were detected and were tentatively interpreted at the light of the known mechanisms of action of these drugs. The metabolic impact of the exposure of MG-63 cells and osteoblasts to cDDP and the Pd2Spm complex is described in Chapter 6. Results show that, despite the ability of the two agents to bind DNA, the metabolic consequences that arise from exposure to them are distinct, namely in what concerns to variation in lipid contents (absent for Pd2Spm). Apoptosis detection assays showed that, differently from what was seen for MG-63 cells treated with cDDP, the decreased number of living cells upon exposure to Pd2Spm was not due to cell death by apoptosis or necrosis. Moreover, the latter agent induces more marked alterations in osteoblasts than in cancer cells, while the opposite seemed to occur upon cDDP exposure. Nevertheless, the results from MG-63 cells exposure to combination regimens with cDDP- or Pd2Spm-based cocktails, described in Chapter 7, revealed that, in combination, the two agents induce similar metabolic responses, arising from synergy mechanisms between the tested drugs. Finally, the main conclusions of this thesis are summarized in Chapter 8, and future perspectives in the light of this work are presented.
Portugal has strong musical traditions, which have been perpetrated by decades through folkloristic activities. In folk groups from Alto Minho (north of Portugal), folk singing is mostly performed by cantadeiras, amateur female solo singers who learn this style orally. Their vocal characteristics are distinctive when compared with other regions of the country; however, deep understanding of these vocal practices is still missing. The present work aims at studying Alto Minho cantadeira’s vocal performance in a multidimensional perspective, envisioning social, cultural and physiological understanding of this musical style. Thus, qualitative and quantitative data analyses were carried out, to: (i) describe current performance practices, (ii) explore existent perceptions about most relevant voice features in this region, (iii) investigate physiological and acoustic properties of this style, and (iv) compare this style of singing with other non-classical singing styles of other countries. Dataset gathered involved: 78 groups whose members were telephone interviewed, 13 directors who were asked to fill in a questionnaire on performance practices, 1 cantadeira in a pilot study, 16 cantadeiras in preliminary voice recordings, 77 folk group members in listening tests, and 10 cantadeiras in multichannel recordings, including audio, ELG, air flow and intra-oral pressure signals. Data were analysed through thematic content analysis, descriptive and inferential statistics, hierarchical principal components, and multivariate linear regression models. Most representative voices have a high pitched and loud voice, with a bright timbre, predominance of chest register without excessive effort, and good text intelligibility with regional accent. High representativeness levels were obtained by few cantadeiras; these sing with high levels of subglottal pressure and vocal fold contact quotient, predominance of high spectrum energy and vocal loudness, corroborating indications of prevalence of pressed phonation. These vocal characteristics resemble belting in musical theatre and share similarities with country (USA) and ojikanje (Croatia) singing. Strategies that may contribute to the preservation of this type of singing and the vocal health of current cantadeiras are discussed, pointing at the direction of continuous education among folk groups, following practices that are already adopted elsewhere in Europe.
Rapid and specific detection of foodborne bacteria that can cause food spoilage or illness associated to its consumption is an increasingly important task in food industry. Bacterial detection, identification, and classification are generally performed using traditional methods based on biochemical or serological tests and the molecular methods based on DNA or RNA fingerprints. However, these methodologies are expensive, time consuming and laborious. Infrared spectroscopy is a reliable, rapid, and economic technique which could be explored as a tool for bacterial analysis in the food industry. In this thesis it was evaluated the potential of IR spectroscopy to study the bacterial quality of foods. In Chapter 2, it was developed a calibration model that successfully allowed to predict the bacterial concentration of naturally contaminated cooked ham samples kept at refrigeration temperature during 8 days. In this part, it was developed the methodology that allowed the best reproducibility of spectra from bacteria colonies with minimal sample preparation, which was used in the subsequent work. Several attempts trying different resolutions and number of scans in the IR were made. A spectral resolution of 4 cm-1, with 32 scans were the settings that allowed the best results. Subsequently, in Chapter 3, it was made an attempt to identify 22 different foodborne bacterial genera/species using IR spectroscopy coupled with multivariate analysis. The principal component analysis, used as an exploratory technique, allowed to form distinct groups, each one corresponding to a different genus, in most of the cases. Then, a hierarchical cluster analysis was performed to further analyse the group formation and the possibility of distinction between species of the same bacterial genus. It was observed that IR spectroscopy not only is suitable to the distinction of the different genera, but also to differentiate species of the same genus, with the simultaneous use of principal component analysis and cluster analysis techniques. The utilization of IR spectroscopy and multivariate statistical analysis were also investigated in Chapter 4, in order to confirm the presence of Listeria monocytogenes and Salmonella spp. isolated from contaminated foods, after growth in selective medium. This would allow to substitute the traditional biochemical and serological methods that are used to confirm these pathogens and that delay the obtainment of the results up to 2 days. The obtained results allowed the distinction of 3 different Listeria species and the distinction of Salmonella spp. from other bacteria that can be mistaken with them. Finally, in chapter 5, high pressure processing, an emerging methodology that permits to produce microbiologically safe foods and extend their shelf-life, was applied to 12 foodborne bacteria to determine their resistance and the effects of pressure in cells. A treatment of 300 MPa, during 15 minutes at room temperature was applied. Gram-negative bacteria were inactivated to undetectable levels and Gram-positive showed different resistances. Bacillus cereus and Staphylococcus aureus decreased only 2 logs and Listeria innocua decreased about 5 logs. IR spectroscopy was performed in bacterial colonies before and after HPP in order to investigate the alterations of the cellular compounds. It was found that high pressure alters bands assigned to some cellular components as proteins, lipids, oligopolysaccharides, phosphate groups from the cell wall and nucleic acids, suggesting disruption of the cell envelopes. In this work, bacterial quantification and classification, as well as assessment of cellular compounds modification with high pressure processing were successfully performed. Taking this into account, it was showed that IR spectroscopy is a very promising technique to analyse bacteria in a simple and inexpensive manner.
Objetivos: Numa sociedade caracterizada pelo envelhecimento populacional é de suma importância a identificação de padrões territoriais que permitam o desenho de políticas de bem-estar mais adequadas para cada território. Para tal, é necessário analisar a heterogeneidade da perceção das dificuldades nas diversas regiões. Este estudo pretende analisar as dificuldades das pessoas com 65 ou mais anos com vista a encontrar algumas diferenças territoriais com base no grupo etário, no tipo e grau de dificuldade, nos rendimentos e nas habilitações. Metodologia: Trata-se de um estudo exploratório que analisa as dificuldades percecionadas pelas pessoas com 65 ou mais anos, tendo por base os dados disponibilizados pelo INE sobre o recenseamento populacional de 2011. Recorre-se à análise multivariada (análise fatorial de componentes principais e análise de clusters) e à análise bivariada de forma a obter os resultados da investigação. Resultados: Os principais resultados apontam para: i) existência de diferenças quanto à distribuição no território da perceção das dificuldades; ii) a perceção das dificuldades, da incapacidade e da dimensão das dificuldades por parte do grupo etário dos 65 ou mais anos segue um padrão territorial distinto da população em geral; iii) a perceção das dificuldades e a perceção da incapacidade no grupo etário dos 65 ou mais anos apresentam uma mancha no território diferente do padrão do envelhecimento; iv) a incapacidade auditiva e a incapacidade visual embora com um padrão territorial diferente, agregam no mesmo fator a população geral e o grupo etário dos 65 ou mais anos; v) do ponto de vista territorial é possível distinguir cinco clusters quanto à perceção das dificuldades da população portuguesa; vi) os rendimentos e as habilitações contribuem para a diferenciação dos clusters identificados. Discussão: Os resultados apresentados apoiam a necessidade de reflexão e de pesquisa no âmbito do mapeamento das dificuldades, na medida em que são um importante mecanismo de conhecimento da realidade intra-regional, permitindo a tomada de decisão.
Dissertação mest., Biologia Marinha - Ecologia e Conservação Marinha, Universidade do Algarve, 2008
Dissertação de Mestrado, Aquacultura e Pescas, Faculdade de Ciências do Mar e do Ambiente, Universidade do Algarve, 2008
Dissertação de mest., Economia Regional e Desenvolvimento Local,Faculdade de Economia, Univ. do Algarve, 2006
Tese de dout., Ciências do Mar, Faculdade de Ciências do Mar e do Ambiente, Universidade do Algarve, 2010
Dissertação de mest., Marketing, Faculdade de Economia, Univ. do Algarve, 2010