916 resultados para non-profit elite sports associations


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The restructuring of English social care services in the last three decades, as services are provided through a shifting collage of state, for-profit and non-profit organisations, exemplifies many of the themes of governance (Bevir, 2013). As well as institutional changes, there have been a new set of elite narratives about citizen behaviours and contributions, undergirded by modernist social science insights into the wellbeing benefits of ‘self-management’ (Mol, 2008). In this article, we particularly focus on the ways in which a narrative of personalisation has been deployed in older people’s social care services. Personalisation is based on an espoused aspiration of empowerment and autonomy through universal implementation to all users of social care (encapsulated in the Making it Real campaign [Think Local, Act Personal (TLAP), no date)], which leaves unproblematised the ever increasing residualisation of older adult social care and the abjection of the frail (Higgs and Gilleard, 2015). In this narrative of universal personalisation, older people are paradoxically positioned as ‘the unexceptional exception’; ‘unexceptional’ in the sense that, as the majority user group, they are rhetorically included in this promised transformation of adult social care; but ‘the exception’ in the sense that frail older adults are persistently placed beyond its reach. It is this paradoxical positioning of older adult social care users as the unexceptional exception and its ideological function that we seek to explain in this article.


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Adapt or die. En omvärld i ständig rörelse ställer högre krav än någonsin på organisationer att utveckla sitt förändringsarbete och sättet man ser på förändringar, något som lett till att fenomenet "organisationsförändringar" blivit ett fokusområde för organisationsforskare. Inom denna forskning framhävs inte sällan vikten av att ta ställning till hur anställda tar emot, och påverkas av, detta förändringsarbete. En typ av förändringar som dock förblivit outforskade är väntade förändringar, förändringar där de anställda vet att en förändring kan komma att ske men inte när eller hur den kommer ske. Inom idrotten återfinns en viss typ av organisationer, elitidrottsföreningar, som ställs inför väntade förändringar med jämna mellanrum. Dessa situationer uppkommer när föreningarna omplaceras i det standardiserade seriesystem som återfinns i Sverige och ställs inför kraftigt omväxlande ekonomiska förutsättningar. För att kunna hantera denna osäkerhet förutsätts att organisationen konstant står redo att genomföra omvälvande förändringar, enbart baserat på föreningens sportsliga resultat. Syftet med uppsatsen är att skapa en förståelse för de anställdas reaktioner vid situationer av omplacering och väntad förändring. För att uppnå syftet utgick uppsatsen ifrån bristen på forskning och sökte, med hjälp av metoden Grundad teori, producera en serie väl underbyggda frågeställningar baserade i studiens fynd. Frågeställningarna producerades sedan via fyra semi-strukturerade intervjuer inom två olika elitidrottsföreningar. Resultatet visar på att en utbredd acceptans för väntade förändringar återfinns hos anställda inom elitidrottsföreningar. Uppsatsens fynd grundades i data från respondenterna och sammanställdes via en resultatmodell innehållandes en kärnkategori och fyra underkategorier. Uppsatsen erbjuder således, via metodvalet, en nyproducerad infallsvinkel på en situation som många organisationer inom idrotten – men även utanför – kan komma att ställas inför.


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Este artículo pretende mostrar algunos de los cambios sociales que se dieron en Medellín al finalizar el siglo XIX e iniciar XX, momento en el que la ciudad vivió un proceso de crecimiento urbano no experimentado antes y que provocó la progresiva adecuación de nuevos organismos e instituciones para suplir las demandas económicas y sociales que también se fueron incrementan­do. Organizar e higienizar el espacio urbano, acorde con las ideas de ciudad y de ciudadano que se estaban imple­mentando en Europa, fueron algunas de las metas que se establecieron para planear la ciudad y, a la vez, tratar de mitigar el impacto del crecimiento de­mográfico que acusaba problemáticas de tipo social. Casas de beneficencia, manicomios, orfelinatos, hospitales, cárceles, patronatos, teatros, universi­dades, entre otras, fueron algunas de aquellas alternativas que se idearon con el fin de prevenir estas problemá­ticas, así como también propendieron por moralizar, distraer y castigar los comportamientos que se calificaban de inadecuados por parte de las élites.


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Automatic video segmentation plays a vital role in sports videos annotation. This paper presents a fully automatic and computationally efficient algorithm for analysis of sports videos. Various methods of automatic shot boundary detection have been proposed to perform automatic video segmentation. These investigations mainly concentrate on detecting fades and dissolves for fast processing of the entire video scene without providing any additional feedback on object relativity within the shots. The goal of the proposed method is to identify regions that perform certain activities in a scene. The model uses some low-level feature video processing algorithms to extract the shot boundaries from a video scene and to identify dominant colours within these boundaries. An object classification method is used for clustering the seed distributions of the dominant colours to homogeneous regions. Using a simple tracking method a classification of these regions to active or static is performed. The efficiency of the proposed framework is demonstrated over a standard video benchmark with numerous types of sport events and the experimental results show that our algorithm can be used with high accuracy for automatic annotation of active regions for sport videos.


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Organizations and individuals dealing with non-commercial initiatives are in permanent search for funding. Crowdfunding is an alternative way of collecting funds from general public through Internet-based platforms, which is currently gaining popularity all over the world. There are several research initiatives in that field that show the influence of different factors on the success of campaigns, both with commercial and non-commercial objectives. Non-profit nature of the project is named among key predictors of positive outcome. In this context, the purpose of this work is to check whether the tendencies detected by scholars are valid for non-commercial initiatives, especially those having socially aware objectives, posted on the Belarusian crowdfunding platform Ulej. The method used for validation of the research hypotheses is binary logistic regression and statistical test. The results showed that the dependent variable success is influenced by such independent variables as the funding goal, the sum collected, the number of sponsors and the average pledge. On the other hand, the effect of the duration period is not significant. Inferential analysis shows that there is no difference in the level of success between commercial and non-commercial projects and that social orientation does not increase the likelihood of meeting financial goals. The findings are opposite to those provided in literature. However that could be explained by the short period of functioning of platform and the small number of projects.


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The introduction of a voucher scheme for early childhood education in Hong Kong has resulted in significant changes in the field. This paper reports data from a pilot study that aimed at gaining a deeper understanding of how parents chose early childhood education service following the introduction of a voucher scheme in Hong Kong. Eight-six Chinese parents with children aged three participated in interviews and focus group discussions. This group of parents had just gone through the process of selecting a kindergarten or nursery for their child for the school year of 2007-2008. Parents from a range of socioeconomic circumstances and educational levels who had selected non-profit kindergartens and nurseries in public and private housing estates participated. Results showed that what parents looked in their choice of service matched closely with how they defined quality. As evidenced in the study, parents’ changing views on quality shared a great deal of resemblance with the specific notion of quality being heavily promoted by recent reform policy. The findings pointed to the complex interactions of policy, choice and practices of early childhood education. The new voucher scheme is intensifying the governing of the self and the field, the impact of which can be worrying.


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While there have been improvements in Australian engineering education since the 1990s, there are still strong concerns that more progress needs to be made, particularly in the areas of developing graduate competencies and in outcomes-based curricula. This paper reports on the findings from a two-day ALTC-funded forum that sought to establish a shared understanding with the 3 stakeholders (students, academics and industry) about how to achieve a design-based engineering curriculum. This paper reports on the findings from the first day’s activities and reveals that there is a shared desire for design and project-based curricula that would encourage the development of the ‘three-dimensional’ graduate: one who has technical, personal and professional and systems-thinking/design-based competence.


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The CDIO (Conceive-Design-Implement-Operate) Initiative has been globally recognised as an enabler for engineering education reform. With the CDIO process, the CDIO Standards and the CDIO Syllabus, many scholarly contributions have been made around cultural change, curriculum reform and learning environments. In the Australasian region, reform is gaining significant momentum within the engineering education community, the profession, and higher education institutions. This paper presents the CDIO Syllabus cast into the Australian context by mapping it to the Engineers Australia Graduate Attributes, the Washington Accord Graduate Attributes and the Queensland University of Technology Graduate Capabilities. Furthermore, in recognition that many secondary schools and technical training institutions offer introductory engineering technology subjects, this paper presents an extended self-rating framework suited for recognising developing levels of proficiency at a preparatory level. A demonstrator mapping tool has been created to demonstrate the application of this extended graduate attribute mapping framework as a precursor to an integrated curriculum information model.


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There is a growing need for international transparency of engineering qualifications, and mechanisms to support and facilitate student mobility. In response, there are a number of global initiatives attempting to address these needs, particularly in Europe, North America and Australia. The Conceive-Design-Implement-Operate (CDIO) Initiative has a set of standards, competencies, and proficiency levels developed through a global community of practice. It is a well-structured framework in which best-practice internationalisation and student mobility can be embedded. However, the current 12 CDIO Standards do not address international qualifications or student mobility. Based on an environmental scan of global activities, the underpinning principles of best practice are identified and form the basis of the proposed 13th CDIO Standard — “Internationalization and Mobility”.


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The CDIO Initiative has been globally recognised as an enabler for engineering education reform. With the CDIO process, the CDIO Standards and the CDIO Syllabus, many scholarly contributions have been made around cultural change, curriculum reform and learning environments. In the Australasian region, reform is gaining significant momentum within the engineering education community, the profession, and higher education institutions. This paper presents the CDIO Syllabus cast into the Australian context by mapping it to the Engineers Australia Graduate Attributes, the Washington Accord Graduate Attributes and the Queensland University of Technology Graduate Capabilities. Furthermore, in recognition that many secondary schools and technical training institutions offer introductory engineering technology subjects, this paper presents an extended self-rating framework suited for recognising developing levels of proficiency at a preparatory level. The framework is consistent with conventional application to undergraduate programs and professional practice, but adapted for the preparatory context. As with the original CDIO framework with proficiency levels, this extended framework is informed by Bloom’s Educational Objectives. A proficiency evaluation of Queensland Study Authority’s Engineering Technology senior syllabus is demonstrated indicating proficiency levels embedded within this secondary school subject within a preparatory scope. Through this extended CDIO framework, students and faculty have greater awareness and access to tools to promote (i) student engagement in their own graduate capability development, (ii) faculty engagement in course and program design, through greater transparency and utility of the continuum of graduate capability development with associate levels of proficiency, and the context in which they exist in terms of pre-tertiary engineering studies; and (iii) course maintenance and quality audit methodology for the purpose of continuous improvement processes and program accreditation.


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In recent years greater emphasis has been placed by many Law Schools on teaching not only the substantive content of the law but also the skills needed for the practice of the law. Negotiation is one such skill. However, effective teaching of negotiation may be problematic in the context of large numbers of students studying in a variety of modes and often juggling other time commitments. This paper examines the Air Gondwana program, a blended learning environment designed to address these challenges. The program demonstrates that ICT can be used to create an authentic learning experience which engages and stimulates students.


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Services in the form of business services or IT-enabled (Web) Services have become a corporate asset of high interest in striving towards the agile organisation. However, while the design and management of a single service is widely studied and well understood, little is known about how a set of services can be managed. This gap motivated this paper, in which we explore the concept of Service Portfolio Management. In particular, we propose a Service Portfolio Management Framework that explicates service portfolio goals, tasks, governance issues, methods and enablers. The Service Portfolio Management Framework is based upon a thorough analysis and consolidation of existing, well-established portfolio management approaches. From an academic point of view, the Service Portfolio Management Framework can be positioned as an extension of portfolio management conceptualisations in the area of service management. Based on the framework, possible directions for future research are provided. From a practical point of view, the Service Portfolio Management Framework provides an organisation with a novel approach to managing its emerging service portfolios.


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Information System (IS) success may be the most arguable and important dependent variable in the IS field. The purpose of the present study is to address IS success by empirically assess and compare DeLone and McLean’s (1992) and Gable’s et al. (2008) models of IS success in Australian Universities context. The two models have some commonalities and several important distinctions. Both models integrate and interrelate multiple dimensions of IS success. Hence, it would be useful to compare the models to see which is superior; as it is not clear how IS researchers should respond to this controversy.