884 resultados para Public – private
Diplomityss on tarkasteltu moottoritien rakentajan ja kunnossapitjn ympristriskej ja -vastuita moottoritien elinkaarihankkeessa. Tyss esitelln malli ympristriskien analysoimiseksi. Mallin avulla tuotetun tiedon pohjalta yrityksess on mahdollista ptt ympristriskien hallintastrategiasta. Tyss on tutustuttu keskeiseen ympristlainsdntn ja sen yrityksen ympristvastuulle asettamiin vaatimuksiin. Imagotekijit on ksitelty osana ympristvastuuseen liittyv yrityskohtaista ptksentekoa. Hankekohtainen ympristriskien tunnistaminen ja arviointi on tehty E18 Muurla – Lohja moottoritiehankkeen tarjouslaskentavaiheessa. Tarjousvaiheessa tehty riskianalyysi palvelee ptksentekoa yrityksess valittaessa ympristriskien hallintastrategiaa. Analyysill tuotetun tiedon avulla voidaan ohjata suunnittelua, tarjouksen hinnoittelua ja tarjouksen liitteeksi tuotettavan ympristmateriaalin sislt. Tien rakentamisen ja kunnossapidon aikana materiaalia voidaan edelleen hydynt ympristasioiden hallinnassa.
PPPS: Problem: Public-private-partnerships in transport infrastructure characteristically increase user-fees. Purpose: We aim to identify the network effects of the use of PPPs and increased user tolls in road infrastructure. Methods: We study the increases in user tolls on motorways due to the use of PPPs in the US. Results and conclusions: Among other things, the monetization of motorways is associated with an increase in toll levels that has consequences for their users, and also for the rest of the sections of the network.
The paper reviews the historical transformation of the European regulatory framework for electronic communications from the era dominated by state-owned enterprises to the presence of regulated competition. In the course of these developments, the vision of the roles of the public and private sectors in electronic communications changed in expected and unexpected ways. While the period is characterized by a shift toward less direct state intervention, the intensity of regulation has increased in many areas. Most recently, in the wake of the financial crisis, new forms of state intervention can be observed, including public investment in communications infrastructure and public-private partnerships. As a result of the reforms, Europe has been able to achieve major successes but it also suffered unanticipated setbacks compared to other regions. The European Union emerged as the global leader in mobile communications during the 1990s and was able to roll-out first-generation broadband access networks more rapidly than many of its peers. Recently, however, Europe as a whole has not performed as well in deploying next-generation networks and advanced mobile communications services. The paper offers a political-economic explanation for these developments and assesses their effects on the performance of the European electronic communications sector and the economy. From this analysis, the European model emerges as a unique institutional arrangement with peculiar advantages and disadvantages. Once these are recognized, sensible next steps to build the strengths while avoiding the weaknesses of the model can be seen more clearly.
The objective of this research was to understand and describe what corpo-rate social and regional responsibility is in SMEs and define the meaning of these concepts to the community and region. Corporate social respon-sibility (CSR) creates a basis for regional responsibility. Regional respon-sibility is a new concept and this research examines it from SMEs view-point. This is a theoretical research and the aim is to create a theoretical framework of SMEs corporate social and regional responsibility. This framework supports the future research on the subject. The research results show that CSR of SMEs is practical, informal and dependent on the scarce resources of SMEs. CSR is a complex and deep concept and SMEs have their own way of interpreting it. It can be stated that CSR-practises in SMEs are closely connected to employment, envi-ronment, community and supply chain. The challenge is to find motivation to socially and regionally responsible behaviour in SMEs. Benefiting from responsible behaviour and the attitude of SMEs owner-manager are the key reasons for SMEs to involve in CSR and regional responsibility. The benefits of this involvement are for example improved image, reputation and market position. CSR can also be used in SMEs as risk management tool and in cost reduction. This study indicates also that creation of strate-gic partnerships, local government participation, a proper legal system and financial support are the basic issues which support CSR of SMEs. This research showed that regional responsibility of SMEs includes active participation in regional strategy processes, L&RED initiatives and regional philanthropy. For SMEs regional responsibility means good relationships with the community and other related stakeholders, involvement in L&RED initiatives and acting responsibly towards the operating environment. In SMEs case this means that they need to understand the benefits of this kind of involvement in order to take action and participate. As regional responsibility includes the relationships between firm and the community, it can be stated that regional responsibility extends CSRs view of stakeholders and emphasises both, the regional stakeholders and public-private partnerships. Community engagement and responsible be-haviour towards community can be seen as a part of SMEs social and regional responsibility. This study indicates that social and regional re-sponsibility of SMEs have a significant influence on the community and region where they are located. Better local and regional relationships with regional and community actors are the positive impacts of social and re-gional responsibility of SMEs. Socially and regionally responsible behav-iour creates a more positive environment and deepens the involvement of SMEs to community and L&RED initiatives.
The unusual mixed public-private structure of the urban bus market in the metropolitan area of Barcelona provides an interesting context in which to analyze the management challenges and opportunities of the partial privatization of public services. Initiatives used by the public regulator to promote competition for contracts, such as short term concessions to private contractors and the removal of entry barriers, have considerable potential for improving efficiency and quality. The growth in the share of routes managed by private firms in recent years shows that privatization is a credible threat that may well stimulate improved performance among public managers. The type of reform implemented in Barcelona is of interest to all metropolitan areas large enough to operate under constant returns to scale regimes, and suitable for potential concessions of routes in segregated areas inside the metropolitan area, so as not to miss out on the benefits of economies of density.
The empirical literature about factors explaining local government delivery choices has traditionally focused the attention on the public or private production dilemma. However, hybrid organizational forms such as mixed public-private firms are increasingly used in several European countries. This paper makes use of survey data from Spanish municipalities to examine motivations of local governments for engaging in hybrid organizational forms. Data refer to two very relevant local services: water distribution and solid waste collection. The empirical analysis indicates that the use of mixed firms emerge as a type of pragmatically based third way between pure public and pure private production. Indeed, local governments make use of mixed firms when cost considerations (scale economies, transaction costs and soon), financial constraints and private interests exert contradictory pressures. On the contrary, political and ideological factors do not play any significant role on the local government decision of engaging or not in joint ventures with private partners.
In an article recently published in Qumica Nova, entitled "Chemistry Without Borders" ("Qumica Sem Fronteiras") [Pinto, A. C.; Zucco, C.; Galembeck, F.; Andrade, J. B.; Vieira, P. C. Quim. Nova 2012, 35, 2092], the authors highlighted the important aspects of science and technology with special emphasis on the field of Chemistry and its contributions toward a more prosperous Brazil of future. As a second step in that direction, this article extends the discussion of a key issue for the country in the framework of the chemistry community through the so called position papers in strategic areas. This document is a part of the contribution of the Brazilian Chemical Society to the World Science Forum to be held in Rio de Janeiro in November 2013. In this context, the present paper provides a brief discussion on neglected tropical diseases (NTDs) with emphasis on the current challenges and opportunities towards the development and evolution of the field. NTDs leads to illness, long-term disability or death, and has severe social, economic and psychological consequences for millions of men, women, and children worldwide. In most cases, the available treatments are inadequate and extremely limited in terms of efficacy and safety, leading to an urgent demand for new drugs. In addition to the traditional challenges involved in any drug discovery process, it is widely recognized that there is an innovation gap and a lack of investment for research and development (R&D) in the area of NTDs. In the last few decades, methods toward combating, eradication, prevention, and treatment of NTDs have been repeatedly emphasized in the major international agendas. Developments in these strategies and alliances have continued to have an essential impact, particularly in the area of drug discovery, both in Brazil and globally and should be encouraged and supported. Several examples of international activities dedicated to the reduction of the devastating global impact of NTDs can be provided. Despite the beneficial developments in the past 30 years, NTDs continue to devastate poor communities in remote and vulnerable areas, in large part, due to market failures and public policies. Recent studies have shown that among 756 new drugs approved between 2000 and 2011, only four new chemical entities (NCEs) were identified for the treatment of malaria, while none were developed against NTDs or tuberculosis. Furthermore, only 1.4% of approximately 150,000 clinical trials were registered for neglected diseases, with a smaller number of trials for NCEs. Establishment and strengthening of global strategies involving the triad "government-academia-industry" is fundamental to the success in R&D of new drugs for NTDs. National and international public-private initiatives that aim to create, encourage, and invest in R&D projects have been implemented and therefore are of utmost importance to successfully integrate Brazil into this new paradigm. It is essential to lay the foundation for mechanisms that will intensify investments in infrastructure, training, and qualification of personnel with an ultimate strategic vision that foresees continuity. Our research group has made significant contributions to the development of this field with the goal of forging new frontiers while tackling both current and future challenges that include indispensable elements such as innovation and integration.
Terveydenhuollon toimiala on voimakkaiden muutospaineiden edess. Huoltosuhteen heikkeneminen asettaa julkiselle terveydenhuollolle suuria haasteita. Uudenlaisten palveluratkaisujen ja teknologian avulla voidaan tuottavuutta sek tehokkuutta nostaa. Tyss selvitetn julkinen - yksityinen kumppanuuden merkityst asiakasarvon muodostumiseen terveydenhuollon toimialalla. Tyss on kahden case-esimerkin sek kirjallisuuslhteiden avulla tutkittu asiakasarvon syntyyn vaikuttavia tekijit. Teoreettisina viitekehyksin on kytetty resurssipohjaista nkemyst. Case-esimerkkein kytettiin MedOne Oy:n ja Lahden kaupungin vlist ulkoistussopimusta sek Effica-potilastietojrjestelmn kyttnottoa. Kummassakin tapauksessa voidaan katsoa asiakasarvoa syntyneen, muttei tysin ongelmitta.
In this report, we summarize results of our part of the LYKOP-project on customer value creation in the intersection of the health care, ICT, forest and energy industries. The research directs to describe how industry transformation and convergence create new possibilities, business opportunities and even new industries.The report consists of findings which are presented former in academic publications. The publication discusses on customer value, service provision and resource basis of the novel concepts through multiple theorethical frameworks. The report is divided into three maim sections which are theoretical background, discussion on health care industry and evaluations regarding novel smart home concepts. Transaction cost economics and Resource- Based view on the firm provides the theoretical basis to analyze the prescribed phenomena. The health care industry analysis describes the most important changes in the demand conditions of health care services, and explores the features that are likely to open new business opportunities for a solution provider. The third part of the report on the smart home business provides illustrations few potential concepts that can be considered to provide solutions to economical problems which arise from aging of population. The results provide several recommendations for the smart home platform developers in public and private sectors. By the analysis, public organizations dominate service provision and private markets are emergent state at present. We argue that public-private partnerships are nececssary for creating key suppliers. Indeed, paying attion on appropriate regulation, service specifications and technology standards would foster diffusion of new services. The dynamics of the service provision networks is driven by need for new capabiltities which are required for adapting business concepts to new competitive situation. Finally, the smart home framework revealed links between conventionally distant business areas such as health care and energy distribution. The platform integrates functionalities different for purposes which however apply same resource basis.
Julkisen sektorin kiinteisttuotannossa toteutetaan kasvavassa mrin julkisen ja yksityisen sektorin yhteistyt, jossa yksityinen yritys ottaa vastuun kiinteistn liittyvist suunnittelu-, rakentamis- ja yllpitotoimista pitkksi ajanjaksoksi. Tyn tavoitteena on arvioida elinkaarimallilla toteuttavien kiinteisthankkeiden toteutusvaihtoehdot, sek kartoittaa elinkaarihankkeen sisltmi riskej hankkeen suunnitteluvaiheessa. Tutkimus suoritetaan kvalitatiivisena tutkimuksena, jota tuetaan tarvittavilla kvantitatiivista tietoa hydyntvill laskelmilla. Tutkimusaineistona kytetn aihepiiriin liittyvi akateemisia julkaisuja ja oppikirjoja. Tyn toimeksiantajan YIT:n kautta tutkimukseen on saatu arvokasta asiantuntemusta ja materiaalia. Elinkaarihankkeiden hankintamenettelyksi suositellaan kilpailullista neuvottelumenettely. Kilpailullinen neuvottelumenettely mahdollistaa tilaajan ja palveluntuottajien vlisen dialogin hankintamenettelyn aikana, jolloin osapuolet voivat yhteistyss valita sopivimman toteutusmallin. Hankkeiden rahoitus voidaan toteuttaa tilaajan rahoituksella tai yksityisrahoituksella. Rahoituksen nkkulmasta tilaajan oma rahoitus on edullisin, mik ei kuitenkaan vhenn elinkaarimallista saatavia etuja perinteiseen urakointiin verrattuna. Laskelman perusteella tilaajan rahoituksen ja yksityisrahoituksen keskimrisess korkotasossa (WACC) on eroa 2,8 %. Projektiyhtin perustaminen tekee rahoituksesta entist kalliimpaa, koska taseeseen kohdistuviin kustannuksiin listn projektiyhtin oman poman tuottovaatimusta vastaava korko. Palveluntuottajan kannalta olennaiset riskit ovat rakennusvaiheen viivstyminen, kiinteistn kytettvyyden ja soveltuvuuden puutteista aiheutuvat muutostyt. Palvelumaksun sitominen huonosti yllpidon todellista kulurakennetta kuvaavaan elinkustannusindeksiin tulee pitkll sopimuskaudella vhentmn palveluntuottajan toiminnan kannattavuutta. Kiinteistn yllpidon kustannusindeksi on vuosina 2005–2011 noussut 2,3 % nopeammin vuodessa kuin elinkustannusindeksi.
Supply chain risk management has emerged as an increasingly important issue in logistics as disruptions in the supply chain have become critical issues for many companies. The scientific literature on the subject is developing and in many respects the understanding of it is still in its infancy. Thus, there is a need for more information in order for scholars and practitioners to understand the causalities and interrelations that characterise the phenomenon. The aim of this dissertation is to narrow this gap by exploring key aspects of supply chain risk management through two maritime supply chains in the immediate region of the Gulf of Finland. The study contributes to the field in three different ways. Firstly, it facilitates the identification of risks on different levels of the supply chain through a systematic analysis of the processes and actors, and of the cognitive barriers that limit the actors visibility and their understanding of the operations and the risks involved. There is a clear need to increase collaboration and information exchange in order to improve visibility in the chain. Risk management should be a collaborative effort among the individual actors, aimed at obtaining a holistic picture. Secondly, the study contributes to the literature on risk analysis through the use of systemic frameworks that illustrate the causalities and linkages in the system, thereby making it easier to perceive the vulnerabilities. Thirdly, the study enhances current knowledge of risk control in identifying actor roles, risk visibility and risk controllability as being among the key factors determining risk-management effectiveness against supply-chain vulnerability. This dissertation is divided into two parts. The first part gives a general overview of the relevant literature, the research design and the conclusions of the study, and the second part comprises six research publications. Case-study methodology with systematic combining approach is used, where in-depth interviews, questionnaires and expert panel sessions are the main data collection methods. The study illustrates the current state of risk management in multimodal maritime supply chains, and develops frameworks for further analysis. The results imply that there are major differences between organizations in their ability to execute supply chain risk management. Further collaboration should be considered in order to facilitate the development of systematic and effective management processes.
Tss tutkimuksessa on analysoitu elinkaariajattelua suomalaisessa meriteollisuussektorissa. Tutkimuksen tehtvn on ollut kartoittaa, miten meriteollisuudessa on lhestytty elinkaariajattelua ja mit tutkimus- tai sovellustarpeita alalla ilmenee. Tutkimus analysoi meriteollisuusyritysten liiketoimintaa ja niiden elinkaarijohtamista, erityisesti tuotteiden sek palvelujen elinkaaren ett asiakaskunnan elinkaaren suhteita ja tasapainoa. Samalla on analysoitu elinkaarinkkulmasta yritysten kokemia haasteita ja mahdollisuuksia sek arvioitu elinkaariajattelun relevanssia meriteollisuuden liiketoiminnalle. Tutkimus koostuu kolmesta posasta, joita ovat: -Akateemisen kirjallisuuden ja -tutkimuksen analyysi meriteollisuusklusterin ja sen yritysten perspektiivist koskien elinkaariajattelua -Empiirinen kartoitus alan yritysten toiminnoista koskien kansainvlisen liiketoiminnan kehittmist ja erityisesti elinkaariliiketoimintaa -Yhteenveto ja synteesi, jossa akateemisen keskustelun suuntaviivat sovelletaan yritysten tarpeisiin ja tehdn ehdotus tutkimuskokonaisuuksista ja painopisteist, joihin jatkossa tulisi panostaa. Tutkimuksen elinkaariteoreettinen tarkastelu osoittaa, ett eri elinkaarimalleilla on erilaiset ontologiset lhtkohdat ja fokukset. Elinkaarimalleja on erilaisia, mutta eri nkkulmia yhdistv kokonaisvaltaista mallia ei ole olemassa. Tuotepohjainen ajattelu dominoi vahvasti elinkaariteoriakentt ja osin tst syyst elinkaarimallit koskien innovaatioita, revaloration-toimintaa ja liiketoimintakonseptien kehityst tai niden yhdistmist ovat jneet selkesti taka-alalle. Nill on kuitenkin huomattavaa potentiaalia luoda uutta nkkulmaa yritysten arvonluontilogiikalle, yhteistylle ja kilpailukyvylle. Jatkossa elinkaariteoriat tulisi paremmin sovittaa liiketoimintakohtaiseen viitekehykseen ja niiden ulottuvuuksia tulisi yhdist selkesti kokonaisvaltaisempaan ajatteluun. Elinkaariajattelu on haaste yritysjohdolle, sill verkottuneessa meriteollisuudessa arvoa luodaan yhdess erilaisten partnerien kanssa. Haasteita se luo esimerkiksi markkinoinnille, viestinnlle ja asiakassuhteiden hoitamiselle, koska meriteollisuuden asiakkaita pidetn varsin konservatiivisina ja omistamisen filosofia on edelleen varsin keskeist. Toisaalta elinkaaren edut ja hydyt voivat olla monen yrityksen toiminnan summa ja ne voivat olla kuin osa palapeli eli vaikeita hahmottaa. Elinkaarihytyjen konkreettista arvoa ja laskelmia on mys usein vaikea osoittaa, koska mekanismit ovat monimutkaisia ja tuotteen omistajat saattavat vaihtua moneen kertaan. Yritykset eivt tuo voimakkaasti esiin esimerkiksi eurooppalaisten toimijoiden vahvuuksia sosiaalisina, vastuullisina yrityksin tilanteessa, jossa kilpailevat ekosysteemit pohjautuvat pitklti halpakustannusmalliin. Vastuullisuuteen ja kestvn kehitykseen liittyvi liiketoimintamalleja voisikin tulevaisuudessa kehitt ja tarjota siten uutta arvoa loppuasiakkaille ja yhteisorganisaatioille. Yleisesti vaikuttaisi silt, ett konkreettisimmin elinkaariajattelua pystyvt tll hetkell liiketoiminnassaan soveltamaan laitevalmistajat ja jrjestelmtoimittajat. Meriteollisuuden eri asiakassegmentit ja liiketoiminta-alueet ovat elinkaariliiketoiminnan nkkulmasta erilaisia. Mys sntelyn merkitys liiketoiminnalle vaihtelee suuresti. Esimerkiksi end-of-life-toiminnot, kuten laivojen romutus, ovat lhes kokonaan pois Euroopan alueelta. Toisaalta esimerkiksi offshore-alalla sdsymprist tuo mahdollisuuksia uudentyyppisten huolto-, konversio- ja purkupalveluiden kehittmiseen ja suunnitteluun, vaikka merkittv osa struktuuria ei viel tll hetkell ole elinkaarensa lopussa. Perinteist rahtipuolta pidetn yleisesti haasteellisimpana liiketoiminnan kannalta, sill laivan elinkaari yhdell omistajalla voi olla erittin lyhyt. Liiketoimintapotentiaalia luo kuitenkin se, ett meriteollisuuden loppu- ja osatuotteilla on tyypillisesti jatkoelm, joka edellytt erilaisia suunnittelu-, muutos- ja kehitystit. Alan yritykset toteavat selkesti, ett palveluliiketoiminnalla ja elinkaaripalveluilla on vaikutus uusinvestointitilaisten saamiseen ja sntelytoiminta tai sen porsaanreit vaikuttavat liiketoimintamahdollisuuksiin. Tutkimuksella on potentiaali ja rooli elinkaariliiketoimintojen kehitykselle tulevaisuudessa. Jatkossa tulisi list esimerkiksi public-private-partnership -yhteistymuotoja elinkaariliiketoimintaa tukevassa informaationhallinnassa. Laitteiden ja prosessien kyttn liittyv tietoa on usein vain kyttjn tai esimerkiksi vakuutusyhtin halussa, neutraaleita tietokantoja ei ole ja tiedon omistussuhteet ovat ongelmallisia. Neutraalit institutionaaliset toimijat kuten yliopistot voivat osaltaan olla ratkaisemassa nit haasteita. Tutkimus korostaa jatkotutkimustarpeita erityisesti elinkaariajattelun soveltamisessa ympristajatteluun, vastuullisuuteen ja kilpailukyvyn kohottamiseen. Liiketoimintamalleja tulisi tutkia alkaen pre-vaiheesta, rahoituksesta, vakuutuksista ja telematiikasta aina romutukseen asti kokonaisvaltaisesti. Keskeisimmiksi tutkimusteemoiksi yrityshaastatteluiden perusteella nousivat a) sopimusmallit, vastuukysymykset ja riskien hallinta pitkkestoisissa palvelusuhteissa ja yhteistyss, b) asiakassegmenttien profilointi ja analysointi, kyttytyminen ja ennakointi liiketoimintamallien kehittmiseksi, c) omistaminen ja sen soveltaminen eri liiketoimintaratkaisuissa, d) vakuutukset ja rahoitus osana elinkaaripalveluita, e) jrjestelm-, laite-, ja toimintatiedon tehokas kerminen, analysointi ja hyvksikytt liiketoiminnan tukena, erityisesti etteknologioiden avulla, sek f) tuoreet ajatusmallit ja filosofiat tulevaisuuden arvojen muuttamisesta liiketoiminnaksi. Tutkimuksen ovat toteuttaneet Turun yliopiston kauppakorkeakoulun CCR Tutkimuspalvelut yhdess kansainvlisen liiketoiminnan oppiaineen kanssa.
Value network has been studied greatly in the academic research, but a tool for value network mapping is missing. The objective of this study was to design a tool (process) for value network mapping in cross-sector collaboration. Furthermore, the study addressed a future perspective of collaboration, aiming to map the value network potential. During the study was investigated and pondered how to get the full potential of collaboration, by creating new value in collaboration process. These actions are parts of mapping process proposed in the study. The implementation and testing of the mapping process were realized through a case study of cross-sector collaboration in welfare services for elderly in the Eastern Finland. Key representatives in elderly care from public, private and third sectors were interviewed and a workshop with experts from every sector was also conducted in this regard. The value network mapping process designed in this study consists of specific steps that help managers and experts to understand how to get a complex value network map and how to enhance it. Furthermore, it make easier the understanding of how new value can be created in collaboration process. The map can be used in order to motivate participants to be engaged with responsibility in collaboration and to be fully committed in their interactions. It can be also used as a motivator tool for those organizations that intend to engage in collaboration process. Additionally, value network map is a starting point in many value network analyses. Furthermore, the enhanced value network map can be used as a performance measurement tool in cross-sector collaboration.
Tiivistelm: Elinkaaren palvelumallit ovat suosittuja julkisten palveluiden hankintamuotoja Iso-Britanniassa. PPP–malli on yksi monista julkisten palvelujen kumppanuusmalleista, josta on tullut joissakin kunnissa yh suositumpi hankintamalli mys Suomessa. Tm on seurausta kuntien tiukasta taloustilanteesta, jossa PPP–hankkeen katsotaan mahdollistavan julkisen sektorin investoinnit joutumatta leikkaamaan muita pakollisia hankintoja. Kuitenkin koko elinkaaren kattavat palvelutarjonnan hankintamallit ovat viel melko uusia malleja ja meill on tarve lyt toimivia sopimusmalleja ja kytntj, jotta hankkeista saadaan rakennusliikett kiinnostavia liiketoimintamalleja. Ulkomailla elinkaarihankkeista on tehty monia tutkimuksia ja konsultit ovat kntneet niit omiin tarkoituksiinsa sopiviksi. Kuitenkin Suomen lainsdnt on erilainen julkisten palveluiden tuottamisessa, erityisesti lakisteisiss terveydenhuoltopalveluissa, vesi- ja jtevesihuollossa, vankeinhoidossa, ja niin edelleen. Tst nkkulmasta ulkomailla tehdyt tutkimukset eivt sellaisenaan sovi Suomeen kytettviksi. Esimerkiksi tutkimuksissa esitetn, ett elinkaarihankkeet tuottavat pitkn aikavlin kassavirtaan, mutta tm etu koskee vain rahoittaja ja kiinteistpalvelu yrityksi - ei rakennusyrityst. Tutkimuksissa mainitaan mys muista elinkaarihankkeiden mahdollisuuksista, jotka jvt kuitenkin rakennusliikkeen nkkulmasta epselviksi. Perinteisiin rakennuttamisen malleihin verrattuna elinkaarihankkeiden sopimusmenettelyt ovat monimutkaisempia sek aikaa vievempi ja sopijaosapuolten yhteisty elinkaarihankkeissa on vlttmtnt. Kytnnss elinkaarihankkeiden riskienjako nhdn julkisen sektorin ja yksityisen sektorin vlill yksipuoliseksi. Jotta elinkaarimalli yleistyisi Suomessa, niin elinkaarisopimuksen riskienjaosta on tehtv tasapuolinen ja kyttj pit saada mys riskej kantamaan. Tss tyss keskitytn arvioimaan elinkaarimallien keskeisi menestystekijit ja riskitekijit ja lyt mahdollisia tapoja tehd hankintaprosessista helppoa ja sujuvaa. Samalla yritetn selvitt, miten elinkaarihankkeesta saadaan rakennusliikkeen kannalta menestyv liiketoimintaa. Johtoptkset perustuvat aikaisempiin tutkimuksiin ja empiiriseen tapaustutkimukseen. Tyss arvioidaan niit seikkoja, jotka vaikuttavat yksityisen sektorin tarjousptkseen. Arvioinnissa erotetaan toisistaan kolme erillist riskitekij; tarjouksen tekemisen riskit, rakennushankkeen riskit ja elinkaaren aikaiset riskit. Tyss todetaan, ett aikaisemmat tutkimukset ovat riittmttmi rakennusliikkeen riskien arvioimiseen.
Logistics infrastructure and transportation services have been the liability of countries and governments for decades, or these have been under strict regulation policies. One of the first branches opened for competition in EU as well as in other continents, has been air transports (operators, like passenger and freight) and road transports. These have resulted on lower costs, better connectivity and in most of the cases higher service quality. However, quite large amount of other logistics related activities are still directly (or indirectly) under governmental influence, e.g. railway infrastructure, road infrastructure, railway operations, airports, and sea ports. Due to the globalization, governmental influence is not that necessary in this sector, since transportation needs have increased with much more significant phase as compared to economic growth. Also freight transportation needs do not correlate with passenger side, due to the reason that only small number of areas in the world have specialized in the production of particular goods. Therefore, in number of cases public-private partnership, or even privately owned companies operating in these sub-branches have been identified as beneficial for countries, customers and further economic growth. The objective of this research work is to shed more light on these kinds of experiments, especially in the relatively unknown sub-branches of logistics like railways, airports and sea container transports. In this research work we have selected companies having public listed status in some stock exchange, and have needed amount of financial scale to be considered as serious company rather than start-up phase venture. Our research results show that railways and airports usually need high fixed investments, but have showed in the last five years generally good financial performance, both in terms of profitability and cash flow. In contrary to common belief of prosperity in globally growing container transports, sea vessel operators of containers have not shown that impressive financial performance. Generally margins in this business are thin, and profitability has been sacrificed in front of high growth – this also concerns cash flow performance, which has been lower too. However, as we examine these three logistics sub-branches through shareholder value development angle during time period of 2002-2007, we were surprised to find out that all of these three have outperformed general stock market indexes in this period. More surprising is the result that financially a bit less performing sea container transportation sector shows highest shareholder value gain in the examination period. Thus, it should be remembered that provided analysis shows only limited picture, since e.g. dividends were not taken into consideration in this research work. Therefore, e.g. US railway operators have disadvantage to other in the analysis, since they have been able to provide dividends for shareholders in long period of time. Based on this research work we argue that investment on transportation/logistics sector seems to be safe alternative, which yields with relatively low risk high gain. Although global economy would face smaller growth period, this sector seems to provide opportunities in more demanding situation as well.