918 resultados para Car owners
Cumple los requisitos del currículo de Inglaterra, Gales y Escocia aportando los conocimientos básicos relacionados con el aprendizaje de la lectura y escritura. Material para desarrollar la conciencia fonológica, conciencia de los sonidos en las palabras habladas,y el conocimiento de las relaciones simbolo y sonido, concentrándose en rimas y sonidos de las letras. La conciencia de los sonidos en los niños empieza con las palabras y las sílabas, pasa a los sonidos en las palabras y a continuación a los fonemas, los más difíciles de identificar, a excepción de cuando ocupan la posición inicial en una palabra. Para discriminar, escribir y leer los fonemas oo, ar. Para niños entre seis y siete años.
El aprendizaje no depende exclusivamente de la pericia del profesor. La relación interpersonal entre alumno y profesor, el contexto en el que vive el alumno y la motivación para el aprendizaje influyen bastante. En un curso de lengua extranjera, la primera competencia que se promueve es la comunicación, pero se deben promover otras cualidades como la creatividad, la iniciativa y la motivación. Se analiza la relación entre motivación y satisfacción de los alumnos.
Resumen tomado de la publicaci??n. IV n??mero monogr??fico con el t??tulo: VII Seminario de Investigaci??n y pensamiento num??rico y algebraico (PNA).
Estudio de la inteligencia y del car??cter. La muestra est?? compuesta por 158 ni??os (89 ni??as y 69 ni??os) comprendidos entre los seis y los once a??os. Ha sido recogida de varias Escuelas Hogar de la provincia de C??ceres. El test de inteligencia y observaciones que los educadores hacen del ni??o. El test de inteligencia de David Wechsler, denominado Wechsler Inteligence Scale For Children (WISC). El estudio del car??cter se hace tomando como base la Gu??a de Observaci??n del Car??cter (GOC) realizada por G. Dho. La inteligencia en estas edades aparece como un todo global que progresivamente se va diferenciando. Esta diferenciaci??n es muy lenta hasta la entrada en la adolescencia. Los resultados de ambas pruebas, junto con las calificaciones escolares obtenidas por los ni??os y el conocimiento del ambiente cultural en el que se encuentran inmersos, nos ayudan en el conocimiento de su realidad, de su manera de ser y de reaccionar ante los diferentes est??mulos sociales en general y ante las realidades escolares en particular.
Resumen tomado de la publicaci??n
Se plantea el problema que tienen los libros de texto de Ense??anza de Espa??ol como Lengua Extranjera, al relegar los texto literarios en espa??ol a las ??ltimas p??ginas y no presentar m??s variedad. Se centra en un texto literario concreto, Do??a Gram??tica, Se propone una secuencia de actividades para rentabilizar did??cticamente la pieza Do??a Gram??tica. Si bien algunas de ellas pueden ser adaptadas a otras obras teatrales, lo que se pretende fundamentalmente es que el profesor tenga una gu??a de cu??les son las l??neas en las que puede trabajar esta obra. Es un texto que puede explotarse m??s all?? de rentabilizar el paso del estilo directo al estilo indirecto y de una lectura dramatizada.
Se describe c??mo se elabor?? un material curricular de car??cter flexible y adaptado a las particularidades de los alumnos con necesidades educativas especiales de ??ltimo curso de Primaria. Los materiales eran cuentos que pretend??an transmitir valores, favorecer el inter??s por la lectura y fomentar el aprendizaje del ingl??s
Resumen basado en el de la publicaci??n
Resumen basado en el de la publicaci??n
Resumen basado en el de la publicaci??n
The motion of a car is described using a stochastic model in which the driving processes are the steering angle and the tangential acceleration. The model incorporates exactly the kinematic constraint that the wheels do not slip sideways. Two filters based on this model have been implemented, namely the standard EKF, and a new filter (the CUF) in which the expectation and the covariance of the system state are propagated accurately. Experiments show that i) the CUF is better than the EKF at predicting future positions of the car; and ii) the filter outputs can be used to control the measurement process, leading to improved ability to recover from errors in predictive tracking.
This paper describes and analyses the experience of designing, installing and evaluating a farmer-usable touch screen information kiosk on cattle health in a veterinary institution in Pondicherry. The contents of the kiosk were prepared based on identified demands for information on cattle health, arrived at through various stakeholders meetings. Information on these cattle diseases and conditions affecting the livelihoods of the poor was provided through graphics, text and audio back-up, keeping in mind the needs of landless and illiterate poor cattle owners. A methodology for kiosk evaluation based on the feedback obtained from kiosk facilitator, critical group reflection and individual users was formulated. The formative evaluation reveals the potential strength this ICT has in transferring information to the cattle owners in a service delivery centre. Such information is vital in preventing diseases and helps cattle owners to present and treat their animals at an early stage of disease condition. This in turn helps prevent direct and indirect losses to the cattle owners. The study reveals how an information kiosk installed at a government institution as a freely accessible source of information to all farmers irrespective of their class and caste can help in transfer of information among poor cattle owners, provided periodic updating, interactivity and communication variability are taken care of. Being in the veterinary centre, the kiosk helps stimulate dialogue, and facilitates demand of services based on the information provided by the kiosk screens.
Motorcyclists and a matched group of non-motorcycling car drivers were assessed on behavioral measures known to relate to accident involvement. Using a range of laboratory measures, we found that motorcyclists chose faster speeds than the car drivers, overtook more, and pulled into smaller gaps in traffic, though they did not travel any closer to the vehicle in front. The speed and following distance findings were replicated by two further studies involving unobtrusive roadside observation. We suggest that the increased risk-taking behavior of motorcyclists was only likely to account for a small proportion of the difference in accident risk between motorcyclists and car drivers. A second group of motorcyclists was asked to complete the simulator tests as if driving a car. They did not differ from the non-motorcycling car drivers on the risk-taking measures but were better at hazard perception. There were also no differences for sensation seeking, mild social deviance, and attitudes to riding/driving, indicating that the risk-taking tendencies of motorcyclists did not transfer beyond motorcycling, while their hazard perception skill did. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
The adsorption of NO on Ir{100} has been studied as a function of NO coverage and temperature using temperature programmed reflection absorption infrared spectroscopy (TP-RAIRS), low energy electron diffraction (LEED) and temperature programmed desorption (TPD). After saturating the clean (1 x 5)-reconstructed surface with NO at 95 K. two N-2, desorption peaks are observed upon heating. The first N-2 peak at 346 K results from the decomposition of bridge-bonded NO, and the second at 475 K from the decomposition of atop-bonded NO molecules. NO decomposition is proposed to be the rate limiting step for both N-2 desorption states. For high NO coverages on the (1 x 5) surface, the narrow width of the first N-2 desorption peak is indicative of an autocatalytic process for which the parallel formation of N2O appears to be the crucial step. When NO is adsorbed on the metastable unreconstructed (1 x 1) phase of clean Ir{100} N-2 desorption starts at lower temperatures, indicating that this surface modification is more reactive. When a high coverage of oxygen, near 0.5 ML, is pre-adsorbed on the surface, the decomposition of NO is inhibited and mainly desorption of intact NO is observed.