Octabromotetraphenylporphyrin and its metal derivatives: Electronic structure and electrochemical properties

Autoria(s): Bhyrappa, P; Krishnan, V



The free-base octabromotetraphenylporphyrin (H2OBP) has been prepared by a novel bromination reaction of (meso-tetraphenylporphyrinato)copper(II). The metal [V(IV)O, Co(II), Ni(II), Cu(II), Zn(II), Pd(II), Ag(II), Pt(II)] derivatives exhibit interesting electronic spectral features and electrochemical redox properties. The electron-withdrawing bromine substituents at the pyrrole carbons in H2OBP and M(OBP) derivatives produce remarkable red shifts in the Soret (50 nm) and visible bands (100 nm) of the porphyrin. The low magnitude of protonation constants (pK3 = 2.6 and pK4 = 1.75) and the large red-shifted Soret and visible absorption bands make the octabromoporphyrin unique. The effect of electronegative bromine substituents at the peripheral positions of the porphyrin has been quantitatively analyzed by using the four-orbital approach of Gouterman. A comparison of MO parameters of MOBP derivatives with those of the meso-substituted tetraphenylporphyrin (M(TPP)) and unsubstituted porphine (M(P)) derivatives provides an explanation for the unusual spectral features. The configuration interaction matrix element of the M(OBP) derivatives is found to be the lowest among the known substituted porphyrins, indicating delocalization of ring charge caused by the increase in conjugation of p orbitals of the bromine onto the ring orbitals. The electron-transfer reactivities of the porphyrins have been dramatically altered by the peripheral bromine substituents, producing large anodic shifts in the ring and metal-centered redox potentials. The increase in anodic shift in the reduction potential of M(OBP)s relative to M(TPP)s is found to be large (550 mV) compared to the shift in the oxidation potential (300 mV). These shifts are interpreted in terms of the resonance and inductive interactions of the bromine substituents.





Bhyrappa, P and Krishnan, V (1991) Octabromotetraphenylporphyrin and its metal derivatives: Electronic structure and electrochemical properties. In: Inorganic Chemistry, 30 (2). pp. 239-245.


American Chemical Society




Palavras-Chave #Inorganic & Physical Chemistry

Journal Article
