911 resultados para Global Leadership Project
Tämän tutkielman tavoitteena on perehtyä globaalin yrityksen laskentatoimen tietojärjestelmien yhtenäistämiseen ja käyttöönottoon esimerkkinä UPM-Kymmene konsernin projekti. Tutkielmassa sovelletaan hermeneuttista tutkimusotetta. Teoreettisesti aihetta tarkastellaan globalisoitumisen ja laskentatoimen tietojärjestelmille asetettavien vaatimusten pohjalta, sekä järjestelmän muutosprosessin eri vaiheissa huomioon otettavien muuttujien perusteella. Yhtenäisen laskentatoimen tietojärjestelmän tuomat edut globaalille yritykselle ovat ilmeisiä. Ennen yhtenäisen projektin kehittelyä on olennaista tutkia lähtökohdat projektin onnistumiselle ja suunnitella projektin eri vaiheet huolella. Tutkielmassa havaitaan myös, että globaalissa yrityksessä tulee huomioida eri yrityskulttuurit sekä tulosyksiköiden erilaiset toimintatavat. Johtopäätöksenä todetaan, että sekä yritysjohdon että tulosyksiköiden sitoutuneisuus projektiin ja yhtenäiset tavoitteet ovat oleellisia projektin onnistumisen kannalta.
Third Generation Partnership Project (3GPP) on organisaatio, joka määrittelee ja ylläpitää kolmannen sukupolven matkapuhelinverkon standardeja. Organisaatio luotiin monien eri standardointielinten toimesta havaittaessa, ettei maailmanlaajuista kolmannen sukupolven matkapuhelinteknologiaa voitaisi määritellä ilman laajaa yhteistyötä. 3GPP:ssä standardointityö on jakautunut usealle tekniselle määrittelyryhmälle. Jokaisen ryhmän tehtävänä on kehittää määrittelyjä ja raportteja omalla vastuualueellaan. 3GPP:ssä määrittelytyötä tehdään samanaikaisesti teknillisten määrittelyryhmien välillä. Tämä vaatii tiukkoja sääntöjä määrittelyjen luonti-, hyväksyntä- ja ylläpitotehtäviin. Vain siten on mahdollista hallita määrittelyihin tulevia muutoksia ja tarvittavaa kokonaistyömäärää. Tämä diplomityö kuvaa 3GPP:n määrittelemän UMTS-teknologian. Työssä keskitytään tarkemmin 3GPP-organisaation rakenteeseen, määritysten tekemiseen ja työskentelytapoihin. Tämä diplomityö osoittaa millainen organisaatio ja säännöt vaaditaan maailmanlaajuisen matkapuhelinjärjestelmän kehittämiseen.
Kuukauden kuluttua tästä päivästä voidaan sanoa: 'Viime vuosisadalla maapallo kutistui merkittävästi, kulkuyhteydet paransivat ihmisten ja tavaroiden liikkuvuutta, mutta ennen kaikkea tietoliikenteessä tapahtui valtava kehitys.' Rahamarkkinoiden integroituessa pääomien transaktiokustannukset lähentyvät vähitellen nollaa, jolloin voidaan puhua suprajohtavasta kapitalismista (Kasvio et al.1999). Tässä tutkimuksessa osoitan, että myös pienet ja keskisuuret yritykset voivat tehdä onnistuneita suoria sijoituksia ulkomaille, Pariwoodin tapauksessa Suomeen. Suomen hyvät kuusitukkivarat, puun laatu ja saatavuus, ovat päätekijöitä tähän investointiin. Kun yrittäjien motivaatio on riittävän korkea ja heillä on aikaa ja sitkeyttä ideansa toteuttamiseen, tulos on onnistunut. Edullinen taloussuhdanne Euroopassa Pariwoodin markkina-alueella on edistänyt hanketta. Kuntien harjoittamalla elinkeinopolitiikalla on merkitystä ja kunnat ja valtiovalta voivat hankekohtaisella aktiivisuudellaan edesauttaa tätä kehitystä. Kyse on myös luottamuksesta. Pariwoodin tapauksessa itävaltalaiset omistajat perustelivat investointipäätöstä myös Suomen infrastruktuurilla ja viranomaisten kanssa hyvin sujuneella yhteistyöllä. Sijoitusten allokoinnissa on myös kyse työstä, työpaikkojen syntymisestä tai pysymisestä siellä, missä kustannukset ovat edulliset tai työntekijöiden ammattitaito täyttää investoijien vaatimukset. Ulkomaisissa suorissa sijoituksissa Suomeen tulee paitsi rahaa, myös uudenlaista teollisuutta ja osaamista. Korkean teknologian tuotantoa on myös puualalla. Ulkomaiset omistajat edustavat usein erilaista johtamiskulttuuria, kuin mihin Suomessa ollaan totuttu. Pariwoodin tapauksessa suuria ongelmia ei esiintynyt. Suomen EU-jäsenyydellä on ollut tätäkin hanketta edistävä vaikutus. Rahoitus on järjestynyt samoin periaattein kuin kansallisissa hankkeissa. Rahoitusneuvottelut kestivät hieman pidempään, noin vuoden. Lopputulokseen ovat tyytyväisiä omistajat, Parikkalan kunnan edustajat, työntekijät ja luotonantajat. Pariwood käy esimerkistä onnistuneesta ulkomaisesta teollisuusinvestoinnista Suomeen.
Tutkielman tavoitteena oli tarkastella henkilöstöjohdon ja linjajohdon näkemyksiä kansainvälisissä tehtävissä toimivan keskijohdon osaamistarpeista suurissa suomalaisissa vientiyrityksissä. Teemahaastatteluja tehtiin 12:ssa Suomen tärkeimpien vientialojen suurimmista yrityksistä. Kansainvälisissä tehtävissä toimivan keskijohdon osaamistarpeiden, kategorioihin jaoteltuna, nähtiin olevan: - - Tieto ja ymmärtäminen: asiakkaan liiketoiminta ja tarpeet, oma tuote ja prosessit, globaali toimintaympäristö, alaisten osaamistarpeet- - Asioiden ja ihmisten johtaminen: muutoksen johtaminen, asiakkuuksien hallinta, ajan hallinta, motivointi, monikulttuurisen tiimin johtaminen- - Vuorovaikutus: kielitaito, suhteiden luominen, viestin kohdentaminen- - Henkilökohtaiset ominaisuudet ja motivaatio: joustavuus, kulttuurinen herkkyys, epävarmuuden sietokyky, oppimishalu, erilaisuuden kunnioitus- - Tehtäväkohtainen osaaminen: kansainvälinen markkinointi, talous, myyntitaidot, tekninen asiantuntemus.
The main objective of this dissertation is to create new knowledge on an administrative innovation, its adoption, diffusion and finally its effectiveness. In this dissertation the administrative innovation is approached through a widely utilized management philosophy, namely the total quality management (TQM) strategy. TQM operationalizes a self-assessment procedure, which is based on continual improvement principles and measuring the improvements. This dissertation also captures the theme of change management as it analyzes the adoption and diffusion of the administrative innovation. It identifies innovation characteristics as well as organisational and individual factors explaining the adoption and implementation. As a special feature, this study also explores the effectiveness of the innovation based on objective data. For studying the administrative innovation (TQM model), a multinational Case Company provides a versatile ground for a deep, longitudinal analysis. The Case Company started the adoption systematically in the mid 1980s in some of its units. As part of their strategic planning today, the procedure is in use throughout the entire global company. The empirical story begins from the innovation adoption decision that was made in the Case Company over 22 years ago. In order to be able to capture the right atmosphere and backgrounds leading to the adoption decision, key informants from that time were interviewed, since the main target was to clarify the dynamics of how an administrative innovation develops. In addition, archival material was collected and studied, available memos and data relating to the innovation, innovation adoption and later to the implementation contained altogether 20500 pages of documents. A survey was furthermore conducted at the end of 2006 focusing on questions related to the innovation, organization and leadership characteristics and the response rate totalled up to 54%. For measuring the effectiveness of the innovation implementation, the needed longitudinal objective performance data was collected. This data included the profit unit level experience of TQM, the development of the self assessment scores per profit unit and performance data per profit unit measured with profitability, productivity and customer satisfaction. The data covered the years 1995-2006. As a result, the prerequisites for the successful adoption of an administrative innovation were defined, such as the top management involvement, support of the change agents and effective tools for implementation and measurement. The factors with the greatest effect on the depth of the implementation were the timing of the adoption and formalization. The results also indicated that the TQM model does have an effect on the company performance measured with profitability, productivity and customer satisfaction. Consequently this thesis contributes to the present literature (i) by taking into its scope an administrative innovation and focusing on the whole innovation implementation process, from the adoption, through diffusion until its consequences, (ii) because the studied factors with an effect on the innovation adoption and diffusion are multifaceted and grouped into individual, organizational and environmental factors, and a strong emphasis is put on the role of the individual change agents and (iii) by measuring the depth and consistency of the administrative innovation. This deep analysis was possible due to the availability of longitudinal data with triangulation possibilities.
Human biomonitoring (HBM) is an effective tool for assessing actual exposure to chemicals that takes into account all routes of intake. Although hair analysis is considered to be an optimal biomarker for assessing mercury exposure, the lack of harmonization as regards sampling and analytical procedures has often limited the comparison of data at national and international level. The European-funded projects COPHES and DEMOCOPHES developed and tested a harmonized European approach to Human Biomonitoring in response to the European Environment and Health Action Plan. Herein we describe the quality assurance program (QAP) for assessing mercury levels in hair samples from more than 1800 mother-child pairs recruited in 17 European countries. To ensure the comparability of the results, standard operating procedures (SOPs) for sampling and for mercury analysis were drafted and distributed to participating laboratories. Training sessions were organized for field workers and four external quality-assessment exercises (ICI/EQUAS), followed by the corresponding web conferences, were organized between March 2011 and February 2012. ICI/EQUAS used native hair samples at two mercury concentration ranges (0.20-0.71 and 0.80-1.63) per exercise. The results revealed relative standard deviations of 7.87-13.55% and 4.04-11.31% for the low and high mercury concentration ranges, respectively. A total of 16 out of 18 participating laboratories the QAP requirements and were allowed to analyze samples from the DEMOCOPHES pilot study. Web conferences after each ICI/EQUAS revealed this to be a new and effective tool for improving analytical performance and increasing capacity building. The procedure developed and tested in COPHES/DEMOCOPHES would be optimal for application on a global scale as regards implementation of the Minamata Convention on Mercury.
Both role incongruency theory (Eagly & Karau, 2002) and the lack of fit model by Heilman (1983) suggest that the underrepresentation of women in leadership positions can be explained by the male-typedness of leader prototypes. We examine how women and men project their gender prototypes onto leader prototypes. We found initially that men more so than women projected their gender prototypes on leader prototypes. For men there is more of an overlap between a prototypical men and a prototypical leader than there is an overlap between a prototypical woman and a prototypical leader. Women, however, do not engage in so called relative ingroup projection. In the current study, we further decompose this finding asking whether the gender difference in relative ingroup projection on leadership prototypes is driven by female prototypes, male prototypes, and/or leader prototypes. We further examine to what extent this gender difference is more manifested on positively valenced or negatively valenced attributes of prototypes. Our findings show that, while women and men have similar prototypes of leaders and men on both positively and negatively valenced attributes, men relative to women have less favorable prototypes of women but only on positively valenced attributes. An interesting implication is that efforts to address gender differences in the projection of gender prototypes onto leader prototypes should focus less on leader prototypes and more on the female prototypes. Theoretically, our findings allude to the importance of distinguishing between more subtle (evaluating the outgroup less positively on positive properties) and less subtle forms (evaluating the outgroup more negatively on negative properties) of outgroup derogation.
International standards are playing an increasingly important role in market governance while frequently exerting direct effects on health, safety and the environment. Yet civil society, more often than not, is absent from the standardisation procedures. The recommendation made here is to foster the participation of civil society actors in standardisation by framing standardisation topics in a way that will encourage the mobilisation of these actors in accordance with their repertoire of actions and interests and by organising the plural expertise required for the effective participation that is necessary if they are to exert an influence.
Climate change affects the rate of insect invasions as well as the abundance, distribution and impacts of such invasions on a global scale. Among the principal analytical approaches to predicting and understanding future impacts of biological invasions are Species Distribution Models (SDMs), typically in the form of correlative Ecological Niche Models (ENMs). An underlying assumption of ENMs is that species-environment relationships remain preserved during extrapolations in space and time, although this is widely criticised. The semi-mechanistic modelling platform, CLIMEX, employs a top-down approach using species ecophysiological traits and is able to avoid some of the issues of extrapolation, making it highly applicable to investigating biological invasions in the context of climate change. The tephritid fruit flies (Diptera: Tephritidae) comprise some of the most successful invasive species and serious economic pests around the world. Here we project 12 tephritid species CLIMEX models into future climate scenarios to examine overall patterns of climate suitability and forecast potential distributional changes for this group. We further compare the aggregate response of the group against species-specific responses. We then consider additional drivers of biological invasions to examine how invasion potential is influenced by climate, fruit production and trade indices. Considering the group of tephritid species examined here, climate change is predicted to decrease global climate suitability and to shift the cumulative distribution poleward. However, when examining species-level patterns, the predominant directionality of range shifts for 11 of the 12 species is eastward. Most notably, management will need to consider regional changes in fruit fly species invasion potential where high fruit production, trade indices and predicted distributions of these flies overlap.
The purpose of the study is to find factors affecting projects' profitability in project business. The issue is approached from customer profitability and project management point of view. The study has been made for a big Finnish company acting in a global market place. The research method is quantitative. Research hypotheses are based on the literature. The used database is originated from the company's ERP- (enterprise resource planning) and project financial follow-up —system. The findings of the study supported the hypotheses weakly. Obviously profitability fluctuated depending on a customer and a project manager. The reasons could not be justified with the variables used in the research.
Globalization is the trend which is realized in all areas in today’s business world. Pressure for cost reduction, changes in market situation and available scale economies have changed business environment more global than ever. To respond to new situation, companies are establishing global strategies. In this thesis, available global competitive advantages in electrical machine industry are studied in context of gaining them by global technology transfers. In theory part, establishing global strategy and competitive advantage is considered with connection to global sourcing and supply chain management. Additionally, market development in 21st century and its impact on global strategies is studied. In practice, global manufacturing is enabled by technology transfer projects. Smooth and fast project implementation enables faster and more flexible production ramp up. By starting the production available competitive advantages can be realized. In this thesis the present situation of technology transfer projects and the risks and advantages related to global manufacturing are analyzed. The analysis of implemented technology transfer projects indicates that project implementation is in good level. For further development of project execution 10 minor suggestions could be presented with two major ones: higher level standardization and development of product information model to support better global manufacturing.
Larox Corporation is a provider of full service filtration in solid and liquid separation. Larox develops, designs, manufactures and supplies industrial filters. By Larox’s continuous development principle, a project for more efficient production was started. At the same time production planning was taken under review. Aim for this Master’s thesis was to find software designed for production planning purposes replacement for old Microsoft Excel based method. In this Master’s thesis current way of production planning was thoroughly analyzed and improvement targets were specified and also requirements for new software were assigned. Primary requirements for new software were possibility to production scheduling, planning, follow-up and also for long-time capacity planning and tracking. Also one demand was that new software should have data link to Larox’s current ERP-system. Result of this Master’s thesis was to start using Larox’s ERP-system also for production planning purposes. New mode of operation fulfils all requirements which were placed to new system. By using new method of production planning, production planners can get more easier and reliable data than from current system.
This Master´s thesis illustrates how growing a business ties up the company´s working capital and what the cost of committed capital. In order to manage a company´s working capital in rapid business growth phase, the thesis suggests that by monitoring and managing the operating and cash conversion cycles of customers´ projects, a company can find ways to secure the required amount of capital. The research method of this thesis was based on literature reviews and case study research. The theoretical review presents the concepts of working capital and provides the background for understanding how to improve working capital management. The company in subject is a global small and medium-sized enterprise that manufactures pumps and valves for demanding process conditions. The company is expanding, which creates lots of challenges. This thesis concentrates to the company´s working capital management and its efficiency through the supply chain and value chain perspective. The main elements of working capital management are inventory management, accounts receivable management and accounts payable management. Prepayments also play a significant role, particularly in project-based businesses. Developing companies´ working capital management requires knowledge from different kind of key operations´ in the company, like purchasing, production, sales, logistics and financing. The perspective to develop and describe working capital management is an operational. After literature reviews the thesis present pilot projects that formed the basis of a model to monitor working capital in the case company. Based on analysis and pilot projects, the thesis introduces a rough model for monitoring capital commitments in short time period. With the model the company can more efficiently monitor and manage their customer projects.
Global challenges, complexity and continuous uncertainty demand development of leadership approaches, employees and multi-organisation constellations. Current leadership theories do not sufficiently address the needs of complex business environments. First of all, before successful leadership models can be applied in practice, leadership needs to shift from the industrial age to the knowledge era. Many leadership models still view leadership solely through the perspective of linear process thinking. In addition, there is not enough knowledge or experience in applying these newer models in practice. Leadership theories continue to be based on the assumption that leaders possess or have access to all the relevant knowledge and capabilities to decide future directions without external advice. In many companies, however, the workforce consists of skilled professionals whose work and related interfaces are so challenging that the leaders cannot grasp all the linked viewpoints and cross-impacts alone. One of the main objectives of this study is to understand how to support participants in organisations and their stakeholders to, through practice-based innovation processes, confront various environments. Another aim is to find effective ways of recognising and reacting to diverse contexts, so companies and other stakeholders are better able to link to knowledge flows and shared value creation processes in advancing joint value to their customers. The main research question of this dissertation is, then, to seek understanding of how to enhance leadership in complex environments. The dissertation can, on the whole, be characterised as a qualitative multiple-case study. The research questions and objectives were investigated through six studies published in international scientific journals. The main methods applied were interviews, action research and a survey. The empirical focus was on Finnish companies, and the research questions were examined in various organisations at the top levels (leaders and managers) and bottom levels (employees) in the context of collaboration between organisations and cooperation between case companies and their client organisations. However, the emphasis of the analysis is the internal and external aspects of organisations, which are conducted in practice-based innovation processes. The results of this study suggest that the Cynefin framework, complexity leadership theory and transformational leadership represent theoretical models applicable to developing leadership through practice-based innovation. In and of themselves, they all support confronting contemporary challenges, but an implementable method for organisations may be constructed by assimilating them into practice-based innovation processes. Recognition of diverse environments, their various contexts and roles in the activities and collaboration of organisations and their interest groups is ever-more important to achieving better interaction in which a strategic or formal status may be bypassed. In innovation processes, it is not necessarily the leader who is in possession of the essential knowledge; thus, it is the role of leadership to offer methods and arenas where different actors may generate advances. Enabling and supporting continuous interaction and integrated knowledge flows is of crucial importance, to achieve emergence of innovations in the activities of organisations and various forms of collaboration. The main contribution of this dissertation relates to applying these new conceptual models in practice. Empirical evidence on the relevance of different leadership roles in practice-based innovation processes in Finnish companies is another valuable contribution. Finally, the dissertation sheds light on the significance of combining complexity science with leadership and innovation theories in research.
This qualitative study has started from the interest to examine how the reality of crosscultural encounters is presented in the global business press. The research paper emphasizes different ways to classify culture and cross-cultural competency, both from the point of view of individuals and organizations. The analysis consists of public discourses, where cross-cultural realities are created through different persons, stories and contexts For data collection, a comprehensive database search was performed and 10 articles from the widely known worldwide business magazine The Financial Times were chosen as the data for the study paper. For the functions of addressing the research study questions, Thematic Content Analysis (TCA) and also Discourse Analysis (DA) are utilized, added with the continuous comparison method of grounded theory in the formation of the data.The academic references consist of literary works and articles presenting relevant concepts, creating a cross-cultural framework, and it is designed to assist the reader in the navigation through the topics of culture and cross-cultural competency. The repertoires were formed from the data and following, the first repertoire is contrast difference between home and target culture that the individual was able to discern. As a consequence of the first repertoire, the companies then offer cultural training to their employees to prepare them to situations of increasing levels of cultural variation. The third repertoire is increased awareness of other cultures, which is conveyed as a result of cultural training and contextual work experience. The fourth repertoire is globalization as an international business environment, where the people in the articles perform their job functions. It is stated in the conclusions that the representations emphasize Western values and personal traits in leadership.