895 resultados para Walsh Family Law Moot


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O presente trabalho tem como objetivo analisar a regra da transmissão da obrigação alimentar aos herdeiros, esclarecendo alguns pontos teóricos, que ainda hoje causam perplexidades aos operadores de direito, bem como encontrar uma maneira de aplicar o art. 1.700 do Código Civil de 2002. Para tanto, serão analisados os aspectos constitucionais do Direito de Família e das Sucessões e seus conceitos básicos.


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O objetivo desta monografia é a análise do direito de família, mais especificamente do instituto da paternidade socioafeitva e seu reflexo em situações atuais como a adoção à brasileira. A metodologia deste trabalho foi baseada na revisão de pesquisas bibliográficas, doutrinárias, legislativas e jurisprudenciais. A análise discorre, primeiramente, acerca do conceito da paternidade socioafetiva e da maneira como que os vínculos sociais e afetivos têm sido avaliados como predominante em relação ao vínculo de consanguinidade, considerando o melhor interesse do menor. Posteriormente foi abordado o tema adoção, a “adoção à brasileira”, e como a mesma, tipificada como crime no Código Penal Brasileiro, pode ser solucionada pelo instituto da filiação socioafetiva. Por fim foram revisadas as apreciações de como os tribunais brasileiros adéquam o procedimento de adoção na nova realidade familiar brasileira, tendo em vista a falta de previsão legal, o que leva para os juízes a decisão acerca deste tema. Paralelamente são apresentados exemplos das decisões tomadas caracterizando jurisprudências no tema.


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The Liberal Constitutionalism emerged from the late eighteenth century, a period of major revolutions (French and American), fruit of the struggle for libertarian rights. Although the time of the first written constitutions, these were linked to mere political letters, did not provide for fundamental human rights, as it is, so only on the state organization, structure of powers, division of powers of the state and some relations between state and individuals. There was a clear division between the civil codes and constitutions, those governing private relations and acted as barriers to non-state intervention. After the Second World War, the constitutions are no longer Letters political order to establish how the human person, in order to enshrine the fundamental rights, the primacy of constitutional principles and take their normative function against ordinary legislator. Constitutional evolution gave the name of contemporary constitutionalism, based on repersonalization or despatrimonialização of Private Law, ceasing the separation of legislative civil codes and constitutions, in favor of the protection of fundamental rights of the human person. And this tendency to the Brazilian Federal Constitution of 1988 brought higher ground the dignity of the human person, the epicenter axiological legal to govern private relations, including family law. The constitutionalization of family law motivates the adoption of desjudicialização family issues, so as to respect the direio intimacy, privacy, private autonomy and access to justice. Conflictual family relationships require special treatment, given the diversity and dynamism of their new compositions. The break in the family relationship is guided in varied feelings among its members in order to hinder an end harmonic. Thus, the judiciary, through performances impositive, not to honor the power of decision of the parties, as also on the structural problems faced to operate on these cases, the environment is not the most appropriate to offer answers to the end of family quarrels. Situation that causes future demands on the dissatisfaction of the parties with the result. Before the development of the Family Law comes the need to adopt legal institutions, which monitor the socio-cultural, and that promote an effective assistance to people involved in this kind of conflict. In obedience to the private autonomy, before manifestations of volunteers involved in family mediation, among autocompositivos instruments of conflict resolution, is indicated as the most shaped the treatment of family quarrels. Remaining, then the state a minimal intervention to prevent excessive intrusion into private life and personal privacy


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Currently, in custody disputes, the child has the right to be heard and to have its opinion considered, according to its age and maturity. The psychologist/psychoanalyst who works in the Family Court is required to produce a Report with the purpose of helping the Court´s decision. The present research aims to discuss and to find guiding principles for the hearing of the declaration of the child´s will in a custody dispute by its parents, from a psychoanalytical perspective. The case of a nine year old girl that affirmed in Court the desire of living with the mother and seeing the father only once a year is the starting point of this theoretical research over the psychoanalytic fundaments of the hearing of the case, how it appeared in that experience and how it was reflected in the report. Throughout this work, the peculiarities of psychoanalysis as a way of understanding the subject and the conditions that must be observed so that a sctrictu sensu analytic hearing is possible are studied. Then we present a reflection of the case, in the light of the theories studied, verifying that we could observe in the experience: i) the assumption of a subject of the unconscious, divided and desire full that constitutes itself from the oedipic structuration, that leads to the difference between speech and speak; ii) the concept of the child as having a sexuality of its own; iii) a hearing based on the ethic principles of psychoanalysis and the analysts'' formation. In the final considerations, we state that the institutional demand of a meaning for the case is a great difficulty for the analyst since he works from a place of 'not-knowing"


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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.--Home.--Meeting on engendering macroeconomic policy.--Are macroeconomic policies gender neutral?.--Women, Men and Poverty.--UNDP support for a gender-responsive macroeconomic development planning in the Caribbean.--COMMENTARY: Males and females are victims of marginalisation.--Legislative reform project on Family Law and Domestic Violence.--Gender Focal Points in regional organisations and institutions.


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Pós-graduação em Direito - FCHS


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O objetivo desta dissertação foi o estudo do instituto da desconsideração da personalidade jurídica, em sua modalidade inversa, e sua aplicabilidade no direito de família e sucessões, principalmente na partilha de bens - efetivada no divórcio ou dissolução de união estável -, na execução de alimentos e na sucessão legítima. A escolha do tema decorreu da necessidade do estabelecimento de pressupostos e requisitos objetivos para a aplicação da disregard na seara do direito de família e sucessões. A utilidade e adequação da abordagem da matéria se justifica pela instabilidade jurídica provocada pela acriteriosa aplicação da desconsideração da personalidade jurídica nas relações familiares. Por outro lado, o enfoque crítico desenvolvido no presente trabalho se justifica pela existência de corrente doutrinária que defende a aplicação da desconsideração em inúmeras situações familiares nas quais outros remédios, já seculares, de direito material ou processual seriam igualmente eficazes, sem que fosse necessária a drástica declaração de ineficácia da separação patrimonial entre a pessoa jurídica e seu sócio. Buscou-se apontar, desta forma, os meios existentes para se alcançar o mesmo resultado prático apresentado pela disregard, mas com a utilização de outras figuras, tais como a simulação, a fraude contra credores e a fraude à execução, ficando, por via de consequência, a aplicação da desconsideração da personalidade jurídica, restrita às hipóteses em que não há quaisquer outros meios para se evitar ou buscar a reparação dos prejuízos advindos da utilização das pessoas jurídicas com abuso da personalidade jurídica, desvio de finalidade ou confusão patrimonial.


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Therapeutic Assessment is a semi-structured approach to collaborative assessment developed by Stephen E. Finn and colleagues. In Therapeutic Assessment, psychological assessment is used as a therapeutic intervention (Finn, 2007; Finn & Kamphuis, 2006). The Therapeutic Assessment model differs from traditional assessment with regard to procedure and the roles of both assessor and client. Therapeutic Assessment has yet to be explored in forensic settings, wherein assessors are required to take on a number of varying and conflicting roles. In the current study, five forensic psychologists completed a semi-structured interview to identify their perspectives of Therapeutic Assessment and its utility in forensic contexts. A phenomenological qualitative analysis of the interviews was conducted to derive themes about Therapeutic Assessment, forensic psychology, and the overlap between these two domains. General themes that emerged include (a) the role and the context of the practitioner's work with the forensic population; (b) the potential of using Therapeutic Assessment's paradigm in family law settings; and (c) the increased risk of harm when using Therapeutic Assessment with forensic populations. In addition to these themes, multiple respondents discussed components of collaborative/Therapeutic Assessment that they have found useful with this population. Finally, the implications of these results are discussed.


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