988 resultados para 670
利用Raman散射谱研究了GaN注Er以及Er+O共注样品的振动模,并讨论了共注入O对Er离子发光的影响. 在Raman散射谱中,对于注Er的GaN样品出现了300 cm~(-1)和670 cm~(-1)两个新的Raman峰,而对于Er+O共注样品,除了上述两个峰外,在360 cm~(-1)处出现了另外一个新的峰,其中300 cm~(-1)峰可以用disorder-activated Raman scattering (DARS)来解释,670 cm~(-1)峰是由于与N空位相关的缺陷引起的,而360 cm~(-1)峰是由O注入引起的缺陷络合物产生的. 由于360 cm~(-1)模的缺陷出现,从而导致Er+O共注入GaN薄膜红外光致发光(PL)强度的下降
采用低温生长GaAs晶体作为被动饱和吸收体兼输出镜,实现了Nd∶Gd0.42Y0.58VO4混晶激光器的调Q锁模运转。研究了Nd∶Gd0.42Y0.58VO4激光器的基频运转特性。在输出镜透射率T=10%、腔长L=40 mm的情况下,当抽运功率为8.6 W时,获得激光输出功率3.78 W,光光转换效率为43.9%。并测量了Nd∶Gd0.42Y0.58VO4混晶被动调Q激光器的输出特性。实验结果表明激光器调Q运转阈值为2 W,当抽运功率为3.7 W时,激光器出现调Q锁模行为;当抽运功率为8.6 W时,激光器调Q锁模深度达70%以上,对应的脉冲包络重复频率为670 kHz,半峰全宽为180 ns,平均输出功率为1.35 W,光光转换效率为15.7%。
利用等离子增强化学气相沉积技术制备了一组含量不同的氢化非晶氧化硅(a-SiO_x:H)薄膜,室温下在550~900 nm的波长范围内观察到了两个强的发光带:一个是由峰位在670 nm(1.85 eV)左右的主峰和峰位在835 nm(1.46 eV)的伴峰组成的包络,另一个只能在氮气氛中1170℃退火后的样品中观测到,峰位大约在850 nm。通过对红外谱和微区Raman谱的分析,认为这二个发光带可能分别与存在于薄膜中的a-Si原子团和Si纳米晶粒有关。
This paper presents a detailed PL study of Fe2+ related four zero-phonon(ZP) lines and their related phonon sidebands. Four zero-phonon transitions at approximate to 2800 cm(-1) along with the accompanying phonon sidebands extending down to 2400 cm(-1). There are ta two prominent regions in the phonon sidebands. One is ascribed to coupling to acoustic-type phonons (2700 cm(-1) region), the other is due to coupling to optic-type phonons (2500 cm(-1) region). Beside broad coupling with lattice modes, there are several groups of lines. They are ascribed to resonant modes, impurities induced gap modes and local modes.
为了筛选对靶基因LDLR和VCAM-1的表达具有调节作用的生物活性物质,建立了两个基于重组人细胞系的高通量的筛选模型,使用荧光素酶在96-孔版上来筛选对上述靶基因的表达具有调节作用的微生物代谢产物。模型之一是来自于人肝HepG2细胞系的重组L39细胞,用于筛选增加LDLR报告基因表达的生物活性物质,以期发现新的具有降胆固醇作用的药物。筛选之二为来源于细胞系ECV304的重组细胞株Nl-14,用于筛选抑制VCAM-1基因表达的活性物质,以期发现治疗风湿性关节炎等免疫性疾病治疗的药物。上述筛选系统均是稳定转染的细胞系,分别含有与荧光素酶报告基因相融合的LDLR或VCAM-1基因的转录调节元件。通过对6300株微生物的总计12600个样品的筛选,共发现和分离了17个活性化合物并进行了结构解析。其中两个被命名为Cladospolede D和Zelkovamycin的化合物被确定为新的化合物。由真菌 FO-6605的发酵液提取得到的一个化合物对LDLR报告基因的表达具有很强的上调作用,其SC200为1 Onmol/L a使用荧光标记的LDL检测到该化合物对于HepG2细胞膜上LDLR具有剂量依赖的增强作用。由真菌FO-5897的发酵液中分离到了一个已知的化合物Ascofuranone,该化合物曾经被报道具有降血脂抗肿瘤的活性。值得注意的是我们首次发现了该化合物同时具有抑制 VCAM-1报告基因表达和增强LDLR报告基因表达的作用,该发现有可能会对其降血脂作用的深入研究提供帮助。由海洋真菌FT-0012产生的化合物Cladospolede D为一个12-员环的大环内酷类的化合物,该化合物对两个测活系统均显示出无选择性的抑制作用形态学研究显示该真菌属于Cladosporiun属。另外一个由土壤放线菌K96-670产生的新化合物为一个环八肤类的化合物,经~1H~1-H COSY,~(13)C-H COSY,~(13)C-~1H HMQC, ~(15)N-~1H HMQC,~(15)-~1N HHMBC等波谱学研究得知该化合物的分子结构中含有六个非普通的氨基酸和两个普通氨基酸。该化合物对VCAM-I报告基因的表达显示出非常好的选择性的抑制活性,其IC50值为9.5ug/ml.形态学的研究表明该菌株属于链霉菌属。 在筛选过程中从来源于云南省西双版纳的土壤中分离到了一株编号为YIM1272的放线菌,经包括形态学、生理一生化和16S rDNA在内的分类学研究,确定该菌株为链霉菌属的一个新种,被命名为佩版纳链霉菌,(Streptomyces.bannaensis.sp.nov)。
黄龙世界自然遗产地岷江冷杉林(Abies faxoniana)生境类型多样,群落结构复杂,群落植物种类组成多样性丰富。揭示不同生境的生物多样性及其差异是认识生物多样性格局、形成及维持机制的前提和进行多样性保育的基础。本文采用样方法对黄龙钙化滩生境、阴坡非钙化生境及半阳坡非钙化生境的岷江冷杉原始林植物群落结构及植物多样性进行了研究。结果表明: 黄龙岷江冷杉林具有明显的复层异龄结构,垂直结构明显,乔木、灌木、草本、苔藓层次分明。共发现高等植物386 种,其中维管植物46 科103 属163 种,苔藓植38 科83 属物223 种。各层片结构及物种组成如下: (1)钙化滩生境、阴坡非钙化生境、半阳坡非钙化生境分别发现乔木18 种、13种、8 种。乔木层均可分为两个亚层,第一亚层优势种均为岷江冷杉,第二亚层主要为岷江冷杉异龄树或其它大高位芽物种。钙化滩生境第一亚层除优势种岷江冷杉外混生有巴山冷杉(Abies fargesii)、粗枝云杉(Picea asperata)以及阔叶树种白桦(Betula platyphylla)等,第二亚层主要为岷江冷杉异龄树;阴坡非钙化生境第一亚层除优势种岷江冷杉外间有巴山冷杉和白桦,第二亚层物种主要为川滇长尾槭(Acer caudatum var. prattii);半阳坡非钙化生境第一亚层除优势种岷江冷杉外混生有巴山冷杉,第二亚层主要为岷江冷杉异龄树。依乔木层优势种的差异,钙化滩生境及半阳坡非钙化生境为岷江冷杉纯林,阴坡非钙化生境为岷江冷杉-川滇长尾槭混交林。不同生境乔木层郁闭度、乔木密度、树高结构、直径结构均存在差异。 (2)钙化滩生境发现灌木41 种,平均盖度为18.49±1.72(%),平均高度为52.12±4.45(cm),优势种为直穗小檗(Berberis dasystachya);阴坡非钙化生境发现灌木30 种,平均盖度为29.33±2.56 (%),平均高度为119.55±8.01 (cm),优势种为箭竹 (Fargesia spathacea) 、唐古特忍冬(Lonicera tangutica) 和袋花忍冬(Lonicera saccata);半阳坡非钙化生境发现灌木29 种,平均盖度为31.35±1.93 (%),平均高度为107.55±4.24 (cm),优势种为箭竹(Fargesia spathacea)。不同生境灌木层结构和物种组成多样性差异显著,钙化滩生境的灌木盖度、高度总体上较非钙化的坡地生境低, 钙化滩生境灌木以小型叶的落叶灌木为主,沟两侧非钙化的坡地生境上则发育了丰富箭竹。 (3)钙化滩生境发现草本46 种,平均盖度为7.18±0.79 (%),平均高度为5.04±0.26(cm),以山酢浆草(Oxalis griffithii)为优势种;阴坡非钙化生境发现草本物种71 种,平均盖度达29.04±2.31(%),平均高度为9.08±0.52(cm),以钝叶楼梯草(Elatostema obtusum)、山酢浆草为优势种;半阳坡非钙化生境草本物种50 种,平均盖度为以8.79±0.82(%),平均高度为7.67±0.43 (cm),以扇叶铁线蕨(Adiantum flabellulatum)、双花堇菜(Viola biflora)、华中蛾眉蕨(Lunathyrium shennongense)、山酢浆草为优势种。阴坡非钙化生境草本层片发育良好,多样性最为丰富,盖度和物种丰富度均显著高于钙化滩生境和半阳坡非钙化生境。 (4)钙化滩生境发现苔藓物种140 种,平均盖度达84.25±1.30 (%),以仰叶星塔藓(Hylocomiastrum umbratum) 等大型藓类为优势种;阴坡非钙化生境发现苔藓物种115 种,平均盖度为79.29±1.64 (%),以刺叶提灯藓(Mnium spinosum)、大羽藓(Thuidium cymbifolium)、毛尖燕尾藓(Bryhnia trichomitra)等个体较小的物种为优势种;半阳坡非钙化生境发现苔藓物种91 种,平均盖度为60.64±1.93 (%),也以刺叶提灯藓为优势种。 (5)钙化滩生境、阴坡非钙化生境、半阳坡非钙化生境的物种数分别为234 种、221 种、175 种。乔木层的Shannon-Wiener 指数分别为0.75 ±0.12、1.87±0.12、1.78±0.07(灌木层,0.44±0.08、1.71± 0.15、2.49±0.06;草本层,0.33±0.13、1.31±0.15 、2.15±0.08; 苔藓层1.30±0.11、2.08±0.04、1.73±0.11,);Pielou 均匀度指数分别为0.45±0.05、0.29±0.06、0.28±0.08(灌木层,0.75±0.03、0.68±0.05、0.52±0.06;草本层,0.68±0.02、0.77±0.02、0.74±0.02;苔藓层,0.40±0.03、0.63±0.02、0.52±0.03);Simpson's 优势度指数分别为0.63±0.06、0.78±0.04、0.83±0.07(灌木层,0.21±0.03、0.28±0.05、0.45±0.06;草本层,0.25±0.02、0.12±0.01、0.17±0.01;苔藓层,0.45±0.04、0.18±0.01、0.31±0.04)。三种生境间乔木层、草本层的Sorenson 群落相似性系数较低, 灌木层、苔藓层的的Sorenson 群落相似性系数较高。 综上所述,黄龙岷江冷杉林的群落结构、植物多样性在三种生境间存在差异性,这将意味着我们在进行黄龙世界自然遗产地的森林经营管理时要较多地关注岷江冷山林群落在不同生境中的差异性。 There were multiplex habitat types, complicated community structure and abundant species composition in the Huanglong World Natural Heritage Site. Uncovering the differences of biodiversity among different habitats was a precondition to understand the distribution, formation and sustaining mechanism of the biodiversity, and the foundation of biodiversity conservation. In the present study, using plenty of quadrants, we investigated the community structure and the biodiversity of the primitive Abies faxoniana forest in different habitats (travertine bottomland, semi-sunny-slope non-calcified habitat and shady-slope non-calcified habitat) in the Huanglong World Natural Heritage Site. The main results are as follows: All the primitive Abies faxoniana forests in the three habitats were uneven-aged with obvious vertical structure including tree layer, shrub layer, herb layer and bryophyte layer. A total of 386 higher plants including 163 vascular plant species (103 generic, 46 families) and 223 bryophyte species (83 generic, 38 families) were investigated. The structure and species composition of each layer are as follows: (1) There were 18, 13 and 8 tree species in travertine bottomland, shady-slope non-calcified habitat and semi-sunny-slope non-calcified habitat, respectively. The tree layers in all habitats can be divided into two clear sub-layers. The upper tree layers were dominated by Abies faxoniana, and the lower tree layers were dominated by uneven-aged Abies faxoniana or other phanerophytes species. There were Abies fargesii , Picea asperata and Betula platyphylla besides the dominated species (Abies faxoniana) in the upper tree layer in travertine bottomland, and the lower tree layers were dominated by uneven-aged Abies faxoniana; There were Abies fargesii and Betula platyphylla besides the dominated species (Abies faxoniana) in the upper tree layer in shady-slope non-calcified habitat, and the lower tree layers were dominated by Acer caudatum var. prattii; There was Abies fargesii besides the dominated species (Abies faxoniana) in the upper tree layer semi-sunny-slope non-calcified habitat, and the lower tree layers were dominated by uneven-aged Abies faxoniana. According to composition percentage of dominate species in tree layer, both the forest in travertine bottomland and in semi-sunny-slope non-calcified habitat could be ranked as pure forest, and the forest in shady-slope non-calcified habitat could be ranked as mingled forest. There were significant differences in crown density, plant density, height structure and diameter structure among the three habitats. (2) A total of 41 shrub species (average coverage 18.49±1.72%; average height 52.12±4.45 ㎝)were found in travertine bottomland, and the dominate species was Berberis dasystachya; A total of 30 shrub species (average coverage 29.33±2.56 %;average height 119.55±8.01 ㎝)were found in shady-slope non-calcified habitat, and the dominate species was Fargesia spathacea, Lonicera tangutica and Lonicera saccata. A total of 29 shrub species (average coverage 31.35±1.93%; average height 107.55±4.24 ㎝) were found in semi-sunny-slope non-calcified habitat, and the dominate species was Fargesia spathacea. There were significant differences in structure and species diversity of the shrub layers among the three habitats. The coverage and height of shrub had lower value in travertine bottomland than in two non-calcified habitats. Moreover, travertine bottomland was dominated by deciduous shrub species with microphyll and non-calcified habitats developed abundant Fargesia spathacea species. (3) A total of 46 herb species (average coverage 7.18±0.79%;average height 5.04±0.26 ㎝)were found in travertine bottomland, and the dominate species was Oxalis griffithii; A total of 71 herb species (average coverage 29.04±2.31%;average height 9.08±0.52 ㎝)were found in shady-slope non-calcified habitat, and the dominate species was Elatostema obtusum and Oxalis griffithii. A total of 50 herb species (average coverage 8.79±0.82%;average height 7.67±0.43 ㎝) were found in semi-sunny-slope non-calcified habitat, and the dominate species was Adiantum flabellulatum, Viola biflora, Lunathyrium shennongense and Oxalis griffithii. Herb layers developed well in shady-slope non-calcified habitat and had the higher species richness and coverage than travertine bottomland and semi-sunny-slope non-calcified habitat. (4) A total of 140 bryophyte species (average coverage 84.25±1.30%)were found in travertine bottomland, and the dominate species was big bryophyte species such as Hylocomiastrum umbratum and so on; A total of 115 bryophyte species (average coverage 79.29±1.64%)were found in shady-slope non-calcified habitat, and the dominate species was small bryophyte species such as Mnium spinosum, Thuidium cymbifolium, Bryhnia trichomitra and so on. A total of 91 bryophyte species (average coverage 60.64±1.93%) were found in semi-sunny-slope non-calcified habitat, and the dominate species was Mnium spinosum. (5) There were 234, 221 and 175 plant species in travertine bottomland, shady-slope non-calcified habitat and semi-sunny-slope non-calcified habitat, respectively. Shannon-Wiener index of the tree layer was 0.75 ±0.12, 1.87±0.12 and 1.78±0.07 (the shrub layer, 0.44±0.08, 1.71± 0.15 and 2.49±0.06; the herb layer, 0.33±0.13, 1.31±0.15 and 2.15±0.08; the bryophyte layer, 1.30±0.11, 2.08±0.04 and 1.73±0.11.) for the three habitats, respectively; Pielou index of the tree layer was 0.45±0.05, 0.29±0.06 and 0.28±0.08 (the shrub layer, 0.75±0.03, 0.68±0.05 and 0.52±0.06; the herb layer, 0.68±0.02, 0.77±0.02 and 0.74±0.02; the bryophyte layer, 0.40±0.03, 0.63±0.02 and 0.52±0.03.) for the three habitats, respectively. Simpson's index of the tree layer was 0.63±0.06, 0.78±0.04 and 0.83±0.07 (the shrub layer, 0.21±0.03、0.28±0.05、0.45±0.06; the herb layer, 0.25±0.02, 0.12±0.01 and 0.17±0.01; the bryophyte layer, 0.45±0.04, 0.18±0.01 and 0.31±0.04.) for the three habitats, respectively. There were low Sorenson index both in the tree layer and in the herb layer among the three habitats, whereas, high Sorenson index occurred both in the shrub layer and in the bryophyte layer. To sum up, there were differences both in community structure and plant diversity among the three different habitats, which means that we should pay more attention to habitats heterogeneities of the primitive Abies faxoniana forest when we take action to manage the forest in the Huanglong World Natural Heritage Site.