832 resultados para Boards Of Directors
A participação da mulher nos órgãos da administração societária no Brasil: obstáculos e perspectivas
Dada uma situação sistemática e estrutural de sub-representação feminina nos órgãos da alta administração das companhias, o presente estudo pretende investigar as políticas que vêm sendo implantadas para tratar da questão, afim de escrutinar algumas possibilidades de modelos regulatórios e de políticas passíveis de serem adotadas no Brasil, vez que o País ainda não conta com nenhuma política direcionada às desigualdades de gênero reproduzidas nas grandes organizações empresárias. Assim, no intuito de conduzir uma avaliação crítica das iniciativas para a questão, selecionaram-se algumas das políticas consideradas mais representativas de cada um dos modelos regulatórios identificados - todavia, sem a pretensão de esgotar todas as políticas já em vigor, a respeito do tema. Para balizar a discussão proposta, adota-se como referencial teórico a teoria do contrato organização tal como relida por Calixto Salomão Filho, dado que permite rediscutir, criticamente, as estruturas societárias mais adequadas para organizar a representação de interesses que não exclusivamente os dos acionistas, na consecução da atividade empresária. Realiza-se uma pesquisa bibliográfica e qualitativa. Para tanto, faz-se útil o método de análise de conteúdo, que permite o estudo de textos teóricos e legais, para se construir, a partir dos objetivos traçados, um sistema analítico de conceitos a ser aplicado na análise crítica das políticas e dos modelos regulatórios que incentivem o incremento da diversidade de gênero nos conselhos de administração das companhias brasileiras. Além de modelos de políticas públicas vinculantes, co a imposição de quotas, vislumbram os modelos autorregulatório puro e corregulatório, como possíveis de serem adotados para o tema, dado os mecanismos indutores de melhores práticas de governança corporativa já em vigor no País para temas econômico-financeiros.
Marnet, Oliver, 'Behaviour and rationality in corporate governance', Journal of Economic Issues (2005) 39(3) pp.613-632 RAE2008
Companies in Victorian Britain operated in a laissez-faire legal environment from the perspective of outside investors, implying that such investors were not protected by the legal system. This article seeks to identify the alternative mechanisms that outside shareholders used to protect themselves by examining the dividend policy and governance of over 800 publicly traded companies at the beginning of the 1880s. We assess the importance of these mechanisms by estimating their impact on Tobin's Q. Our evidence suggests that dividends and well-structured and incentivized boards of directors may have played a role in protecting the interests of outside investors.
Studying positive adolescent development requires an examination of the mutually beneficial associations between youth and their environment. These youthcontext relations include both the contributions that youth make to others and society and the youth-context interactions that might predict positive youth outcomes. Community and youth-serving organizations, where youth may be involved in decision-making roles such as service delivery, advocacy, or on boards of directors, can provide one important context for youth contributions and for positive adolescent development. Research on the outcomes of youth involvement in organizational decision-making, however, is limited, and largely consists of exploratory qualitative studies. This dissertation is formatted as an integrated article dissertation. It begins with a review of the literature on contexts of structured youth activities and positive youth development. This review is intended to describe theory on development-context relations, in which development is considered an interactive process that occurs between individuals and their contexts, as it pertains the positive development of youth who are involved in various structured activities (e.g., volunteering). This description follows with a review of current research, and conclusions and rationale for the current studies. Following this theoretical and research background, the dissertation includes reports of two studies that were designed to address gaps in the research on youth involvement in organizational decision-making. The first was a qualitative research synthesis to elucidate and summarize the extant qualitative research on the outcomes of youth involvement in organizational decision making on adults and organizations. Results of this study suggested a number of outcomes for service provision, staff, and broader organizational functioning, including both benefits to organizations as well as some costs. The second study was a quantitative analysis of the associations among youth involvement, organizations' learning culture, and youth initiative, and relied on survey data gathered from adults and youth in community-based organizations with youth involvement. As expected, greater youth involvement in organizational decision making was associated with higher learning culture within the organization. Two dimensions of youth involvement, greater program engagement and relationships with adults, were related to greater youth initiative. A third dimension, sense of ownership, was not- .-.- associated with youth's level of initiative. Moreover, the association between relationships with adults and youth initiative was only significant in organizations with relatively low learning culture. Despite some limitations, these studies contribute to the research literature by providing some indication of the potential benefits and costs of youth involvement and by making an important contribution toward the early stages of context-level analyses of youth development. Findings have important implications for practitioners, funders, future research, and lifespan development theory.
Las juntas directivas han tenido dificultades que han deteriorado su efectividad. A pesar de buscar el mejoramiento del desempeño de estas a través de regulaciones y de enfoques netamente financieros, el problema persiste. Este artículo busca determinar que un cambio en el grado de atención, en los temas y asuntos de dirección y gerencia que tratan las juntas directivas, puede contribuir a una mayor efectividad de estas. La metodología utilizada para este análisis se basa en una encuesta dirigida a las juntas directivas de nueve empresas situadas en Bogotá Colombia. A partir de esta encuesta, el autor encuentra el GAP entre el grado de atención actual y el grado de atención deseado que las juntas directivas prestan a sus temas y asuntos, determina cuales son los más relevantes a tratar en sus sesiones venideras y también la manera de abordarlos. Al finalizar el análisis, el autor establece que las juntas directivas necesitan dar prioridades a temas como la estrategia y a asuntos como los procesos financieros con indicadores como el EVA y el EBITDA. Así mismo, que las juntas directivas, al aumentar el grado de atención en los asuntos de dirección y gerencia, podrán evidenciar una mejora en la efectividad de su desempeño. Esto redundará en beneficio de todos los grupos de interés que están influenciados por las actividades y resultados de la empresa, logrando así un mayor bienestar para la sociedad.
Frente às transformações advindas do impacto das tecnologias na sociedade e nas organizações, bem como as novas habilidades e competências a serem adquiridas pelos profissionais no disputado mercado de trabalho atual, faz-se relevante atualizar os processos de ensino/aprendizagem, de forma a qualificar a formação profissional do egresso de ensino médio. O presente estudo tem por objetivo analisar a visão dos professores sobre as implicações da introdução dos recursos de informática nas organizações estaduais de ensino médio de Porto Alegre. Sua investigação tem como dimensão predominante uma abordagem quantitativa, de caráter exploratório sobre as percepções dos professores. Uma segunda dimensão - contextual - identifica as principais políticas educacionais para a área de informática no ensino médio. A dimensão do professor tem, por sua vez, duas subdimensões: o papel do professor frente ao processo de ensino-aprendizagem e suas percepções quanto à introdução dos recursos da tecnologia da informática no ensino médio. A base empírica desta dimensão adveio de dez escolas, selecionadas através de amostragem por cotas, tendo como instrumento de coleta de dados um questionário. Na dimensão contextual, foram realizadas pesquisa documental e entrevistas junto aos ór gãos oficiais responsáveis pelas políticas de informática educacional e direções de escolas e professores. Os resultados mostram que os professores do ensino médio das escolas estaduais de Porto Alegre concordam e percebem como prioritária a introdução dos recursos da tecnologia da informática nas escolas e que, para usufruir adequadamente destes recursos, os docentes devem assumir uma nova postura frente aos métodos de ensino-aprendizagem. Esta postura vem permitir e incentivar que o discente seja o sujeito do processo de construção do seu conhecimento. Esta pesquisa também identificou diretrizes para a formação de professores subsidiando, assim, políticas públicas para a área de educação no Estado.
Embora o tema da governança corporativa seja recente no país e no mundo, inúmeras empresas de controle familiar de médio e grande porte adotaram e vêem adotando seus mecanismos, principalmente a implantação de Conselhos de Administração ou Consultivos, haja vista a importância que a governança vem assumindo no ambiente acadêmico e empresarial. Neste sentido foi realizado um estudo de caso numa empresa familiar com objetivo de identificar as condições que impulsionam a empresa familiar de capital fechado a implantar as modernas estruturas de governança corporativa. Foram utilizadas entrevistas semi-estruturadas com questões divididas em três grupos de fatores (pressupostos), empresariais, familiares e societários. Os resultados do estudo de caso indicaram os fatores familiares como os grandes impulsionadores do desenvolvimento da governança corporativa na empresa familiar de capital fechado, em ambos os públicos investigados, tanto funcionários quanto familiares. Em seguida vieram os fatores societários. Os fatores empresariais ficaram em último lugar.
Este trabalho tem como objetivo identificar se a presença de mulheres no conselho de administração e diretoria gera impacto no valor e desempenho das empresas brasileiras de capital aberto. Em geral, a literatura sugere que a participação feminina no conselho de administração e em cargos de diretoria tende a gerar valor e desempenho superior. Este trabalho realiza um estudo inédito no Brasil, analisando 658 empresas de capital aberto no período de 2002 a 2009. Os resultados indicam que não existe uma relação estatisticamente significativa entre presença de mulheres no conselho de administração e em cargos de diretoria para o valor das empresas, mas existe uma relação negativa entre presença de mulheres no conselho e desempenho das empresas.
The objective of this work was to identify a possible relation between corporate governance, through the structure of the boards of directors and the levels of earnings management of Brazilian public companies. The study is characterized as a descriptive, of a hypothetical-deductive nature, with quantitative approach guided by the estimation model proposed by Kang and Sivaramakrishnan (1995). The sample was comprised by 56 companies, analyzed in the period from 2011 to 2014. The information on the companies were extracted from Economatica databank. For the data analysis, we used multivariate techniques, such as Pearson correlation and panel data in POLS, Fixed Effects and Random Effects approaches. Furthermore, we applied the mean comparison test ANOVA. The results obtained show that, generally, the organizations tend to follow the profile of boards of directors recommended by the codes of corporative governance. However, the characteristics of the composition of the board, regarding its size and the duality of positions that are not yet sufficient to be considered capable of inhibiting the discretionary practice of the studied companies. Relative the control variables, only size and return on equity presented no significant relation with result management. It is important to highlight that literature point many factors that explain the different impacts caused by the formation of the administration board in different regions or countries. Among the factors pointed, we highlight the legal system of the country, the economic and political development, the importance of the capital market, and the level of accounting education.
Pressure on boards to improve corporate performance and management oversight has led to a series of inquiries and reports advocating governance reform. These reports largely reflect an agency perspective of governance and seek to ensure greater board independence from and control of management. While board independence is important to good governance, we contend that frameworks, models and advice centred on one element of governance ignore the complexity of how boards work. We develop a holistic board framework based upon the concept of board intellectual capital to address this concern. Our framework proposes a series of inputs (e.g. company history, company constitution, legal environment) that lead to a particular mix of board intellectual capital. We contend that the balance of the different elements of board intellectual capital will lead to a series of board behaviours. Further, the board needs to mobilise its intellectual capital to carry out a series of roles. The exact nature of these roles will depend on the company's requirements. Thus, the governance outputs of organisational performance, board effectiveness and director effectiveness will depend on the match between the board's intellectual capital and the roles required of it. We conclude by demonstrating the benefits of this framework as a diagnostic tool. We outline how boards wishing to improve their governance systems can diagnose common governance problems by evaluating their own board's capabilities in relation to the different components of the framework.
How many directorships are too many? Globally, normative advice emphasises the importance of limiting the number of directorships any individual should hold due to the workloads they entail. However, there is little empirical evidence to support this view. Rather, there is a strong tradition of supporting multiple directorships as a mechanism for the firm to co-opt external resources. To explore the issue of director workloads and multiple directorships, we first consider the issues related to multiple directorships and outline the conclusions of extant international and Australian studies into multiple directorships. We then detail our objectives in undertaking this research and our approach to data collection. Our findings indicate that the incidence of multiple directorships in Australian listed companies is low. We also find that many of the apparent examples of multiple directorships are due to related entities, which share common directors and, due to the nature of these entities, have much lower workload requirements. Further, there does not appear to be any relationship between holding multiple directorships and firm financial performance. Finally, we discuss the implications for boards and those interested in governance, particularly the need to ensure governance recommendations and guidelines reflect empirical findings. We offer one solution to address the concerns of boards, investors, other stakeholders and the community regarding multiple directorships: board and individual director evaluations.
Kvinnor har länge varit exkluderade från ledarpositioner, såsom styrelser, men utvecklingen mot en mer jämställd könsfördelning går långsamt framåt. Syftet med uppsatsen är att skapa förståelse för hur kvinnor i styrelser kan bidra till utvecklingen mot en jämnare könsfördelning. Genom att intervjua fem kvinnliga styrelseledamöter har vi fått en inblick i deras upplevelser och erfarenheter av styrelsearbete och könsroller. Kvinnorna i undersökningen har, genom många års styrelsearbete i olika former samt genom gedigna arbetserfarenheter, arbetat sig fram till ledande positioner inom olika branscher och företag. Även om de överlag inte anser sig ha behandlats annorlunda i styrelsen på grund av sitt kön kan vissa av kvinnorna ändå uppleva att de ibland förväntas ansvara för specifika uppgifter just för att de är kvinnor, att de behöver tuffa till sig eller att de måste vara mer pålästa och duktigare än männen. De anser att kvotering kan vara det enda sättet att få jämställda styrelser men understryker att det bör vara kompetensen som avgör vem som får uppdraget. För att lyckas bra som ledamot krävs, enligt respondenterna, en viss baskunskap om ekonomi och ledarskap samt ett visst mått av självsäkerhet och att våga stå för sina åsikter. Kravbilden på styrelsemedlemmar i bolagsstyrelser har ökat under de senaste årtiondena och det krävs att medlemmarna som individer har en hög kompetens och att styrelsen i sin helhet besitter en bred kunskapsbas. Denna utveckling kan ha en positiv effekt på könsfördelningen då det är fler kvinnor än män som har universitetsutbildning och eftersom en mer heterogen grupp ger ett bredare spektrum av kunskaper. Kvinnorna i undersökningen har genom sina positioner bidragit till brytandet av normer och gör det därför lättare för andra kvinnor att följa i deras spår. Det råder ingen brist på kompetenta kvinnor men utmaningen ligger i att kartlägga och synliggöra dessa kvinnor och ge dem samma möjlighet som männen att nå ledande positioner.
The purpose of this article is to investigate how ownership structure, especially family and/or venture-capital involvement, as well as entrepreneurial activities, defined as strategic change and renewal, help explain the involvement of independent members on boards of directors. The CEOs of 2,455 small and medium-sized, private enterprises from practically all industries were contacted in a telephone survey, resulting in an exceptionally high response rate. The findings reveal that family firms are more reluctant to involve independent directors on their boards than non-family firms that presence of venture capitalists increases the frequency of independent board members and that ownership has an impact on board roles. The results do not support the hypothesised relationship that independent directors enhance entrepreneurial activities. One implication of our study is that the often-argued-for strategic contribution of outsiders to the boards in family firms may be overemphasised. Another implication is that family firms that choose to acquire additional capital should be aware that this could result in a change in the board composition and the loss of control of the business. However, new and external owners’ inclusion on the board seems to be negotiable since there are also venture capitalists that do not insist on board representation.
Dans la foulée des scandales financiers ayant secoué le milieu des affaires ces dernières années, l’efficacité des pratiques de régie d’entreprise, et, en particulier celles liées à l’indépendance des administrateurs, a été passée au crible. L’administrateur désigné par une partie pour la représenter est un type d’administrateur que l’on rencontre fréquemment au sein des conseils d’administration des entreprises. Toutefois, l’on peut se questionner sur l’indépendance réelle de ces administrateurs, considérant leur loyauté envers la personne les ayant désignés, laquelle détient habituellement un intérêt à titre d’actionnaire ou de partie prenante dans l’entreprise visée. En outre, alors que les principes légaux requièrent que les administrateurs agissent dans le meilleur intérêt de l’entreprise, la réalité pratique est parfois toute autre: aux prises avec les instructions ou les souhaits de la personne les ayant nommés, les administrateurs désignés se retrouvent placés en situation inhérente de conflit d’intérêts. Ce texte vise à offrir une analyse détaillée au sujet de l’administrateur désigné et du conflit d’intérêts résultant de cette double exigence de loyauté. L’objectif est de présenter un examen approfondi des diverses difficultés résultant de la nomination d’un administrateur désigné ou associées à celle-ci, ainsi que des réponses judiciaires et législatives liées à cette problématique. Cette réflexion mènera à une exploration de certains systèmes législatifs et légaux, en particulier ceux du Royaume-Uni, de l’Australie et de la Nouvelle-Zélande, afin d’obtenir une meilleure compréhension et d’offrir une perspective éclairée quant aux enjeux analysés par la présente.
This article reports the findings into patterns of governance on nonprofit boards in Australia. The research surveys 118 boards, upon which serve a total of 1405 directors. The findings indicate that nonprofit boards can mimic some aspects of a shareholder approach to governance. But nonprofit boards, in the main, indicate priorities and activities of a stakeholder approach to governance. The features of `isomorphism' that arise largely stem from legislative requirements in corporate governance. Generally, nonprofit directors are influenced by agenda and motivations that can be differentiated from the influences upon director activity in the corporate sector. The study indicates that nonprofit boards prize knowledge and loyalty to the sector when considering board composition. The survey suggests nonprofits ``compensate'' for the demands placed upon them about fiduciary duty and due diligence responsibilities with the diverse intellectual expertise of non-executive directors. Nonprofit boards possess greater diversity than boards in the corporate sector; they include more women as directors than corporate boards and they include a greater proportion of directors from minority groups. While strategic issues feature significantly as a task of the nonprofit board, they distinguish themselves from their corporate counterparts by engaging in operational management. The findings indicate that, in the main, directors on nonprofit boards deliberate and operate in ways distinctive from their corporate counterparts. Such findings offer a contribution to the reform of Corporations Law in other countries and the likely consequence on boards outside the corporate sector.