700 resultados para Disclosure in accounting.


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Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to engage a different notion of feminism in accounting by addressing the issues of feminism, balance, and integration as a means of understanding differently the world for which one accounts. The ideas are communicated by the sharing of experiences through myth and storytelling.

Design/methodology/approach: An alternative lens for understanding the giving of accounts is proposed, drawing on earlier feminist accounting literature as well as storytelling and myth.

Findings: Including the subjective and intersubjective approaches to experiencing and understanding the world recommends an approach whereby both the feminine-intuitive and the masculine-rational processes are integrated in constructing decision models and accounts.

Research limitations/implications: Through an expanded view of values that can be included in reporting or recounting a different model is seen, and different decisions are enabled. The primary limitation is having to use words to convey one’s subjective and intersubjective understandings. The written medium is not the most natural language for such an undertaking.

Practical implications: By enabling the inclusion of more feminine values, a way is opened to engage more holistically with the society in which decisions are embedded.

Originality/value: Drawing on the storytelling tradition, a holistic model is suggested that can lead to emergence of a more balanced societal reporting.

Keywords: Feminism, Integration, Accounting, Storytelling, Myths

Paper type: Research paper


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In this paper we seek to contribute to recent efforts to develop and implement multi-dimensional approaches to social exclusion by applying self-organising maps (SOMs) to a set of material deprivation indicators from the Irish component of EU-SILC. The first stage of our analysis involves the identification of sixteen clusters that confirm the multi-dimensional nature of deprivation in contemporary Ireland and the limitations of focusing solely on income. In going beyond this mapping stage, we consider both patterns of socio-economic differentiation in relation to cluster membership and the extent to which such membership contributes to our understanding of economic stress. Our analysis makes clear the continuing importance of traditional forms of stratification relating to factors such as income, social class and housing tenure in accounting for patterns of multiple deprivation. However, it also confirms the role of acute life events and life cycle and location influences. Most importantly, it demonstrates that conclusions relating to the relative impact of different kinds of socio-economic influences are highly dependent on the form of deprivation being considered. Our analysis suggests that debates relating to the extent to which poverty and social exclusion have become individualized should take particular care to distinguish between different kinds of outcomes. Further analysis demonstrates that the SOM approach is considerably more successful than a comparable latent class analysis in identifying those exposed to subjective economic stress. (C) 2010 International Sociological Association Research Committee 28 on Social Stratification and Mobility. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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In the double-detonation scenario for Type Ia supernovae, it is suggested that a detonation initiates in a shell of helium-rich material accreted from a companion star by a sub-Chandrasekhar-mass white dwarf. This shell detonation drives a shock front into the carbon-oxygen white dwarf that triggers a secondary detonation in the core. The core detonation results in a complete disruption of the white dwarf. Earlier studies concluded that this scenario has difficulties in accounting for the observed properties of Type Ia supernovae since the explosion ejecta are surrounded by the products of explosive helium burning in the shell. Recently, however, it was proposed that detonations might be possible for much less massive helium shells than previously assumed (Bildsten et al.). Moreover, it was shown that even detonations of these minimum helium shell masses robustly trigger detonations of the carbon-oxygen core (Fink et al.). Therefore, it is possible that the impact of the helium layer on observables is less than previously thought. Here, we present time-dependent multi-wavelength radiative transfer calculations for models with minimum helium shell mass and derive synthetic observables for both the optical and ? -ray spectral regions. These differ strongly from those found in earlier simulations of sub-Chandrasekhar-mass explosions in which more massive helium shells were considered. Our models predict light curves that cover both the range of brightnesses and the rise and decline times of observed Type Ia supernovae. However, their colors and spectra do not match the observations. In particular, their B - V colors are generally too red. We show that this discrepancy is mainly due to the composition of the burning products of the helium shell of the Fink et al. models which contain significant amounts of titanium and chromium. Using a toy model, we also show that the burning products of the helium shell depend crucially on its initial composition. This leads us to conclude that good agreement between sub-Chandrasekhar-mass explosions and observed Type Ia supernovae may still be feasible but further study of the shell properties is required.


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Mineral prospecting and raising finance for ‘junior’ mining firms has historically been regarded as a speculative activity. For the regulators of securities markets upon which ‘junior’ mining companies seek to raise capital, a perennial problem has been handling not only the indeterminacy of scientific claims, but also the social basis of epistemic practices. This paper examines the production of a system of public warrant and associated knowledge practices intended to enable investors to differentiate between ‘destructive’ and ‘productive’ varieties of financial speculation. It traces the use of the notion of ‘disclosurein constructing and legitimizing the ‘juniors’ market in Canada. It argues that though the work of ‘economics’ may be necessary in the construction of markets, it is by no means sufficient. Attention must also be given to the ways in which legal models of ‘the free-market’ can be translated and constantly re-worked across the sites and spaces of regulatory practice, animating the geographies of markets.


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Therapist responses to initial shame disclosure in therapy have received little empirical attention.

This study explored different therapeutic responses to shame disclosures in terms of their perceived helpfulness. Responses ranged from complete withdrawal from the feeling (withdrawal) to completely tuning into it (non-withdrawal). Given the tendency of shame to evoke avoidance, participants higher on shame-proneness (as measured by The Experience of Shame Scale) were expected to perceive withdrawal responses to shame as more helpful than non-withdrawal responses.

Fifty-five non-clinical participants were assessed for shame-proneness before viewing videos of mock therapy sessions showing clients either disclosing shame (two videos) or shock (control condition). Participants then rated the helpfulness of different therapist responses. The responses differed in the degree they allowed the client to withdraw from their emotions.

High shame proneness was associated with rating withdrawal responses to shame as least helpful. Overall, neither the withdrawal response nor the non-withdrawal response were rated as particularly helpful. The therapeutic response which addressed management strategies when shame is initially experienced in therapy was deemed most helpful.

Despite the tendency to withdraw from shame feelings, this response is not deemed helpful in therapy.


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Esta tese analisa a preocupação do Conselho Federal de Contabilidade (CFC) com a formação do profissional e com a educação contábil ao longo da sua história, mas também explora o seu panorama atual, principalmente no que se refere à utilização do exame de suficiência como ferramenta de fiscalização preventiva dos profissionais e os fatores explicativos da taxa de aprovação. Para responder a este objetivo geral, a tese desenvolve-se em dois estudos complementares. No primeiro, estuda a criação do CFC e o processo de regulamentação da profissão, usando uma perspectiva interpretativa, fundamentada na sociologia das profissões, com base em dados documentais e gravações recolhidas no arquivo do Conselho. Daí conclui-se que o Sistema CFC/CRCs foi criado em consequência do forte desejo dos profissionais atuantes na área, do surgimento simultâneo do bacharelado em Ciências Contábeis no Brasil e da intervenção do governo corporativista de Getúlio Vargas num contexto de desenvolvimento econômico. O projeto profissional que surgiu nesta ocasião viria “acomodar” todos os rivais, o que fez com que o nível de homogeneização dos membros fosse mínimo, já que incluía aqueles que só tinham experiência prática e uma grande percentagem com diploma do ensino médio. A evidência empírica recolhida permite concluir que a manutenção desta categoria, por um tão longo período, acabou por desprestigiar a profissão. Apenas recentemente, no contexto da adoção das Normas Internacionais de Contabilidade (IFRS, na sigla em inglês), a profissão haveria de obter o credenciamento ao nível universitário. A esta altura, o CFC ganhou não só o direito ao credenciamento a nível universitário, como também o de selecionar os melhores candidatos através de um exame. Apesar dessa evolução positiva, a preocupação deste organismo profissional com a formação dos seus membros continua a ser grande, em função do baixo progresso da “base cognitiva” da profissão, observando-se um número reduzido de mestres e doutores em Contabilidade no Brasil, embora tenha havido, nos últimos anos, uma proliferação de Instituições de Educação Superior (IES) e de cursos de Ciências Contábeis que não foi acompanhada de uma evolução qualitativa.Na segunda parte da tese, desenvolve-se um estudo quantitativo de índole positivista, para tentar explicar as razões dos maus resultados no Exame do CFC. Usando dados recolhidos no Conselho Federal de Contabilidade, os resultados da pesquisa revelam que a taxa de aprovação nas edições do Exame de Suficiência não difere, significativamente, entre as regiões e estados do Brasil, sendo cada vez mais baixo ao longo dos anos. Apesar de uma análise de correlações demonstrar que a formação ao nível da pós-graduação dos docentes estar correlacionada positivamente com a taxa de aprovação no Exame do CFC, numa análise abrangente essas variáveis perderam força, devido, talvez, ao fato de estarem incorporadas em outras variáveis que se mostraram significativas, como o Índice Geral de Cursos e o Conceito de Curso. Além dessas variáveis que se revelaram positivamente relacionadas com a taxa de aprovação, também os resultados do exame Enade, o gênero e a idade se mostraram significativos. O baixo resultado do Enade é particularmente importante, já que reforça as preocupações do CFC sobre a proliferação de IES e de cursos, e o baixo desempenho que algumas IES apresentam, nomeadamente, por possuírem um nível reduzido de mestres e de doutores e, por outro lado, um número elevado de professores “horistas” e um investimento em pesquisa muito baixo.


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Projeto apresentado obtenção do Grau de Mestre em Auditoria Orientada pela Professora Doutora Alcina Augusta Sena Dias


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Dissertação para a obtenção do Grau de Mestre em Contabilidade e Finanças Orientador: Mestre Adalmiro Álvaro Malheiro de Castro Andrade Pereira


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Dissertação apresentada ao Instituto Superior de Contabilidade e Administração do Porto para a obtenção do Grau de Mestre em Auditoria Orientador: Professor Doutor José da Silva Fernandes


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Dissertação para obtenção do Grau de Mestre em Contabilidade e Finanças Orientador: Doutor, José Manuel Veiga Pereira


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Dissertação para obtenção do Grau de Mestre em Contabilidade e Finanças Orientador: Professor Doutor, José Manuel Veiga Pereira


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Relatório de Estágio apresentado ao Instituto Superior de Contabilidade e Administração do Porto para a obtenção do grau de Mestre em Contabilidade e Finanças, sob orientação do Mestre Adalmiro Álvaro Malheiro de Castro Andrade Pereira e do Engenheiro José Manuel Cadão Formosinho


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Dissertação de Mestrado apresentada ao Instituto de Contabilidade e Administração do Porto para a obtenção do grau de Mestre em Contabilidade e Finanças, sob orientação da Professora Doutora Ana Maria Alves Bandeira


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Dissertação de Mestrado Apresentado ao Instituto Superior de Contabilidade e Administração do Porto para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Contabilidade e Finanças, sob a orientação de: Orientador: Doutor José Campos Amorim Coorientadora: Doutora Albertina Paula Monteiro


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Relatório de Estágio apresentado ao Instituto de Contabilidade e Administração do Porto para a obtenção do grau de Mestre em Contabilidade e Finanças, sob orientação da Professora Doutora Amélia Silva