1000 resultados para Charge conjugation


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We study charge pumping when a combination of static potentials and potentials oscillating with a time period T is applied in a one-dimensional system of noninteracting electrons. We consider both an infinite system using the Dirac equation in the continuum approximation and a periodic ring with a finite number of sites using the tight-binding model. The infinite system is taken to be coupled to reservoirs on the two sides which are at the same chemical potential and temperature. We consider a model in which oscillating potentials help the electrons to access a transmission resonance produced by the static potentials and show that nonadiabatic pumping violates the simple sin phi rule which is obeyed by adiabatic two-site pumping. For the ring, we do not introduce any reservoirs, and we present a method for calculating the current averaged over an infinite time using the time evolution operator U(T) assuming a purely Hamiltonian evolution. We analytically show that the averaged current is zero if the Hamiltonian is real and time-reversal invariant. Numerical studies indicate another interesting result, namely, that the integrated current is zero for any time dependence of the potential if it is applied to only one site. Finally we study the effects of pumping at two sites on a ring at resonant and nonresonant frequencies, and show that the pumped current has different dependences on the pumping amplitude in the two cases.


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Promethazine picrate (C23H23N5O7S) crystallises in the triclinic space group P[unk] with a = 8.137(1), b = 8.144(3), c = 19.224(6) Å, α = 87.78(3), β = 79.97(2), γ = 70.57(2)° and two molecules per unit cell. The structure was solved by direct methods (MULTAN 80) using 2438 observed reflections [I > 2.5 σ(I)]. Refinement was carried out by block-diagonal least-squares methods to a final R = 0.052. The picrate group is planar and is almost perpendicular to the promethazine plane. The two groups are joined by a hydrogen bond. The pairs of molecules related by a centre of symmetry make a molecular arrangement where promethazine and picrate groups are packed in sheets in three dimensions.


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Although it is believed that there is strong hybridization between the Cu(3d) and O(2p) orbitals in the layered cuprates and that the parent compounds such as La2CuO4 are charge-transfer gap insulators, very few models consider the Cu---O charge-transfer energy, Δ, or the hybridization strength, tpd, to be the important factors responsible for the superconductivity of these materials. Based on the crucial experimental observation that the relative intensity of the features in Cu(2p) photoemission of several families of cuprates varies systematically with the hole concentration, nh, we have been able to show that both these properties vary smoothly with Δ /tpd. More importantly, we show that the electronic polarizability of the CuO2 sheets, α , is sufficiently large to favour hole pairing and that the value α also depends on Δ/tpd. Both nh and α increase smoothly with decreasing Δ /tpd. Considering that the maximum Tc in the various cuprate families containing the same number of CuO2 sheets occurs around the same nh value (e.g., nh≈ 0.2 in cuprates with two CuO2 sheets). The present study demonstrates how Δ /tpd, α and such chemical bonding characteristics have an important bearing on the superconducting properties of the cuprates.


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The free-base octabromotetraphenylporphyrin (H2OBP) has been prepared by a novel bromination reaction of (meso-tetraphenylporphyrinato)copper(II). The metal [V(IV)O, Co(II), Ni(II), Cu(II), Zn(II), Pd(II), Ag(II), Pt(II)] derivatives exhibit interesting electronic spectral features and electrochemical redox properties. The electron-withdrawing bromine substituents at the pyrrole carbons in H2OBP and M(OBP) derivatives produce remarkable red shifts in the Soret (50 nm) and visible bands (100 nm) of the porphyrin. The low magnitude of protonation constants (pK3 = 2.6 and pK4 = 1.75) and the large red-shifted Soret and visible absorption bands make the octabromoporphyrin unique. The effect of electronegative bromine substituents at the peripheral positions of the porphyrin has been quantitatively analyzed by using the four-orbital approach of Gouterman. A comparison of MO parameters of MOBP derivatives with those of the meso-substituted tetraphenylporphyrin (M(TPP)) and unsubstituted porphine (M(P)) derivatives provides an explanation for the unusual spectral features. The configuration interaction matrix element of the M(OBP) derivatives is found to be the lowest among the known substituted porphyrins, indicating delocalization of ring charge caused by the increase in conjugation of p orbitals of the bromine onto the ring orbitals. The electron-transfer reactivities of the porphyrins have been dramatically altered by the peripheral bromine substituents, producing large anodic shifts in the ring and metal-centered redox potentials. The increase in anodic shift in the reduction potential of M(OBP)s relative to M(TPP)s is found to be large (550 mV) compared to the shift in the oxidation potential (300 mV). These shifts are interpreted in terms of the resonance and inductive interactions of the bromine substituents.


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Open-circuit potential—time transients during the discharge of alkaline porous iron electrodes at various states-of-charge have been studied. From this, it has been possible to arrive at a correlation between the parameters of self-discharge kinetics of the electrode and observed open-circuit potential—recovery time constants. The study provides a method of estimate the state-of-charge of the rechargeable iron electrodes. As a hydrogen evolution reaction inevitably occurs on alkaline iron electrodes, the kinetics of the reaction have also been investigated.


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Chemical shifts of K absorption discontinuities, Delta E, of several manganese, iron and cobalt oxides with the metal in the formal oxidation states between +2 and +4, have been measured. These data, together with data in the literature on other compounds of these metals, can be fitted into the expression Delta E=aq+bq2, where q is the effective atomic charge on the metal. Theoretical considerations also support this functional relationship between Delta E and q.


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The zeta potential of high-purity hematite at pH 6 and in a 10−3N NaCl solution has been determined at different concentrations of acetone using the streaming potential technique and the results correlated with the microhardness of the mineral. The zeta potential has been found to decrease as the hardness increases reaching a minimum at 10 cc per litre concentration of acetone when the hardness reaches a maximum. The results have been explained on the basis of competitive adsorption of chloride ions and acetone molecules at low concentrations of acetone and coadsorption of both species above 10 cc per litre concentration. Acetone in distilled water and 10−3N NaCl in distilled water decrease the microhardness of hematite individually between pH 5 to 7 and in combination increase the microhardness reaching a maximum at pH 6.


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The problem of non-destructive determination of the state-of-charge of zinc- and magnesium-manganese dioxide dry batteries is examined experimentally from the viewpoint of internal impedance and open-circuit voltage at equilibrium. It is shown that the impedance is mainly charge-transfer controlled at relatively high states-of-charge and progressively changes over to diffusion control as the state-of-charge decreases in the case of zinc-manganese dioxide dry batteries. On the other hand, the impedance is mainly diffusion controlled for undischarged batteries but becomes charge-transfer controlled as soon as there is some discharge in the case of magnesium-manganese dioxide batteries. It is concluded that the determination of state-of-charge is not possible for both types of batteries by the measurement of impedance parameters due to film-induced fluctuations of these parameters. The measurement of open-circuit voltage at equilibrium can be used as a state-of-charge indicator for Zn-MnO2 batteries but not for Mg-MnO2 batteries.


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The determination of the state-of-charge of the lead-acid battery has been examined from the viewpoint of internal impedance. It is shown that the impedance is controlled by charge transfer and to a smaller extent by diffusion processes in the frequency range 15–100 Hz. The equivalent series/parallel capacitance as well as the a.c. phase-shift show a parabolic dependence upon the state-of-charge, with a maximum or minimum at 50% charge. These results are explained on the basis of a uniform transmission-line analog equivalent circuit for the battery electrodes.


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The problem of nondestructive determination of the state-of-charge of nickel-cadmium batteries has been examined experimentally as well as theoretically from the viewpoint of internal impedance. It is shown that the modulus of the impedance is mainly controlled by diffusion at all states of charge. Even so, a prediction of the state of charge is possible if the equivalent series/parallel capacitance or the alternating current phase shift is measured at a sufficiently low a.c. test frequency (5–30 Hz) which also avoids inductive effects. These results are explained on the basis of a uniform transmission-line analog equivalent circuit for the battery electrodes.


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The small signal ac response is measured across the source-drain terminals of organic field-effect transistors (OFET) under dc bias to obtain the equivalent circuit parameters of poly(2,5-bis(3-tetradecylthiophen-2-yl)thieno[3,2-b]thiophene) (PBTTT) and poly(3-hexyl thiophene) (P3HT) based devices. The numerically simulated response based on these parameters is in good agreement with the experimental data for PBTTT-FET except at low frequencies, while the P3HT-FET data show significant deviations. This indicates that the interface with the metal electrode is rather complex for the latter, involving additional circuit elements arising from contact impedance or charge injection processes. Such an investigation can help in identifying the operational bottlenecks and to improve the performance of OFETs.


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The interaction of five crown ethers, 15-crown-5, 18-crown-6, benzo-15-crown-5, dibenzo-l8-crown-6, and dibenzo-24-crown-8 with 2, 3, 5, 6 - tetracyano pyrazine has been studied by spectroscopic methods. The association constants and thermodynamic parameters of the 1:1 complexes formed by donor ethers with the acceptor have been evaluated. There is an indication that oxygens of the ethers and aryl part of the ether act cooperatively in binding of the acceptor.


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Raman induced phase conjugation (RIPC) spectroscopy is a relatively new coherent Raman spectroscopic (CRS) technique using optical phase conjugation (OPC), with which complete Raman spectra of transparent media can be obtained. It is a non-degenerate four-wave mixing technique in which two pulsed laser beams at Ω1 and Ω1 ± Δ where A corresponds to a vibrational frequency of a nonlinear medium mix with a third laser beam at Ω1 to generate a fourth beam Ω1 ± Δ, which is nearly phase conjugate to one of the beams at Ω1. With this technique one can measure the ratio of the resonant and nonresonant components of the third-order nonlinear susceptibilities of the nonlinear media. We have used this technique to get Raman spectra of well-known organic solvents like benzene etc., using pulsed Nd: YAG -dye laser systems. We have also studied the effect of delaying one of the interacting beams with respect to the others and the phase conjugate property of RIPC signals.


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In benzene solution, C60 and C70 interact weakly in the ground state with amines having favourable oxidation potentials. Picosecond time-resolved absorption measurements show that on photoexcilation, the weak complexes undergo charge separation to produce ion pairs which in turn undergo fast geminate recombination either to produce the triplet state of the fullerenes or give back the ground slate of the complex, depending on the oxidation potential of the amine. Free-ion yield is generally negligible.